

ministers, yet we find no account of an ordination but by the apostles. The eleven ordained Matthias to be an apostle. Some of their number ordained the seven deacons at Antioch. James, Cephas, and John, ordained Paul and Barnabas apostles; and these ordained presbyters at Derbe, Lystria, Iconium, and Antioch. And a presbytery of apostles ordained Timothy the first bishop of Ephesus; and, as such, invested him with the apostolic power of ordaining others; and of the exercise of this power we have Scripture proof; and also that he had the superintendance of presbyters, a lower order of ministers under him. Epaphroditus and Titus were also ordained to the same dignities and duties in the regions to which they were sent.

And the proofs that these apostolic prerogatives were held EXCLUSIVELY by the order of bishops, immediately after the completion of the Scripture history, are unquestionable.

We can reckon," says one of the early fathers, who wrote about 150 years after the ascension of Christ, and less than 100 after the death of St. John, "we can reckon those bishops who have been constituted by the apostles, and their successors, all the way to our time." Among these were two of the disciples of St. John, both of whom suffered martyrdom for the faith of Christ.

But it would require a volume to name all the testimonies in proof of the scriptural and primitive powers and duties of the bishops of the church, and that they were always considered the same which, in their days, were exercised by the apostles. In the writings of one of the disciples of St. John, al ready alluded to, are found many such passages as the following:-In one of his epistles, he says, "Be not deceived, my brethren; if any man follows one who divides the church, he shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Endeavour, therefore, to partake of one and the same eucharist; for there is but one flesh of Christ, one cup in his blood, and one altar; as there is one bishop with the college of presbyters, and my fellow servants the deacons." In ano ther, he says, "Be subject to your bishop as to the Lord-he is without who

does any thing without the bishop. As Christ did nothing without the Father, so neither do ye, whether presbyters, deacon, or laick, any thing without the bishop." And again, "My soul for theirs, who subject themselves, under the obedience of their bishops, pastors, and deacons, and let me take my lot with them in the Lord."

In short, for 1500 years, to the faithful bishops were given the same spiri tual honours that their predecessors, the apostles, had received; and by them. were performed the same spiritual duties: they ordained to the different grades of the ministry, went about con firming the disciples, and upon them devolved the government and care of all the churches, as it had upon the apostles. On the dignity and peculiar duties of a bishop's office this may suffice. Time will not permit a more minute discussion.

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On the subject of the usefulness of the office of a bishop, I shall give you the sentiments of the judicious Hooker, who, on all subjects, is eminently wor thy of attention. "Amongst the principal blessings by which God enriched Israel," he says, "the Psalmist acknow ledgeth this for one, thou didst lead thy people like sheep by the hand of Moses and Aaron. What sheep are,” he adds, "if pastors be wanting, the same are the people of God wanting guides: and what the principal civil rulers are, in comparison with those under him, the same are the bishops of the church, compared with the rest of God's clergy.

"Moses and Aaron are named as the well-springs of the prosperity of Israel. Bishops are now as high priests were then, in regard of power over other priests. What priests were then, the same presbyters are now by way of their place under bishops. The one's services being therefore so useful, how should the other's be thought unnecessary? Is there any Christian, who doth not believe that the church derived great benefits and blessings from the services of the apostles, not only for other respects, but in regard of that prelacy by which they had, and exercised power of jurisdiction over lower guides of the church? Bishops are herein the apos tles' successors, as hath been proved,

"Thus we see that prelacy must be acknowledged exceedingly beneficial in the church; however by the ignorant and undiscerning it may not be understood and appreciated. We grant, indeed, that the good which is done by them, is not so immediately and near to us, as many times the meaner labours of others under them, and this doth make it to be less esteemed. But it is in this case as in a ship, he that sitteth at the stern is quiet, and seemeth to do little or nothing, in comparison with them that are more actively employed; yet that which he doth is of more value than the labours of all the rest. We consider not the benefits we derive from our bishops, and that is the cause why they are at our hands so unthankfully rewarded." Such are the sentiments of that great and good man.

