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of this judgment, seeks to place a limit to these adverse criticisms. How will this limitation be received by the members of the broad Church? This large party comprises some of the most learned and popular of the clergy. Few of them would go the length of Mr. Voysey, and probably none of them so directly contradict the express teachings of the creeds, but still fewer will be prepared to accept the interpretation of the second article as given in this judgment. Nothing indeed can be more unfortunate than the wording of this article. It goes directly in the face of the most express teaching of the apostle. 'God,' says the apostle, 'was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself." Christ, says the article in question, "truly suffered, was crucified, dead, and buried, to reconcile his Father to us." A more complete turning of things upside down can scarcely be imagined. Will this judgment give rise to efforts to reform the creeds? Surely it is not too much to hope that it may strengthen the desire for the employment in their construction of the language of Scripture. This ought not to be objectionable to any party in the Church, while to many it would be an unquestionable relief, and to the Church herself a tower of strength.


It is scarcely possible to take up a newspaper or periodical of any kind, without reading acknowledgments of the existence of a new age, on which the world and the Church has entered. An example of this appears in the address of the Rev. W. Smith, the Chairman of the Board of Congregational Ministers in and around Manchester, at a recent meeting of that body. No lack of life and interest, said the speaker, "will be complained of in our meetings, if we are stirred in spirit to observe and mark together the signs and movements of the times in which we live, the questions and doubts that are at work in the disturbed mind of society and the age on almost all subjects human and divine, the rapid succession of changes and events that betoken and foretell the beginning of a new era in the world's history. The briefest survey of the course of events at the beginning of the year 1871 is

sufficient to show that we have arrived at the beginning of another of those critical periods in the providential history of mankind, when the old condition of things, political and religious, is fast breaking up. There is once more the shaking of the heavens and the earth,' and in the language of the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews, 'this word, yet once more signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken as of things that are made, that those things that cannot be shaken may remain." One of the evidences of the change which has come over society, is the changed aspect of the Church in regard to religious teaching. The old land-marks are departing. Popular

theological opinions can no longer be maintained. In this altered condition of things not a few reject doctrine altogether, and seek to confine religion to mere feeling and emotion, and to a good life. These mistake the nature of true religion. It is no more feeling alone than it is faith alone. It is pure affection, combined with and sustained by enlightened thought and intelligent faith. This is convincingly presented in this address. "It is strongly asserted that a man's opinions, views of truth, or his faith, which are unconsideringly identified, are not of so much significance as his spirit, his heart, his feelings directed, it is to be supposed, towards some great unknown object. We must grant surely that a man's heart, his feelings, must have an object, and some perception and intelligence of that object. The desire of the love of truth must also be allowed some place in a man's spirit and feelings. Is man to be liberated and acquitted from all responsibility in the faithful direction and procedure, the sincere and honest use of his understanding and intelligence? I cannot see that man is a moral and accountable being at all, if you reduce him to what you are pleased to call spiritual feeling, apart from the exercise of his thought and intelligence. If he is not accountable for, and in the use of his mind, take away his mind altogether, leave him to what you call affection, emotion, sensibility, feeling-and what then? You have a creature of blind sense and feel

ing without eyes. What after all is the meaning of that great word, truth? Is a revelation of truth possible? Are we

responsible for the use we make of it? Is the spirit of Christ the spirit of truth? Is it an intelligent spirit? Does it lead us into all truth about Him, or bring anything about Him into our knowledge and remembrance? The central source of almost all fanaticism, folly, error, falsehood, especially in religion, has been blind false teaching. Is not one of our greatest needs that of the earnest, patient, prayerful continuous exercise of spiritual thought and of the spiritual mind? What is feeling worth, if separated from sincere care and love for truth, and the fullest exercise of the heart and mind upon truth?"


