
The end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer....1 Pet. iv. 7.

THE word of grace and truth, like a judicious physician for the body, prescribes different recipes for the soul. Sometimes the bitter draught of affliction; at others the strengthening, comforting balsam of faith, with the restorative mixture of love; but at all times a necessary regimen, whereby to rule and govern our lives, so that our souls may prosper and be in good health.

To use means in faith is our bounden duty: to neglect them is a contempt of the wise prescriber; whereby we suffer loss and receive hurt to our souls. As faith binds the soul to Jesus in the sweet bands of love, so it produces a conformity to him in heart and life. As the Spirit enriches the soul with precious graces, so they are accompanied with his transforming influence. He ever directs to the word he has inspired, that we may be taught to avoid those things contrary thereto; and also to practise those duties, which have a native tendency to strengthen the soul in persevering in holiness and truth.

An intemperate thirst after, and inordinate indulging ourselves in the enjoyment of any of the good creatures of this life, sadly indispose the mind to spiritual concerns. This is contrary to the life of faith; interrupts sweet communion with the Father of spirits, deadens the heart to holy fellowship with Jesus, and opposeth the comforting consolations of the blessed Spirit. Hence the soul finds great languors, deadness, and formality in its addresses at the throne of grace. Thy soul and mine is therefore called upon to consider, time, how short! eternity, how near! The judge is at the door. All things are on the point of dissolution. I am expecting the messenger to call me hence.

Since continuance here is so uncertain, all worldly enjoyments so precarious, and all certainly perish in the using, what temperance, what sobriety of conduct becomes one? And this is certain, Jesus, with his much incense, is ever before the throne. It is a mercyseat, sprinkled with his precious blood. From hence all grace is bestowed; all power given. O may we be concerned to watch continually against the motions of the enemy, the stirrings of pride and lust! watching in prayer for the power ver of the Spirit; watching after prayer for an answer of peace. And when, disciple, is the time that this exercise may be omitted? Verily, not till faith is lost in sight, hope is turned into enjoyment, and prayer is lost in praise. O what a precious word is this from our Jesus: "Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do."....John xiv. 13.1.

And shall I then neglect to pray,
When Jesus thus declares?
Despise his word, refuse his aid,
Amidst ten thousand snares?

Forbid it, Lord! thy Spirit send,
To quicken ev'ry thought;
To soar above this trifling world,
Till I to thee am brought.


He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness, for his name's sake....Psalm xxiii. 3.

WITH gratitude and joy, every believer has daily cause to address his soul in the words spoken to Naomi at the birth of Obed, "Blessed be the Lord, who hath not left thee this day without a kinsman or redeemer, whose name is famous in Israel, who shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life.".... Ruth iv. 14, 15. To the glory of Jesus be it ever remembered, that life once received from him can never be lost. The soul once quickened from a death in trespasses and sins, dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over it; for it is delivered from the cause of death, sin. Partaking of the life of grace from Jesus, sin has no more dominion over it to kill and destroy it. But though the soul enjoys life in Jesus, yet sin is not dead. It dwelleth in us; it worketh in the members, and opposeth the life, peace and comfort of the new-born soul. Is there a day passeth but we find that the old man is still alive? Yea, at times the soul is so pressed above measure, that it almost despairs of life. It seems to sense and experience, as though the sentence of death was executed. O how then doth Jesus again revive and restore it! Sin often brings death upon the comforts of the soul, though it cannot touch its life; that is secure in the life-giving head: ". It is hid with Christ in God."....Col. iii. 3. Believers can never sin themselves beyond the extent of Christ's love, nor the reach of his power to restore them. The precious blood of Jesus is all-sufficient to purge away all sin from the conscience....yea, sins of the deepest die. See then the exceeding sinfulness of sin in the most exceeding precious fountain that is opened for its cleansing. See the love and care of the faithful shepherd in restoring his wandering sheep. But know, O soul, whenever thou dost deviate from the path of Jesus, or backslide into sin, thou turnest thy back upon thy best friend, thy kindest Lord; thou joinest thyself to his implacable foes. True, so unchangeable is the love of Jesus he will restore the souls of his members; but love mingles bitter potions to do this; and the most bitter of all is, thou sinnest against the richest grace and most precious love that ever was known: LOVE, that has followed, and will follow thee all thy days; LOVE, that will heal thy backslidings, and restore thy soul; LOVE, that will lead thee in the paths of righteousness to salvation and glory. When thou rememberest this thou wilt be ashamed and confounded for all that thou hast done, and love him who doth all for his name's sake freely.

