
which his answer was, a great tortoise. But being again pressed to know what gave support to the broad-backed tortoise? replied, something, he knew not what. And thus here, as in all other cases when we use words without having clear and distinct ideas, we talk like children, who, being questioned what such a thing is, readily give this satisfactory answer, that it is something; which in truth signifies no more when so used either by children or men, but that they know not what, and that the thing they pretend to talk and know of is what they have no distinct idea of at all, and are, so, perfectly ignorant of it and in the dark. The idea then, we have, to which we give the general name substance, being nothing but the supposed but unknown support of those qualities we find existing, which we imagine cannot exist sine re substante, without something to support them, we call that support substantia, which, according to the true import of the word, is, in plain English, standing under or upholding.'

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I cannot but believe that the judgment of Locke is that which philosophy will accept as her final decision.

Suppose that a piano were conscious of sound and of nothing else? It would become acquainted with a system of nature entirely composed of sounds, and the laws of nature would be the laws of melody and of harmony. It might acquire endless ideas of likeness and unlikeness, of succession, of similarity and dissimilarity, but it could attain to no conception of space, of distance, or of resistance, or of figure, or of motion.

The piano might then reason thus: All my knowledge consists of sounds and the perception of the relations of sounds; now the being of sound is to be heard; and it is inconceivable that the existence of the sounds I know, should depend upon any other existence than that of the mind of a hearing being.

This would be quite as good reasoning as Berkeley's, and very sound and useful, so far as it defines the limits of the piano's faculties. But for all that, pianos have an existence quite apart from sounds, and the auditory consciousness of our speculative piano would be dependent, in the first place, on the existence of a "substance" of brass, wood, and iron, and, in the second, on that of a musician. But of neither of these conditions of the existence of his consciousness would the phenomena of that consciousness afford him the slightest hint.

So that while it is the summit of human wisdom to learn the limit of our faculties, it may be wise to recollect that we have no more right to make denials, than to put forth affirmatives about what lies beyond that limit. Whether either mind, or matter, have a 66 substance" or not, is a problem which we are incompetent to discuss; and it is just as likely that the common notions about the matter should be correct as any others. Indeed, Berkeley himself makes Philonous wind up his discussions with Hylas in a couple of sentences which aptly express this conclusion:

"You see, Hylas, the water of yonder fountain, how it is forced upwards in a round column to a certain height, at which it breaks and falls back into the basin from whence it rose; its ascent as well as its descent proceeding from the same uniform law or principle of gravitation. Just so, the same principles which, at first view, lead to scepticism, pursued to a certain point, bring men back to common sense."

[T. H. H.]

* Locke, 'Human Understanding,' Book II., chap. xxiii., § 2.


Friday, May 26, 1871.

SIR HENRY HOLLAND, Bart. M.D. D.C.L. F.R.S. President,
in the Chair.


On Sea Waves.

THE speaker in the first place gave a summary, illustrated by diagrams and machines, of existing knowledge of the mode of motion of water in waves, and of the geometrical and dynamical laws which govern the relations between the depth of disturbance of the water, the velocity of advance of waves, their periodic time, and their length. He referred to the experimental and theoretical researches of previous authors on the subject, such as the Webers, Airy, Scott Russell, Caligny, &c.

He then explained the principle, of which Mr. Froude was the first to point out the importance, that the action of water agitated by waves upon a ship tends to make her perform the motions which would have been performed in her absence by the mass of water that she displaces. In still water, the forces of gravity and of buoyancy tend to keep the ship upright, and if she has been heeled over, to restore her to the upright position, and that tendency constitutes the statical stability or stiffness of the ship. Amongst waves the same forces, combined with the reactions due to the heaving motions of the water and of the ship, tend to place her in the position called upright to the wave surface; that is, with her originally vertical axis normal to the wave surface. If the ship yielded passively to that tendency, like a broad and shallow raft, she would accompany the waves in their rolling; and thus, a ship having great stiffness may be very deficient in steadiness. Every ship has, like a pendulum, a natural period of rolling, depending on her stiffness, or tendency to right herself, and her moment of inertia, being a quantity depending on the distribution of her mass. Stiffness tends to shorten, and inertia to lengthen, the period. It was shown in 1862, by Mr. Froude, that the greatest unsteadiness and the greatest danger of being overturned take place when the periodic times of rolling of the ship and of the waves are equal; for then each successive wave adds to the extent of roll; and if the coincidence of the periods were exact, the ship would inevitably be overturned in the end.

