
would be candid if he would advert to fome particulars from which thofe doubts originate; he confeffed he had unde:ftood nothing of the kind from the Barrack Office, and he trusted that the hon. Gentleman, on further inquiry, would difcover there was no juft ground of complaint. The payments in that department were conducted with the greatest regularity, at the fame time fecuring the intereft of the public, and providing for the exigencies of the contracter. The terms on which the engagements are made, admit the latter to the benefit of inftalments, and he is alfo entitled to money on account, in the progrefs of his undertaking; but 12 per cent. is retained until the conclufion of the business, to apply to any defect that may be difcovered either in the quantity of the materials, or the ftructure of the edifice. No payment is made excepting it be authorized by a certificate of the officers appointed to furvey the buildings, and bad materials are ordered to be removed, and unsubstantial erections to be pulled down. No day-work is charged at a fixed price, but the price is regulated by the rate of labour paid in the respective counties where the fervice is performed. With thefe precautions, it is not poffible to fuppofe much neglect can arife, or that the public money is employed without a correfponding advantage from its application.

Colonel Craufurd fignified that he should on fome future day take an opportunity of expofing the neglect of Minifters in every branch of the expenditure for military purposes.

Mr. IV. Smith lamented the magnitude of the burthen in the barrack department, and confidered that, contrary to what the right hon. Gentleman had ftated, the prefent plan was fubject to objections, both on account of the public and the individual. He would mention a fingle fact, by which it would appear the intereft of the laft was not very feduloufly confulted. A fmall contractor delivered in his account, and was furptifed to find a grofs deduction made in it. He applied to the Barrack-office to be informed of the particular items to which the deduction referred; it was in vain that he remonftrated; he could obtain no explanation, and he was at laft told, that if he would not take the amount thus reduced, he might bring his action. Although the deduction exceeded the amount of his profit, yet the whole affair was fo fmall that he could obtain no redress by bringing an action at the expence of 501. or 601. The hon.


Member was of opinion, that the large difcretionary powers given to the principal barrack-officers, was neither confiftent with public policy or private convenience; but at leaft it would be expected, where they have fuch extenfive confidence repofed, that they would ufe it with fome moderation, and not only avoid injuftice, but the appearance of it, by explaining to a creditor their objection to his claim.

The Secretary at War explained, that the general character of the officers to whom the barrack department was affigned, would incline him to avoid haftily concluding that they were culpable in the particular to which the hon. Gentleman adverted. All the corrected accounts he had feen in the courfe of his official duties, had the ground of objection stated on the face of the account against the item to which it applied. If the hon. Gentleman would privately communicate the circumftance of the grievance to which he adverted, the matter fhould be examined, and any just ground of complaint thould be immediately removed.

The following refolutions on the amounts to be devoted. to particular fervices were then put and agreed to :— For Supernumerary Officers

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Increased rates of fubfiftence to Soldiers and Inn

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(not ufually in the ftimate)

Increase for the Commiffry General of Stores

The Chancellor of the Exchequer obferved, that the excefs laft year in the extraordinaries of the army would not ap

VOL. II. 1803 4.

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pear, under the exifting circumftances, at all extravagant, when he stated it be 339,0001. He then moved, that it is the opinion of this Committee, that there be applied to the extraordinary expences of the army for the year 1804 : In Great Britain

In Ireland


Expences of the Journals of the Houfe, and other

incidental charges.

Alien Offices

Repais of Military Roads in North Britain

Board of Agriculture

Extraordinary Expences of Profecutions

Civil Eftablishment in Canada

in Nova Scotia









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Thefe refolutions being put and agreed to,

The Chancellor of the Exchequer again rofe-The only remaining refolution I fhall now fubmit to the attention of the Committee, relates to what has been called the Caledonian Canal, intended to connect the eastern and weftern feas by Inverness to Fort William, for which the fum of 25,0001. has been already granted. It will be immediately feen that this is a concern of too much magnitude to be undertaken by individuals. This vaft interfection of the country is not to be on the contracted plan of ordinary canals for inland navigation; it is intended to be conducted on a fuperior scale, and to admit the paffage of frigates of 32 guns. There are many local confiderations connected with this fubject, which fhould not efcape the attention of the Committee. In the year 1801, the Lords Commiffioners of the Treafury directed a furvey to be taken of that part of the Highlands. The fpring and enfuing fummer were employed on this duty. During the laft feffion the report


was made, and the Houfe in confequence adopted the meafure. Commiffioners were then under the fame authority appointed, who purfued their inquiries with great diligence and ability, and they were affifted by a gentleman perfectly converfant in undertakings of this kind, from whom they derived the most valuable information. The report was directed to two principal objects; the importance, and the practicability of the work. The expence was flated at from 4 to 500,0001. The zeal of the country has been fo great to forward the project, that in many inftances the land for the canal has been offered free of all expence. Among the motives, I must not omit to notice the confiderable emigrations from the Highlands, which this improvement is calculated to prevent. I beg it may not be fuppofed that this emigration is in any degree to be attributed to the neglect of the great landed proprietors. A variety of caufes have conduced to incline the Highlanders to abandon their native foil, and it is the duty of Government, as much as poffible, to remove thefe, that this gallant and valuable body of men may be difpofed to liften to the dictates of their own patriotic feelings. This great national work will provide employment for a great number of the people of that country, and it is expected that the bleffings of commerce and of the arts will emanate from the fame fpring, and diffuse not only the means of bare fubfiftence, but the comforts, conveniencies, and luxuries of life. I think I fhould detain the Houfe improperly, were I to dwell longer on the importance of this meafure. I fhall therefore conclude with moving, that 50,000l. be granted to promote the inland navigation of Scotland, by a canal paffing Invernets and Fort William, and connecting the eastern and wettern feas.

The refolution being agreed to, the Houfe was refumed, and on the motion being put from the chair, the report of the Committee of Supply was ordered to be received the next day.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer gave notice, that he would move, on Monday fe'nnight, that the report of his Majefty's civil lift be referred to the Committee of Supply.

Mr. Vaniittart brought up various accounts, which were ordered to lie on the table.

The accounts of the exports and imports, prefented by Mr. Irving, were ordered to be printed.

The ftanding orders were then read, and the Houfe adjourned.

4 R 2




Mr. Corry brought up the report of the Committee to which the petition for the fale of the Archbishop of Dublin's palace had been referred. Referred to a Committee of the whole Houle on Monday.

A petition was prefented from the debtors confined in Dorchefter gaol, praying relict. Ordered to lie on the


Mr. Alexander brought up the reports of the Committees of Supply and Ways and Means. The refolutions were teverally agreed to, and bills ordered accordingly.

On the motion of Mr. Secretary Yoike, the militia officers' completion bill was read a third time, and paffed. Adjourned till Monday.



Two bills were brought up from the Commons, and read a first time.

Earl Spencer moved for an add: efs to his Majefty, for the production of the dates of the difpatches forwarded by Government to the Governor of St. Helena, prior to and fucceeding the date of his Majefty's meflage of the 8th March.

Lord Hobart fuggefted that the ufual mode of moving for papers would be the more proper, which was, that the proper officer be ordered to lay before the Houfe, &c, To fuch a motion he had no objection. The noble Eail thaped his motion according to the fuggeftion, and it was agreed



Lord Hawk fbury, previous to the order of the day being read for their Lordtrips to be fummoned on the notice of the motion refpe&ti, g the fate of the defence of the country, rofe and requefted that the noble Marquis would confent to poftpone the motion for a few days. The reafons which had induced him on the part of his Majesty's Government to make this requeft were of fo peculiar a nature, that his duty would not permit him to flate to the Houfe


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