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1. JULIUS FIRMICUS MATERNUS, not mentioned by Jerom, or any other writers that we know of, wrote a book against heathenism, still extant, inscribed to the emperors Constantius and Constans. Cave says very well, that his book of the Error of profane Religions was written some time 345. Julius was b between the years 340 and 350; I therefore place him at the year 345. from heathenism; but it does not appear, that he had any ecclesiastical character. It is more probable, that he was a layman, and a person of quality.


a convert

2. He speaks of the power which Christians had over dæmons, or the heathen deities. 3. He speaks of the great progress which the Christian religion had made, as obtaining in every part of the world, and superior to Gentilism in many places.


4. He applauds the emperors for having destroyed the heathen temples, and ascribes their success in war to that conduct.



5. In divers parts of his book he earnestly excites the emperors to restrain the idolatrous rites of heathenism by their edicts, to demolish their temples, deprive them of their ornaments. For this he makes use of many arguments from the Old and the New Testament: but I cannot say that I admire his temper, or perceive the solidity of his reasonings, upon this occasion. 6. I proceed to his testimony to the scriptures, which is very considerable; but it ought not to be expected, that I should be very particular in so late a writer.


7. He speaks of the Old and the New Testament.

8. He has quoted most books of the Old Testament, and many of them by name.

9. He has many references to the four gospels.


10. He quotes the gospels of Luke and John by name, and many passages from this last. 11. He received the book of the Revelation, which he quotes often, and largely, and with great respect.

12. He shews great" respect for the holy scriptures of the Old and New Testament in general.

a De tempore, quo scriptus sit hic liber, nihil certi statui potest: nisi quod intra annum 340, post mortem Constantini Junioris, & annum 350, quo interfectus est Constans, scriptus sit. Cav. H. L. T. i. p. 204. Et Conf. Pagi in Baron. Ann. 337. n. 12. & Basn. Ann. 350. n. 9.

At ego nunc sacrarum lectionum institutione formatus, perditos homines religioso sermone convenio. De Error. Profan. Religionum. Cap. 7.p. 168. E. ap. Bib. PP. Max. T. iv. & p. 424. ex edit. Jacob. Gronov. Lugd. Batav. 1709.

Sic apud nos deos vestros, cum hominibus nocere cœperint, religiosi sermonis flagella castigant. Sic in corpore hominum constituti dii vestri verbo Dei spiritualium flammarum igne torquentur, & qui apud vos quasi dii coluntur, apud nos religiosæ fidei medelà Christi gratiâ humano subjacentes imperio, & tormenta repugnantes sustinent, & victi pœnis ultricibus subjugantur. Cap. 14. p. 170. B. Bib. p. 433. Gr.

d Quis locus in terrâ est, quem non Christi possederit nomen? quâ sol oritur, quâ occidit, quâ erigitur septentrio, quâ vergit auster, totum venerandi numinis majestas implevit. Et licet adhuc in quibusdam regionibus idololatriæ morientia palpitent membra, tamen in eo res est, ut e Christianis omnibus terris pestiferum hoc malum funditus amputetur. Cap. 21. p. 172. H. Bib. PP. 445. Gron.

Modicum tantum superest, ut legibus vestris prostratus Diabolus jaceat, ut extinctæ idololatria pereat funesta contagio. Cap. 21. p. 173. A. Bib. p. 446. Gr.

Post excidia templorum in majus Dei estis virtute provecti. Vicistis hostes, propagâstis imperium. &c. Cap. 29. p. 176. F. Bib. p. 463. Gronov.

f Amputanda sunt hæc, sacratissimi imperatores, penitus atque delenda, & severissimis edictorum vestrorum legibus corrigenda, ne diutius Romanum orbem præsumtionis istius error funestus commaculet, ne pestiferæ consuetudinis.conva

lescat improbitas. Cap. 17. Bib. PP. p. 171. A. Gronov. p. 437.

