
of those beautiful cups in the drawingroom. I hope it was not very wrong, but I had to put it among its relations. It was sitting with a Delf mug on it, poor thing. Dear me! I little thought then Really, I have never been so glad

about anything before."

After a little more conversation, and after Mr. Alwynn had been persuaded to give the reins to his niece, who was far more composed than himself, his mind reverted to his wife.

"I think, my dear, until your engagement is more settled, till I have had a talk with Dare on the subject (which will be necessary before you write to your Uncle Francis), it would be as well not to refer to it before- in fact, not to mention it to Mrs. Alwynn. Your dear aunt's warm heart and conversational bent make it almost impossible for her to refrain from speaking of anything that interests her; and indeed, even if she does not say anything in so many words, I have observed that opinions are sometimes formed by others as to the subject on which she is silent, by her manner when any chance allusion is made to it."

Ruth heartily agreed. She had been dreading the searching catechism through which Mrs. Alwynn would certainly put her

the minute inquiries as to her dress, the hour, the place; whether it had been "standing up or sitting down;" all her questions of course interwoven with personal reminiscences of "how John had done it," and her own emotion at the time.

It was with no small degree of relief at the postponement of that evil hour that Ruth entered the house. As she did so a faint sound reached her ear. It was that of a musical-box.

"Dear! dear!" said Mr. Alwynn, as he followed her. "It is a fine day. Your aunt must be ill."

For the moment Ruth did not understand the connection of ideas in his mind, until she suddenly remembered the musical-box, which, Mrs. Alwynn had often told her, was 66 so nice and cheery on a wet day, or in time of illness."

She hurriedly entered the drawing-room, followed by Mr. Alwynn, where the first object that met her view was Mrs. Alwynn extended on the sofa, arrayed in what she called her tea-gown, a loose robe of blue cretonne, with a large vine-leaf pattern twining over it, which broke out into grapes at intervals. Ruth knew that garment well. It came on only when Mrs. Alwynn was suffering. She had worn it

last during a period of entire mental prostration, which had succeeded all too soon an exciting discovery of mushrooms in the glebe. Mr. Alwynn's heart and Ruth's sank as they caught sight of it again.

With a dignity befitting the occasion, Mrs. Alwynn recounted in detail the various ways in which she had employed herself after their departure the previous evening, up to the exact moment when she slipped going up-stairs, and sprained her ankle, in a blue and green manner that had quite alarmed the doctor when he saw it, and compared with which Mrs. Thursby's gathered finger in the spring was a mere bagatelle.

"Mrs. Thursby stayed in bed when her finger was bad," said Mrs. Alywnn to Ruth, when Mr. Alwynn had condoled, and had made his escape to his study. "She always gives way so; but I never was like that. I am up all the same, my dear."

"I hope it does not hurt very much," said Ruth, anxious to be sympathetic, but succeeding only in being commonplace.

"It's not only the pain," said Mrs. Alwynn, in the gentle, resigned voice which she always used when indisposed - the voice of one at peace with all the world, and ready to depart from a scene consequently so devoid of interest; "but to a person of my habits, Ruth never a day without going into the larder, and always seeing after the servants as I do-first one duty and then another-and the chickens and all. It seems a strange thing that I should be laid aside."

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Mrs. Alwynn paused, as if she had not for the nonce fathomed the ulterior reasons for this special move on the part of Providence, which had crippled her, while it left Ruth and Mrs. Thursby with the use of their limbs.

"However," she continued, "I am not one to repine. Always cheery and busy, Ruth; that is my motto. And now, my dear, if you will wind up the musical-box, and then read me a little bit out of 'Texts with Tender Twinings (the new floral manual which had lately superseded the "Pearls"), "after that we will start on one of my scrap-books, and you shall tell me all about your visit to Vandon."

