
them, with the title of Protector of the Indians. e)

The manner in which they were executed.

To veft fuch extraordinary powers as might at once overturn the fyftem of government eftablished in the New World, in four perfons, who, from their humble condition in life, were little intitled to poffefs this high authority, appeared to Zapata, and other minifters of the late king, à measure so wild and dangerous, that they refused to iffue the difpatches neceffary for carrying it into execution. But Ximenes was not of a temper patiently to brook oppofition to any of his fchemes. He fent for the refractory minifters, and addreffed them in fuch a tone, that in the utmoft confternation they obeyed his orders. f) The fuperintendents, with their affociate Zuazo, and Las Cafas, failed for St. Domingo. Upon their arrival, the first act of their authority was to fet at liberty all the Indians who had been granted to the Spanish courtiers, or to any perfon not résiding in America. This, together with the information which had been received from Spain concerning the object of the commiffion, spread a general alarm. The colonifts concluded that they were to be deprived at once of the hands

e) Herrera, dec. 2. lib. ii. c. 3.

f) lbid. dec. 2. lib. ii. c. 6.

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with which they carried on their labour, and that, of confequence, ruin was unavoidable. But the fathers of St. Jerome proceeded with fuch caution and prudence, as foon diffipated all their fears. They difcovered, in every step of their conduct, a knowledge of the world, and of affairs, which is feldom acquired in a cloifter; and difplayed a moderation and gentlenefs ftill more rare among perfons trained up in the folitude and aufterity of a monaftick life. Their ears were open to information from every quarter, they compared the different accounts which they received, and, after a mature confideration of the whole, they were fully fatisfied that the ftate of the colony rendered it impoffible to adopt the plan propofed by Las Cafas, and recommended by the cardinal. They plainly perceived that the Spaniards fettled in America were fo few in number, that they could neither work the mines which had been opened, nor cultivate the country; that they depended for both upon the labour of the natives, and, if deprived of it, they must inftantly relinquifh their conquefts, or give up all the advantages which they derived from them; that no allurement was fo powerful as to furmount the natural averfion of the Indians to any laborious effort, and that nothing but the authority of a mafter could compel them to work; and if they were not kept conftantly under the eye and difcipline of a fuperior, fo

great was their natural liftleffnefs and indifference, that they would neither attend to religious inftruction, nor observe thofe rites of Chriftianity which they had been already taught. Upon all thofe accounts, the fuperintendents found it neceffary to tolerate the repartimiento's, and to fuffer the Indians to remain under fubjection to their Spanish mafters. They used their utmost endeavours, however, to prevent the fatal effects of this eftablifhment, and to fecure the Indians the confolation of the best treatment compatible with a state of fervitude. For this purpofe, they revived former regulations, they preferibed new ones, they neglected no circumftance that tended to mitigate the rigour of the yoke; and by their authority, their example, and their exhortations, they laboured to infpire their countrymen with fentiments of equity and gentleness, towards the unhappy people upon whofe industry they depended. Zuazo, in his department, feconded the endeavours of the fuperintendents. He reformed the courts of juftice, in such a manner as to render their decifions equitable as well as expeditious, and introduced various regulations which greatly improved the interior police of the colony. The fatisfaction which his conduct, and that of the fuperintendents gave, was now univerfal among the Spaniards fettled in the New World, and all admired the boldness of Ximenes, in having departed from

the ordinary path of bufinefs in forming his plan, as well as his fagacity', in pitching upon perfons, whofe wifdom, moderation, and disinterestedness, rendered them worthy of this high truft. g)

Las Cafas diffatisfied with them!

Las Cafas alone was diffatisfied. The pru dential confiderations which influenced the fuperintendents, made no impreffion upon him, He regarded their idea of accommodating their conduct to the ftate of the colony, as the maxim of an unhallowed timid policy, which tolerated what was unjuft, because it was beneficial. He contended, that the Indians were by nature free, and, as their protector, he required the fuperintendents not to bereave them of the common privilege of humanity. They received his moft virulent remonftrances without emotion, but adhered firmly to their own fyftem. The Spanish planters did not bear with him fo patiently, and were ready to tear him in pieces for infifting in a requifition fo odious to them. Las Cafas, in order to screen himself from their rage, found it neceffary to take shelter in a convent; and perceiving that all his efforts in America were fruitless, he foon fet out for Europe, with a fixed refolution

g) Herrera, dec. 2. lib. ii. c. 15. Remefal Hift. Gener. lib. ii. c. 14, 15, 16.

not to abandon the protection of a people whom he deemed to be cruelly oppressed. h)

His negociations with the minifters of Charles V.

Had Ximenes retained that vigour of mind with which he usually applied to bufinefs, Las Cafas must have met with no very gracious reception upon his return to Spain. But he found the cardinal languifhing under a mortal diftemper, and preparing to refign his authority to the young king, who was daily expected from the Low Countries. Charles arrived, took poffeffion of the government, and, by the death of Ximenes, loft a minifter, whofe abilities, and integrity intitled him to direct his affairs. Many of the Flemifh nobility had accompanied their fovereign to Spain. From that warm predilection to his countrymen, which was natural at his age, he confulted them with respect to all the tranfactions in his new kingdom, and they, with an indifcreet eagernefs, intruded themselves into every bufinefs, and feized almost every department of adminiftration. i) The direction of American affairs was an object too alluring to escape their attention. Las Cafas obferved their growing influence, and though projectors are usually too fanguine to conduct their fchemes with much

b) Herrera. dec. 2. lib. ii. c. 16.

i) Hift. of Charles V. vol. ii. p. 49.

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