Tollite, tollite, securi, sacratissimi imperatores, ornamenta templorum. Deos istos aut monetæ ignis, aut metallorum coquat flamma. Donaria universa ad utilitatem vestram, dominiumque transferte. Cap. 29, p. 176. F. Bib. p. 463. Gron.

Sed & vobis, sacratissimi imperatores, ad vindicandum & puniendum hoc malum necessitas imperatur; & hoc vobis Dei summi lege præcipitur, ut severitas vestra idololatriæ facinus omnifariam persequatur.-In Deuteronomio [cap. xiii.] lex præscripta est. Cap. 30. p. 179. E. Bib. PP. 467. Gr.

Lapis hic-Christus aut fidei fundamenta sustentat, aut in angulo positus, duorum parietum membra æquatâ moderatione conjungit, id est, veteris & novi Testamenti in unum colligit gentes. Cap. 21. p. 172. H. Bib. 446. Gr.

* Invenimus enim in Evangelio Lucæ: Sint lumbi vestri præcincti.' &c. Cap. 20. p. 172. D. Bib. 443. Gr.

1 Dicit enim in Evangelio Johannis. Cap. 19. p. 171. H. Bib. p. 441. Gr.

m Secretiora pandantur arcana. In Apocalypsi, quis sit sponsus, inveniemus. Cap. 20. p. 172. C. Bib. 443. Gr.

Hæc eadem nobis sanctâ revelatione monstrantur. Invenimus enim in Apocalypsi ita esse præscriptum. Cap. 25. p. 174. E. Bib. PP. p. 453. Gron.

In hac probatione arcana Prophetarum veneranda pandantur. Adcistat nobis sanctorum oraculorum fides. Joël diwino Spiritu monente sic dicit. Cap. 20. p. 172. C. Bib. p. 442. Gron.

Ait enim de hoc Esaïas, innuente Spiritu Sancto. Cap. 21. p. 172. F. Bib. 444. Gr.

Hoc a venerando Prophetâ sanctâ voce præcanitur, & ex ore prophetico wox jubentis auditur. Ait enim Spiritus Sanctus. Cap. 25. p. 174. D. Bib, 452. Gr.


I. His time and works.


II. A catalogue of the books of the Old and New Testament. III. A general remark. IV. Observations relating to the gospels. V. Of the Acts of the apostles. VI. St. Paul's epistles. VII. The catholic epistles. VIII. The Revelation. IX. General divisions, and respect for the sacred scriptures.


ST. JEROM has a short chapter concerning Cyril, which I put at the bottom of the page. I translate only what relates to his writings: His Catechetical discourses, which he composed in his youth, are still extant.'.


It is computed, that Cyril was born about the year 315, that he was ordained presbyter.in 344 or 345, bishop in 350 or 351, and died in 386. For farther particulars concerning his history, and his works, I refer to other authors. The Catechetical Discourses mentioned by Jerɔm, and which alone I shall have occasion to quote, were composed in 347 or 348, while he was yet presbyter only.


II. I begin with citing that discourse, which contains a catalogue of the books of the Old and New Testament.

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These things,' says he, we are taught by the divinely inspired scriptures of the Old and 'New Testament. For there is one God of both Testaments, who in the Old Testament foretold the Christ, who has been manifested in the New.-Read the divine scriptures, the two and • twenty books of the Old Testament, which were translated by the seventy-two interpreters.Read those two and twenty books, and have nothing to do with apocryphal writings. These, and these only do you carefully meditate upon, which we securely or openly read in the church. The apostles and ancient bishops, governors of the church, who have delivered these to us, were wiser and holier than thou. As a son of the church therefore, transgress not those bounds: meditate upon the books of the Old Testament, which, as has been already said, are two and twenty and if you are desirous to learn, fix them in your memory, as I enumerate them one by one. Of the law the first are the five books of Moses: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. Then Jesus the son of Nun, and the book of the Judges, with Ruth, making the seventh. Then follow the historical books, the first and second of the kingdoms, which according to the Hebrews are one book: in like manner the third and fourth book. And the first and second of the Chronicles, also reckoned by them one book. The first and second of Esdras too are computed one book. The twelfth is Esther. These are the historical books. The books written in verse are five: Job, and the book of Psalms, and the Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs, the seventeenth book. After these are five prophetical books, the twelve prophets, being one book, of Isaiah one, of Jeremiah one, with Baruch, and the Lamentations, and the Epistle: then Ezekiel, and the book of Daniel, the twenty-second book ⚫ of the Old Testament.

