
the Washington University, where I was appointed Professor of Modern Languages and Comparative Philology, which professorship I resigned when I entered upon my mission in Sweden. Chancellor Chauvenet was one of the delegates of the Missouri Association in the General Convention which was held in Portland in 1868; and it was there where I last saw him. At the time of his death he was the Vice-President of the National Academy of Sciences in America, and he was an honoured member of the Philosophical Society in Philadelphia and of the Academy of Sciences in Boston.

"The enclosed account of the obsequies is from the Missouri Democrat of December 18th. The Church of the Messiah, where the funeral ceremonies were held, is the largest Unitarian Church in the place; and Rev. Dr. Post, who made some beautiful remarks, after the New Church minister, Rev. J. P. Stuart, is the pastor of the largest Congregational Church in St. Louis, and also Professor of History in Washington University.'

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Col. Th. T. Garth's remarks:

Chancellor Chauvenet was a man of not only national, but European reputation. He has advanced the boundaries of the pure and mixed mathematics, besides facilitating for inferior intelligences the acquisition of such knowledge of these sciences, as may be gained from treatises, of which he has given several of great excellence to the world. I presume I speak with. in bounds, when I say, that no list of the five greatest mathematicians alive in the whole world on the first of January 1870 would be correct that did not include his name. This was his title to fame and renown. But if this had been all, the smaller and more obscure circle of his friends would have been comparatively unmoved at his death. If there are many instances of discerning, inventive, analyzing, digesting, comprehending faculties like his, united with the perfect ingenuousness, simplicity, gentleness and modesty, which marked him; then I have been very unfortunate throughout my life: for I never met with an approximation to such a combination.

The com

posure of Mrs Chauvenet and her family is wonderful to me. No one knows better than I that they loved and

revered him who has gone, as it seldom happens to any one to be loved and revered. Yet they exhibit a cheerfulness which is in the most marked contrast with the selfish grief that too often is observable in those who have suffered such a bereavement. If there be in your church any of that living faith which enables your members to feel the words of scripture on this subject of the separation which death makes to realise, to believe them, and to enable the survivors to utter these words without hypocrisy, this may be an explanation of the calmness and cheerful resignation of Mrs Chauvenet and her children. Faith is so nearly banished from this earth that one is startled to perceive any manifestation of it."

From the Missouri Democrat: "The funeral services of William Chauvenet, the Chancellor of Washington University, was yesterday attended at the Church of the Messiah. Present in large numbers were sorrowing friends and acquaintance and warm admirers of the distinguished dead, with many who knowing only by reputation his sterling worth as a teacher and a Christian, had come to share in paying the last tribute to his memory.


The church was appropriately decorated with white flowers and evergreens, the symbols of purity and immortality, emblems also of the singleness of purpose which characterized the deceased, and of the stability and vitality of the sciences he taught and truths he inculcated. With religious ardour he had devoted his fine intellect to the special culture of the exact sciences, had loved to expatiate in the sublime domain of abstract mathematics and of astronomy, had achieved enduring distinction in these chosen fields, and it was fitting that the jubilant release of such a spirit from its clayey prison should be celebrated with flowers and perennial verdure.

"When the coffin had been laid down, Rev. J. P. Stewart read an appropriate passage of Scripture. A hymn was then sung, after which Mr. Stewart proceeded to address the congregation upon the life and virtues of the deceased.

"Cut off, said the speaker, in the midst of an active and useful life, the career terminated and the work this side of heaven accomplished, such is the record of the hour, such is the word

that is spoken by this dispensation of the Divine Providence of the Lord. But death is not a state; it is an orderly transition from one state of life into another; from the natural to the spiritual world. In the true sense death is only a change in the form of life, and marks what some of the ancients called the apotheosis of man. As the bird arises out of the egg, and the butterfly out of the caterpillar, so man arises out of the grave of his mortal body, and from apparent death enters into real life.