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It was not the time Ruth would have chosen for a tête-à-tête with her aunt. She was longing to be alone, to think quietly over what had happened, and it was diffi cult to concentrate her attention on pink and yellow calico, and cut out colored royal families, and foreign birds, with a good grace. Happily Mrs. Alwynn,

though always requiring attention, was hands Mrs. Alwynn made a certain jelly, quite content with the half of what she which Mrs. Thursby praised in the highrequired; and, with the "Buffalo Girls" est manner, saying she only wished that and the "Danube River" tinkling on the it had been the habit in her family to table, conversation was somewhat super-learn to do anything so useful.


In the afternoon Dare came, but he was waylaid in the hall by Mr. Alwynn, and taken into the study before he could commit himself in Mrs. Alwynn's presence. Mrs. Thursby and Mabel also called to condole, and a little later Mrs. Smith of Greenacre, who had heard the news of the accident from the doctor. Altogether it was a delightful afternoon for Mrs. Alwynn, who assumed for the time an air of superiority over Mrs. Thursby to which that lady's well-known chronic ill-health seldom allowed her to lay claim.


Thursby's new gowns were no longer kept a secret from Mrs. Alwynn, to be suddenly sprung upon her at a garden party, when, possibly in an old garment herself, she was least able to bear the shock. Bygones were bygones, and, greatly to the relief of the two husbands, their respective wives made up their differences.

"And a very pleasant afternoon it has been," said Mrs. Alwynn, when the Thursbys and Dare, who had been loth to go, had taken their departure. "Mrs. Thursby and Mabel, and Mrs. Smith and Mr. Dare. Four to tea. Quite a little party, Mrs. Alwynn and Mrs. Thursby had wasn't it, Ruth? And so informal and remained friends since they had both ar- nice; and the buns came in as naturally rived together as brides at Slumberleigh, as possible, which no one heard me whisin spite of a difference of opinion which per to James for. I think those little had at one time strained friendly relations citron buns are nicer than a great cake to a painful degree, as to the propriety of like Mrs. Thursby's; and hers are always wearing the hair over the top of the ear. so black and overbaked. That is why The hair question settled, a temporary the cook sifts such a lot of sugar over difficulty, extending over a few years, had them. I do think one should be real and sprung up in its place, respecting what not try to cover up things. And Mr. Mrs. Thursby called "family." Mrs. Al- Dare so pleasant. Quite sorry to go he wynn's family was not her strong point, seemed. I often wonder whether it will nor was its position strengthened by her assertion (unsupported by Mrs. Markham), that she was directly descended from Queen Elizabeth. Consequently, it was trying to Mrs. Thursby-who, as every one knows, was one of the brainless Copleys of Copley-that Mrs. Alwynn, who in the lottery of marriage had drawn an honorable, should take precedence of herself. To obviate this difficulty, Mrs. Thursby, with the ingenuity of her sex, had at one time introduced Mr. and Mrs. Alwynn as our rector," and "our rector's wife," thus denying them their name altogether, for fear lest its connection with Lord Polesworth should be remembered, and the fact that Mr. Alwynn was his brother, and consequently an honorable, should transpire.


This peculiarity of etiquette entirely escaped Mr. Alwynn, but aroused feelings in the breast of his wife which might have brought about one of those deeply rooted feuds which so often exist between the squire's and the clergyman's families, if it had not been for the timely and serious illness in which Mrs. Thursby lost her health, and the principal part of the other subject of disagreement - her hair.

be you or Mabel in the end. He ought to be making up his mind. I expect I shall have a little joke with him about it before long. And such an interest he took in the scrap-book. I asked him to come again to-morrow."

"I don't expect he will be able to do so," said Mr. Alwynn. "I rather think he will have to go to town on business."

Later in the evening, Mr. Alwynn told Ruth that in the course of his interview he had found that Dare had the very vaguest ideas as to the necessity of settlements; had evidently never given the subject a thought, and did not even know what he actually possessed.

Mr. Alwynn was secretly afraid of what Ruth's trustee, his brother, Lord Polesworth (now absent shooting in the Rocky Mountains), would say if, during his absence, their niece was allowed to engage herself without suitable provision; and he begged Ruth not "to do anything rash" in the way of speaking of her engagement, until Dare could, with the help of his lawyer, see his way to making some arrangement.

