
and home consumption of, in 1828, 31. 173; import and home consumption of, 1830, '32. 177; '33. 175; in 1831, '34. 154. Cork-tree, '29. 66; New Zealand, '31. 39.

Corn, '28. 35; sowing, id. 40; crops, character of, &c., from 1828 to 1837, '39. 87.

averages, how made, and from whence ascertained, '42. 72-75.

dealers and provision merchants, their value, '34. 45.

Exchange, Mark Lane, London, '29. 222; new opened, id. 241; alterations at, account of, '41. 246.

gallon, abolished, '28. 183. grinding of, at the "lord's mill," Act abolishing the custom, '33. 210, 211.

exportation of, early statute forbidding, '39. 63; exportation allowed, id. ib.; the same perpetual, id. 64.

scarcity of, means of preventing the serious effects of, '29. 126, 127.

various systems of sale of, and their inconvenience, '35. 60, 61.

- Sale of, Report of Select Committee of the House of Commons on the, '35. 60-68.

sales, fictitious, observed on, '42.72-76.


standard of sale proposed, '35.

heads of a proposed bill for sale of (1834), '35.68.

trade, account of the, from 1828 to 1841, '42. 72-92.

dealers and factors regulated (9 G. IV. c. 60), '29. 164.

Mr. Jacob, his report on the trade in, and on the state of agriculture in Europe, '29. 126— 128.

corn, price of, at various periods, from 1748 to 1832, '35. 190.

average prices of, in England and Wales, from 1770 to 1819, '31. 191.

from 1820 to 1829, id. 192.

[merged small][ocr errors]

average prices per quarter, in England and Wales in each month of the year 1827, 28. 169.

average price of, for year ending December, 1830, '32. 181. average prices of, in 1832, '34. 169.

weekly average price of wheat per imperial quarter, in England and Wales in each year, from 1828 to November 1838, '39. 88.

fluctuations in the price of, from 1815 to 1822, 39. 82; from 1823 to 1826, id. 83; from 1828 to 1838 id. 86; table showing the highest and lowest price of, in the principal markets of the continents in 1831 and 1835, '42. 80.

duty on, importance of its being of fixed amount, '42. 81; amount of, in 1829, '30. 206; in 1830, 1831, and 1832, '34. 164; on, imported in 1832, '34. 169; lowest duty on, in 1840 and 1841, '42. 79.

import, supply, &c., Table showing the dependence of England on foreign countries for a supply of, from 1761 to 1840, '42. 80; proportionate supply and consumption of (1818 to 1828), '29. 126; quantity entered for home consumption from July 1828 to February 1829, '30. 212; number of quarters of wheat sold in each week of 1830 in the several counties of England and Wales, '32. 182; quantity of wheat returned each week by the inspector of corn returns as sold in 150 towns under inspection from 1832 to January 1838, '39. 89; corn, meal, and flour, value of, imported in the year 1827, 28. 167; corn, grain, meal, and flour imported in 1827, 1828, and 1829, 31. 191; corn, quantity of, imported in 1832, 34. 169; corn and grain, quantity of, imported from British possessions, from 1828 to 5th July, 1834, and

amount of duty on same, '35. 181, &c.; import of, value of, in 1834 and 1835, '37. 163; import and home consumption of, and duty on, in 1837, 39. 184; the same in 1838, '40. 176; the same in 1839, '41. 183; the same in 1840, 42. 156; quantity entered for home consumption and duty on, from 1828 to 1841, id. 77; importation of, into the Isle of Man, Act for regulating (5 & 6 W. IV. c. 13), '36. 110; quantity of, imported from foreign parts and from Ireland in 1833, 35. 180; corn and grain, foreign, admitted into consumption in Great Britain from 28th February, 1829, to 28th February, 1830, and amount of duty, '31. 191; same for home consumption from 1828 to 5th July, 1834; from January 1830, to June 1831, and amount of duty thereon, 32. 182; quantity imported from Prussia, Germany, and Holland, in 1835, 1838, 1839, and 1840, 42. 80; corn, foreign, admitted to the British ports, 29. 246; quantity of wheat which could be imported into England from various foreign parts if a fixed duty were imposed, '42. 81, 82. Corn and grain, import, export, and home consumption of, in 1828, '31. 173; home consumption of, in 1830, '32. 177; '33. 175, 176; in 1831, '34. 154; exports of, value of, in 1834 and 1835, '37. 161; the same in 1835, 1836, and 1837, '39. 182.