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After reading some of the doctrines of the New Church, in which the deceased believed, the reverend speaker continued. 'Here we might dwell upon the character of our departed brother, as a father, husband, friend, citizen, scholar and Christian; his exalted genius; varied and refined culture; his profound scientific and philosophic research and attainment; his subdued and genial spirit; his firm and unflinching integrity; his broad and catholic faith knowing no bound of sect or church; his quiet and serene repose in the allotments of a Divine Providence; his heavenly and useful life, and the sunshine and merriment of his heart, which, even under the incubus of disease, he had kept yonthful to the very last.

But in reality it does not become us to pronounce an eulogium of a life so pure and exalted, and so abounding in good works that speak louder than words. I know that if those silent lips could open and direct our speech they would tell us to rather briefly recount the doctrines which he made the model and guide of his life, and which doctrines may not be so familiarly known as were the Christian virtues of our brother. In a word, Chancellor Chauvenet was a New Church member, a Swedenborgian, as the common phrase has it.'

"The speaker then went into an elaborate statement of the doctrines of the New Church, and after an appropriate couclusion, another hymn was sung and an impressive address delivered by Rev. Dr. Post.

"At the conclusion of Dr. Post's remarks the friends of the deceased, and those who had known him in life, were invited to take a last look at his remains. The University professors and students and others then came forward and looked once more upon the

beloved features of their late preceptor and friend. The scene was touching in the extreme. The last sad, long look taken, the sacred rites of the hour concluded and the remains were conveyed to their final resting-place."

At Heywood, January 6th, Mrs. Martha Buckley, in the eighty-second year of her age. The deceased was distinguished as an exemplary member of the Church, and a steady attender on its public services.

Died at York, January 2, 1871, aged sixty-two years, Mr. William Heppel, the leader of the York Society, and an unflinching advocate of the truths of the New Jerusalem Church, of which he has been a receiver over 30 years. They were first brought to his notice by the father of the Rev. R. Storry, who lent him some tracts, and aided him by correspondence and conversation. He became an earnest reader and receiver of the heavenly doctrines, and laboured earnestly to make them known to others. He opened his own house for the purposes of worship and reading meetings. The writer of this notice, who has known him about eighteen years, is vividly reminded of his earnest and faithful expounding of the Word and the application of it to the heart and mind of his hearers. His faith in the final triumph of truth was unflinching, although he had to pass through many trials for its sake. He was for many months before his death unable to follow his employment, having suffered from disease of the heart. He was confined to his bed only for a few days, and he evidently knew his end was approaching, but his confidence and trust in his heavenly Father's goodness and mercy did not forsake him. A few hours before his death he prayed that the Lord would bless and take care of his wife, family, and friends. His remains were carried to the grave by members of the Society, who were in great measure brought into the Church through his instrumentality.

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"I have manifested Thy Name unto the men whom Thou gavest Me out of the world: Thine they were, and Thou gavest them Me; and they have kept Thy Word. Now they have known that all things, whatsoever Thou hast given Me, are of Thee: for I have given unto them the words Thou gavest Me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from Thee, and they have believed that Thou didst send Me."-Ver. 6-8.

THE men who were drawn by the Father to the Son were those who had not destroyed in themselves the good ground into which the truth could be received. They were known by doing good, so far as they were able. "He that doeth truth," the Lord said, "cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God" (John iii. 21). These formed the remnant of the good in a corrupt world. They were the "holy seed" of a world to come.

They had watched and waited, worked, prayed, and hoped for better things. At last, the sacred day had dawned upon them, the period known in prophecy as the day of the Lord. In that day, it was written, the Lord would take away the veil that had been spread over the nations, the covering cast over all people. He will swallow up death in victory. And now it was so. Prophecy had declared, "and it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God: we have waited for Him, and He will save us; this is Jehovah, we have waited for Him: we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation" (Isa. xxv. 9).

The Lord Jesus had come indeed, and manifested the name of the Eternal Ruler of all things-His name of Love.


