
terred from engaging in new fchemes of a fimilar nature. When wealth is acquired gradually by the perfevering hand of induftry, or accumulated by the flow operations of regular commerce, the means employed are fo proportioned to the end attained, that there is nothing to ftrike the imagination, and little to urge on the active powers of the mind to uncommon efforts. But when large fortunes were created almost inftantaneoufly; when gold and pearles were procured in exchange for baubles; when the countries which produced these rich commodities, defended only by naked favages, might be feized by the first bold invader; objects fo fingular and alluring, rouzed a wonderful fpirit of enterprize among the Spaniards, who rushed with ardour into this new path that was opened to wealth and diftinction. While this fpirit continued warm and vigorous, every attempt either towards difcovery or conqueft was applauded; and adventurers engaged in it with emulation. The paffion for new undertakings, which characterizes the age of discovery in the latter part of the fifteenth and beginning of the fixteenth century, would alone have been fufficient to prevent the Spaniards from ftopping fhort in their career. But circumftances peculiar to Hifpaniola at this juncture, concurred with it in extending their navigation and conquests. The rigorous treatment of the inhabitants of that ifland having almoft extirpated the race, ROBERTSON, Tom. I.


many of the Spanish planters, as I have already obferved, finding it impoffible to carry on their works with the fame vigour and profit, were obliged to look out for fettlements in fome country whofe people were not yet wafted by oppreffion. Others, with the inconfiderate levity natural to men upon whom wealth pours in with a fudden flow, had fquandered, in thoughtless prodigality, what they acquired with eafe, and were driven by neceffity to embark in the most desperate schemes, in order to retrieve their affairs. From all these causes, when Don Diego Columbus propofed to conquer the ifland of Cuba, and to eftablifh a colony there, many perfons of chief diftinction in Hifpaniola engaged with alacrity (1511.) in the measure. He gave the command of the troops deftined for that fervice to Diego Velafquez, one of his father's companions in his fecond voyage, and who, having been long fettled in Hifpaniola, had acquired an ample fortune, with fuch reputation for probity and prudence, that he feemed to be well qualified for conducting an expedition of importance. Three hundred men were deemed fufficient for the conqueft of an ifland above feven hundred miles in length, and filled with inhabitants. But they were of the fame unwarlike character with the people of Hifpaniola. They were not only intimidated by the appearance of their new enemies, but unprepared to refift them.


though, from the time that the Spaniards took poffeffion of the adjacent ifland, there was reafon to expect a defcent on their territories, none of the small communities into which Cuba was divided, had either made any provifion for its own defence, or had formed any concert for their common fafety. The only obftruction the Spaniards met with was from Hatuey, a cazique, who had fled from Hifpaniola, and taken poffeffion of the eastern extremity of Cuba. He ftood upon the defenfive at their firft landing, and endeavoured to drive them back to their fhips. His feeble troops, however, were foon broken and difperfed; and he himself being taken prifoner, Velafquez, according to the barbarous maxim of the Spaniards, confidered him as a flave who had taken arms against his master, and condemned him to the flames. When Hatuey was faftened to the ftake, a Francifcan friar labouring to convert him, promifed him immediate admittance into the joys of heaven, if he would embrace the Chriftian faith. ,,Are there any ,,Spaniards," fays he, after fome pause, "in that region of blifs which you defcribe?" "Yes," replied the monk,,,but only fuch as ,,are worthy and good.",,The best of them," returned the indignant cazique, "have neither ,,worth nor goodnefs; I will not go to a place where I may meet with one of that accurfed


,, race. "x) This dreadful example of vengeance ftruck the people of Cuba with fuch terror, that they scarcely gave any oppofition to the progrefs of their invaders; and Velafquez, without the lofs of a man, annexed this extenfive and fertile ifland to the Spanifh monarchy. y)

Discovery of Florida.

The facility with which this important conqueft was completed, ferved as an incitement to other undertakings. Juan Ponce de Leon, having acquired both fame and wealth by the reduction of Puerto Rico, was impatient to engage in fome new enterprise. He fitted out (1512.) three fhips at his own expence, for a voyage of discovery, and his reputation foon drew together a refpectable body of followers. He directed his courfe towards the Lucayo iflands; and after touching at feveral of them, as well as of the Bahama ifles, he ftood to the fouth-weft, and difcovered a country hitherto unknown to the Spaniards, which he called Florida, either because he fell in with it on Palm Sunday, or on account of its gay and beautiful appearance. He attempted to land in different places, but met with fuch vigorous oppofition

x) B. de la Casas, p. 40.

y) Herrera, dec. 1. lib. ix. c. 2, 3. &c. Oviedo, lib. xvii. e. 3. p. 179.

from the natives, who were fierce and warlike as convinced him that an increafe of force was requifite to effect a fettlement. Satisfied with having opened a communication with a new country, of whofe value and importance he conceived very fanguine hope, he returned to Puerto Rico, through the channel now known by the name of the Gulf of Florida.

It was not merely the paffion of searching for new countries that prompted Ponce de Leon to undertake this voyage, he was influenced by one of thofe vifionary ideas, which at that time often mingled with the fpirit of difcovery, and rendered it more active. A tradition prevailed among the natives of Puerto Rico, that in the ifle of Bimini, one of the Lucayos, there was a fountain of fuch wonderful virtue as to renew the youth, and recal the vigour of every perfon who bathed in its falutary waters. In hopes of finding this grand restorative, Ponce de Leon and his followers ranged through the iflands, searching, with fruitlefs folicitude and labour, for the fountain, which was the chief object of their expedition. That a tale fo fabulous fhould gain credit among fimple uninftructed Indians is not furprizing. That it fhould make any impreffion upon an enlightened people appears, in the prefent age, altogether incredible. The fact, however, is certain; and the most authentick Spanish hiftorians mention this extravagant fally of their credulous countrymen.

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