"I know he has no money," said Ruth quietly; "that is one of the reasons why I am going to marry him."


Then Queen Elizabeth and the honor. able were alike forgotten. With her own Mr. Alwynn, to whom this seemed the

most natural reason in the world, was not | him beaming and rejoicing on his way, sure whether it would strike his brother quite a different person from the victim of with equal force. He had a suspicion anxiety and depression who had arrived at that when Lord Polesworth's attention Slumberleigh an hour before. should be turned from white goats and brown bears to the fact that his niece, who had means of her own, had been allowed to engage herself to a poor man, and that Mr. Alwynn had greatly encouraged the match, unpleasant questions might be asked.

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Francis will be back in November," said Mr. Alwynn. I think, Ruth, we had better wait till his return before we do anything definite."

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Anything more definite, you mean,' said Ruth. "I have been very definite already, I think. I shall be glad to wait till he comes back, if you wish it, Uncle John. I shall try to do what you both advise. But at the same time I am of age; and if my word is worth anything, you know I have given that already.'

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Dare felt no call to go to London by the early train on the following morning, so he found himself at liberty to spend an hour at Slumberleigh Rectory on his way to the station, and by the advice of Mr. Alwynn went into the garden, where the sound of the musical-box reached the ear but in faint echoes, and where Ruth presently joined him.

In his heart Dare was secretly afraid of Ruth; though, as he often told himself, it was more than probable she was equally afraid of him. If that was so, she controlled her feelings wonderfully, for, as she came to meet him, nothing could have been more frankly kind, more friendly, or more composed than her manner towards him. He took her outstretched hand and kissed it. It was not quite the way in which he had pictured to himself that they would meet; but if his imagination had taken a somewhat bolder flight in her absence, he felt now, as she stood before him, that it had taken that flight in vain. He kept her hand, and looked intently at her. She did not change color, nor did that disappointing friendliness leave her steady eyes.

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She does not love me," he said to himself. "It is strange, but she does not. But the day will come.'

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"You are going to London, are you not?" asked Ruth, withdrawing her hand at last; and after hearing a detailed account of his difficulties and anxieties about money matters, and after taking an immense weight off his mind by telling him that they would have no influence in causing her to alter her decision, she sent


Mrs. Alwynn was much annoyed at Dare's entire want of heart in leaving the house without coming to see her, and during the remainder of the morning she did not cease to comment on the differences that exist between what people really are and what they seem to be, until, in her satisfaction at recounting the accident to Evelyn Danvers, a new and sympathetic listener, she fortunately forgot the slight put upon her ankle earlier in the day. The complete enjoyment of her sufferings was, however, destined to sustain a severe shock the following morning.

She and Ruth were reading their letters, Mrs. Alwynn, of course, giving Ruth the benefit of the various statements respecting the weather which her correspondents had confided to her, when Mr. Alwynn came in from the study, an open letter in his hand. He was quite pink with pleasure.

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"He has asked me to go to see them," he said, "and they are small, and have green seals, all excepting one - referring to the letter-"which has a big red seal in a tin box, attached by a tape. Ruth, I am perfectly convinced beforehand that those charters are grants of land of the fourteenth or fifteenth century. Sir Charles mentions that they are in black letter, and only a few lines on each, but he says he won't describe them in full, as I must come and see them for myself. Dear me! how I shall enjoy arranging them for him, which he asked me to do! I had really become so anxious about them, that a few days ago I determined to set my mind at rest, and I wrote to him to ask for particulars, and that is his an swer."

Mr. Alwynn put Charles's letter into her hand, and she glanced over it.

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Why, Uncle John, he asks Aunt Fanny as well; and if Miss Deyncourt is still with you, pleasure,' etc. — and me, too!" "When is it for?" asked Mrs. Alwynn, suddenly sitting bolt upright.

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"Let me see. 'Black letter size about'

where is it? Here. Tuesday, the 25th, for three nights. Leaving home following week for some time. Excuse short notice,' etc. It is next week, Aunt Fanny."

