
tical, financial and social questions which occupy time, the rights of person were not violated in the National Assembly. During the four days of France, if property was generally respected, it June, he might have been seen, musket in hand, his was not that they were protected by a governface black with powder, perhaps grim with blood. ment. All that the so-called government, did do, I don't know upon which side he fought. Step now or could do, was, not to command, but to conciwith me the distance of a square, and enter one of liate, pacify and coax the mob, which was rethe theatres. There is a middle-aged gentleman, ally master. There was a furious animal, onmuzwith his wife and daughter. He seems as entirely zled in the street, ready to leap upon and tear sofree from care and happy-and he laughs as hear-ciety to atoms. For four mortal months, daily safetily at Arnal's drolleries, as he did in the palmiest ty was purchased only by daily sacrifices. Society days of Louis Philippe, when business went on pros- stood tremblingly in dread every moment, lest the perously and no body dreamed of republics, insurrection, and communism. He has not sold as much during the last four months as he did during three weeks of the same period last year. Follow him home. He was on duty, as national guard to day, society. and you will find that before going to bed he places of June. his uniform where it can be easily gotten at, and sees that his musket and cartridge box are ready for use, not knowing but to-morrow he may be again engaged in deadly conflict for family and property.

Carpe diem, &c.,

ravenous beast should reject the offering and leap upon its prey. Was this fearful state of things never to end? The mob must be seized, mastered, confined, or there was an end to civilization and This was done after the terrible struggle The mob has now a master-it crouches. But is society entirely reassured? Is commerce revived? Is confidence restored? No. Are the shops filled with customers? are the boulevards and the Champs Elysées peopled as before? Have the Russians and the English returned to Paris? are the thousands of houses lately vacant, rented? No. No! Why? Because every body feels that the preis his motto too. But I don't believe that if to- sent safety is produced only by a temporary and morrow our friend were called upon to vote by se- extraordinary measure. Put an end to the state of cret ballot upon the question, "Republic or Monar- siege, and presto! relieved from the military hand chy?" he would cast his vote for the Republic. which now represses insurrection, the mob will reThe theatres and other places of public amuse-appear in the streets. Confidence and prosperity ment, are indeed being opened and they are well will not be permanently restored until there is a attended. But this is not so sure an index of re-strong and permanent government established. Is turning confidence as would at first be supposed. a government of sufficient strength, practicable unSince the insurrection of June, the clubs have been der republican forms? I believe not. Such is the closed. It was they that drew away every night present condition of Paris; and such it will probathe crowds who had been the support of the thea-bly continue for a month or several months more, tres. Frenchmen cannot spend their evenings qui- so long as the state of siege is preserved. But this etly at home. They don't know what domestic en- is no republic. The press, the clubs, the people, joyment is. If they are not amused with public are under a rule as arbitrary as that of Napoleon spectacles, they will conspire in clubs. The uni-or of the Emperor of Russia. There is no such versality of clubs during the months of May and thing as free deliberation, or discussion, any where June, caused the theatres to be so deserted, that at except in the National Assembly itself, which deone time they were all closed, and government, in creed the state of siege, and may end it at pleaaddition to the regular annual allowance accorded sure. But it is necessary and is therefore acquito several of them, voted a large sum to enable esced in. Will it not continue to be necessary? them to open and struggle on till winter. The in- Yes: and it will have sooner or later to be made surrection of June took place, the clubs were clo- permanent, not under the vain mockery of a Resed, and the theatres were again peopled. The public and the state of siege, but, ipso nomine, unprices of admission have been lowered so as to der a monarchy with strong monarchical institubring theatrical amusements within the reach of all tions. The French nation is like a generous and who are able to abstract any sum at all from the high spirited horse, capable of excellent service and support of themselves and families. The shops, safe, if skilfully managed and ever under tight rein: too, are reopened now, day and night. But this only but once relax the rein, or mismanage him, or leave proves that for the present, under the military dic-him to himself, and the driver will soon be seen tatorship of Gen. Cavaignac, there is no fear of afoot, musing over the scattered remains of his riot. Property feels safe for the moment, under broken buggy. Friend B-, then, does not see the protection of an actual and strong government. Paris, and will not see it, in its normal state, brilUntil the 24th of June, there could not be said to liant, animated. gay, charming, as it was in Janube a government in France. There really was ary and February of the present year, prior to the none that felt strong enough, or that was strong breaking out of the Revolution. Since then, the enough to have a will of its own. If, up to that city has passed through three distinct phases, on

