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ance of an interpreter. Admiral Watfon expreffed his concern for the calamities of war which had been felt in that country; and affured the Nabob, that the king of Great Britain had fent him to protect his dominions; as alfo that he would execute his commiffion with great fidelity. A few days after, the Nabob returned this vifit to the British commanders at the fort, where he was received with the higheft military honors. His train confifted of fix elephants, 12 camels, 400 horfe, and 6000 fepoys, with 10,000 Cooleys and fpectators. The admirals accompanied him on board the Kent, in which the commanding flag was hoifted; and the Nabob was feized with aftonishment when he entered on board: but he was particularly ftruck with the lower gun battery, confifting of 28 guns, carrying balls of 32 pounds. The admiral obliged him with the view of a man of war under fail; and, on his leaving the Kent, the whole fquadron faluted together, the yards were manned, and the feamen gave three English cheers. This general acclamation fired the Nabob with joy; and he ordered his interpreter to tell the admiral, it was amazingly warlike.

THE Nabob, on the 19th of Auguft, arrived within a mile of Arcot, and encamped on the plain, where his dervises advised him to wait for a lucky day to make his entry into the city, which fell out on the 21ft. In the mean time, colonel Lawrence, Mr. Walsh, and Mr. Palk, who were deputed to invite him to Madrafs, arrived at his camp, and contributed to raise the splendor and reputation of his public entrance into his capital, from which he had been abfent ever fince the death of Nazirzing.* On the 30th, he came to Madrass,

* See this volume, p. 69.


where he held feveral conferences with the prefi- · dency, and confented to make over to the company fome farther affignments on the revenues of the country, to reimburse their expences in profecuting the war after which, he was attended with a strong detachment to collect the revenues, one half whereof was to be paid the company; and a member of the council was appointed to accompany the Nabob, to fee that this agreement was punctually fulfilled.

ADMIRAL Watfon departed with the fleet from Madrafs, on the 10th of October, to avoid the northern monfoon, and arrived on the 10th of November at Bombay, where he found feveral of the company's fhips from Europe, with a confiderable number of troops, fent with an intention to be employed in an expedition projected in England.

EVERY thing continued quiet on the coaft of Coromandel but, in 1756, admiral Watfon diftinguished himself against Tulagree Angria, on the coast of Malabar; as alfo in the kingdom of Bengal, against the viceroy Surajah Dowla, who was excited by the French to commit an unexampled act of barbarity against the English at Calcutta, for which he was afterwards depofed by colonel Clive.

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The English company project an expedition from BomBAY, with the affiftance of the MORATTOES, to oblige SALABATZING to difmifs the French troops in his fervice. The command of that expedition is given to lieutenant colonel SCOTT, who dies at MADRASS in May 1755; and colonel CLIVE fucceeds to the command at Bombay: but the intended expedition is fet afide by the lofs of the ship DODDINGDON, in which the company bad fsent their plan; and another expedition is agreed to be carried on against TULAGREE ANGRIA. A fuccin&t and authentic narrative of the lofs of the Doddington Indiaman, on the 17th of July 1755, upon the barren island or rock of CHIOS, near the fouth-east coast of AFRICA.


HILE the English company were uncertain of the event of the negociation in India, they received advices of the acquifitions which M. Buffy had obtained from Salabatzing. This made them conclude, that negociations alone would not induce the French to quit fuch great advantages; and they determined to ftrike at their power in the northern parts of the Deckan by more effectual means.

AURENGABAD, the capital of this divifion of the Mogul empire, lies no more than 150 miles west of Bombay; and the country of the Morattoes much nearer. The prefidency of Bombay had maintained a friendly intercourfe for fome time with the Saha Rajah; and from the frequent difputes in which his general Balazerow was engaged with Salabatzing, it was thought he might be inftrumental in removing the French troops from the fervice of that Soubahdar: therefore, it was determined to encourage

encourage the Morattoes to attack him, and affift them with a strong body of Europeans, so as to compel the viceroy to difmifs the French.

AN enterprize of this importance required a commander of much experience in the military and political fyftems of the country, and captain Clive offered the directors to conduct it. The company had rewarded his fervices by appointing him governor of Fort St. David, and by obtaining for him a lieutenant-colonel's commiffion in the king's troops; so that he was then preparing to return to India: But the court of directors, in compliance with very powerful recommendations, appointed lieutenant-colonel Scott to command the expedition. This officer went to India in 1754, in the station of engineer-general of all their fettlements; but died at Madrafs, on the 12th of May 1755, of a violent fever. The company defired colonel Clive to proceed to Bombay before he went to the coaft of Coromandel, that he might be ready to fupply any accident. The troops fent from England on this service were three companies of the king's artillery, each of 100 men; and 300 recruits; who arrived at Bombay on the 27th of November,

* The following gentlemen were chofen directors of the Eaft-India company on the 9th of April 1755.

William Barwell, Efq;
*Robert Bootle, Efq;
H. Crab Boulton, Efq;
John Boyd, Efq;

Chrift. Burrow, Efq;
Ch. Chambers, Efq;
* Sir Ja. Creed, Knt.
Roger Drake, Efq;
John Dorrien, Esq;
Peter Godfrey, Efq;
Charles Gough, Efq;


Robert Jones, Efq;

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Jones Raymond, Efq;
Thos. Rous, Efq;
Henry Savage, Efq;
Laur. Sullivan, Efq;
Winchcot Turner, Efq;
*Tim. Tullie, Efq;
*Max. Weftern, Efq;

Those marked with Asterisms were new ones.


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when colonel Clive, finding that colonel Scott was dead, propofed to the prefidency to undertake the plan recommended to them: but they imagined it could not be carried into execution without infringing the convention made by Mr. Saunders and Mr. Godeheu. This was acting with too much caution; for every thing relating to Salabatzing and the French troops in his fervice, seemed to have been studiously avoided. The court of directors had explained their whole plan to the prefidency of Madrafs; but the fhip which had the letters on: board was unfortunately wrecked on a rock about 800 miles east of the Cape of Good Hope, within fight of the land. The prefidency of Bombay fent advices to Madrafs of the arrival of colonel Clive but they had now taken the refolution' of employing all their force, in conjunction with the fleet, againft Tulagree Angria, who had long been a formidable enemy to the English commerce on the coast of Malabar.

HERE I fhall beg leave to infert the following fuccinct and authentic narrative of the lofs of the Doddington Indiaman; as it was on board this fhip that the company fent their plan for attacking Salabatzing, and more especially as it will be a permanent memorial, to all future navigators, of that fatal spot, where this fhip and most of her crew were unfortunately loft. I have been favored with this account, by a gentleman who has diligently compared the different relations made of this matter, and I hope it will be received as a curious and useful piece; part of which is extracted from the journal of Mr. Jones the chief mate, and the other part from the journal of another of the furviving



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