
evil, the 'Bijou Gazetteer of the World' nearly as bad to use two words in one ought to stand at the summit of excel- sense as one word in two senses. Let us lence. It is the tiniest geographical direc- take some other examples. We read in tory we have ever seen.' This is quite the usual channels of information that illogical: if a big book is a big evil, it" Mr. Gladstone has issued invitations for does not follow that a little book is a great a full-dress Parliamentary dinner, and good. "If in the main I have adhered to Lord Granville has issued invitations for a the English version, it has been from the full-dress Parliamentary banquet." Again conviction that our translators were in the we read: "The government proposes to right." It is rather difficult to see what divide the occupiers of land into four is the precise opinion here expressed as categories;" and almost immediately to our translators; whether an absolute after we have "the second class compre or contingent approval is intended. "If hends . . .": so that we see the grand you think it worth your while to inspect word category merely stands for class. the school from the outside, that is for Again: "This morning the czar drove yourself to decide upon.' The decision alone through the Thier-garten, and on is not contingent on the thinking it worth his return received Field-Marshals Wranwhile they are identical. For the last gel and Moltke, as well as many other example we take this: ".. but if it does general officers, and then gave audience not retard his return to office it can hardly to numerous visitors. Towards noon the accelerate it." The meaning is, "This emperor Alexander, accompanied by the speech cannot accelerate and may retard Russian grand dukes, paid a visit. . Mr. Disraeli's return to office." The" Mr. Ayrton, according to Nature, has triple occurrence of it is very awkward.

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An error not uncommon in the present day is the blending of two different constructions in one sentence. The grammars of our childhood used to condemn such a sentence as this: "He was more beloved but not so much admired as Cynthio." The former part of the sentence requires to be followed by than, and not by as. The following are recent examples: "The little farmer [in France] has no greater enjoyments, if so many, as the English laborer." "I find public school boys generally more fluent, and as superficial as boys educated elsewhere." "Mallet, for instance, records his delight and wonder at the Alps and the descent into Italy in terms quite as warm, if much less profuse, as those of the most impressible modern tourist." An awkward construction, almost as bad as a fault, is seen in the following sentence: "Messrs.

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accepted Dr. Hooker's explanation of the letter to Mr. Gladstone's secretary, at which the first commissioner of works took umbrage, so that the dispute is at an end." I may remark that Mr. Ayrton is identical with the first commissioner of works. A writer recently in a sketch of travels spoke of a "Turkish gentleman with his innumerable wives,” and soon after said that she "never saw him address any of his multifarious wives." One of the illustrated periodicals gave a picture of an event in recent French history, entitled, "The National Guards Firing on the People." Here the change from national to people slightly conceals the strange contradiction of guardians firing on those whom they ought to guard.

Let us now take one example in which a word is repeated, but in a rather different sense: "The grand duke of Baden sat next to the emperor William, the imperial crown prince of Germany sitting next to the grand duke. Next came the other princely personages." The word next is used in the last instance in not

having secured the co-operation of some of the most eminent professors of, and writers on, the various branches of science .. A very favorite practice is that of chang-quite the same sense as in the former two ing a word where there is no correspond. instances; for all the princely personages ing change of meaning. Take the fol- could not sit in contact with the crown lowing example from a voluminous histo- prince. rian: "Huge pinnacles of bare rock shoot up into the azure firmament, and forests overspread their sides, in which the scarlet rhododendrons sixty feet in height are surmounted by trees two hundred feet in elevation." In a passage of this kind it may be of little consequence whether a word is retained or changed; but for any purpose where precision is valuable it is

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A class of examples may be found in which there is an obvious incongruity between two of the words which occur. Thus, "We are more than doubtful; that is, we are more than full of doubts: this is obviously impossible. Then we read of "a man of more than doubtful sanity." Again we read of “a more than questionable statement: this is I sup


A very common phrase with controversial writers is, "we shrewdly suspect." This is equivalent to, we acutely suspect." The cleverness of the suspicion should, however, be attributed to the writers by other people, and not by themselves.