Lord, my restorer and my guide,
How apt am I to stray?

O keep me near thy blessed side,
Until the perfect day.

Then will I praise, at thy dear feet,
Thy tender care and love,
Which brought me thro' this desart land,
To realms of bliss above.


Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same ; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the Devil....Heb. ii. 14.

We read of one who was so affected with the glory of the sun, that he thought he was born only to behold it. With what propriety may a christian judge of himself, that he is born again to behold the glory, and delight himself in daily contemplating Jesus the sun of righteousness! Lord, thou shalt never stoop to that mean office of " washing my feet," said honest-hearted Peter. But what was that stoop of abasement, when Jesus was in flesh, compared to his taking flesh upon him? Be astonished, O heavens! rejoice, O children of faith! admire, adore, what you never can fully comprehend: the Lord of life and glory in your nature, clothed with flesh and blood: a man of sorrows and acquainted with griefs. See Jesus, consider Jesus. O dwell in contemplation on the humility of our God Jesus, till it warms the heart with love. Say, which is greatest, his love, or his humility!

He took part with "the children." Such was Jacob's delight in Benjamin, that "his life was bound up in the lad's life."....Gen. xliv. 30. The soul of Jonathan was so knit to David, that "he loved him as his own soul."....1 Sam. xviii. 1. Verily our life is bound up in the life of Jesus. Truly he hath loved us better than life. He took our part against our invincible foes, Sin, Satan, and Death. He hath conquered all....for whom? "THE CHILDREN;" by nature children of wrath, by practice rebels against God; yet, amazing grace! the objects of the Father's love. Hence given to Jesus to redeem and save. They had an interest in Jesus' love ere they had a being in the flesh. Therefore he prays for them as their Mediator; he owns them by that special mark which the Holy Ghost puts upon each of them in the day of his power, FAITH. "I pray for them also which shall believe on me.".... John xvii. 20.

We may joyfully triumph, "If Jesus be for us, who shall be against us?" "The Lord taketh my part, therefore I shall see my desire upon them that hate me."....Psalm cxviii. 7. Every believer may be sure of victory. Faith in Jesus overcomes the world, disarms death of its sting, which is sin; enfeebles the strength of sin which is the law. By the blood of the Lamb, Satan is overcome. Thus we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Christ gained the conquest in our nature, over Satan and death, by taking away that which gave power to both, over his children, SIN. This he effected by his own death: for he that died once for sin, ever lives to save. "Thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ."....1 Cor. xv. 57.

In a little wrath I hid myself from thee for a moment, but with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer....Isa. liv. 8.

LOVE is ever open and communicative: it conceals nothing from the object beloved, which may profit or comfort the mind. "Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do?" saith the God of love, concerning his friend....Gen. xviii. 17. Of those that follow the Lamb he saith, "Ye are my friends." Servants are not made acquainted with their masters' secrets, but friends are. Therefore saith Jesus, the great interpreter of covenant love, "All things that I have heard of my Father, I have made known unto you."....John xv. 15. Children shall not be chastised, but they shall be told of the Father's kindness and mercy in it. Love is ever in his heart, though wrath may appear in his conduct.