The protracted sittings of the "Ritual Commission" have at length been brought to a close. The experience of last session of Parliament does not encourage the hope that the results of their labours will find ready acceptance with the legislature. There is a growing impatience of ecclesiastical legislation, which, combined with the extent and pressure of important social questions, tends to its neglect and failure. It is interesting, however, to note the action of the commission on the various rubrical and other changes submitted to their attention. All their proceedings manifest an intense caution and fear of change, the majority of the changes suggested being of trifling


It was impossible to complete the revision committed to the commission without bringing into review the rubric relating to the Athanasian Creed, although doubt was expressed as to the power of the commission to deal with the creed itself. It was nevertheless proposed to so alter the rubric as to render the reading of the creed optional. This proposal was not adopted, but a note was adopted declaring "That the condemnations in this Confession of Faith are to be no otherwise understood than as a solemn warning of the peril of those who wilfully reject the Catholic Faith." Having adopted the principle, however, of adding dogmatic interpretations of passages in the Prayer-book, the Dean of Westminster moved, "That the original Greek word translated 'person' (hypostasis) is in the Nicene Creed an equivalent of the Greek word

translated 'substance,' and that the original Latin word translated 'person' (persona) is not used in the sense of the modern English word person." This motion was rejected, so that the only resolution adopted on this thorny subject was the one relating to the condemnatory clauses. The discussions make manifest, however, the perplexity which is occasioned by the Creed, and the unwillingness with which many submit to it. Unhappily many of

those who most strongly object to this Creed are those who have lost faith in the Deity of the Christian Saviour; and on this subject the Church is not yet prepared to offer a definite and rational article of faith.


"Solar Fictions (Seeley). By A. Freeman, F.R.C. It is an elaborate attempt to run down the sun by applying to the great centre of our system the methods which the Colensoist school have adopted with regard to the Bible. Mr. Freeman has had the wisdom to append to his little book a body of criticisms ostensibly by another hand, so as to avoid the danger of his banter being seriously taken. Our own impression is that in time it will come to be admitted that science and Scripture do not approach each other's province. It is, for instance, a complete begging of the question to assume that Gen i. is a cosmogony. A priori the manner in which the world was created is not a matter of theological interest. It might be necessary, in view of the Gentile mythologies, to state in detail that God was the Maker of the earth, the sea, the air, the heavenly bodies, and of everything that hath breath; but it does not follow that Gen. i. enumerates the acts of creation in the order in which they occurred, if indeed they occurred in succession at all. It is, on the contrary, far more likely that the form of the narrative has been determined by mystical considerations." -Church Times, Feb. 10.

Reading the Bible.-"We should always remember in reading the Bible that there is not a book in it much short of two thousand years old. In that long space of time, how much the outward circumstances of the world have changed! We must look below the letter and the figure, and we shall

find much that answers to what we have felt and thought, and to what we have met coming against our hearts in life.

You see at the present time men going out, as it were, to meet unbelief, as if it were a pleasure to reduce in the world the strength of religious faith. In coming upon the narrative parts of Scripture they say of many of them, "I see nothing like that now, therefore there never has been anything of the kind." Yet these men look very far below outward appearances in their business or professional matters. It is an essential of success that they should do so.

Now, in reading the Bible, we must do as the gold-seeker and the pearlseeker do there are signs, varying in distinctness, that what they are in search of is not far off. There are neither pearls nor gold to be seen on the top, yet they have a faith they are near. And so, in opening the Bible, we must have the same practical faith: we must say, "There is gold here. There are pearls here. Help me, O God, to find them." And those who have sought through life in this field of gold say that there is not a part in it that has not a rich vein in it-spiritual and moral lessons applicable to every age of the world, and to individual or general circumstances. We can see in it, as in a mirror, our feelings and thoughts pictured in some form or other, and beneath the outward letter a stream of sympathy which has no equal in its power to refresh and strengthen us.' -Church of England Magazine, Feb. 11, 1871.

The Athenæum, Dec. 3, 1870, p. 720, in the list of "Books for the Young," reports favourably on Mr. Chauncey Giles' "Wonderful Pocket," 'Magic Shoes," and "The Gate of Pearl.'