pose a very harsh elliptical construction | and such an orator made a lengthened for such a sentence as "a statement to speech, when the intended meaning is that which we might apply an epithet more he made a long speech. The word lengthcondemnatory than questionable." So also ened has its appropriate meaning. Thus, we read "a more unobjectionable charac- after a ship has been built by the Adter." Again: "Let the Second Chamber miralty, it is sometimes cut into two and be composed of elected members, and a piece inserted: this operation, very reptheir utility will be more than halved." rehensible doubtless on financial grounds, To take the half of anything is to perform is correctly described as lengthening the a definite operation, which is not suscepti- ship. It will be obvious on consideration ble of more or less. Again: "The singu- that lengthened is not synonymous with lar and almost excessive impartiality and long. Protracted and prolonged are also power of appreciation." It is impossible to often used instead of long; though perconceive of excessive impartiality. Other haps with less decided impropriety than recent examples of these impossible com- lengthened. binations are, 66 more faultless," "less indisputable." "The high antiquity of the narrative cannot reasonably be doubted, and almost as little its ultimate Apostolic origin." The ultimate origin, that is the last beginning, of anything seems a contradiction. The common phrase bad health seems of the same character; it is almost equivalent to unsound soundness or to unprosperous prosperity. In a pas sage already quoted, we read that the czar gave audience to numerous vis itors," and in a similar manner a very distinguished lecturer speaks of making experiments "visible to a large audience." It would seem from the last instance that our language wants a word to denote a mass of people collected not so much to hear an address as to see what are called experiments. Perhaps if our savage forefathers had enjoyed the advantages of courses of scientific lectures, the vocabulary would be supplied with the missing word.


The simple word but is often used when it is difficult to see any shade of opposition or contrast such as we naturally expect. Thus we read: "There were several candidates, but the choice fell upon of Trinity College." Another account of the same transaction was expressed thus: "It was understood that there were several candidates; the election fell, however, upon of Trinity College."

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The word mistaken is curious as being constantly used in a sense directly contrary to that which, according to its formation, it ought to have. Thus: "He is often mistaken, but never trivial and insipid." "He is often mistaken" ought to mean that other people often mistake Talented is a vile barbarism which him; just as "he is often misunderstood " Coleridge indignantly denounced; there means that people often misunderstand is no verb to talent from which such a him. But the writer of the above senparticiple could be deduced. Perhaps tence intends to say that "He often makes this imaginary word is not common at the mistakes." It would be well if we could present; though I am sorry to see from get rid of this anomalous use of the word my notes that it still finds favor with clas-mistaken. I suppose that wrong or errosical scholars. It was used some time since by a well-known professor, just as he was about to emigrate to America; so it may have been merely evidence that he was rendering himself familiar with the language of his adopted country.

Ignore is a very popular and a very bad word. As there is no good authority for it, the meaning is naturally uncertain. It seems to fluctuate between wilfully concealing something and unintentionally omitting something, and this vagueness renders it a convenient tool for an unscrupulous orator or writer.

The word lengthened is often used in stead of long. Thus we read that such

neous would always suffice. But I must admit that good writers do employ mistaken in the sense which seems contrary to analogy; for example, Dugald Stewart does so, and also a distinguished leading philosopher whose style shows decided traces of Dugald Stewart's influence.

I shall be thought hypercritical perhaps if I object to the use of sanction as a verb; but it seems to be a comparatively modern innovation. I must, however, admit that it is used by the two distin guished writers to whom I alluded with respect to the word mistaken. Recently some religious services in London were asserted by the promoters to be under the

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sanction of three bishops; almost immedi- | because it generally involves no ambiguity,
ately afterwards letters appeared from the but is used merely as an abbreviation the
three bishops in which they qualified the meaning of which is obvious from the
amount of their approbation: rather curi- context. But in other works there is
ously all three used sanction as a verb. frequently no clue to guide us in affixing
The theology of the bishops might be the a meaning to the symbol, and we can only
sounder, but as to accuracy of language I interpret its presence as a sign that some-
think the inferior clergy had the advan- thing has been omitted. The following is
tage. By an obvious association I may an example: "It describes a portion of
say that if any words of mine could reach Hellenic philosophy: it dwells upon emi-
episcopal ears, I should like to ask why a nent individuals, inquiring, theorizing,
first charge is called a primary charge, reasoning, confuting, &c., as contrasted
for it does not appear that this mode of with those collective political and social
expression is continued. We have, I manifestations which form the matter of
think, second, third, and so on, instead of history. . .
secondary, tertiary, and so on, to distin-
guish the subsequent charges.

Very eminent authors will probably always claim liberty and indulge in peculiar ities; and it would be ungrateful to be censorious on those who have permanently enriched our literature. We must, then, allow an eminent historian to use the word cult for worship or superstition; so that he tells us of an indecent cult when he means an unseemly false religion So, too, we must allow another eminent historian to introduce a foreign idiom, and speak of a man of pronounced opinions.

One or two of our popular writers on scientific subjects are fond of frequently introducing the word bizarre; surely some English equivalent might be substituted with advantage. The author of an anonymous academical paper a few years since was discovered by a slight peculiaritynamely, the use of the words ones, if there be such a word: this occurred in certain productions to which the author had affixed his name, and so the same phenomenon in the unacknowledged paper betrayed the origin which had been concealed.