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"The books of the New Testament are the four gospels only; the rest are falsely inscribed,

Cyrill's Hierosolymae episcopus, sæpe pulsus ecclesià, & receptus, ad extremum sub Theodosio principe octo annis inconcussum episcopatum tenuit. Exstant ejus κατηχήσεις, quas in adolescentiâ composuit De V. 1. cap. 112.

Vid. Ant. Aug Touttée Benedictin. Diss. i. De Vit. Cyril. Hieros.

• Vid. Toutt. ut supr. Cyril. ex edit. Tho. Milles Oxon. Cav. Hist Lit. Tillem. Mem. Ec. T. viii.

d Cat iv. n. 33-30. Ed Bened. n. 20-22. edit. Milles.' • Ταυλα δε διδασκεσιν ἡμας αἱ θεοπνεύσαι γραφαι της απ λαίας τε και καινης διαθήκης. Cat iv. n. 33. in. Bened.

• Τείων τας εικοσι δυο βίβλες αναδίνωσκε. Προς δε τα απο κουρα μηδεν εχει κοινον ταυίας μονας μελεῖα σπεδαίως, ὡς και


εν εκκλησια μετα παρρησιας αναδίνωσκομεν. Πολυ σε φρονι μώτεροι, και ευλαβέσεροι ήσαν οι αποσόλοι, και οι αρχαίοι επιστ κοποί, οι της εκκλησίας προςαΐαι, οἱ ταυλας παραδόντες· συ ev, τέκνον της εκκλησίας ων, μη παραχαρατίε τες θεσμός. κ. λ.

Ib. c. 35.


5. Της δε καινῆς διαθήκης, τα τεσσαρα μόνα ευα/γελια τα δε λοιπα ψευδεπίγραφα και βλαβερα τυίχανει - Δεχε δε και τας Πράξεις των δώδεκα αποσόλων· προς τείοις δε και τας έπλα Ιακωβο, και Πείρα, Ιωανν8, και Ιεδα, καθολικας επιςολας επισφραγισμα δε των παγίων, και μαθητων το τελευταιον, τας Παύλο δεκατεσσαρας επισολας. Τα δε λοιπα πανία εξω κεισθω εν δευτέρω. Και όσα μεν εν εκκλησιαις μη αναΓίνωσκεται, ταυλα μηδε κατα σαυτον αναγινωσκε, καθώς ηκέκας. Ib. n. 36. p. 69. 3 G

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and hurtful. Receive likewise the Acts of the twelve apostles: as also the seven catholic epistles of James and Peter, John and Jude: and the seal of all, and the last [work] of the disciples, the fourteen epistles of Paul. As for any beside these, let them be all held in the 'second or no rank. And whatever books are not read in the churches, those neither do thou • read in private, as thou hast heard.'

III. This is the catalogue of the sacred books of scripture, publickly read at that time. in the church of Jerusalem, and the only books from whence doctrines were to be proved. I leave it to my readers to make several remarks which I omit: but it must hence appear evident to all, that no books written after the times of the apostles, or by any men who were not either apostles, or companions of apostles, were esteemed by the church of Jerusalem a part of the New Testament, or of the rule of faith.

