[blocks in formation]

In practising these as a drill, the student should fix priate language to each, and think the thought or fee implied in that language. Gesture should not be simple reading from a book. The book should be firmly, at the right distance from the eye, and not face of the reader and the audience.

Position of Feet, Poise, and Attitudes of Body mus here, with the brief suggestion that the pupil, either i speaking, should stand with the feet at an angle of ab the weight thrown upon the balls of the feet, the backward, the chest held up and full, and the head ere For a full discussion and elaboration of the topics to in this brief Introduction, the student is referred to t Elocution, published by Ginn & Co.


[graphic][merged small]



1. It is evening on the ocean. The weary sun has just hidden his face behind a cold, gray, misty veil.

Now heavy clouds roll up in the east, and spread out over the whole sky. The trembling stars put out their lights and hide behind the dark curtain.

2. The night wind sighs and moans as if in answer to the lonely call of the stray sea-bird, seeking a pathway shoreward through the darkness.

Now comes a sound of rushing water. The surface is churned into foam. Great waves spring from the angry sea and lash themselves in foaming fury.

3. Suddenly a tongue of flames flashes through the clouds and shoots across the sky. The air seems filled with barking, howling monsters, whose voices shake the very depths of old ocean.

Rain pours down in torrents. The grand storm at sea has begun!

4. Flash after flash lights every corner of the heavens. The clouds are torn into shreds. Peal upon peal of jarring thunder rolls out over the water. Then the sky becomes dark again, and the wind settles down with a dreary moan.


5. Ah! but you

Far as the eye

should see old ocean now!

can reach, the phosphorescent sea is filled with pale flame, as if swarms of fireflies were flashing their tiny lanterns in every wave!

6. Flying spray looks like shooting stars. Shoals of fish dart about like flights of flaming arrows. The breaking waves are fringed with brightest silver on every crest.

Now the sky becomes a vast fireplace. Dark clouds hang over head like thick smoke. Plunging whales are burning logs. Leaping fish are sparks thrown up only to fall back again into the fiery sea.

7. Again and again the lightning flashes through the clouds. Heavy thunder crashes and groans. Rivers of water seem to pour from the broken clouds. Now above, now below, Nature shows her grandest fireworks.

8. At length the storm goes by. The dark clouds are drawn aside, and beautiful stars look down once


But for a long time the water rises and falls as if panting from its long struggle with the fierce gale. Then the weary raindrops lie down in the cradle of the sea, and the great waves rock them to sleep.

- From Brooks and Brook Basins. ALEX. E. FRYE.

Method of Study. — Biographical or explanatory notes, questions, and suggestions for each lesson will be found in the Appendix. Pupils and teachers are referred to them for aid in the preparation of lessons.

Principles and methods of Vocal Training and Expression in Reading are given in the Introduction, but are intended to form a part of each day's lesson in the reader proper. — Ed.

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