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The following LECTURES will be given in support of the SOCIETY for the PROTECTION of ANCIENT BUILDING, at the KENSINGTON VESTRY HALL, on successive THURSDAYS, at 5 P.M. A BARRISTER-AT-LAW, LL.M. Cantab., offers precisely. his Services in Tracing Pedigrees, making Searches among the Public Records, Deciphering Ancient MSS., Editing Family Histories, or similar Literary Work Terms moderate.-Address ANTIQUARY, 321, King's Road, Chelsea, S. W. No. 5.-CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, TRACTS, &c., HENRY GRAY, Antiquarian and Topographical Bookseller, 25, Cathedral Yard, Manchester, consisting of Civil War Tracts; Heraldry and Family History; Publications of the Chetham, Surtees, and other learned Societies; a few Topographical Works; Seventeenth Century Books; Old Newspapers: Miscellaneous Works, &c., now ready, post free. Books relating to all Counties in Stock. THOMAS BAKER, English and Foreign Theological Bookseller, 20, Goswell Road, T. 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We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."-Civil Service Gazette. JAMES EPPS & CO. HOMEOPATHIC CHEMISTS, MAKERS OF Errs'S CHOCOLATE ESSENCE FOR AFTERNOON USE. MR. G. H. JONES, 57, GREAT RUSSELL STREET Will be glad to forward a Pamphlet, free by post, explanatory of his system, 6TH S. No. 112. The LONGEVITY of MAN: its Facts and NOTES from OXFORD. its Fictions. With a Prefatory Letter to Prof. Owen, C.B., "On Exceptional Longevity: its Limits and Frequency." "Mr. Thoms was admirably qualified to perform the task which he has undertaken, and he has performed it with signal success..... No one but Sir George C. Lewis could have undertaken such a work with such advantages, and even he could not have produced a more practical and intelligent book." Law Magazine and Review, July, 1873. "Mr. Thoms has issued anew his interesting treatise on 'Human Longevity.' The value of the book is enhanced by the addition of an excellent letter, full of humour and shrewdness, and addressed to Prof Owen."-Athenœum. CHATTERTON. HISTORICAL RESEARCHES in BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. BERTHOLD AUERBACH. LITERARY GOSSIP. ALSO SCIENCE-Library Table: Geographical Notes: Anthropological Published by JOHN FRANCIS, 20, Wellington Street, Strand, NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. ADAMS & FRANCIS insert ADVERTISE MENTSin all Newspapers, Magazines, and Periodicals. *** Terms for transacting business, and List of London Papers, can be had on application to ADAMS & FRANCIS, 59, Fleet Street, E.C. SUN FIRE AND LIFE OFFICES, Threadneedle Street, E.C.; Charing Cross, S.W.; Oxford Street (corner of Vere Street), W. Fire established 1710. Home and Foreign Insurances at moderate rates. Life established 1810. Specially low rates for young lives. Immediate settlement of claims. ROMATIC JOSEPH GILLOTT'S STEEL PENS. Sold by all Dealers throughout the World. ROZONIZER MARK REGISTERED No7891 Purifier RIMMEL'S AROMATIC OZONIZER, Or NATURAL AIR PURIFIER, a fragrant powder, producing, by simple slow evaporation in refreshing, and healthy emanations of the pine and or places of resort, the balmy, eucalyptus forests. It is the most effective and only agreeable disinfectant. Price 18.; by post for 15 stamps. EUGENE RIMMEL, Perfumer to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales, 96, Strand; 128, Regent Street: and 24, Cornhill, London. HOLLOWAY'S NOINTMENT and PILLS.-- morselessly attacks persons of all ages, and the latter ruthlessly selects its victims from the weak and delic delicate, the persevering use of these remedies will infallibly cure both complaints. After the affected parts have been diligently fomented with hot brine and the skin thoroughly dried, Holloway's Ointment must be rubbed in firmly and evenly for a few minutes twice a day, and his Pills taken according to the printed directions wrapped round each box of his medicine. Both Ointment and Pills are accompanied by instructions designed for the public at large, and no invalid who attentively reads them can now be at any loss how to doctor himself successfully. LONDON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1882. CONTENTS. - N° 112. NOTES:-"The Misfortunes of St. Paul's Cathedral," 121Australian Heraldry, 123-Shakspeariana, 124-Accidental Interpolations-The Date of the First Easter-Brighton Field Names, 125-Dancing Masters in 1721-Curious Service in a Church "Sir John Chiverton"-Acland and Ransome's "Political History of England to 1881"-Clôture, 126-Sleepers in Church-Battle of Falkirk, 127. 