IV. I now add some other observations concerning the latter part of the Catalogue, and the gospels in particular.

1. One thing observable is the order in which the books of the New Testament are placed: the gospels, the Acts of the apostles, the catholic epistles, and the epistles of St. Paul. In like manner in another place: There yet remain many other texts, that might be alleged from the Acts of the apostles, the catholic epistles, and the fourteen epistles of Paul.'


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2. Cyril says, that St. Matthew wrote his gospel in Hebrew.


3. He had in his copies the first chapter of St. Matthew's gospel.


4. He says, that John the Baptist connected the Old and New Testament.

5. Moreover he was of opinion, that baptism had its original from the same John.

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6. There was no doxology at the end of the Lord's Prayer in Cyril's copies. The prayer in him concludes after this manner: "And lead us not into temptation, O Lord, but deliver us from evil. Amen."


7. He quotes St. Mark's gospel expressly.


8. Quoting St. John's gospel, he gives him the title of the divine.


V. The book of the Acts of the apostles is often and largely quoted by Cyril in his Catechetical Discourses, and as divine scripture.


He is very clear, that the epistle of the council of Jerusalem, recorded in Acts xv. was sent to all Gentile Christians in general.

VI. Cyril, as we have seen, received fourteen epistles of the apostle Paul: he mentions" that number of Paul's epistles several times.

VII. St. James's epistle, in his enumeration, is the first of the twelve catholic epistles. If by the author of that epistle he meant the brother of our Lord, and the first bishop of Jerusalem, he did not reckon him to be an apostle, as appears by several places. Touttée particularly acknowledges as much in a ° note.


VIII. The book of the Revelation seems not to have been received by Cyril, or the church of Jerusalem, in his time. It is not mentioned in the catalogue above transcribed: it may be

a Reliqua vero omnia extra in secundo [ac nullo] ordine habeantur. Versio Benedictin.

Η Λείπει γαρ ήμιν πολλα δε απο της Πράξεως Αποςόλων - λειπει δε πολλα και εκ των καθολικων, και εκ των Παυλο δεκατεσσάρων επιτολων. Cat. 17. n. 20. p. 274.


• Ματθαιος ὁ γραψας το ευαγίελιον, Εβραϊδι γλωσση τελο alpave. Cat. 14. p. 212. D.

« Εαν τοίνυν ακέσης το ευαγέλιο, λεγοντος. Βιβλος γενεσεως Ιησε Χρισε υἱε Δαβίδ. Cat. 11. n. 5. in.

• Ιωάννης ὁ βαπτισης, ὁ με ισος μεν εν προφήταις, αρχηίος δε της καινῆς διαθήκης, και τρόπον τινα συναπίων αμφοτερας. Cat. 10. n. 19. p. 146. B.

• Παλαίας το τέλος, και καινης διαθήκης αρχη το βαπτισμα. Ιωάννης γαρ ην αρχηδος. Cat. 3. n. 6.

* Vid. Cat. 23. cap. 17, 18.

- Ο γαρ εν τρίτη ώρα σαυρωθείς, ως Μαρκος φησι. Cat. 17. n. 19.

· Οι των άξιων ευα/γελιων ακροαται Ιωάννη τῳ θεολοίῳ πεισ Owμey. Cat. 12. c. 1. in.

* Και μοι λαβε των λοίων αποδειξιν απο της θείας γραφης Κορνήλιος ην ανήρ δικαιος- -Cat. 3. n. iv. p. 41. C. v, ὁ εν ταις Πραξεσι των Αποσόλων παρα -Cat. 6. n, 14. in.

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1 Και γράφεσιν οἱ αποςολοι και πρεσβύτεροι πασι τοις εθνεσιν naloλixyY ET50λy. Cat. 4. cap. 28. Vid. & Cat. 17. n. xxix. - Τεθαύμακα άληθως της το ίδιο πνευματος οικονομιαν πως τας μεν των αλλων επιςολας εις ολίίον περιείραψεν αριθμον Παύλω δε τω προτερον διωκτη γράψαι δεκατέσσαρας επισολας εχαρίσατο. Cat. 10. n. 18.