like each other, unlike any thing that appeared be-ertés!" Since that day the red flag has only apfore, marking the progress of the Revolution. It peared upon the barricades, the symbol of insuris now in the fourth. During the month of March, rection and terror. the whole Parisian population was in a state of In the course of this month too, all the foreignconstant ebullition, not angry, not threatening, ex-ers resident, or temporarily in Paris, repaired in cept upon one or two occasions, but intense and in-public procession to offer their congratulations to teresting and amusing to the cool looker-on. All the young Republic,-Germans, English, Ameriregular business was suspended, every body was in cans; and Belgian, Spanish, Italian and Polish the streets, and every body shouting "vive la Re- refugees to express their reviving hopes that the publique!" It was the month of processions. All French Republic would declare itself humanitaire, classes, ages and sexes, all professions and trades, and undertake as of yore, the republican propafrom the highest to the lowest, without exception, gande. Of evenings, and till a very late hour of met, chose their marshals and spokesmen, formed the night, during the month of March, the labourin procession and proceeded along the boulevards, ers en blouse, without work, and receiving daily quays and principal thoroughfares of the city to from the public treasury their stipend of thirty the Hotel de Ville, where the members of the Pro- cents, and numbering many tens of thousands, visional Government were sitting. Numerous tri- formed themselves into numerous bands and tracolored flags floated along the line. At the head versed the city in every direction, singing in full was a large banner, upon which was inscribed, in chorus their patriotic songs and shouting "Vive la large characters, the name of the corporation or Republique!" No quarter of the city was so retrade whose members were making the demonstra-mote or so retired that its inhabitants were not tion. At irregular intervals during the line, if it startled more than once during the night by the was long, were groups of singers sending forth the passage of these noisy republicans under their winstirring notes of the Marseillaise, or the chorus of dows. Every fifth or sixth rank bore aloft large the hymn of the Girondins.

"Mourir pour la patrie-mourir pour la patrie ! C'est le sort le plus beau, le plus digne d' envie !"

flaming torches. The passage of their long columns along the deserted streets an hour or two after midnight, had in it, for one looking down upon the scene from his window in the third or fourth story, something strikingly wild, picturesque, and, perhaps, all associations considered, a little terrifying. This was the first phrase of Paris streetlife after the revolution.

At the end of each stanza, all voices shouted "Vive la Republique !" They proceeded to the Hotel de Ville, were admitted, all, if not too numerous, if too many, by their delegates, into the presence of The scene changed, and April was devoted to the the Provisional Government, where they declared planting of Liberty trees, to the number of several their acceptance of, and devotion to, the Republic, hundreds, all over Paris. They are not poles as exposed the griefs under which they labored during with us, but living poplar trees, from twenty to the monarchy, and required that the Republic should fifty feet high. The people were still idle, still reredress them. Upon Louis Blanc or Lamartine or ceiving their thirty sous per day from the public Ledru Rollin, usually devolved the duty of reply. treasury, still amused by the promises of Louis He thanked them for their support, glorified the Blanc, Ledru Rollin, Albert & Co. Satisfied for the people, swore that the Republic, made by them, present with these promises, and their daily pay for should be ever for them, and promised all they ask-no labor, they were persuaded, as well they might ed for. All then cried "Vive la Republique!" and be under such circumstances, that the Republic was the procession moved off as it came up, with ban- a very fine thing, and for want of something else ner, shout and song. The Government was only to do, they planted Liberty trees. This was enknown to say 66 No," once during the month of couraged by the government, which unable to conMarch. That was when a large band of workmen trol, essayed thus to amuse the people, and precame up with the red flag flying at their head and vent them rolling the ball of Revolution too rapidly demanded that it should be adopted by the Repub- toward the abyss of the Red Republic. A band lic in place of the tri-color. This was the most would go out into the country and select their glorious moment of Lamartine's life. Obeying poplar tree, dig it up and bring it into the city. promptly a noble inspiration, he advanced to the Mauy hundreds of woodsmen would then collect balcony, overlooking the clamorous crowd assem-about it. It would be raised upon the shoulders of bled in the open square below. Rejecting the red fifteen or twenty men, and then preceded by flags flag, "Never!" exclaimed the orator, "Le dra- and one or two drummers, by fifteen or twenty men peau rouge que vous nous presenter, citoyens, n'a armed with muskets, swords and pistols, followed jamais fait que le tour du Champs-de-Mars trainé by several hundred labourers en blouse in irregular dans le sang du peuple: le drapeau que nous vou-procession, and attended by as many more gamins lons consacrer à la Republique a fait le tour du de Paris, they proceed to the spot where it is promonde, avec notre courage, notre gloire, et nos lib-posed to erect the tree. Windows fly open from