See further, WHEAT. Corn Laws: enumeration and notice of Acts of Parliament for the regulation of the trade in wheat, from the early times to 1828, '39. 6289; fluctuations in the condition of agriculure, and the protection it received at various times, from 1463 to 1828, '39. 87; no alteration in, intended by ministers, '35. 196; an open question, '40. ib.; the injurious effect of their uncertain nature, '41. 125, 126; first appearance of a protective law,

'39. 64; further progress in the protective system, id. 68, 69; exportation, bounty on, id. 69; free trade in corn enacted, id. 72; committee of the Lords on, in 1814, '39. 78; divisions on, &c., &c., in 1815, id. 79; committees and resolutions on, and proposed averages and scales of duty, &c., &c., id. 78-84; order in council for admitting grain for home consumption (1826), id. ib.; Corn bill, Duke of Wellington's amendment on, '28. 69; debated, resolutions passed, bill passed, '29. 206-210; Corn-laws Amendment Act (9 G. IV. c. 60), id. 162-168; Act of 1828, id. 85; sliding scale introduced, '39. 84, 85; sliding scale under statute 9 G. IV. c. 60 (1828), id. 85; evils of the same pointed out, '42. 81; bill for allowing corn to be manufactured in bond, rejected, 39. 204; motions made affecting the corn laws, '38. 200, 202; Lord Brougham's motion for evidence at the bar relating to, '40. 198; Mr. Villiers' motion for same, id. ib.; Earl Fitzwilliam's resolutions for revision of, negatived, '34. 193; his motions, '40. 200; 41. 208; Mr. Hume's motion for a fixed duty rejected, '35. 201; Lord King's motion for the abolition of, '31. 202; motion by Mr. Villiers for committee on, rejected, '39. 203; for committee of the whole house upon, '40. 200; for a committee of the whole house on Act 9 Geo., debate on, '41. 205; motion on, by Mr. Villiers, '41. 207, 208; motion in favour of a fixed duty, by Mr. W. Whitmore, negatived, '34. 193; consideration of the corn laws recommended in the queen's speech, '42. 185; Lord John Russell's announcement of an intention to move for a committee on, id. 181; petition against the corn laws, '28. 67; great meeting to petition against, '35. 254; in Manchester, Liverpool, &c., '42. 238; at other places, id. 203; corn law riots, 28. 64; Man

chester conference on, 42. 241, 242.

Corneille, P., 28. 60; '31. 73; 32. 68.


Cornelian cherry, '29. 65.

Cornelius Nepos, 31. 65; 32. 52; dies, 28. 54. Cornum, what he is, '33. 95. Cornus mascula, '29. 65; serica, id. ib.

Cornwall, Britons driven into, 28. 56; extent and population of, and number of sessions, magistrates, and parishes in, id. 78: population of, and of the principal towns of, in 1811, 1821, and 1831, value of real property in, and its representation, '33. 59; summary of same in 1821 and 1831, distinguishing the sexes, id. 88; the same in 1841, 42. 107; population of, in 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, and 1841, and increase per cent., '42. 109; extent of, in acres, '34. 84; difference of time between the principal towns of, and London, 31. 14; bastards, number of, born in, in 1830, '34. 88; number of, in 1835 and 1837, '38. 192; county electors, number of in, in 1834 and 1835, '37. 181; educatiou; proportion per cent. of persons married in the year ended June 1840, who could write, '42. 171; excise licences issued, and public-houses in, number of (1831), '32. 185; families, number of in, and how employed, in 1811, 1821, and 1831, 34. 86, 87; houses, number of in, in 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831, '34. 84, 85; number of, inhabited, uninhabited, and building, in 1841, 42. 107; jurors in, in 1835, '37. 175; lunatics, &c., pauper, proportion of to population, in 1837,