:Our bishop, my brethren, is not even unthankfully rewarded at our hands; for, as the bishop of the diocess, he receives from it no temporal reward whatever. He goeth a warfare at his own charges he planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof. And far more than Hooker says of the useful ness of the order, in general, will apply with double force, in reference to the inestimable services of the man, to whose indefatigable and apostolic labours and zeal our church owes so much. What greater benefits, by the divine blessing, might be reasonably expected from his labours, if they could be exclusively devoted to the peculiar duties of his episcopal office ?

And that they may be so devoted it ought surely to be the earnest wish of every churchman. And it is as surely the duty of every one to contribute according to his ability to so desirable an end. The bishop of this diocess now derives his entire maintenance from his rectorship of Trinity church, NewYork, and to which he must, as such, give the principal portion of his time and labour. The consequence of which is, that the time he is enabled to give to the church at large, as bishop, is so limited, that his episcopal labours are necessarily performed to great disadvantage, and with great inconvenience to himself and to the church. I know, my brethren, there are frequent and

pressing calls upon your liberality: but what Christian is there who does not know that it is by liberal things he must stand? And surely no Christian will make the frequency of the calls an apology for rejecting them all, as is done by some who are Christians in name only.

May it not be fairly questioned whether we do not sometimes give ourselves credit for liberality, when, at farthest, we are barely just? For it should be remembered, that our standard of justice is that of Christianity, and not of the world. If, therefore, Christianity requires of its disciples to support its institutions and teachers(which the Christianity of the Scriptures most certainly does) then, to disobey and reject such requirements, is not merely illiberal, it is unjust. For, when we embrace a religion, or attach ourselves to any society, of whatever nature, we (at least impliedly) bind ourselves to fulfil the demands of such religion, or to comply with the regulations, and to promote the interests of such society.

Art thou then a Christian? Act the part of one. Let the infinite motives, which, in the voice of God are proposed to you, lead you to govern yourself by the divine religion you profess to have embraced-submit yourself to the rule of the Master you have wisely chosen, that you may enjoy the blessings of his servants in the present life, and, in the future, partake with him, and with them, of the unspeakable and everlasting felicities of heaven.

Art thou a churchman? Be a consistent one. The church to which you have attached yourself is built upon the prophets and the apostles, Christ himself being the chief corner stone. Its institutions, its rites, and ordinances, are the institutions, and rites, and ordinances of Christ; appointed by him as the means of grace to his people, and the rules of government for his church, to be observed until he come to translate its obedient and devout members to the church triumphant on high; when many shall come from the east and the west, and sit down with the faithful in the kingdom of heaven, while many of the professed children of the kingdom shall be cast out

Let us, my brethren, so perform the duties that Christ hath appointed us in his church, as not to be numbered with this unhappy class, whose religion consists in unmeaningly saying "Lord, Lord," without obeying his will and commands.

Let it be our's to acquaint ourselves with what Christ requires of us, as his disciples, and to fulfil it with faithful and devout hearts, that, under his divine protection and guidance, we may pass in safety and peace through this to another and better world, to meet the great Shepherd and Bishop of our souls; who, having laid down his life for us on earth, has gone to prepare a place for us in heaven.

From the Missionary Register for Oot. 1822.

Church Missionary Society. Report, by the Rev. James Hough, of the state of the mission in Travancore. THE appendix to the fourth report of the society's corresponding committee at Madras, contains the account of a visit to its mission in Travancore by the Rev.James Hough, chaplain to the EastIndia Company, which will be read with pleasure by all who take an interest in the revival of the Syrian church. Introductory to this report, the corresponding committee observe, in reference to colonel Newall-"The committee perform a gratifying duty in stating, that the missionaries in Travancore make grateful acknowledgment of the countenance afforded to them and to the Syrian church, by the present British resident in that country."-The committee proceed" They indulge a persuasion that this document will be perused with particular pleasure by the members of the society, and by all who appreciate the claims of the Syrian church on the benevolence of the Protestant churches of Europe; whose deliverance from the spiritual tyranny of the Romish church was effected by the providence of Almighty God, at a pe riod nearly coincident with the subjugation to that baneful power of their Syrian brethren in India. The rapacity and intolerance of those foreign oppressors roused a spirit of resistance among