"I shall not be able to go," gasped Mrs. Alwynn, sinking back on her sofa, while something very like tears came into her eyes; "and I've never been there,

Ruth. The Thursbys went once, in old Sir George's time, and Mrs. Thursby always says it is the show place in the county, and that it is such a pity I have not seen it. And last autumn, when John went, I was in Devonshire, and never even heard of his going till I got home, or I'd have come back. Oh, Ruth! Oh, dear!" Mrs. Alwynn let her letters fall into her lap, and drew forth the colored pockethandkerchief which she wore, in imitation of Mabel Thursby, stuck into the bodice of her gown, and at the ominous appear. ance of which Mr. Alwynn suddenly recollected a duty in the study and retreated.

With an unerring instinct Ruth flew to the musical-box and set it going, and then knelt down by the prostrate figure of her aunt, and administered what sympathy and consolation she could, to the " cheery accompaniment of the "Buffalo Girls."

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"Never mind, dear Aunt Fanny. Perhaps he will ask you again when you are better. There will be other opportunities."

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"I always was unlucky," said Mrs. Alwynn faintly. "I had a swelled face up the Rhine on our honeymoon. Things always happen like that with me. At any rate,' after a pause "there is one thing. We ought to try to look at the bright side. It is not as if we had not been asked. We have not been overjooked."

"No," said Ruth promptly; and in her own mind she registered a vow that in her future home she would never give the pain that being overlooked by the larger house can cause to the smaller house.

"And I will stay with you, Aunt Fanny," she went on cheerfully. "Uncle John can go by himself, and we will do just what we like while he is away, won't we?"

But at this Mrs. Alwynn demurred. She was determined that if she played the rôle of a martyr she would do it well. She insisted that Ruth should accompany Mr. Alwynn. She secretly looked forward to telling Mabel that Ruth was going. She did not mind being left alone, she said. She desired, with a sigh of selfsacrifice, that Mr. Alwynn should accept for himself and his niece. She had not been brought up to consider herself, thank God. She had her faults, she knew. No one was more fully aware of them than herself; but she was not going to prevent others enjoying themselves because she herself was laid aside.

"And now, my dear," she said, with a sudden return to mundane interests that

succeeded rather unexpectedly to the celestial spirit of her previous remarks, "you must be thinking about your gowns. If I had been going, I should have had my ruby satin done up-so beautiful by candlelight. What have you to wear? That white lace tea-gown with the silvergrey train is very nice; but you ought not to be in half-mourning now. I like to see young people in colors. And then there is that gold and white brocade, Ruth, that you wore at the drawing-room last year. It is a beautiful dress, but rather too quiet. Could not you brighten it up with a few cherry-colored bows about it, or a sash? I always think a sash is so becoming. If you were to bring it down, I dare say I could suggest something. And you must be well dressed, for though he only says friends,' you never can tell whom you may not meet at a place like that."

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From The Nineteenth Century.

IN the beginning of May, M. St.-Genest published two very sensible articles in the Figaro against the cry for revenge. He plainly informed his countrymen that only such people were speaking of war who risked nothing because they had nothing to lose; the French liked to be considered a warlike people, and to be told that their enemies were afraid of them, but as to a real war for reconquering Alsace and Lorraine, all the propertied classes would be against it, because they would suffer most by it after the introduction of universal service. The old accounts of Jena had been settled once for all by Frankfort, so the French had better keep silent. There is a good deal of truth in this; the fear of the Germans is much stronger than the hatred which Frenchmen entertain against them, but the danger lies in the passiveness of the masses, which may be carried away by noisy demagogues, and the Parisian populace, who have nothing to lose. We have had a foretaste of this in the insult offered to the late king of Spain, as well as in the outcry of the French press when a visit of the emperor William the Second and the king of Italy to Strasburg seemed imminent. That visit was undoubtedly planned, the horses of the emperor were on their way to Alsace, and bills were posted at Strasburg for his reception, when Bismarck and Crispi interfered, and prevented what they justly considered an

unnecessary provocation; so the matter was allowed to drop, and General Menabrea informed M. Spuller that his sovereign never thought of returning by way of Strasburg. Nevertheless, the fact is that, whilst the emperor had a clear right to visit his Alsatian capital and show it to his royal guest, the exercise of this right was considered by the French press as an unwarrantable outrage. The danger, therefore, remains that some unforeseen incident may produce a conflict, however it may be abhorred by both nations at large, the more so as the political air of Europe is charged with electricity.