38. 193; marriages, buildings registered for solemnization of (1840), '41. 199; proportion of persons married under 21 years of age, in the year ended June 1840, 42. 171; occupations of persons in (1831), '35. 74; offenders in, and proportion of to population (1837), *39. 90; ores raised

iu, in 1837, quantity and value of, id. 192; RATES: amount of poor rate levied in, from March 1827 to March 1828, and expenditure of same, '30. 216; poor and county rates levied in, in 1826, 29. 197; poor rates levied in, and expenditure of same, from March 1828 to March 1829, '31. 195; year ending 25th March, 1830, 32. 184; for year ending 25th March, 1831, '33. 187; expended on the poor from Easter 1831 to Easter 1832, 34. 173; amount levied and expenditure for year ending 25th March, 1833, '35.189; for the year ending 25th March, 1834, '36. 174; the same for the years ending 25th March, 1834, 1836, and 1837, 38. 188; decrease of same in 1837, compared with 1834, id. 190; proportion of paupers relieved to the population in 1839 and 1840, 42. 168; SAVINGS BANKS, friendly and charitable societies, amount of deposits and accounts in (1831), '32. 102; savings banks deposits and depositors, increase of, between 1833 and 1834, 36. 103; average amounts deposited in, and proportion of depositors to population of (1835), '37. 79; state of, on 20th November, 1837, '39. 134; savings hanks, friendly societies, and charitable institutions, number of, and of depositors, and amount of deposits in, in November, 1836, '38. 193; on 20th November, 1838, '40. 189; on 20th November, 1839,'41. 194; on the 20th November, 1840, 42. 166; SCHOOLS, endowed, unendowed, and Sunday, in 1818, '29. 91; unendowed day-schools in, in 1817 and 1818, id. 93; number of Sunday, and other Church of England schools in, and of scholars in same (1832), '33. 120; TAXES: amount of land and assessed taxes of, in 1829, '31. 172; house-tax, houses assessed to, and rental of same, for year ending 5th April, 1830, '32. 106, 107; turnpike trusts, their extent and in

come in (1834), '35. 192; trusts in, and income and expenditure of same, in 1834, '37. 177; the same, and length of the roads, in 1839, '42. 122; tolls, and amount collected in, in 1832 and 1839, id. 117, 118; coals, cinders, and culm, entered coastwise, and duty thereon, in 1829, '31. 190. Cornwall, Duchy of, leases (1 and 2 W. IV. c. 5), '32. 144.

Duke of, son of Queen Victoria, born, '42. 244. Cornwallis, Lord, Governor-General of India, '32. 37; his military operations against Tippoo, id. 38, 39.

Marquis, Governor-General of India, id. 42; dies, id. ib. Coron submits, '29. 238; surrendered to the French, id. 245. Coronea, battle of, '28. 51. Coronation of the reigning sovereign, a festival, id. 9; of William IV. and Queen Adelaide, '32. 240; expenses of, 233. 189; of Queen Victoria, '39. 250; motion in the Lords relating to, id. 205. Coroners, expenses of, in England and Wales, in 1792 and 1832, '37.176.

inquests, expenses; Act for regulating and providing for the expenses and passing accounts of (7 W. IV. and Vict. c. 68), 38. 151; medical evidence before, considered, '36. 21; medical witnesses' attendance at, and payment for, Act relating to (6 and 7 W. IV. c. 89), '37. 143.

of county of Durham, Act placing them on same footing as others (7 W. IV. and 1 Vict. c. 64), '38. 151.

(Ireland), Act for amending law relating to, (10 G. IV. c. 37), '30. 181.

Corpo Santo," what it is, '39.


Corporate funds, Act to prevent the application of, to election purposes (2 & 3 W. IV. c. 69), '33. 156.

offices, Roman Catholics admitted to, '30. 168, 169. Corporate property (Ireland), Act to

restrain the alienation of, in certain towns (6 & 7 W. IV. c. 100), '37. 144-146; further Act (7 W. IV. and 1 Vict. c. 74), '38. 154.

Corporation Commission, expenses of, up to 1836, '38. 196.

elections not to be held on Sunday (3 & 4 W. IV. c. 31), '34. 118.

and Test Acts, repeal

(9 G. IV. c. 17), '29. 145-147. Corporations, their abuses pointed out, '36. 91-93; constituencies before and after the Municipal Act, id. ib. 94.

oaths on admission to offices in, dispensed with in Quakers, &c. (1 Vict. c. 5 and 15), '39. 143, 144.

Municipal, Act to provide for the regulation of, in England and Wales (5 & 6 W. IV. c. 76); various Acts amending same. See MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS REFORM ACT.

several refuse to obey the commissioners, '34. 248. encouraged by Louis

VII. '28. 57. Correa alba, '31. 38; speciosa, id. ib.; virens, id. ib. Correctional and Penitentiary Institutions in and near London, '30. 149.