a portion of its victims, ere little more than half a century had elapsed; and a remnant of the people succeeded,amidst every possible discouragement and difficulty, in accomplishing their deliverance from the bondage in which they had been held. That remnant has succeeded in maintaining to this day the separation then effected, notwithstanding continual endeavour on the part of the Romish ecclesiastical authorities of the country to bring them again under their power. The connexion with the Romish church, during a period of sixty years, had however introduced a lainentable declension in the religious principles and mode of worship, and in the habits of most of the clergy of the Syrian church; and the morals of the people experienced a correspondent deterioration. These evils unhappily survived the union with the Romish church, Political degradation accompanied the from which they had chiefly proceeded. decay of religion and social virtue; and in this state of general depression they have continued, until attention was lately excited to their situation. It can scarcely be doubted, that, in proportion as the state of this ancient Christian community becomes known to the members of the united church, increasing support will be given to the measures in operation for the gradual introduction of a better order of things among them: and in this view the committee attach much importance to the following representation on these subjects, from a clergyman unconnected with the society's establishments in Travancore, but deeply interested in the objects which they embrace, and who describes in this document what he has personally seen and examined. Mr. Hough's report here follows in his own words :

Having returned from my visit to the society's missions in Travancore, I hasten to report my observations on the state of things in that interesting field, in the order in which they occurred.

I reached Cotym on Saturday evening, Dec. 9,1820; and attended the Syrian worship the next morning, in the college chapel. Here I could expect nothing to gratify me; but I was not prepared to witness so much supersti

tion in their service: had I not known the contrary, I should certainly have supposed myself in a Roman catholic chapel, and have mistaken their service for the celebration of mass: the incense, the adoration of the host, and the frequent crossings and prostrations before the crucifix, struck me as being the same, or closely resembling the forms observed in the church of Rome. The Syriac language, in which the prayers were read, is as unintelligible to the people, as Latin is to the major part of Roman catholics. But, notwithstanding this, one part of the service darted, like a beam of light, through the gloom that overhung the rest; and inspired the hope, that a brighter day was dawning on this ancient, but much degenerated church a portion of St. Matthew's gospel was read in Malayalim, the vernacular tongue of the congregation. It seemed like the lamp of God, still enlightening the temple; and elicited the involuntary prayer, that, ere long, it might burn with a brighter and more steady flame! There was no discourse at the conclusion of the prayers.

In the evening I attended our church service in Malayalim, performed by Mr. Bailey in one of the Syrian churches: about ten Catanars and one hundred and fifty Syrians were present; and they appeared to be very attentive, par ticularly to the sermon. It was singular to see the person, who in the morning officiated as priest at the Syrian altar, now performing the office of clerk to Mr. Bailey this was the head malpan of the college, who expresses his admiration of most of our prayers, and will permit no one else to read the responses. Next morning I had an interview, at Mr. Bailey's request, with the learned native whom he is employing in the translation of the testament into Malayalim. He is well acquainted with Tamul; and the object of my conversation with him was, to ascertain whether he sufficiently understood the Tamul version of the testament to make use of it in his translation. Mr. Bailey is too judicious a man, and too deeply interested in his work, to leave any thing to the Moonshee, or to follow any version: nevertheless, the Tamul affords as much assistance to the Moonshee, as

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the English can do to Mr. Bailey; and he seemed to know how to use it with advantage. From what I could learn of the portion of the testament already finished, there is every prospect of their possessing, ere long, a good Malayalim translation of the sacred book.

Mr. Fenn next took me to the college, where I spent the remainder of the day in examining the students. At present the institution has more the appearance of a school than of a college; but the plan, which the missionaries are about to adopt, of establishing three grammar schools at the most eligible stations, from which the most promising youths are to be selected for the college, must have the effect of raising its character. But, even now, the progress of several of the students does credit to themselves and their teachers. A few of them discovered a degree of intelligence that surprised me; and one, in particular, who has begun Latin, parsed what he read 'as accurately as an English scholar could have done, and was well acquainted with the leading facts and doctrines of scripture. This was one of those young Catanars who have passed through five initiatory ordinations; and if the establishment succeeds in supplying the Syriac churches with a few such priests as this lad promises to be, it will amply remunerate all the labour and funds expended upon it.

