
who tenderly laid him to rest. Loving hearts will wonder who will deck his grave with flowers and bedew it with tears.

We cannot find all the graves, but instead we can find representatives of the splendid patriotic people of Tennessee who will send their love to the widows and orphans of Pennsylvania as we bring words of love to the widows and orphans of those who were our foes.

I love to hear your mayor say what he did about this splendid city. I believe, strange as it may seem, that he told the truth, although he may be a politician, which I believe he is not.

I overheard a confederate say to a federal to-day, "You won the lawsuit." "Yes," was the reply, "but you got the mule!"

Whatever may have divided the north and south, the east and west, we are to-day the greatest people on earth; under this beautiful emblem, representing one united ccuntry, we have better soil, more waterways, better mineral deposits, better educational institutions, better clothes, that fit us better, better food, that is cooked better, better wives and more politicians to the acre than any country on earth.

Our visit here on this occasion will mark an epoch in our history; the State that furnished the woman who made this beautiful emblem of liberty and equality-the State where the Declaration of Independence was written, where the Constitution was wrought-the great State of Pennsylvania would take you up as a younger sister and say to you as Ruth to Naomi: "Where thou goest, I will go; thy flag shall be my flag; thy God my God."

We are here to pay tearful tribute as you have often paid tribute to your beloved dead-your patriotic dead. For I am free to say it would not have been possible to have gotten an appropriation for these monuments had we not been met by foemen worthy of our steel.

At Appomattox the world was introduced to a new soldiery-the American soldier-the grandest soldiery in the world.

All over this Union peace reigns. Let us foster peace. Not in the sense of blind security, but an intelligent peace.

We are your older brothers. We congratulate you that you have reached a century of prosperous existence. We invite you native Pennsylvanians, if you need help to come to the old Keystone State.

In conclusion let me leave this sentiment with you: Only by that American patriotic thought, that proud devotion that should be given to that noble emblem-only as we bow in submission to that emblem, shall this western republic, so prosperous, so homogeneous, be assured that it shall never perish from this western world.




R. MAYOR, Ladies and Gentlemen:-I have been very deeply interested by the speeches made by those who have already addressed this assemblage. I am glad to know that the best people in Tennessee and about Chattanooga are the good people who came from Pennsylvania some years ago. Pennsylvania has contributed so many good people to the various states of the Union that it is somewhat strange that we have such a goodly number of good people still left in the old Keystone State, but I presume so long as states are admitted to the Union and so long as good people are wanted to build up commonwealths, Pennsylvania will be called upon to contribute her portion.

Pennsylvania comes joyously and gladly to the State of Tennessee to place upon her hills and in her fields testimonials in granite and bronze to the heroism of Pennsylvania's sons, who, not only on the soil of Tennessee but on the soil of other states, stood for the unity of the Republic, the honor of the Nation, and the glories and the promises of the Flag. Mountain and valley, hill and field round about tell the story of American valor in which Pennsylvania had a distinguished part. The days in which they wrote the heroic chapters of the nation's history seem afar off and yet quite near. A new generation has come upon the scene of action since these fields trembled as it were beneath the tread of hosts of armed men, and the air was filled with the sulphurous smoke of battle. The boy born after the conflict that raged in and about Chattanooga has for many years enjoyed the privilege of American citizenship, and stood side by side with the soldier of the Republic at the ballot-box, and yet here to-day assemble the men of Pennsylvania who carried Pennsylvania's flag in the Army of the Union in the 60's-men who fought at Orchard Knob and on Lookout's height, and who helped to carry the old flag above the clouds.

This is a pilgrimage of peace. On the fields where in days gone by the sons of Pennsylvania met enemies, they will to-morrow meet friends. Not a hostile shot will be fired on the hills or across the fields. The inscriptions upon the monuments that pay tribute to the valor of the American soldier will be read by "Yank" and "Johnny" alike, and no man who wore the grey or the son who may be at his side need blush to stand within the shadow of those monuments. The story they tell, the valor they commemorate, the tribute they pay to the memory of the men whose doing, daring and dying on these and other fields kept the land united,

will teach patriotism and honor not only to this generation but to all the generations that shall follow in the progress of the centuries.

As citizens of Pennsylvania we appreciate the warmth of welcome given by the people of Tennessee, but amid the exceeding great pleasure of this occasion there is a tinge of sadness in the fact that all who wished to come to this place on this occasion are not here. Many are detained by the infirmities of age, others by the varied misfortunes of life, but I am sure that to-day, in Pennsylvania, every man who, in the days of war, trod these fields will, in imagination, follow this goodly assemblage of Pennsylvanians and the people of Tennessee to-morrow to the various places designated for ceremonies in the unveiling and dedication of monumental tributes erected by the State of Pennsylvania to the patriotism and devotion of her sons.

Let us hope that the land now united may be brought together in closer union by such patriotic gatherings and ceremonies as we indulge in this night and will indulge in to-morrow. Let us hope that the bond between the States of Pennsylvania and Tennessee, already strong, may be strengthened, and that the tributes paid to the valor of the American soldier, whether he wore the blue or whether he wore the grey, shall make the children of the future as brave as their fathers were in the past; and let us also hope that the mistakes of men, that on these and on other fields in armed conflict were corrected to their national betterment and individual enrichment, may serve to keep the children of the years yet to be free from national error and make them in their day and time defenders of the flag and of the unity of the Republic.