SWEDENBORG SOCIETY.-The attention of the Committee has lately been much occupied with the newly-found documents respecting Swedenborg. The bulk of these did not come into their possession till January. It has thus happened that it was only at their last meeting that Dr. Tafel could fairly be set to work upon them. He is now expected to go on continuously till he has translated them all-they are chiefly

in Swedish- and superintended the printing both of the translations and of the originals. It is proposed to publish them simultaneously; but the originals will be in a volume by themselves, as many persons will only require to have them in English. The collection will be much more complete than any that has ever before been published. The undertaking will involve considerable expense, and it is intended to issue a special appeal to obtain the necessary funds. The Committee have in the press an edition of the work "On the Decalogue, as containing the Divine Law of Christian Life"-(extracted from the "Apocalypse Explained") revised by the Rev. T. M. Gorman. It will be uniform with the newly-issued pocketedition of the "Heaven and Hell." It deserves to be better known than it appears to be that this edition of the "Heaven and Hell" is peculiarly adapted for circulation among general readers, as it does not contain the numerous references to the "Arcana Cœlestia." Three volumes of the "Apocalypse Explained" are nearly out of print: the Committee have therefore ordered them to be reprinted. The readers of the Intellectual Repository will have seen in the February number a list of Swedenborg's works, more complete than had previously been published. This is intended to be placed at the end of all the octavo copies of the works issued by the Society. It will also appear in the Intellectual Repository each alternate month: it is also available for general circulation. A large number has been printed, with the view of having them judiciously circulated by societies and individuals. A few copies of the "Heaven and Hell" in Italian have been received. The style in which the book appears is highly creditable to the Italian press; and the friends in Italy are exerting themselves to promote its circulation. Several copies have already been sold. Its publication has been kindly noticed by the Rev. A. E. Ford in the New Jerusalem Messenger. The work will shortly be on sale here. For some time past, the Society's works have been extensively advertised in what appear to be the most suitable journals and magazines. The result has been largely-increased sales, especially of the "Heaven and Hell. Owing to the daily-increasing labours of the Commit

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tee, involving considerable expenditure, it becomes imperatively necessary to urge upon the members and friends of the Society the duty of using their best endeavours to increase the list of subscribers, and thereby enable the Committee to carry on, still more efficiently than hitherto, a work which, however apparently humble, is nevertheless intrinsically among the most important of the age. Payments, by Post Office Order or otherwise, may be made to the Treasurer, Thos. Watson, Esq., 19 Highbury Crescent, London, N., or to any of the Collectors.-H. BUTTER, Sec. Feb. 15, 1871.

SWEDENBORG'S MSS.-The following appeared in The Daily Telegraph, under the heading of "University of London:"

"The library of the University of London, now established in the new building opened by Her Majesty in May last, has lately received two very interesting accessions. One of these, presented by the Lords of the Treasury, is a facsimile of the black letter Prayer Book, containing manuscript alterations and additions made in the year 1661," &c. "The other work, which has been presented by the New Church of Great Britain, is a complete reproduction, by photo-lithography, of the manuscript works of Emanuel Swedenborg, which have been carefully preserved at Stockholm. This reproduction, executed under the direction of the Rev. Dr. Tafel, forms ten folio volumes, and is probably the largest work of its kind. Only 110 copies have been struck off, and of these half are intended for America, which took the initiative in the movement."

NEW CHURCH COLLEGE.-Since our last, Dr. Tafel has been appointed theological tutor in the College, and has commenced his duties. The course of study, we understand, will embrace Biblical history and criticism, including the history of the English version; Church history, including the history of doctrine; the doctrines of the New Church and the law of correspondence; the composition of sermons and preparation for pastoral work. In addition to the college students, missionary preachers and other theological students will, with the consent of the council, have the privilege of attending the classes. One of the missionaries is al

ready in attendance, and we hope that others will avail themselves of so desirable an opportunity of instruction and training for their work. In addition to the four theological students, there are now nineteen lay pupils at the college. Dr. Goyder having suggested that there ought to be a teacher of anatomy and physiology, Mr. Bateman has been appointed to this officethe office being held without salary. Occasional lectures on scientific subjects continue to be given, the most recent being one on botany by Mr. Fairsley, a second lecture on geology by Mr. Bateman, and one on the circulation of the blood by Dr. Goyder.

