
or any of His creatures, in cursing and bitter execrations?

5. Have I ever made rash oaths, and sudden, inconsiderate vows, for things unlikely, unlawful, or impossible to be performed?

6. Have I ever broken my holy, solemn, and deliberate vows?

7. Have I ever murmured against God, or blasphemed His name?

8. Have I ever made curious and wanton questions concerning the nature, the actions, and the secret decrees of God, not contenting myself with that which He hath revealed in His word?

9. Have I contemned His saints, profaned His temples, slighted His sacraments, disregarded His service, used and spoken of these as of common things, whereas they have God's mark upon them, being set apart and dedicated to the service of His most holy and fearful name?

The Fourth Commandment.

"Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath Day," &c.

1. Have I put no difference between this solemn festival and the common days of the week?

2. Have I ever set myself to needless, worldly, and servile affairs upon the Sunday, or suffered those over whom I had authority

to do the like, or any way to neglect the holy duties of the day?

3. Have I ever spent it in idle and vain sports; have I drank, or discoursed, or slept it away?

4. Have I neglected to be duly present and assistant at the public service of the Church, whereby God hath this day His solemn homage and worship paid Him?

5. Have I refused to give alms, and do other works of mercy and charity, according to my own ability, and the necessity of other good Christians?

6. Have I, under a pretence of serving God more strictly than others, by certain judaizing observances, condemned the joyful festivity of this high and holy day, which the Church allows, first, for the spiritual exercise of the soul, and then for the lawful and convenient recreation of the body?

The Fifth Commandment.

"Honour thy father and thy mother," &c.

1. Have I ever disobeyed the lawful commands of my father or mother?

2. Have I neglected, or despised, or grieved their persons?

3. Have I ever murmured, mutinied, and rebelled against, or otherwise dishonoured the Queen, either by denying reverence to

her person, or obedience to her laws, or due maintenance to her state?

4. Have I been undutiful to my husband, masters, and governors, in such matters as be within their power and authority?

5. Have I omitted to reverence the persons, or to obey the precepts, or to care for the authority, of my ecclesiastical govern


6. Have I ever given offence by disregard of any, especially of them that are more aged and better than myself?

7. Have I ever proved unthankful to my benefactors?

8. Have I neglected to give to my wife, my children, my kindred, my neighbours, or any of my inferiors, that love and regard which severally belongs to them?

The Sixth Commandment.

"Thou shalt do no murder."

1. Have I ever studied or used any means to hasten my own death?

2. Have I ever destroyed the lives of other men, or consented to have them destroyed; or have I offered any violence or hurt to their persons?

3. Have I borne any anger, envy, hatred, malice, uncharitableness, or any kind of mischievous indignation against others?

4. Have I sown strife and sedition among any persons?

5. Am I at all given to revenge and oppression?

6. Have I ever been privy to any conspiracies against the lives or bodies of other men, and did not reveal them?

7. Have I omitted to feed or clothe him who was ready to perish with hunger and cold?

8. Have I neglected to assist any one who may have been in danger of hurt, or of the loss of his life?

9. Have I no care of my own health and being?

The Seventh Commandment.

"Thou shalt not commit adultery."

1. Have I dishonoured the marriage vow, or been guilty of any uncleanness ?

2. Have I ever been lascivious in my speech, or immodest in my attire ?

3. Have I been, or am I impure in my thoughts?

4. Have I delighted in lewd company, in idle and unchaste songs, or in vain discourse? 5. Have I been luxurious in my diet, and abused my body, either by gluttony or drunkenness?

6. Have I ever taken any dangerous or

improper liberties with any one, or connived at such on the part of others?

7. Have I ever presumed to do any thing beyond the bounds of modesty and shamefacedness?

The Eighth Commandment.

"Thou shalt not steal."

1. Have I ever gone about to hurt and impair other men's estates, either by open wrong or violence, as by spoiling or robbing men of their goods, or by secret purloining and deceit, as by cheating and cunning in bargains, by false weights and measures, by beguiling contracts, or by unlawful suits or tricks at the law?

2. Have I been inordinate in gaming, and in unnecessary consuming or spending my property?

3. Have I been immoderate in running into debt, to the loss and hindrance of my own or of any other man's estate?

4. Have I ever by any violence or fraud detained and kept other men's goods for myself?

5. Am I covetous, unjust, given to usury and oppression?

6. Have I ever deceived or defrauded the Queen of her subsidies and other duties; the priest of his tithes and offerings; the or

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