The poetical works of Robert Ferguson, with his life, 2. kötet1812 |
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47. oldal
... it is old and plain , The spinsters and the knitters in the sun , And the free maids that weave their thread with bones , Do use to chant it . SHAKESPEARE'S TWELFTH NIGHT . ON Scotia's plains , in days of yore , Whan lads and lasses ...
... it is old and plain , The spinsters and the knitters in the sun , And the free maids that weave their thread with bones , Do use to chant it . SHAKESPEARE'S TWELFTH NIGHT . ON Scotia's plains , in days of yore , Whan lads and lasses ...
Gyakori szavak és kifejezések
aften amang AULD REIKIE baith bauld bell bewitchin blaw blithe bonny braw BREEKS browster busk CALLER OYSTERS CALLER WATER canna canty cauld chiel cleedin cou'd daft DAVID GREGORY dead deil dimin dowie DRINK ECLOGUE e'en e'er ECLOGUE eithly ELEGY FARMER'S INGLE fouk frae gang gars gear GEORDIE GHAISTS gien girn glowr GOWDSPINK gude Braid Claith HAME CONTENT hauds heart ilka JOHN TAIT keek KING'S BIRTH-DAY lads lang's lasses LEITH RACES loun maist Mang maun mony mornin mourn Muse MUTUAL COMPLAINT nae mair naething ne'er never night o'er owre owsen poortith Reikie's ROBERT FERGUSSON saft saul seenil shou'd siller simmer sing skelpin stamack thee there's thir days thole thro tither trow unco wame weel weet Whan Whare Whase whilk WILLIAM WILKIE wirrikow
Népszerű szakaszok
47. oldal - The spinsters and the knitters in the sun, And the free maids that weave their thread with bones, Do use to chant it ; it is silly sooth, And dallies with the innocence of love, Like the old age.
44. oldal - While he draws breath, Till his four quarters are bedeckit Wi' gude Braid Claith. On Sabbath-days the barber spark, Whan he has done wi...
29. oldal - For nought can cheer the heart sae weel As can a canty Highland reel; It even vivifies the heel To skip and dance: Lifeless is he wha canna feel Its influence. Let mirth abound ; let social cheer Invest the dawning of the year; Let blithesome innocence appear To crown our joy; Nor envy, wi' sarcastic sneer, Our bliss destroy.
36. oldal - HAPPY the man who, void of cares and strife, In silken or in leathern purse retains A Splendid Shilling.
70. oldal - mang the sudden fa's O' winter's dreary dreepin' snaws. Now steekit frae the gowany field, Frae ilka fav'rite houff and bield, But mergh, alas ! to disengage Your bonny bouck frae fettering cage, Your free-born bosom beats in vain For darling liberty again. In window hung, how aft we see Thee keek around at warblers free. That carrol saft, and sweetly sing Wi
90. oldal - They ca' me MIRTH : — I ne'er was kend " To grumble or look sour ; " But blithe wad be a lift to lend, " Gif ye wad sey my power, And pith, this day.
105. oldal - O mock na this, my friends ! but rather mourn, Ye in life's brawest spring wi' reason clear, Wi' eild our idle fancies a' return, And dim our dolefu' days wi' bairnly fear ; The mind's ay cradled whan the grave is near.
141. oldal - I'd been there, How I wad trimm'd the bill o' fare ! For ne'er sic surly wight as he Had met wi' sic respect frae me. Mind ye what Sam,' the lying loun ! Has in his Dictionar laid down ? That aits in England are a feast To cow an' horse, an' sican beast, While in Scots ground this growth was common To gust the gab o
46. oldal - Gies mony a doctor his degrees For little skaith : In short, you may be what you please Wi
71. oldal - And courts wi' gleesome sangs his peer : The mavis frae the new-bloom'd thorn Begins his lauds at earest morn ; And herd...