of Schmalkalden against the emperor, and at the same time, to the horror of the whole Christian world, made a covenant with Sultan Soliman, inciting him to attack the emperor in his Austrian hereditary estates. In the long struggle between · Charles and Francis were many ups and downs, military as well as diplomatic, and it cannot be doubted that the emperor's perverse hatred against the Protestant creed, the unscrupulous means by which he tried to suppress it in Germany, as he had done in the Netherlands, Spain, and Austria, and to establish his own absolute power, forced the German princes to avail themselves of his enemy's support in order to escape annihilation; but the foundation for French intervention in German affairs was thus laid, which has continued up to our days. When after Francis's death the emperor threatened to become all power

In this condition of things it may not be without interest to show, by a retrospective glance on the relations of France and Germany, that M. St.-Genest was not only right in maintaining that the peace of Frankfort should be considered as a final settlement of the disputes of the two coun- | ful, the German princes, under the leadertries, and as the end of the French intermeddling with internal German politics, but how immeasurably more Germany has suffered by France in the course of the last centuries than vice versâ.



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ship of Maurice of Saxony, applied for help to Henry the Second, and accepted the king's condition, that the Imperial cities Metz, Toul, Verdun, and Cambrai should henceforth belong to France concession which curiously illustrated the proclamation in which, at opening the war, THAT era of intervention began when Henry called himself the champion of King Francis the First, by a lavish outlay German liberty, and protested that he had for buying up the votes of the electoral only taken up arms against the emperor princes, tried for the German imperial by warm and disinterested inclination for crown. He was beaten by his rival, Charles the German nation, which, as he hoped, the First of Spain, who outbid him, who would reward him for such great benefit was supported by the pope and by the by an everlasting thankfulness. One of influential Frederic of Saxony, and by his his German partisans, Markgraf Albert German origin was more welcome to the of Brandenburg-Culmbach, called himself electors, afraid that the French king would a servant of the French monarch, and reduce their dependence to the level of adopted the lilies of France in his colors. his nobles. Charles the Fifth, uniting The king lost no opportunity of preventthe crowns of Germany, the Netherlands, ing the settlement of the religious conand Spain, might have been the most pow-flicts within the empire, of fostering the erful sovereign of his age if he had understood the signs of the time; but he ardently hated the religious reform † which was the great moving force of those days, and that brought him into conflict with the German Lutheran princes. The wily Francis the First, religiously indifferent, persecuting the Reformed creed in his country with a zeal worthy of the praise of Leo the Tenth, lost no opportunity in supporting the Protestant League

"Cogimur huic electioni totis viribus intendere et quia alii sunt, qui huic coronæ cæsareæ quoque innitentur et pro ea ingentem vim pecuniarum offerant, et quodammodo electionem in auctione ponant." (Charles to his brother-in-law, King Christian the Second of Denmark, April 8, 1519)

f In a letter to Pope Clement the Twelfth (Dec. 23,

1523), he called Luther "hominem post homines natos scelestissimum."

distrust of the German princes against Charles the Fifth's intentions, which unhappily was but too well founded; at the same time he induced the Turks to reject the humiliating proposals for peace of the emperor's brother Ferdinand the First, and, after the accession of Pope Paul the Fourth, a deadly foe of the house of Habsburg, made a league with him in order to crush the Spanish dominion in Italy. It was thus that Henry the Second, who cruelly persecuted the Protestants in France, and ordered a general thanksgiving for the re-establishment of the Catholic faith in England by Queen Mary, forced the emperor to conclude the the Protestant princes, which annihilated religious peace of Augsburg (1555) with

his whole life's endeavors to crush the


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