In the course of the present spring it has been pointed out that in well-designed ships a safeguard exists against the occurrence of such disasters. It is well known that no pendulum is absolutely isochronous; but great oscillations occupy a longer time than small oscillations. In like manner, no ship is absolutely isochronous in her natural rolling;

but great angles of roll occupy longer periods than small. Hence, supposing a ship to encounter waves of a period equal or nearly equal to her own natural period for small angles of roll, her angle of rolling is at first progressively increased; but at the same time her natural periodic time of rolling is increased, until it is no longer equal or nearly equal to the periodic time of the waves; and thus she in a manner eludes the danger arising from coincidence of periods. In order, however, that this safeguard may act efficiently, it is essential that the natural period of the ship for the smallest angles of roll should not be less than the period of the waves; otherwise the first effect of the progressive increase of angle will be, not to destroy, but to produce coincidence of period; and the result will be great unsteadiness of motion, and possibly great danger.

The speaker described the above principles as being the latest additions to our knowledge of the theory of the relations between ships and sea-waves; and he illustrated them by means of experiments on a machine so constructed as to imitate the dynamical condition of a ship rolling amongst waves.

[W. J. M. R.]


Friday, June 2, 1871.

SIR HENRY HOLLAND, Bart. M.D. D.C.L. F.R.S. President,
in the Chair.



On the Gaseous and Liquid States of Matter.

THE liquid state of matter forms a link between the solid and gaseous states. This link is, however, often suppressed, and the solid passes directly into the gaseous or vaporous form. In the intense cold of an Arctic winter hard ice will gradually change into transparent vapour without previously assuming the form of water. Carbonic acid snow passes rapidly into gas when exposed to the air, and can with diffi

*Note (added 2nd June).---An exception to this rule exists in the case of that form of ship known as the "Symondite," in which the sides flare out at and near the water-line, so as to make the stiffness increase faster than the angle of heel. In such ships the period of rolling shortens when the angle increases; and thus the well-known unsteadiness of large vessels of that model is accounted for. In a small boat, whose natural periodic time for the smallest angle of roll is shorter than that of any of the waves which she encounters, the Symondite model does not promote unsteadiness; for the shortening of the natural period of rolling removes it farther from coincidence with the period of the waves.

culty be liquefied in open tubes. Its boiling point, as Faraday has shown, presents the apparent anomaly of being lower in the thermometric scale than its melting point; a statement less paradoxical than it may at first appear, if we remember that water can exist as vapour at temperatures far lower than those at which it can exist as liquid. Whether the transition be directly from solid to gaseous, or from solid to liquid, and from liquid to gaseous, a marked change of physical properties occurs at each step or break, and heat is absorbed, as was proved long ago by Black, without producing elevation of temperature. Many solids and liquids will for this reason maintain a low temperature, even when surrounded by a white hot atmosphere, and the remarkable experiment of solidifying water, and even mercury, on a red-hot plate, finds thus an easy explanation. The term spheroidal state, when applied to water floating on a cushion of vapour over a red-hot plate, is however apt to mislead. The water is not here in any peculiar state. It is simply water evaporating rapidly at a few degrees below its boiling point, and all its properties, even those of capillarity, are the properties of ordinary water at 96.5 C. The interesting phenomena exhibited under these conditions are due to other causes, and not to any new or peculiar state of the liquid itself. The fine researches of Dalton upon vapours, and the memorable discovery by Faraday of the liquefaction of gases by pressure alone, finished the work which Black had begun. Our knowledge of the conditions under which matter passes abruptly from the gaseous to the liquid, and from the liquid to the solid state, may now be regarded as almost complete.