A curious want of critical tact was displayed some years since by a review of great influence. Macaulay, in his life of Atterbury, speaking of Atterbury's daughter, says that her great wish was to see her papa before she died. The reviewer condemned the use of what he called the mawkish word papa. Macaulay, of course, was right; he used the daughter's own word, and any person who consults the original account will see that accuracy would have been sacrificed by substituting father. Surely the reviewer ought to have had sufficient respect for Macaulay's reading and memory to hesitate before pronouncing an off-hand censure.

The examples of confusion of metaphor ascribed to the late Lord Castlereagh are so absurd that it might have been thought impossible to rival them. Nevertheless the following, though in somewhat quieter style, seems to me to approach very nearly to the best of those that were spoken by Castlereagh or forged for him by Mackintosh. A recent Cabinet minister described the error of an Indian official in these words: "He remained too long under the influence of the views which he had imbibed from the Board." To imbibe a view seems strange, but to imbibe any. thing from a Board must be very difficult. I may observe that the phrase of Castlereagh's which is now best known, seems to suffer from misquotation: we usually have, "an ignorant impatience of taxation;" but the original form appears to have been, "an ignorant impatience of the relaxation of taxation."

The following sentence is from a voluminous historian: "The decline of the material comforts of the working classes, from the effects of the Revolution, had been incessant, and had now reached an alarming height." It is possible to ascend to an alarming height, but it is surely difficult to decline to an alarming height.

"Nothing could be more one-sided than the point of view adopted by the speak ers." It is very strange to speak of a point as having a side; and then how can one-sided admit of comparison? A thing either has one side or it has not: there cannot be degrees in one-sidedness. However, even mathematicians do not always manage the word point correctly. In a modern valuable work we read of "a more extended point of view," though we know that a point does not admit of extension. This curious phrase is also to be found in Cobbett justly blamed the practice of two eminent French writers, Bailly and putting"&c." to save the trouble of com- D'Alembert. I suppose that what is pleting a sentence properly. In mathemat meant is, a point which commands a more ical writings this symbol may be tolerated | extended view. "Froschammer wishes

to approach the subject from a philosoph- | bation by more than one critic from the ical standpoint." It is impossible to stand late Professor Conington's translation of and yet to approach. Either he should Horace, in which the following line ocsurvey the subject from a stand-point, or approach it from a starting-point.

"The most scientific of our Continental theologians have returned back again to the relations and ramifications of the old paths." Here paths and ramifications do not correspond; nor is it obvious what the relations of paths are. Then returned back again seems to involve superfluity; either returned or turned back again would have been better.

A large school had lately fallen into difficulties owing to internal dissensions; in the report of a council on the subject it was stated that measures had been taken to introduce more harmony and good feeling. The word introduce suggests the idea that harmony and good feeling could be laid on like water or gas by proper mechanical adjustment, or could be sup. plied like first-class furniture by a London upholsterer.

An orator speaking of the uselessness of a dean said that "he wastes his sweetness upon the desert air, and stands like an engine upon a siding." This is a strange combination of metaphors.

The following example is curious as showing how an awkward metaphor has been carried out: "In the face of such assertions what is the puzzled spectator to do." The contrary proceeding is much more common, namely to drop a metaphor prematurely or to change it. For instance: Physics and metaphysics, physiology and psychology, thus become united, and the study of man passes from the uncertain light of mere opinion to the region of science." Here region corresponds very badly with uncertain light.


Metaphors and similes require to be employed with great care, at least by those who value taste and accuracy. I hope I may be allowed to give one example of a more serious kind than those hitherto supplied. The words like lost sheep which occur at the commencement of our Liturgy always seem to me singularly objectionable, and for two reasons. In the first place, illustrations being intended to unfold our meaning are appropriate in explanation and instruction, but not in religious confession. And in the second place the illustration as used by ourselves is not accurate; for the condition of a lost sheep does not necessarily suggest that conscious lapse from rectitude which is the essence of human transgression.

A passage has been quoted with appro


After life's endless babble they sleep well.

Now the word endless here is extremely awkward; for if the babble never ends, how can anything come after it?

To digress for a moment, I may observe that this line gives a good illustration of the process by which what is called Latin verse is often constructed. Every person sees that the line is formed out of Shakespeare's "After life's fitful fever he sleeps well." The ingenuity of the transference may be admired, but it seems to me that it is easy to give more than a due amount of admiration; and, as the instance shows, the adaptation may issue in something bordering on the absurd. As an example in Latin versification, take the following. Every one who has not quite forgotten his schoolboy days remembers the line in Virgil ending with non imitabile fulmen. A good scholar, prematurely lost to his college and university, having for an exercise to translate into Latin the passage in Milton relating to the moon's peerless light finished a line with non imitabile lumen. One can hardly wonder at the tendency to overvalue such felicitous appropriation.

