
by a fmall Band of Marfeillois. The Marfeillors become a Rallying Poft to the
paffive Citizens, who gain by Degrees an Afcendency in Paris, and the other
Towns in France. Motion for an Accufation against la Fayette rejected. The
Rejection of this Motion irritates the Parifians. Petitions to the Affembly for the
Depofition of the King. Proclamation of the King to the Nation. The Thuil-
leries attacked by an immenfe Multitude, armed with Pikes and Mufkets, and
furnished with Cannon. The Thuilleries reduced by the Affarlants. The Defend-
ers of the Thuilleries, after a gallant Refifiance, overpowered by Numbers, and
the greater Part of them majacred. The King and Royal Family flee to the
National Affembly. Measures that had been taken or advised, previously to this,
for the Support of the Royal Authority. Conduct of the Assembly before, at, and
after the Engagement of the Thuilleries. Generous Efforts of Individuals for
faving the flying Swifs. The King fufpended from the Royal Functions. The
King and Royal Family detained in Prifon as Hoftages


Caufes that involved the Diffolution of the French Monarchy. The Foundations on
which the Monarchy was established. These removed by a Change of Manners.
Three Eras or Periods of the Revolution. The proximate Caufe of the final Dif
Solution of the Monarchy. The Community of Paris takes the Lead in Public
Affairs. Change of Minifters. General Elections. Arrefts and Domiciliary
Vifts. Walking Commiflioners. Prifons full of Victims. Maffacres at Paris.
Cruel Treatment of the Royal Family. The Meeting of the National Convention.
Their Proceedings. They abolish Royalty. Court the Favour and invite the Aid
of Philofophers. Amajs in their Treafury as much Gold and Silver as poffible.
Prepare for a Mock Trial, and the Execution of the King. Efforts of Reland,
Minifter of the Interior, to foothe the public Mind, and reftore Order, and the
peaceable Purfuits of Industry. Without Success. Abfurdity of the great poli
tical Principles on which he acted, and Extravagance of his Expectations.
Vanity of expecting a general Change of inveterate Habits from the Inftitution
of new Laws. The Efficacy of Laws depends on Activity of human Paffions 47

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Domingo, in favour of his Brethren. Character of J. Ogè: his Rebellion and Death

Hoftile Difpofition of all Parties in France to the Weft Indian Planters. Recep-

tion of the St. Domingo Deputies. Murmurs excited in the Colonies. Murder of

Mauduit. Decree of the National Affembly for placing the People of Colour on a

Footing with the Whites. Its Impolicy. Its dreadful Effects in the lands. Re-

bellion in Guadaloupe and St. Lucia. It is propofed at Cape Francois to deliver

up the Colony to the English. Meeting of the new Colonial Affembly at Leogans on

the 25th of Auguft. Infurrection of the Mulattoes. They gain over the Negroes,

who rife in a Mass. Their dreadful Atrocities. They deftroy every thing with Fire

and Sword. Confternation at Cape Francois. Meafures purfued by both Parties.

Anecdotes of Negro Barbarity. Peace is restored by a Treaty between the Whites

and Mulattoes; in which the Operation of the Decree of the 15th of May is agreed

to by the former. Repeal of that Decree by the National Affembly. Upon Intel-

ligence of this Event, Civil War was renewed in St. Domingo. Battle of Cul de

Sac. Mutual Cruelties. The Commiffioners appointed by the National Affem-

bly, arrive about the End of December. They are univerfally hated and defpifed.

Soon after, return to France. New Commiffioners appointed with unlimited powers.

Decree of the 4th of May. Arrival in St. Domingo of Santhonax, Polveril, and

Altian. Their Tyranny and Oppreffion. They become abfolute Mafters of the

Colony, and reduce it to the most abject Slavery. State of the other lands.



Mr. Rochambeau takes the Command of a French Army. Head Quarters at
Valenciennes. Difpofition and State of the Army. Divifions. The principal
and greater Part of the Officers attached to Royalty. Expedition under
Biron againft Mons. Fails of Success. So alfo, that under Dillon against
Tournay. Refignation of Rochambeau. Servan appointed Minifier at
War. Reflections on the Military Operations of the French. New Plan
of Operations. Servan fucceeded in the War Department by Dumouriez.
Operations under Marifchal Luckner. Firft Divifion of the Pruffian Army,
under the Duke of Brunswick, arrive at Coblentz. The Situation and Strength
of the different Armies of France. Pofition of the Auftrian Army. Ma-
nifefto of the Duke of Brunfwick. Defertions from the Anfirian Armies.
Reduction, by the Auftrians under General Clairfait, of Longwy and Ver-
dun. Siege of Thionville, and vigorous and fuccessful Defence. Various
Actions between the Pruffians and the French, under Dumouriez, Sicknes

in the Pruffian Army. War with Sardinia, and Succeffes of the French
Troops under General Montesquieu. Retreat of the Prussians