Επιλείψει γαρ με διηδεμενον ὁ χρόνος, ει εξελόμην λεξειν τα λειπονία περὶ άπιε πνευματος εκ τε Παύλε τεσσάρων και δεκα επιςόλων. Cat. 17. n. 34. Vid. ibid. n. 20.

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αλλ' ηδη και τοις αποτόλοις, και Ιακωβῳ, τῳ ταύτης της εκκλησίας επισκοπῳ, σπεδη γεγονε. Cat. 4. n. 28. p. 60. Α. Notandum, sive in hoc loco, in quo sancti Jacobi auctoritatem & dignitatem maxime extollit Cyrillus, sive Cat. 4. n. 28. solam illi episcopalem dignitatem tribui, nusquam apostolicam. Imo eum utrobique ab apostolis secernere videtur. Touttée, not. 1. p. 216.


supposed to be there excluded by him, and ranked among apocryphal scriptures, not expressly named. And there is another passage which countenanceth that supposition: for, speaking of Antichrist, he quotes - Daniel, the twenty-fourth chapter of St. Matthew, the second chapter of the second epistle to the Thessalonians: but declines all notice of the Revelation and perhaps reflects upon it as apocryphal. I therefore transcribe below a note of the Benedictine editor upon this place.

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IX. 1. I put down an instance of general divisions, where at once are mentioned Old and New Testament, Law and Prophets, Gospel and Apostles: where likewise it is said, that all those scriptures were dictated by one and the same Spirit.

2. I add other passages, expressing the peculiar regard which was shewn to the same scriptures.

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3. Why do you curiously inquire after what the Holy Spirit has not written in the scripture? 4. This we do not say of our own invention, but upon the ground of the scriptures received [or ready in the church.


5. He continually alleges the books of scripture in proof of what he teaches. He says, that not any the least article of faith ought to be proved by mere probable reason only, without the divine scriptures.

6. The creed, he says, is ' a summary of the principal doctrines of religion collected out of the scriptures.

7. He calls his hearers k disciples of the New Testament.

8. He recommends it to his hearers, to ' nourish their souls, and " establish themselves by reading the divine oracles.

9. He says, that " they of them who are studious, may by frequent reading the divine scriptures, learn more fully what he delivered briefly only for want of more time.



1. THEODORET placeth the Audians " in the time of Valens, who began his reign in 364 : but Tillemont thinks it best to follow Epiphanius, who indeed expressly says, that Audius lived at the same time with Arius; and says also, that Uranius, who succeeded Audius, was ' dead when

• Vid. Cat. 15. n. 12, 13, & seq.

• Βασιλεύσει δε ὁ Αντίχριςος τρια και ήμισυ εἴη μονα. Ουκ εξ αποκρυφων δεδομεν, αλλ' εκ το Δανιηλ. Φησι γαρ. Και δο θησεται εν χειρι αυτά έως καιρό, και καίρων, και ήμισυ καιρα. Cat. 15. n. 16. p. 232. Vid. Dan. vii. 25. Et conf. Apocal. xii. 14.

< Visum est nonnullis Apocalypsim hic a Cyrillo notari. Quod ratione non caret. Eam sane in apocryphorum nomine Eam sane in apocryphorum nomine habuit, cum libros, quos in canone non comprehendit, apocryphorum nomine compellet. Cat. 4. num 33. Apocalypsim prætermittit in recensione librorum Novi Testamenti, ibid. n. 36. Praeterea veteres omnes, quos in hac Catechesi sequitur, res Antichristi exponentes semper Apocalypsim Danieli conjungunt. Vide Irenæum,Hippolytum-Non igitur imprudens Cyrillus, sed penitus certo consilio, Apocalypsis in toto hoc argumento commemorationem prætermisit; hujusque prætermissionis rationem hoc loco allegare videtur. Toutt. not. 2. p. 232.