Correo Garçao, P., '32. 71. Correspondence of ancient eras with the vulgar era, '29. 16; of eras with the year 1831, '31. 25; with 1833, '33. 18; with the year 1834, '34. 26. Corriebrough, bridge of, destruction of, '31. 228; wooden bridge, construction of, id. 229.

Corrosive poisons, their action, '28. 116; table of, '28. 115.

sublimate, remedies against the effects of, '28. 116. Corsham, population of, '33. 75. Corsica purchased by France, '28. 62; British consul at, his salary (1828), '31. 181.

Corsican and Sardinian mountains, and their several heights, '33. 45: alphabetical index to same, &c id. 49-53.

Cortereal, Jeron., '32. 71: Cortes, suppressed, 28. 64; constitution of, proclaimed, id. 65; sit at Madrid, id. ib.

Cortex, Peruvian or Jesuits' bark,
import, export, and home con-
sumption of, in 1828, '31. 173;
in 1830, '32. 177; '33. 176;
in 1831, '34. 154.
Corunna, retreat of, '28. 64; British
consul at, his salary (1828), '31.

Corylus avellana, '29. 33.
Corymbose slipperwort, '31. 37.
Cos. Indicopleustes, '32. 50.
Cosmas, '31. 66.

"Cosmographicall Glasse," by Wm. Cunningham, account of, '37.


Cossacks, subjects to Russia, '28.


Coste, Manoel da, '32. 71.

Costs allowed on distresses for small rents, '28. 151.

in Mandamus, power of the court over (1 W. IV. c. 21), '32. 140.

Costume of statuary, remarks on,

'33. 219, 220.

Cotinus-leaved Dais, '31. 38. Cottenham, Lord, Sir Charles Pepys created, '37. 252; remarks made in the House of Lords in approbation of his judicial conduct,

'42. 186.

Cottian Alps and their several

heights, '33. 33, 34; alphabetical index to same, &c., id. 49, 53. Cottier system in Ireland, its evils, '31. 109.

Cottin, Madame, '31. 77; '32. 69. Cotton, '31. 72; R. B., '32. 60.

Sir Willoughby, vote of thanks to, '41. 201.

price of, in London, in 1834, '36. 178.

Bowed Virginia, price of, from 1813 to 1831, '34. 182.

value of, imported at Goole, from 1828 to 1829, 30. 121.


cloth for clothing, '29.

twist, importation of, into France permitted, '35. 108.

goods, exports of, account of, from 1815 to 1830, inclusive,

with duties and drawbacks on printed goods, '31. 180; amount of, in 1820 and 1831, 34. 50; quantity and value, and to what countries exported, in the years 1833 and 1834, '36. 169; in 1835, '37. 167; in 1838, '40. 182; increase of the exports of, to India, from 1814 to 1831, '34. 167, 168; manufactured goods, cotton twist, and yarn, value of, exported from 1818 to 1826, '29. 192; manufactures and twist, and yarn, quantity and declared value of exports of, in 1828, '31. 176; manufactures, hosiery, and twist and yarn, quantity and declared value of, exported in 1830, 33. 179; in 1831, '34. 157; in 1832, and to what countries, 35. 178; manufactures and yarn, value of, in years ending 5th of January, 1833 and 1834, '35. 173; in 1833 and 1834, '36. 156; manufactures, twist, and yarn, value of exports of, in 1835 and 1836, '38. 176; value of, in 1834 and 1835, 37. 161; the same in 1835, 1836, and 1837, '39. 182; the same, and quantities thereof, in 1838, 40. 180; the same in 1839, '41. 187; in 1840, '42. 162; manufactures and yarn, exports of, from Ireland, in 1825 and 1835, '39. 189; manufactures (India), exports of, value of, in 1834 and 1835, 37. 162; printed and not printed, import, export, and home consumption of, in 1828, 31. 173; goods, import, export, and home consumption of, 1830, 32. 177; '33. 176; in 1831, '34. 154; manufactures (Europe), import of, value of, in 1834 and 1835, '37. 163; (India), imports of, value of, in 1834 and 1835, '37. 163. Cotton wool, home consumption of, in 1833 to 1835, and average of same in ten years from 1826 to 1835, '37. 167; quantity of, imported, from 1824 to 1828, 29. 191; imported from various countries in the years 1831, 1832, 1833, and 1834, '36. 168; importation of, into Great Britain, from

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