1"-Clôture, QUERIES:-Junius Queries - "Nouvelles d'Angleterre" Half Binding, 127-St. Margaret's Churchyard, Westminster -N. Denman-The Cole MSS.-I. Sharpe, of Stepney-Newton's Humility-Ogley Hay, 128-Hibgame-Gibbeting-R. Sherman, American Patriot-Madock Family-Zoophytes of the Mediterranean - An Earl of Kinnoull, 1650-Caistor, Lincolnshire-E. Fenton - "The Harpings of Lena"-Boggis Family, 129-J. Hayward, D.D.-Authors Wanted, 130. REPLIES:-Bibliography of "The Fight at Dame Europa's School," 130-"Tin"=Money - Eboracum, 131- Relic of the Irish Parliament, 132-Wren's Sisters - Thames Embankments, 133-0. Cromwell's Mother-Early Appreciation of Burns, 134-German Church, Trinity Lane-"The Alastor of Augustus," 135-Mary Queen of Scots: "Historie," edits. 1624, 1636-E. Beaufort, Duke of Somerset - Lancashire Custom-Sir W. Creyke-Recusant Rolls-J. Dickinson "Waitress"-A Proverb, 136-Courtesy Titles-"Mumping Day "-St. Edmund of East Anglia-St. Luke xxiii. 15"Panis de Hastrinello"-"All upon the merry pin," 137 -Kerr-"The Economy of Human Life," 138-"Fool's Paradise "-T. Coutts's Marriage - "Anywhen" - Hip! Authors Wanted, 139. NOTES ON BOOKS:-Bain's "James Mill" and "John Stuart Mill"-Law's "The Thames: Oxford to London "Luys's, "The Brain and its Functions "-Jackson's "Liste Provisoire de Bibliographies Géographiques Spéciales," &c. Notices to Correspondents. Notes. "THE MISFORTUNES OF ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL." By the kindness of the Editor I was allowed to insert in "N. & Q." (6th S. iv. 511) a short query in relation to a tract which I had lately purchased for the Cathedral library. I will now describe it a little more fully. It is a small quarto tract, without a title-page, measuring some seven and a half inches in height and five and a half inches in width. It consists of four leaves only, and, as the first page bears the signature A, and the last page ends with the word "FINIS," it probably never had a title-page. The little volume contains the well-known book-plate of James Comerford. Some former possessor has pencilled on the first fly-leaf the words "Perry's sale, 996," and, in very neat figures, the price, 11. 11s. 6d. The pages are numbered 1 to 8, and have catchwords. The poem, which occupies seven and a half leaves, has the following heading: "The Misfortunes of St. Paul's Cathedral." It was evidently written in the reign of Charles II., and I am anxious to ascertain the name of the author. I suspect that the tract is rare, and I am confirmed in that suspicion by the fact that none of the learned readers of "N. & Q." have replied to my original query. The literary value of the poem is certainly not great; but probably its (assumed) rarity may justify its insertion in "N. & Q." I am indebted to my friend the Rev. W. H. Seggins for an exceedingly careful transcript of the piece: he has preserved all the peculiarities of spelling. I have not thought it necessary to call attention to these by the intrusive little word "sic," but will say, once for all, that the proof has been very carefully corrected, and compared with the original. Here follows the poem : The Misfortunes of St. Paul's Cathedral. Could we Consult th' Eternal Mighty Fates, Exceeds the Bounds of an Hyperbole. That stately Pile, and Sacred to the Name Of Thee, Great Paul! is now the Nations shame. You may derive your Royal Pedigree 'Twas such a glorious, rare amazing Scene, For Gods at last stood in an extasy, The Prologue to a Future Tragedy: To see a thing so great, so brave as Thee. He gave the word: th' officious Lightning ran; Thy weak and tottering Columns, but in vain; But when thy Zealous Patron Charles had been And Treacherous Swords against the Scepter fought; Thou didst a part in all his Sufferings bear And therefore were so zealous and so wise, No strength so great, no universal sway; The haughtiest and most daring spirit quake: In this how kindly did the Fates conspire? Which purged your Dross, yet left you not secure : |