




General Observations on Heat.

WHEN We apply the hand to a body which is hotter than itself, we are sensible of a peculiar feeling, which we agree to call the sensation of heat. At the same time we observe, in almost all bodies that are placed in the same situation with the hand, certain effects, the most remarkable of which is an enlargement of their dimensions. These circumstances, with very few exceptions, so constantly accompany each other, that we can have little or no hesitation in referring them to one and the same cause. Of the nature of this cause we have no satisfactory evidence; and we are unable to demonstrate either that it consists in any general quality of bodies, or that it resides in a distinct and peculiar kind of matter. The opinion, however, which best explains the phenomena, is that which ascribes them to an extremely subtile fluid, of so refined a nature, as to be capable of insinuating itself between the particles of the most dense and solid bodies. To this fluid, as well as to the sensation which it excites, the term heat was formerly applied. But there was an obvious impropriety in confounding, under one appellation, two things so distinct as a sensation and its cause; and the term caloric, first proposed by Lavoisier, is now, therefore, generally adopted to denote the cause of heat. Occasionally, however, in order to avoid too frequent a repetition of the same word, the term heat is still employed in a more extensive sense, to express not only the sensation which it usually denotes, but also some of the modifications of caloric.

Caloric, so far as its chemical agencies are concerned, may be chiefly considered under two views-as an antagonist to the cohesive attraction of bodies-and as concurring with, and increasing elasticity. By removing the particles of any solid

to a greater distance from each other, their cohesive attraction is diminished; and one of the principal impediments to their union with other bodies is overcome. On the other hand, caloric may be infused into bodies in such quantity, as not only to overcome cohesion, but to place their particles beyond the sphere of chemical affinity. Thus, in the class of substances called gases, the base or ponderable ingredient, whether solid or liquid, is dissolved in so much caloric, that, with few exceptions, the bases of different gaseous bodies do not unite by simple mixture of the gases themselves. But if, of two gases, we employ either one or both in a state of great condensation, or compress their particles near enough to each other by any means, the gravitating matter of both unites, and forms a new compound. Thus hydrogen and oxygen gases remain together in a state of mixture, for any length of time, without combining; but if we force their particles into a state of contiguity, by sudden and violent mechanical pressure, their bases unite and compose water. In many cases, also, when two bodies are combined together, one of which is fixed, and the other becomes elastic by union with caloric, we are able, by its interposition alone, to effect their disunion. Thus carbonate of lime gives up its carbonic acid by the mere application of heat.

We may consider, then, all bodies in nature as subject to the action of two opposite forces, the mutual attraction of their particles on the one hand, and the repulsive power of caloric on the other; and bodies exist in the solid, liquid, or elastic state, as one or the other of these forces prevails. Water, by losing caloric, has its cohesion so much increased, that it assumes the solid form of ice; adding caloric, we diminish again its cohesion, and render it fluid; and, finally, by a still farther addition of caloric, we change it into vapour, and give it so much elasticity, that it may be rendered capable of bursting the strongest vessels. In many liquids, the tendency to elasticity is even so great, that they pass at common temperatures, to the gaseous form, by the mere removal of the weight of the atmosphere.

Caloric, like all other bodies, may exist in two different states, in a state of freedom, and in a state, either of combination or of something nearly resembling it. In the former

state, it is capable of exciting the sensation of heat, and of producing expansion in other bodies. To this modification the terms free or uncombined caloric, or caloric of temperature, have been applied. By the term temperature we are to understand the state of a body relatively to its power of exciting the sensation of heat, and occasioning expansion; effects which, in all probability, bear a proportion to the quantity of free caloric in a given space, or in a given quantity of matter. Thus what we call a high temperature may be ascribed to the presence of a large quantity of free caloric; and a low temperature to that of a small quantity. We are unacquainted, however, with the extremes of temperature; and may compare it to a chain, of which a few of the middle links only are exposed to our observation, while its extremities are far removed from our view.