In creation, indeed, God is Love, but to read His name there, truly, is the gift only of regenerated souls. They only can say—

"There is a God all nature cries;
There is a God my heart replies:

Through every path in which I move,

I find Him too a God of Love."

Jehovah proclaimed His name to the Israelites, as He passed by, when Moses stood in the cleft of a rock, on the mountain side, “Jehovah, Jehovah God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering and abundant in goodness and truth; keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty" (Ex. xxxiv. 6, 7). But there was a covering upon the minds, a veil upon the hearts of the people. The light had shone in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not. God needed to manifest His name, His nature, in a tenderer, nearer, dearer form, and so He revealed Himself in Jesus.

In Him were blended purity and pity, power and gentleness, wisdom, high as heaven, yet simple as childhood; lamb-like innocence yet infinite strength; a sympathy that drew near to sufferers of every kind, a majesty that gave help in every sorrow, and saved the lost. His life was human, but divinely human. It was human, for it touched the whole circle of human need and human sorrow; but divine, for wherever it touched, it healed and blessed; and this, from its inherent and self-possessed divinity. His life was not the manifestation of a second divine person, but the manifestation of the name of the only Divine person, "I have manifested THY name." The Son is the manifestation of the Father, as thought is the manifestation of love, as the body is the manifestation of the soul.

Before God was in Christ, men could easily suppose that He was altogether such a one as themselves, rigid and selfish, only infinitely, omnipotently so: or by a strange inversion, suppose He was altogether above human comprehension, that goodness with Him might be something having nothing in common with goodness in man, justice with Him might not have the slightest relation to justice in man. But, when He assumed Humanity Himself, that Divine Manhood revealed the real nature of the Father. The Son brought the Father to view (John i. 8). Nature had manifested God dimly, but the Saviour Emmanuel, God with us, manifested that God was a Divine Man, the Only True and self-existent Man. Humanity in its essence is Love and Wisdom. Men are only really men as they are loving and wise.

They, as images of God, are only receivers of love and wisdom, and the more they receive the more are they men. A human being without wisdom is an ape, an owl, or a fox; without love, a tiger, a wolf, or a dog. Love and Wisdom constituting humanity in its essence, Eternal Love and Wisdom are the constituents of the Eternal Man. The Lord Jesus, in every word, in every act, manifested the love and wisdom of God, and thus manifested that God was a Divine Man. In Him, it was manifested that love was love, wisdom was wisdom, pity was pity, truth was truth. Tenderness, mercy and forgiveness were the same in God as they are in man,—only infinitely higher in quality and degree. He manifested the Father's name, when He spoke kindly to the poor, when He raised the palsied, gave pure flesh to the leper, opened the eyes of the blind, the ears of the deaf, gave life to the dead, forgiveness to the penitents; and such wisdom flowed from His mouth as to excite the exclamation, "Never man spake like this man!" They who had been secretly drawn by love, who had given themselves to the Divine Love, came to Him, and heard Him gladly.

Divine Love brought them to the truth. They heard the Word, and kept it. By the fruits of truth they knew it had come from the Fountain of good. Love and truth flow as one from the Divine Being. They become separated in their descent to man, and we receive them separately. They yearn, however, to be united again. Love seeks truth, as the sponge seeks water. Truth points to love, as the guidepost to a golden city.

Those hearts in whom the love of God is, have an internal test by which they welcome it, and bring it into practice. They esteemed and loved all things the Saviour manifested. They esteem and love all things they read of Him in the Gospel, and all the gracious words which proceed from His mouth. They know these things have flowed from the Divine Love; and therefore they know surely that the Saviour comes from the Divine Love, and they have believed that Divine Love, and nothing else, has brought Him into this world to seek and to save them that were lost.

Those who are thus animated by heavenly love are those who are given to the Saviour, out of the world. Divine Love already rules within them, and separates them from the world. They dissociate themselves from the world, and the world's law. They seek the truth, that the truth may make them free. They are drawn to the Saviour, and they know that He reveals the God for whom they have been darkly searching.

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