THE LONDON MISSIONARY AND TRACT SOCIETY AND COLPORTAGE.-For a considerable time, many friends have felt strongly inclined to try the colportage system in London. The success which has attended the efforts of this kind in the country has encouraged the hope that results equally happy would follow in the Metropolis. At length the Committee took the matter into serious consideration, discussed it very fully, and at length came to the conclusion that if the suitable man could be found there would probably be a considerable result for good achieved by the adoption of the system. They advertised for a colporteur, and received several applications from persons evidently zealous and ready to undertake the work. From these, two were selected- Mr Robinson of Liverpool and Mr Rowe of South London and requested to present themselves at the last meeting of the Committee for a personal interview. The two candidates came, and were requested to state their views of the office, and the conceptions they had of the mode in which they would carry out their operations. This they did pretty fully; and, after they had withdrawn, the Committee came to the conclusion that the two candidates possessed many qualities eminently suitable to attain success in the work, and it could scarcely be decided which on the whole was the most suitable. At length the suggestion was made that probably the wisest course would be to employ both for three months, commencing with the first of March, and determine after three months' experience which was most likely to be successful in the work,

or if it were desirable and possible to sustain both. This course was unanimously adopted. On the first of March these gentlemen will commence their labours; and the Committee earnestly hope that all our friends will favour the colporteurs with their best co-operation and advice. Any suggestion that may be offered to secure the greatest efficiency will be gratefully received by Mr Jobson, the Secretary. At the same Committee-meeting, a proposition was made, from the Lincolnshire New Church Association, to commence the employment of a colporteur for that county, and recommending Mr Bellamy as a person eminently suitable in energy, zeal, and talent. The Lincolnshire friends proposed to guarantee half the cost of an experiment for three months, and the Committee in London cheerfully undertook the other half. These colporteurs will be able to diffuse a large number of tracts, and to sell a large number of the cheaper publications, and here and there introduce the more important works. They can deliver bills, attend meetings, and take advantage of the opportunities afforded to push business, and in this way aid the work of substituting light for darkness, spirituality for materialism, comfort for gloom, and good for evil. They will deem it their duty to foster every good effort for the improvement of mankind, all sanitary, educational, and moral, as well as religious, progress, co-working, where it is possible, with others, labouring in peace, from love to the Lord, for all that can elevate their fellow-men. Increased help will be needed to sustain this effort and make it successful, and the Committee earnestly invite all the friends of the Church and of progress to contribute a larger amount than heretofore, and those who have not contributed before to do So, that the labourers may be encouraged and good may be done.On behalf of the Committee, J. BAYLEY, President of Conference.

NATIONAL MISSIONARY INSTITUTION. -Mr. Gunton continues his active and useful course of labours. Since our last he has visited Chatteris, Ipswich, Brightlingsea, St. Ives, Maidstone, and Snodland; and at the time we write, is at Hull on his way to Middlesborough and the North. In the towns thus visited, there are small societies, who


are dependent on the services of leaders appointed from among themselves, and whose labours are supplemented and sustained by these missionary visits. In relation to these societies, Mr. Gunton remarks-"The members should remember how much the leader-who, like themselves, earns his daily bread by his secular calling, and makes great sacrifices of personal comfort to prepare himself to fulfil the duties of his office -is encouraged by their presence. they desire to promote the cause they profess to love, surely they will feel it a delight to be in the company of those who are one with them in sentiment and feeling. There is room for improvement in this respect, which we hope will take place, so that the desolation of the sanctuary, which sometimes painfully affects the casual visitor, may give place to a service, steadily attended by intelligent and devout worshippers.

In this case our services would be a delight to all, and our practice no longer rebuked by the greater zeal of those who have a light less bright to guide them."

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HAMMERSMITH.-A series of eight lectures, under the auspices of the New Church Missionary and Tract Society, was delivered in the Assembly-Room of this suburban town during the month of October last,-the two first lectures being given by the Rev. Dr. Bayley, on "The Second Coming of Christ and "The Lord Jesus Christ the only God of the Church and the World, in whom is a Divine Trinity.' Both these lectures were delivered in the lecturer's well-known style, argumentative and convincing, enchained the attention of a select and appreciative audience during their delivery, and elicited many important questions from some who were evidently strangers to the views advanced, to which, it is needless to say, replies of a lucid and satisfactory kind were given. On the Sunday following, Mr. Gunton delivered an evening discourse on "The Serpent tempting Eve." During the succeeding week Mr. P. Ramage delivered two lectures on "Hell: what and where is it? Are its Punishments Eternal?" and "What do the Scriptures teach respecting Jesus?" On Sunday Mr. Gunton again lectured on the question of the Philippian jailor, "What

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