G. A. R.


OMRADES from Pennsylvania, and Ladies and Gentlemen:-It is with profound pleasure that I am permitted, in the presence of this vast audience to extend to each and all of you the hand of welcome. As commander of this department of the Grand Army of the Republic, I extend to you, Governor Hastings, and to you, Commander-in-Chief, and to all your comrades and friends from Pennsylvania, a most cordial wel


Once before some of you came to our city and state. We were then known to the world as a hospitable people, and you found that we were indeed so. True, you were surprised at the intensity of our greeting in those days, from 1861 to 1865, and at the kind of welcome you then re

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ceived, but you are compelled to admit that it was sincere. How changed is the form of our greeting and the manner of our reception now. Then we welcomed you with glistening bayonets, rattling bullets and roaring cannon, to fields of blood; now we bid you "turn in, and tarry till night, and wash your feet" and "we press you gently that you enter in," and to-night every home in Chattanooga is your home, to abide and to arise and go hence at your pleasure. We each say to you:

"You must come home with me and be my guest;

You will give joy to me, and I will do all that is in my power

to honor you."

As commander of this department I extend to you the friendly grasp of 38,000 citizens of Tennessee and their children and friends who rallied to the support of the same cause to which the great body of splendid men from Pennsylvania rallied in those dark days when the existence of this great Republic seemed to hang in the balance and when an omnipotent God alone could divine what was to be its destiny. These men of Tennessee marched with you to maintain the integrity of the Union and to keep unsullied the flag of the Republic, "that this nation, under God, might have a new birth of freedom-and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

There are no more loyal hearts in the world than are to be found in Tennessee. These lofty mountains and fertile valleys are to-day permeated with a spirit of loyalty. Those dread years of fearful conflict, when the children of a common parentage paused over the chasm they had created between the two branches of the same people to determine what of the future, seem to the casual observer to cast a shadow over our erring brothers, and to mar their reputation for loyalty to the spirit of liberty and equal rights; but closer observation reveals that it was not a want of loyalty, but a want of judgment as to its application that led Gur southern brethern to their determined effort to change the destiny of the Republic.

But to-day that error is atoned for in a more intense loyalty than has ever been known before, and if the time shall ever come when our tricolored banner shall need defense, or the Republic call for brave, true men to repel from our shores the invading hosts of a foreign nation, or it shall become necessary to rally on the tented field to preserve civil and religious liberty, the brave men of Tennessee, both the blue and the gray, will be found vying with the grand men of Pennsylvania in deeds of valor and courage. You, Commander-in-Chief, have no more loyal comrades to obey your commands than you have in this department of Tennessee, and when the time comes to join hands in the common cause of the Republic, it will be demonstrated that past differences are forgotten and that we are one united people.

We, in Tennessee, without regard to the past, yield to none in loyalty and in the love of civil and religious liberty.

"We love our land because it is our own,
And scorn to give aught other reason why.
Would shake hands with a king upon his throne,
And think it kindness to his majesty."

In those days in which the endurance, courage and valor of the sons of the Republic were put upon trial as never were like qualities of a common ancestry tried before, this integral part of the Republic known as Tennessee was a great central battle ground of the contending forces. Two hundred and ninety-eight engagements of the great war were fought on Tennessee soil.

The citizens of every state in the union lie in their last resting place within the boundaries of the State of Tennessee. Seven national cemeteries are located within our borders, in which lie upward of fifty-eight thousand brave men who came from every quarter of the nation to defend a common flag that civil and religious liberty might be handed down the cycles of time and preserved for a thousand generations yet unborn, but who went not back again.

Dwelling in such a land, inspired by the great men who were here before us, cherishing the sacred soil in which sleep so many of your comrades and of ours, we say to you in the beautiful words of Thomas Davis:

"Come in the evening, or come in the morning;

Come when you're looked for, or come without warning.
Blessings and welcome you'll find here before you;

And the oftener you come here the more we'll adore you."

Again I say to you: Welcome.




R. MAYOR, Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen:- I am very grateful to you for your kind words of welcome. So far as old soldiers are concerned they are welcome to each other wherever they meet.

In this State of Tennessee, where repose fifty-eight thousand soldiers, it will always be a pleasure to visit. I am glad to be in the best state, and the best city, outside of Pennsylvania. I am glad to be with you and receive your cordial greetings.

As part of this great nation, state lines are obliterated. It is Tennessee always; but as a part of the great American nation, state lines are of no consequence.

I am pleased to note the cordial, earnest, sincere spirit of comradeship that is growing up between soldiers. I admire a fighter, whether in civil or military life. It takes fighters to govern a great nation like ours.

After we meet here in friendly greeting let us not go home discussing whether it is better to live in Tennessee or Pennsylvania, the north or the south, but as Americans, representing the best qualities of American manhood and womanhood, let us be joined in true citizenship and loyalty forever.

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