The degree of expansion produced by caloric, it will afterwards appear, bears a sufficient proportion to its quantity, to afford us a means of ascertaining the latter with tolerable accuracy. In estimating temperature, indeed, our senses are extremely imperfect; for we compare our sensations of heat, not with any fixed or uniform standard, but with those sensations, of which we have had immediately previous expe rience. The same portion of water will feel warm to a hand removed from contact with snow, and cold to another hand which has been heated before the fire. To convey, therefore, any precise notion of temperature, we are obliged to describe the degree of expansion produced in some one body, which has been previously agreed upon as a standard of comparison. The standard most commonly employed is a quantity of quicksilver, contained in a glass ball, which terminates in a long narrow tube. This instrument, called a thermometer, is of the most important use in acquiring and recording our knowledge of the properties and laws of caloric. The thermometer, however, it must be obvious, is no otherwise a measure of the quantity of caloric, than as it ascertains the amount of one of its principal effects. In this respect, it stands in much the same predicament as the hygrometers of Saussure or Deluc, when considered as means of determining the moisture of the atmosphere. These last instruments, it may be remembered, are composed of some substance (such as a human hair, or a

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slip of whalebone) which is lengthened by a moist atmosphere and contracted by a dry one; and in a degree proportionate to the moisture or dryness. But all the information, which hygrometers of this sort give us, is the degree of moisture between certain points that form the extremities of their scales; and they are quite incompetent to measure the absolute quantity of watery vapour in the air.

In explaining those properties and laws of caloric, which have become known to us by means of the thermometer, it appears a sufficiently natural division of the subject to describe, 1stly, those effects which caloric produces, without losing its properties of exciting the sensation of heat and occasioning expansion: and, 2dly, those agencies, in which its characteristic properties are destroyed, and in which it ceases to be cognizable by our senses or by the thermometer.

The EXPANSION or DILATATION of bodies, it will appear, is an almost universal effect of an increase of temperature. Its amount, however, is not the same in all bodies, but differs very essentially. By the same increase of temperature, liquids expand more than solids, and aëriform bodies much more than either. Nor is the same quantity of expansion effected in the same solid or liquid, at all temperatures, by adding similar quantities of heat; for, generally speaking, bodies expand by equal increments of caloric, more in high than in low temperatures. The explanation of this fact is, that the force opposing expansion (viz. cohesion) is diminished by the interposition of caloric between the particles of bodies: and, therefore, when equal quantities of caloric are added in succession, the last portions meet with less resistance to their expansive force than the first. In gases, which are destitute of cohesion, equal increments of heat appear, on the contrary, to be attended with precisely equal augmentations of bulk.

An important property of free caloric, the knowledge of which has been acquired by means of the thermometer, is its tendency to an equilibrium. Twenty or thirty different bodies, for instance, all unequally heated, soon arrive, when exposed in a still atmosphere, at an equality of temperature. When a heated ball of iron is exposed to the open air, the caloric, which is accumulated in it, flows out; and its temperature is gradually reduced to that of the surrounding medium. This

is owing to two distinct causes: the air, immediately surrounding the ball, acquires part of the caloric which escapes; and, having its bulk increased, is rendered specifically lighter, and ascends. This is succeeded by a cooler and heavier portion of air from above, which in its turn is expanded and carries off a second quantity of caloric. Hence a considerable part of the caloric, which is lost by a heated body, is conveyed away by the ambient air; a property, of which advantage is taken in the warming and ventilating of apartments. But the refrigeration cannot be wholly explained on this principle; for it has been long known that heated bodies cool, though with less celerity, under the exhausted receiver of an air pump, and even in a Torricellian vacuum.

When the phenomena accompanying the cooling of bodies are accurately examined, it is found that a part of the caloric, which escapes, moves through the atmosphere with immeasureable velocity. In an experiment of M. Pictet, no perceptible interval took place between the time at which caloric quitted a heated body, and its reception by a thermometer at the distance of sixty-nine feet. It appears also, from the experiments of the same philosopher, to move with equal ease in all directions, and not to be at all impeded by a strong current of air meeting it transversely. Hence it follows that the propagation of caloric, in this state of rapid movement, does not depend on any agency of the medium through which it passes. This was satisfactorily proved, too, by Sir. H. Davy, who contrived by means of the apparatus, represented in the annexed sketch, to effect the radiation of heat in vacuo. Between the points of two wires, inclosed in glass tubes which passed through

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