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07 ουχ έλερον μεν εν νόμῳ και προφηλαις, έτερον δε εν ευαίγελίοις και αποςόλοις αλλ' εν εςι και το αυτο πνευμα άδιον, το εν παλαια και καινη διαθηκη τας θείας λαλησαν γραφας. Cat. 17. n. 5. p. 267. A.

• Τι τοινυν πολυπραίμονεις & μηδε το πνεύμα άξιον εδραψεν εν ταις γραφαις. Cat. 11. n. 12,

• Ταυία δε διδασκομεν, εχ ευρεσιολοίενίες, αλλ' εκ των θείων εκκλησιαζομένων γράφων. Cat. 15. n. 13.

8 Και άλλας δε πλείονας μαρτυρίας έχων εκ των θείων γρα φων αρκεσθησομαι ταις προειρημέναις. Cat. 15. n. 33. Και μοι λαβε των λείων την αποδειξιν απο της θείας γραφής. Cat. 3. n. 4. p. 41. C.

Η Δεί γαρ περι των θείων και άξιων της πίςεως μυσηρίων, μηδε το τυχον ανευ των θείων παραδίδοσθαι γραφων. Cat. 4. n. 17.

· Ου γαρ, ώς εδοξεν ανθρώποις, συνετέθη τα της πίσεως, αλλ' εκ πάσης γραφής τα καιριωΐαία συλλεχθενία μιαν ανα πληροί την της πις έως διδασκαλίαν. Cat. 5. n. xii. p. 78. * Καινης διαθήκης μαθηται. Cat. 1. n. 1.


Θρεψον σε την ψυχην αναγνώσεσι θείαις. Cat. 1. n. 6. p. 19. - Και παντοίως την σεαυτε ψυχην ασφαλίζει νησείαις, προ σευχαίς, και θείων λογίων αναγνωσμασιν. Cat. 4. n 37. p. 70. ή Των σπεδαίων εν ύμιν εκ της πυκνότερας των θείων γράφων αναίνώσεως ταυία μανθανονίων. Cat. 17. n. 34.

• Hist. Fc. 1. iv. cap. 10.

P Mem. Ec. T. vi. Les Audiens. p. 692.

4 Ουλος ὁ Αυδιος τελων αρχηδος γεννηται εν χρόνοις Αρεια.
H. 70. n. i.
Ibid. n. 15.

κ. λ.


he wrote, about 376. I place Audius at about 350. If he was then dead, he still flourished in his followers, which were somewhat numerous.


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2. Audius was a Syrian of Mesopotamia, much esteemed in his own country, as Epiphanius acknowledges, for holiness of life, and zeal for the faith who seeing some things done in the churches, which he thought not to be right, reproved and admonished the bishops and presbyters to the face; telling them that such things ought not to be. In particular, he reproved the rich clergy, and such of them as led a luxurious course of life. This brought upon him abundance of ill treatment, which he endured for some time, till at length he separated from the church. So Epiphanius. Theodoret's account is not very different.



3. As his reproofs were offensive to the clergy, and many people began to follow him, the bishops accused him to the emperor, (whether Constantine, or one of his successors, is not certain :) who banished him into Scythia: where the good man lived for some time, and where he was useful. For he converted a good number of Goths to the Christian religion.



4. The Audians kept Easter on the fourteenth day of the moon, after the manner of some other churches in the East. They said, that this was the ancient custom, confirmed by the Apostolical Constitutions, and that the bishops of Nice had innovated in complaisance to Constantine.

5. They are said by some to have been Anthropomorphites: and there are other things laid to their charge, which I do not think myself obliged to take particular notice of. Moreover Epiphanius does again and again say, that they were orthodox upon the Trinity, and other points, and that they were only schismatics, not heretics.