Accufations decreed by the National Assembly against the Generals Luckner and
Anjelm. Progrefs of General Cuftine on the Banks of the Rhine, in Germany•
Armistice propofed to Dumouriez by the Duke of Brunswick, for the Purpose of
Negotiation. Longwy given up by the Prussians to the French. Dumouriez
goes to Paris to concert with the Affembly the future Operations of the War.
Progress of Dumouriez in the Netherlands. Battle of Jemappe. Confe-
quences of the Victory obtained there by the French. The Reduction of all
the Auftrian Netherlands; of Liege; and all the Country between the
Sarne and Mofelle, as far as the Bridge of Cofarebruck. Effects of the
Victories obtained by the French Republic in different Countries in Europe,
and particularly in France




Political State of India at the Peace of Mangalore. Power and Ambition of Tippor.

Hatred borne him by all his Neighbours. Proceedings of the different States

of Hindoftan, from 1784 to 1788. Tippoo defcends the Ghauts to the Kingdom of

Travancore. Returns upon a Remonftrance from the English. The Rajah purchases

from the Dutch the Forts of Cranganore and Jacottah. Indignation of Tippoo.

He attacks the Lines of Travancore. Is repulfed. The Government of Madras

interferes. The Rajah ftill obftinate. Is driven from the Lines, and lofes almoft

all his Kingdom. The English prepare for War. Arguments for and againft

the Juftice of it. Operations of General Meadows. He takes Caroor, Darapo

ram, Coimbatore, and Dindigul. Expedition of Colonel Floyd to Sattimungulum.

He is furprized by Tippoo. His Mafterly Retreat. Movements of the Sultan.

Function of the Grand and Carnatic Armies. Tippoo, to prevent the Invasion of

Myjore, marches for the Carnatic. Eludes the Purfuit of the British Army.

Lays Siege to Tiagar. Takes feveral Forts and lays wafte the Country with Fire

and Sword. Tranfactions on the Malabar Coaft. General Meadows takes

Cannanore, Baleapatam, &c. Brilliant Succefs of Colonel Hartley. Arrival

of Lord Cornwallis at Madras. Plan of the enfuing Campaign. Siege and Cap-

ture of Bangalore. The Army marches to the North. Is joined by a large Body

of Cavalry from the Nizam. Returns to Bangalore. Lord Cornwallis deter-

mines to march to Seringapatam. Defeats Tippoo in a pitched Battle before the

City. Diftrefs of the Army. A sudden Swelling of the Cavery presents the

Junction of General Abercrombie. Lord Cornwallis returns towards Bangalore,

and finds it neceffary to abandon the Siege of Sering apatam till the following

Seafon. Junction of the Mahrattas at Milgottah. The allied Armies arrive at

Bangalore. They feparate. Capture of Aufloor and Rayacottah. A large Con-

voy arrives from the Carnatic. Capture of Nundydroog, and the Forts north-

eaft of Bangalore. Conduct of Tippoo. His Troops repulfed from Coimbatore.

He fends against it Cummer Ud Deen Cawn, who takes it, after a vigorous Siege.

Lord Cornwallis detaches Colonel Maxwell to fcour the Baramaul, and to protect

the Convoys then expected. He takes Penagra, and is repulfed from Kifinagheri.

Siege and Capture of Savendroog. Capture of Outre Droog. Tranfactions of

the Allies. Inactivity of the Nizam's General. Successes of Purferam Bhow.

His Imprudence. The British Army again arrives before Sering apatam. De-

fcription of Tippoo's fortified Camp. Lord Cornwallis refolves to attack it. Plan

of the Attack. Its Success. Tippoo Shuts himself up within the Fort. Prepara-

tions for the Siege. Tippoo attempts the Life of Lord Cornwallis. Function of

General Abercrombie. The Trenches are opened. General Abercrombie invefts

the remaining Side of the Fort. Certain Profpe&t of Success. Termination of

Hoftilities. Preliminary Articles of Peace. Arrival in the English Camp of the

Sultan's two Sons. His Reluctance to accede to the Demands of the Allies. Re-

commencement of the Siege. The definitive Treaty is concluded

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in Account of the Number of Vedels, their Tonage, and Men, belonging to
England, 1792


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