In 1822 Cagniard de La Tour made some remarkable experiments, which still bear his name, and may be regarded as the starting-point of the investigations which form the chief subject of this address. Cagniard de La Tour's first experiments were made in a small Papin's digester, constructed from the thick end of a gun-barrel, into which he introduced a little alcohol and also a small quartz ball, and firmly closed the whole. On heating the gun-barrel with its contents over an open fire, and observing from time to time the sound produced by the ball when the apparatus was shaken, he inferred that after a certain temperature was attained the liquid had disappeared. He afterwards succeeded in repeating the experiment in glass tubes, and obtained the following results:-An hermetically-sealed glass tube, containing sufficient alcohol to occupy two-fifths of its capacity, was gradually heated, when the liquid was seen to dilate, and its mobility at the same time to become gradually greater. After attaining to nearly twice its original volume, the liquid completely disappeared, and was converted into a vapour so transparent that the tube appeared to be quite empty. On allowing the tube to cool, a very thick cloud was formed, after which the liquid reappeared in its former state.

It is singular that in this otherwise accurate description, Cagniard de La Tour should have overlooked the most remarkable appearance of all, the moving or flickering striæ, which fill the tube when, after

heating it considerably, the temperature is quickly lowered. This phenomenon was first described by myself in 1863, as it is seen in carbonic acid, which has been partially liquefied by pressure, and afterwards heated a little above 31°. It may be observed on a larger scale and to great advantage by heating such liquids as sulphurous acid or ether in hermetically-sealed tubes.

The experiments whose results I am about to describe have occupied me for a period of fully ten years; they involved the construction of novel forms of apparatus, in which the properties of matter might be studied under varied conditions of temperature and pressure, such as had never been realized before. In my earlier attempts I endeavoured, as others had already done, to use the expansive force of the mixed gases which are disengaged in the electrolysis of water; and I was able in this way to obtain pressures of 150 atmospheres and even more in glass tubes; but the method was in many respects defective, and more than one dangerous explosion occurred, so that I eventually abandoned it.

In the apparatus finally adopted, the gas to be compressed is enclosed in a long glass tube, of which the greater part of the length, or about 450 millimetres, has a capillary bore, and the remainder, about 150 millimetres, an internal diameter of 2 millimetres. The free capillary end is sealed, while the gas in a pure and dry state is passing through; while at the other end the gas is confined by a movable column of mercury. The details of the method by which this is accomplished will be found in the Bakerian lecture for 1869, to which I must also refer for an account of the process by which the original volume of the gas at the freezing point of water and under one atmosphere of pressure was determined, and also the volumes of the same gas deduced from the observed measurements when it was compressed at different pressures in the capillary tube.

A conical protuberance on the capillary part of the tube, a little above its junction with the wider part, corresponded as nearly as possible with a hollow cone in a stout brass flange, the joint being rendered perfectly tight by careful packing. The body of the apparatus consisted of two cold-drawn copper tubes of great strength, to the ends of which four massive brass flanges were firmly attached. Two corresponding flanges or end pieces, each carrying a fine steel screw packed with great care, were bolted on the lower flanges. The success of the experiments depended greatly on the packing of this screw. It was effected by means of a number of leather washers, tightly pressed down and saturated in vacuo with melted lard. The apparatus was now filled with water; the flanges with the glass tubes, one containing the gas to be examined, the other air or hydrogen to act as a manometer or measure of the pressure, were bolted down upon the upper flanges of the copper tubes. The joints had always leather washers interposed; and when sufficiently tightened, they resisted any pressure which could be applied, even for an indefinite time. The two copper tubes were

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