6. Epiphanius, does in one place say, that they made use of apocryphal books, and were fond of them: but he does not expressly mention the titles of any of them.

7. The Audians are not in Philaster: it is likely he had no knowledge of them.

8. A learned modern, well acquainted with ecclesiastical antiquity, speaks honourably of Audius.



1. ACCORDING to Cave, Hilary of Poictiers flourished about the year 354. As Jerom has placed him among his illustrious men, I transcribe below a part of his chapter: where are mentioned Hilary's Commentaries upon the Psalms, the gospel of Matthew, the book of Job, and the Canticles: where likewise the character of his writings may be seen in part.

• Πολλοι δε και μετα την εκείνα τελευτην γείόνασι συν αυτοις σε και μετ' αυτόν το ταίματος αυτ8 επισκοποι, Ουρανιος τις της μεσης των ποταμων. κ. λ. Ibid. n. 15.

Β ́ Αυδαίος δε τις, Συρος και το γενος και την φωνην. Thdrt. ib. • Ην δε ὁ ανήρ από της μέσης των ποταμων ὁρμώμενος, διαφάνης τις καλα την ἑαυτε παίριδα, δια το ακραιφνες τε βιβ, και κατά θεον ζήλο, και πίσεως. Epiph. Η. 70. n. 1.

4 Ος πολλακις θεωμενος τα εν ταις εκκλησίαις γενόμενα, εις προσωπου επισκόπων τε και πρεσβυτέρων, ελεγκτικώς ανεΤίθει, τοις τοις οις λείων 8 χρη ταυία ίως γενεσθαι, εκ οφειλει παυλα όπως πρατίεσθαι. Epiph. Η. 70. n. i.

• Φασκεσι δε των εκκλησιασικών απεσχοινισθαι συλλοίων, επειδαν δε τινες μεν τον επαραίον εισπράττεσι τόκον, τινες δε γυναιξιν ο νόμῳ γαμο συνοικενίες παρανόμως βιασιν. κ. λ. Η. E. 1. iv. cap. 10.

f Epiph. ibid. n. 14. Et Conf. Theod. ubi supra.

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5 - πολλες δε Γοίθων κατηχησεν. Epiph. ib. h Id. ib. n. ix.

JN. X.

Vadianos, quos appellat Epiphanius, & schismaticos, non hæreticos vult videri, alii vocant Anthropomorphitas; quod rusticitati eorum tribuit Epiphanius, parcens eis, ne dicantur hæretici. Eos autem separâsse se dicit, culpando episcopos

divites, & pascha cum Judæis celebrando. Augustin. Hær. i. Conf. Theodoret. H. E. I. iv. c. 10.

1 Εισι δε καλα πανία την πισιν εχονίες, ὡς ἡ καθολική εκκλησια. Synops. p. 808. B. Vid. & H. 70. n. 1, 2. & Ancorat.

n. 14.

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Κεχρηνται δε και αποκρύφοις πολλοις κατακόρως. Synops. p. 808. B.

" Certe offensum eorum [episcoporum] vitiis, & intolerabili malitiâ magnum eo tempore virum Audium, discessionem ab ecclesia fecisse, multosque homines alioqui non malos propterea eum secutos esse, cum mores non ferrent eorum, quorum alioqui doctrinam non improbabant. Balduin. De Legib. Constantin. 1. i. cap. 6.

Hilarius, urbis Pictavorum in Aquitaniâ episcopus, factione Saturnini Arelatensis episcopi, de synodo Biterrensi in Phrygiam relegatus, duodecim adversus Árianos confecit libros: & alium librum de Synodis, quem ad Galliarum episcopos scripsit: & in Psalmos commentarios, primum videlicet & secundum, & a quinquagesimo primo usque ad sexagesimum secundum, & a centesimo decimo octavo usque ad extreIn quo opere imitatus Origenem, nonnulla etiam dé suo addidit.- -Et Commentarii in Matthæum, & tractatus in


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