
and retarded fo long the negociation with Columbus, the fum employed in fitting out this fquadron did not exceed four thousand pounds.

As the art of fhip - building in the fifteenth

century was extremely rude, and the bulk of veffels was accommodated to the fhort and easy voyages along the coaft which they were accustomed to perform, it is a proof of the courage as well as enterprifing genius of Columbus, that he ventured, with a fleet fo unfit for a diftant navigation, to explore unknown feas, where he had no chart to guide him, no knowledge of the tides and currents, and no experience of the dangers to which he might be expofed. His eagerness to accomplish the great defign which had fo long engroffed his thoughts, made him overlook or difregard every circumftance that would have intimidated a mind lefs adventurous. He pufhed forward the preparations with fuch ardour, and was feconded fo effectually by the persons to whom Ifabella committed the fuperintendence of this bufinefs, that every thing was foon in readinefs for the voyage. But as Columbus was deeply impreffed with fentiments of religion, he would not fet out upon an expedition so arduous, and of which one great object was to extend the knowledge of the Chriftian faith, without imploring publickly the guidance and protection of Heaven. With this view, he, together with all the perfons under his com

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mand, marched in folemn proceffion to the monaftery of Rabida. After confeffing their fins, and obtaining abfolution, they received the holy facrament from the hands of the guardian, who joined his prayers to theirs for the fuccefs of an enterprife which he had fo zealoufly patronized.

His departure from Spain.

Next morning, being Friday the third day of Auguft, in the year one thousand four hundred and ninety two, Columbus fet fail, a little before fun rife, in prefence of a vaft crowd of fpectators, who fent up their fupplications to Heaven for the profperous iffue of the voyage, which they wifhed, rather than expected. 1492. Columbus fteered directly for the Canary Iflands, and arrived there without any occurrence that would have deferved notice on any other occafion. 13 Auguft. But, in a voyage of fuch expectation and importance, every circumstance was the object of attention. The rudder of the Pinta broke loofe, the day after fhe left the harbour, and that accident alarmed the crew, no lefs fuperftitious than unfkilful, as a certain omen of the unfortunate destiny of the expedition. Even in the fhort run to the Canaries, the fhips were found to be fo crazy and ill appointed, as to be very improper for a navigation which was expected to be both long and dangerous. Columbus re

fitted them, however, to the beft of his power, and having fupplied himself with fresh provifions, he took his departure from Gomera, one of the most wefterly of the Canary islands, on the fixth day of September.

The courfe which he held.

Here the voyage of difcovery may properly be faid to begin; for Columbus holding his course to the weft, left immediately the ufual track of navigation, and ftretched into unfrequented and unknown feas. The first day,

as it was very calm, he made but little way; but on the fecond, he loft fight of the Canaries, and many of the failors, dejected already and difmayed, when they contemplated the boldnefs of the undertaking, began to beat their breasts, and tho fhed tears, as if they were never more to behold land. Columbus comforted them with affurances of fuccefs, and the profpect of past wealth, in thofe opulent regions whither he was conducting them. This early discovery of the fpirit of his followers taught Columbus, that he muft prepare to ftruggle, not only with unavoidable difficulties which might be expected from the nature of his undertaking, but with fuch as were likely to arise from the ignorance and timidity of the people under his command; and he perceived that the art of governing the minds of men would be no lefs requifite for accomplishing the discoveries

which he had in view, than naval fkill and undaunted courage. Happily for himself, and for the country by which he was employed, he joined to the ardent temper and inventive genius of a projector, virtues of another species which are rarely united with them. He poffeffed a thorough knowledge of mankind, an infinuating adrefs, a patient perseverance in executing any plan, the perfect government of his own paffions, and the talent of acquiring an afcendant over those of other meh.

Vigilance and attention of Columbus.

(1492) All these qualities, which formed him for command, were accompanied with that fuperior knowledge of his profeffion, which begets confidence in times of difficulty and danger. To unfkilful Spanifh failors, accuftomed only to coafting voyages in the Mediterranean, the maritime science of Columbus, the fruit of thirty years experience, improved by an acquaintance with all the inventions of the Portuguese, appeared immense. As foon as they put to fea, he regulated every thing by his fole authority; he fuperintended the execution of every order; and allowing himself only a few hours for fleep, he was at all other times upon deck. As his courfe lay through feas which had not formerly been vifited, the founding-line or inftruments for obfervation, were continually in his hands. After the example of the Portuguese discoverers,


he attended to the motion of tides and corrents, watched the flight of birds, the appearance of fifhes, of feaweeds, and of every thing that floated on the waves, and entered every occurrence, with a minute exactnefs, in the journal which he kept. As the length of the voyage could not fail of alarming failors habituated only to fhort excurfions, Columbus endeavoured to conceal from them the real progrefs which they made. With this view, though they run eighteen leagues on the fecond day after they left Gomera, he gave out that they had advanced only fifteen, and he uniformly employed the fame artifice of reckoning fhort during the whole voyage. By the fourteenth of September, the fleet was above two hundred leagues to the weft of the Canary Ifles, at a greater diftance from land than any Spaniard had been before that time.

Apprehenfions and alarms of his crew.

There they were ftruck with an appearance no less astonishing than new. They obferved, that the magnetic needle, in their compaffes, did not point exactly to the polar ftar, but varied towards the weft; and as they proceeded, this variation increased. This appearance, which is now familiar, though it ftill remains one of the myfteries of nature, into the caufe of which the fagacity of man hath not been able to penetrate, filled the companions of Columbus with terror. They were now in a boundlefs unknown

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