the first to the sixth story along the route of the pro- of these trees erected in all the public places of cession, for none are so deaf or so retired but they Paris, will outlive the French Republic. are alarmed by the drums, the shouts, the songs, The third phase of Paris, passed through during with the occasional discharge of firearms in the the months of May and June, was of a very dif air, which mark the passage of the patriotic col-ferent character. The people had become tired of umn. They arrive at the spot, the tree is deposi- these amusements; Louis Blanc's organization of ted on the ground, and the pavement torn up for labor was proving itself to be vain, impracticable, a space of about ten feet square. Before they have dangerous, utopianism; the government could not completed the hole, another drum is heard; and keep its promises to the people, and saw the imanother crowd of gamins is seen approaching, in possibility of continuing to pay eternally the thirty the midst of which appears escorted by a file of cents a day for no labor—the national workshops National Guards in uniform, Monsieur le Curé of went into operation-the workmen said they had the parish in full canonicals, attended by some half been deceived, and became day by day more dispodozen boys, also in religious costume, bearing wax sed to appear in arms for riot and revolution-the candles and books. They come to bless the Lib- hundred and fifty clubs were formed, and in their erty tree about to be raised. The tree is now nightly sittings fomented discontent among all classadorned more or less profusely with colored rib-es, and organized rebellion-the hundred and eighty bons, one or two tri-colored flags are firmly fixed new ultra journals of all shades of politics, from to it, the religious services are performed in the deepest red to white, started up like mushrooms midst of the greatest respect and profound silence and powerfully contributed with the clubs to madof the spectators, every body being uncovered,—a den the public mind, and hasten the crisis-sinisspeech is then made, perhaps by the curé, perhaps ter and most terrifying reports were in daily circuby some popular orator, and the priest departs as lation—no more joyous demonstrations took place; he came with his drum and escort of National conspiracies were weaving-outbreaks were threatGuards and boys. The tree is then planted. The ened, almost daily-all faces became gloomypaving-stones, which have been taken up, are ranged shops were closed-theatres shut up-the rappel, in order to form a border for the spot, while some calling the national guard to arms to quell emeof the band proceed through the crowd which has utes, was now as familiar a sound as heretofore had been collected by all this parade, to make a collec- been the notes of the Marseillaise-strangers and tion of money to defray the expenses of the occa- hundreds of French, who could afford to do so, left sion. These contributions were frequently solic- the city-reactionist parties were formed-Orleanited with a tone and manner which showed that it ist, Bourbonist, Bonapartist-hoping to turn to acwould be dangerous to refuse and the leaders of count the crisis which was evidently approaching, the ceremony have on several occasions been de- The partial explosion of 15th May, took place, foltected, a few hours after, making merry in a café lowed at last by the grand and terrible explosion of upon the proceeds of the collection. The rest of 23rd June. That ended the gloomy and fearful two the day till, sometimes, a late hour of the night, is months of May and June, and introduced the fourth spent in ornamenting the spot about the foot of the more quiet phase, through which Paris is now passtree, planting flowers, vines, and erecting a taste-ing, and which, I have described above. I spoke of ful ornamental hedge or railing about it. Shouts the hundred and fifty clubs, and of the hundred and of "Vive la Republique !" patriotic songs, and the eighty new journals which sprang into existence frequent discharge of firearms continue till the final after the revolution, and contributed so powerfully dispersion of the party. to the popular exasperation which prevailed and led to such deplorable consequences during the months of May and June. Let me enumerate some of them for you. They will remind you strongly of the revolution of 1789. Their names will designate clearly enough their character, and tone of politics.