In the evening the malpan waited upon us, and we conversed together on sacred subjects. He spoke with great animation and considerable intelligence for the space of two hours, quoting the Syriac testament, which lay before him, in confirmation of all that he advanced. I was amazed at the extent of his acquaintance with scripture, his shrewd remarks, and his striking illustrations; little anticipating so much information and good sense among the wilds of Malabar.

Nearly the whole of the 12th was spent in conference with the metropolitan, who returned that morning from a journey which he had taken to marry a Catanar.

The following are the heads of private conference with which I was favoured: Q. Since, by this time, you will have been able to form an opinion of the obs

ject, and plans of the gentlemen who are placed here, will you be kind enough to tell me whether you approve of what has been done?

A. Yes: I entirely approve of every thing.

Q. Have you any improvements to suggest in the college regulations, the mode of instruction, or in any other part of the measures now pursued? A. No: none whatever.

Q. Are these gentlemen understood when they perform divine service in Malayalim, and also when they converse with the people?

A. Yes, perfectly.

Q. The English mode of worship is, you see, very different to that of the Syrian church: what objection have you to that mode?

A. I have no objection to it: it is very good.

Q. Do you perceive that any good effect is produced by what has been done hitherto for the benefit of your Catanars and people?

A. Yes a little improvement, both in their understanding and moral conduct. Formerly none of them could read, and they seldom or never heard a profitable discourse; and to this state of darkness are to be attributed the evil lives which they led: but now, by the conversation and instructions of these gentlemen, they have gained a little light, and their morals are proportionably improved.

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Q. We are told by St. Paul, that it is necessary to pray publicly, in a language which all the congregation understand. (Here the Apostle's arguments were quoted, 1 Cor. xiv.) But I perceive it is the custom of your Catanars to pray in Syriac, which is unintelligible to the people do you think that any portion of the public service might be translated into Malayalim? and if so, what part or parts might be rendered into that tongue ?

A. There can be no objection to the whole of the prayers in which the people join, being translated into Malayalim, for our church has no canon against it; but such as belong peculiarly to the Catanars must always be used in Syriac. Q. You have seen that it is customary for the ministers of the church of

England to conclude the service with a discourse to the congregation on some passage of scripture: would it not be well to adopt the practice in the Syrian church?

A. This is done sometimes-always at an ordination of Catanars; and, occasionally at other times, when a large congregation is assembled. There is no objection to the Catanars preaching every Sunday, when they shall be capable of doing so; but at present they are too ignorant themselves to teach the people. That is indeed an import→ ant work!

Q. How many Catanars are there?
A. About one hundred and fifty.
Q. How many of them are married?
A. Thirty-five.

Q. When were they married? A. With the exception of two or three, they have all been married within the year.

Q. Why do not the rest marry? A. Some are too poor; others are old or diseased; and a few object.

Q. Are the people charitable? A. No-we are greatly in want of churches; but they will not part with their money, even for this sacred purpose. This, however, is to be attributed to their great ignorance. Since these gentlemen have been among them, they know a little better; and I hope they will soon come forward to do all that shall be required of them.

I should remark here, on that part of the above conversation which relates to the alteration of the customs and mode of worship in the Syrian church, that the missionaries have never made any reference to the subject. Greatly as it must pain them to witness so much superstition and unmeaning ceremony among this interesting people, they have, as yet, with great wisdom and delicacy, refrained from interfering, in the slightest particular, on sacred matters. They are respected so highly by the metropolitan and Catanars, and their suggestions on temporal affairs are adopted so readily, that, were they to express their wish to have a part of the Syriac prayers translated into Malayalim, I have no doubt but that it would be done: but they are too prudent to act with precipitation, or to take upon

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