The language of the shop and the market must not be expected to be very exact: we may be content to be amused by some of its peculiarities. I cannot say that I have seen the statement which is said to have appeared in the following form: "Dead pigs are looking up." We find very frequently advertised, "Digestive biscuits "-perhaps digestible biscuits are meant. In a catalogue of books an "Encyclopædia of Mental Science " is advertised; and after the names of the authors we read, "invaluable, 5s. 6d."; this is a curious explanation of invaluable.

The title of a book recently advertised is, "Thoughts for those who are Thoughtful." It might seem superfluous, not to say impossible, to supply thoughts to those who are already full of thought.


The word limited is at present very popular in the domain of commerce. we read, "Although the space given to us was limited." This we can readily sup pose; for in a finite building there cannot be unlimited space. Booksellers can perhaps say, without impropriety, that a "limited number will be printed," as this may only imply that the type will be broken up; but they sometimes tell us

that "a limited number was printed," and | tentions," is often quoted in the far less this is an obvious truism. expressive form, "Hell is paved with good intentions."

Some pills used to be advertised for the use of the "possessor of pains in the back," the advertisement being accompanied with a large picture representing the unhappy capitalist tormented by his property.

Pronouns, which are troublesome to all writers of English, are especially embarrassing to the authors of prospectuses and advertisements. A wine company return thanks to their friends, "and, at the same time, they would assure them that it is their constant study not only to find improvements for their convenience Observe how the pronouns oscillate in their application between the company and their friends.

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"Knowledge is power" is frequently attributed to Bacon, in spite of Lord Lyt. ton's challenge that the words cannot be found in Bacon's writings. "The style is the man " is frequently attributed to Buffon, although it has been pointed out that Buffon said something very different; namely, that "the style is of the man,' that is, "The style proceeds from the man." It is some satisfaction to find that Frenchmen themselves do not leave us the monopoly of this error; it will be found in Arago, see his works, vol. iii., p. 560. A common proverb frequently quoted is, "The exception proves the rule;" and it seems universally assumed In selecting titles of books there is that proves here means establishes or deroom for improvement. Thus, a Quar-monstrates. It is perhaps more likely terly Journal is not uncommon; the words that proves here means tests or tries, as strictly are suggestive of a Quarterly in the injunction, "Prove all things." Daily publication. I remember, some [The proverb in full runs: Exceptio proyears since, observing a notice that a cer- bat regulam in casibus non exceptis.] tain obscure society proposed to celebrate its triennial anniversary.

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The words Nihil tetigit quod non ornavit are perpetually offered as a supposed quotation from Dr. Johnson's epitaph on Goldsmith. Johnson wrote:

Qui nullum fere scribendi genus
Non tetigit,

Nullum quod tetigit non ornavit.

It has been said that there is a doubt as to the propriety of the word tetigit, and that contigit would have been better.

In one of the theological newspapers a clergyman seeking a curacy states as an exposition of his theological position, "Views Prayer-book." I should hope that this would not be a specimen of the ordi. nary literary style of the applicant. The advertisements in the same periodical exhibit occasionally a very unpleasant blending of religious and secular elements. Take two examples: "Needlewoman It seems impossible to prevent writers wanted. She must be a communicant, have a long character, and be a good dressmaker and milliner." "Pretty furnished cottage to let, with good garden, etc. Rent moderate. Church work val. ued. Weekly celebrations. Near rail. Good fishing.'

A few words may be given to some popular misquotations. "The last infirm ity of noble minds" is perpetually occurring. Milton wrote mind not minds. It may be said that he means minds; but the only evidence seems to be that it is difficult to affix any other sense to mind than making it equivalent to minds: this scarcely convinces me, though I admit the difficulty.

"He that runs may read " is often sup. posed to be a quotation from the Bible: the words really are, "He may run that readeth," and it is not certain that the sense conveyed by the popular misquota tion is correct.

from using cui bono? in the unclassical sense. The correct meaning is known to be of this nature: suppose that a crime has been committed; then inquire who has gained by the crime -cui bono? for obviously there is a probability that the person benefited was the criminal. The usual sense implied by the quotation is this: What is the good? the question being applied to whatever is for the mo ment the object of depreciation. Those who use the words incorrectly may, however, shelter themselves under the great name of Leibnitz, for he takes them in the popular sense: see his works, vol. v., p. 206.

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A very favorite quotation consists of the words laudator temporis acti; but it should be remembered that it seems very doubtful if these words by themselves would form correct Latin; the se puero which Horace puts after them are required.

A proverb which correctly runs thus: There is a story, resting on no good "The road to hell is paved with good in-authority, that Plato testified to the im

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