Scenes like this just described form the most striking feature of the physiognomy of Paris, during the month of April. It might occur to one to suggest that the selection of the poplar tree is of rather unfortunate omen for French Liberty. It af. fords no shade, it bears no fruit, its wood is fit for no useful purpose, it is notoriously short-lived. It presumes to overtop most other trees of the forest without any really rightful claim to this superiority. Fraternal Friends-The Future-The Rights of Perhaps, however undesignedly chosen, it will Man-Equality and Fraternity-Emancipation of prove to be in all these particulars, the most fitting the Nations-Universal Fraternity-Jacobins― symbol of French Liberty. Most of the Lombar- The Mountain-Progress-Union of Workmen— dy poplars thus planted have taken root, and are German Democratic-Fraternal Democrats--Freenow covered with verdure. Some of them bear, men-The Vigilants-Socialist Republicans—Uniwritten on a sheet of white paper, framed and cov-ted Propagandists-Democratic Free Thinkersered like an engraving, with glass, the date of the Labourer's Rights--Young Mountain—Public Safeerection and by whom planted. I predict that most ty-Fraternity of Nations-Socialist Labourers—

Friends of the Blacks-Revolutionary-Club of
Clubs The United Companions of Duty-Young



The epigram has been a favorite method of conveying a single thought, from the time of the Greeks down to the present day. This is not a bow for Spartacus-Le Vrai Gamin de Paris-Le Nou- every one to shoot withal. It is no easy matter to veau Cordelier-Le Petit Homme Rouge-La Co-produce a genuine epigram. It should be brief, lére du Vieux Republicain-L'Avenir des Travail- clear, elegant in expression; and must contain a leurs-La Sentinelle des Clubs-La Commune de point, some unexpected and striking turn of thought, Paris-Le Salut Public-L'Aimable Faubourien ou like a fly preserved in amber. The specimens of le Journal de la Canaille-L'Apôtre du Peuple-this species of composition which constitute the La Republique Rouge-Robespierre-La Voix des Greek anthology are of every variety; dedicatory, Femmes-L'Ami du Peuple-Le Volcan-Le Jour-descriptive, amatory, elegaic; rarely humorous or nal du Diable-Le Radical-Diogene Sans-Cu-satirical. The Latin epigram is more frequently lotte-La Lanterne-La Politique des Femmes-humorous and personal; but in the hands of its La Lettre du Diable à la Republique-Le Diable great masters, Catullus and Martial, it is disfigurRose--Le Lampion-La Republique des Femmes--ed by scurrillity and obscenity. We beg pardon of Le Bonhomme Richard-Le Diable Boiteux-Le the exclusive partizans of classical learning, for Tocsin des Travailleurs-Le Journal des Sans-Cu- expressing our judgment that, in the humorous lottes-La Mére Duchesne-Le Père Duchesne epigram, the ancients must yield the palm to the moderns.

La Carmagnole-L'Accusateur Public-Le Napo-
leonien--L'Aigle Republicaine--La Redingote It is our design, in the present paper, to offer
Grise-Napoleon Republicain-Le Petit Caporal-some specimens of the modern epigram; and as
Le Reveil du Peuple-La Voix des Clubs-Le we have no Analecta at hand, we must beg our
Vieux Cordelier-La Propagande Republicaine-readers to be content with such as we have gath-
La Democratie Egalitaire-Les Droits de l'Hom-ered, in the course of our reading. We take them
--L'Alliance des Peuples--L'Incendie--Le as they come.


Bertinazzi, commonly called Carlin, was the harNot one in thirty of these journals now appear. lequin of the Italian theatre, in his day. The folThey were discontinued during the insurrection of lowing is his epitaph. June, and if they reappear now, they will be promptly suppressed by the hand of General Cavaignac.

"Well M-," said B-, "shall we go to Switzerland together?"

"Upon the whole I don't think that I can do better than to go. The thing will pay I am persuaded. I have not been able easily to pass certain difficulties-but I have jumped over them and must take the consequences. How many will be of the party?"

"There's W. of New York, R. of Charleston, and G. of Delaware, would like to join us. It is doubtful, however, if they can all make it convenient to go so soon as we desire to. When shall we start?"

"On Friday morning."

"What kind of money shall I provide myself with ?"


De Carlin pour peindre le sort,
Tres-peu de mots doivent suffire:
Toute sa vie il a fait rire,
Il a fait pleurer à sa mort.