The joy of creation is revived by the bright shining of the sun. When that is withdrawn, clouds, mists, and darkness gather. So when the sun of righteousness hides himself from the soul, it seems a dark season of wrath. The mists of corruption arise; the thick fog of unbelief spreads itself; the gloom of dejection hangs heavy on the mind; and the prince of darkness is very busy at such a season: like Job's friends, he is a physician of no value, but a miserable comforter to the soul. Now all sense, nature, and feeling, write bitter things against the poor sinner. The Father chastises, the Saviour hides himself, the law accuses, conscience condemns, sin terrifies, Satan threatens, but....Father, thy mercy never dies. Thy love changes not. Therefore faith endures and turns to the law of love. What saith that? "In a little wrath I hid myself." Little in comparison of thy deserts, O soul!....little compared with the greatness of the love of thy God. Faith listens to the testimony of Jesus. The Lord thy Redeemer speaks: 'My deserting thee is of the shortest duration; a moment; the twinkling of an eye:' as no space of time compared to eternity. Then love vents itself and declares, "With everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee."

The word of the Lord shall stand. His covenant is sure; his love unchangeable; his promises immutable: hence the soul is excited to confidence, to assurance, full assurance; yea the fullest assurance of a God of truth, though all present appearances seem against it. Then hope dawns in the soul, and love to Jesus is quickened. Holy shame and godly sorrow, for past follies, fill the heart, while the comforter inwardly testifies of Jesus. His love, how infinite! his salvation, how perfect! his person, how precious! his promises, how reviving! his presence, how joyful! and every thing which interrupts it, how exceeding hateful and abominable! For such is Jesus' love; "Weeping may endure for a night (of desertion), but joy cometh in the morning (of his returning presence)."....Psalm xxx. 5.

And the acknowledging of the truth, which is after godliness; according to the faith of God's elect.... Tit. i. 1.

St. PAUL, though an eminently distinguished apostle of Jesus, yet, in regard to the salvation of his own soul, his extraordinary gifts procured it not; nor could his former hatred and persecution of Jesus and his members frustrate the electing love of God, or obstruct the sovereign operations of the Holy Spirit. But being chosen of God in Christ Jesus, his heart must partake of the precious faith of God's elect. Love, almighty, wonderful love, seized him; Jesus challenged him as one of his redeemed souls; stopped him in his mad career; touched his heart, and brought him trembling and astonished to his feet: and the power of faith in his heart was manifested by the obedient cry of his lips, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?".... Acts ix. 6.

Thus election is a doctrine according to godliness. Faith in the heart is an evidence of interest in God's electing love. It is a special gift of grace, and is connected with salvation.... Eph. ii. 8. Faith proves itself to be a genuine grace of the Holy Spirit, for it submits to and trusts in Jesus' righteousness for justification; his blood for pardon; his all-prevailing merits and intercession for life. Thus faith glorifies Jesus as priest, to atone; honors Jesus as king, to rule and govern; and yields obedience to him as a prophet, to instruct in the truths of godliness. So the believing soul is stript of every self-righteous plea; brought as an humble, self-condemned sinner to the feet of Jesus; and glories in him as his only hope for life and whole salvation. If there is no election of sinners by God the Father, there is no true faith; for saving faith is peculiar to God's elect only. Do any object, 'I do not believe the doctrine of election?' We only say, we cannot help you, we pity you, you do not understand your bible, you do not yet " acknowledge the truth which is after godliness." The faith of God's elect springs from God's electing love; has Jesus for its author and finisher, his life and death for its object, the truths of God's word for its warrant, God's promise in Christ Jesus its support, love and holiness its evidence, sure and certain salvation is its end. Well may this be called precious faith indeed.

Whereas mere human faith, as it arises only from the power of the creature, it centers only in nature and self, talks high of terms and conditions, boasts much of human abilities, opposes free-grace, exalts the sinner, debases Jesus, denies the imputation of his righteousness, and renders salvation not only precarious and uncertain, but utterly impossible. O soul, study this truth daily! it tends to humility and rejoicing. "By grace are ye saved, through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.".... Eph. ii. 8.

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