At the demise of pope Clement IX., a devout cardinal, named Bona, was spoken of, as his successor. This circumstance gave occasion for the pasquinade, Papa Bona Sarebbe un Solecismo : to which Daugiéres replied:

Grammaticae leges plerumque Ecclesia spernit:
Forte erit ut liceat dicere Papa Bona.
Vana soloecismi ne te conturbet imago:
Esset Papa bonus, si Bona Papa foret.

The infamous Cæsar Borgia, natural son of Pope Alexander VI., took for his device; Aut Cæsar, aut nihil: upon which an obscure poet wrote the

"French gold by all means. There is not a publican in Europe whose eyes will not twinkle at the sight of a Napoleon.' Get you a blouse-following epigram. Have your passport properly prepared, and I'll call for you at Meurice's at 8 A. M. on Friday."

Gentle reader, my next letter will be dated some time next week, from some part of Belgium. G. B. M.

Borgia Cæsar erat, factis et nomine, Cæsar;
Aut nihil, aut Cæsar, dixit: utrumque fuit.

Nicholas Bourbon, a Latin poet of the sixteenth

century, published a volume of poems entitled Nugae; and was castigated by a brother-poet, Bellay, as follows:

Paule, tuum scribis Nugarum nomine librum;
In toto libro nil melius titulo.

Barbier, the inventor of the perruque, and almost a cardinal, left, in his will, a hundred crowns to any one who should write his epitaph. La Monnoye made an attempt.

Ci gît un tres-grand Personage,
Qui fut d'un illustre lignage,
Qui posséda mille vertus,

Qui ne trompa jamais, qui fut toujours fort sage.
Je n'en dirai pas davantage,

C'est trop mentir pour cent écus.

Chapelain, after having obtained considerable reputation, as a poet, destroyed it all, at a single blow, by the publication of La Pucelle; a ridiculous production, which drew forth an epigram from Mont


Illa Capellani dudum expectata Puella,

Post tanta in lucem tempora prodit anus.

But, to their pens, while scribblers add their tongues,
The waiter only can escape their lungs.

The following epigram will explain itself.

Casta Susanna placet; Lucretia, cede Susannae :
Tu post, illa mori maluit ante scelus.

The author, from whom we take it, gravely remarks: Ajoûtons qu'il est plus facile de faire une Epigramme sur Lucrèce, que de se tirer de la situation où elle se trouva: a sentiment in which our readers will, we presume, very readily concur.

Pierre de Marca was rewarded for his zeal against Jansenism, by the offer of the diocese of Paris. But on the very day on which he would have become archbishop, he died. This circumstance is commemorated by Colletet, in a mockepitaph.

Ci gft Monseigneur de Marca,
Que le Roi sagement marqua,
Pour le prélat de son eglise ;
Mais la mort qui le remarqua,
Et qui se plaît à la surprise,
Tout aussi-tôt le demarqua.

A friend of the Abbé de Maucroix proposed to Corneille barely escaped a similar fate. It was him a very eligible marriage with a lady of great difficult to recognize the author of the Cid, in some

of the subsequent effusions of his genius. When beauty, &c. Here is his ungallant reply:

the tragedies of Agesilas and Attila appeared, Boileau greeted them with the following impromptu :

Après l'Agésilas,


Mais après l'Attila, Hola.*

Faure, bishop of Amiens, was famous for the quantity rather than the quality of his funeral orations. On the publication of one of the dullest of them, a wag penned the following epigram:

Ce Cordelier mitré, qui promettoit merveilles,
Des hauts-faits de la Reine, Orateur ennuyeux,
Ne s'est pas contenté de lasser nos oreilles,
Il veut encor lesser nos yeux.

Our readers will be reminded of Byron's rejoinder to Fitzgerald, who was in the habit of reciting his own verses, closing with the lines,

Ami, je vois beaucoup de bien
Dans le parti qu'on me propose;
Mais toutefois ne pressons rien;
Prendre femme est étrange chose!
Il faut y penser mûrement :
Gens sages, en qui je me fie,
M'ont dit que c'est fait prudemment
Que d'y songer toute sa vie.

When Coleridge published his Ancient Mariner, it was declared to be absurd and unintelligible. To humor his critics he published anonymously the following lines, addressed to himself:

Your poem must eternal be, Dear sir, it cannot fail, For 'tis incomprehensible,

And without head or tail.

An ingenious inditer of laudatory epitaphs, as long as modern newspaper obituaries, presented a volume of them to Pope. He returned the follow

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