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She turns away, her hands she clasps

And wildly cries oh! Fame, Now, in this wretched hour, I feel That thou art but a name!

Though when I strike my spirit's chords
The lofty streams which flow,
Thence in free burning numbers make
A thousand bosoms glow.
Fame, does thy diamond chalice hold
Of Lethe's stream, a part?
Can thy proud coronal bind up
A lonely, broken heart?

Oh Hope! thou false delusive shade,
E'en from this very hour

I'll throw thy lustrous fetters by
No more to own their power;
But as she spoke a vision rose
Before her wond'ring sight;
A female form with golden hair,
And eyes of cloudless light.

Like Hope she seemed, but oh! more fair Was her seraphic brow,

While on her snowy pinions lay

A pure celestial glow,
And prostrate at her radiant side

A shrouded form is seen;
In trembling awe the lady asks
What can this vision mean?

Mortal! the precious spell of hope,
Oh! do not cast from thee,
But let the sorrows of thy soul
Before my presence flee,

I am the Hope of Heaven, but bend

Beneath my gentle sway,

And from the care worn paths of earth Thy soul I'll lead away.

My shadow, earthly Hope, now bent
In silence at my side,

The wreaths which she did give to thee
Were swept by sorrow's tide.
But the fair garlands in my hand

"Twine flowers that ne'er will fade, They'll bloom amid the icy air

By death's dread shadow made.

This wreath will make earth's hopes seem dim,
"Twill check sad mem'ry's sigh
When o'er the hours of vanished joys

She casts a tearful eye,
"Twill take from sorrow's piercing dart
Its most envenomed sting,
And round the darkened bed of pain
A beauteous halo fling.

The lady paused, but Faith drew nigh,
The precious wreath she placed,
Upon the downcast brow where care
His own dark name had traced.
Then joy amid the dewy flowers
His home of beauty made,
And peace in tranquil loveliness
Slept 'neath their balmy shade.

Independence, Mo., May 3, 1848.


In loitering through a gallery, where on either side we see the prim portraits of our grandmothers, or where the canvas introduces to our acquaintance queer old gentlemen in powdered wigs and small-clothes, we seem to be transported back, as it were, to the "little day" in which they lived and to quite forget the scenes of the busy world around us. Right pleasant is it at such a time, to muse on the faded splendors of the past, to recall the memories of happy hours, "departed, never to return." With us, the same feeling is produced in turning over the pages of an old magazine. We love to open the volume as a time-worn portal, that discloses to our view apartments long shut out from human observation. We love to linger among the records that are enshrined-we may rather say ensepulchred-therein, and bringing them forward once again to the light, to read over the story they contain. And in this dreamy, unprofitable sort of studious relaxation, we pass at least half of the reading hours of our existence.

There is before us at this moment a goodly volume of magazine literature, not remarkable, it is true, for exceeding age,—although it goes back three and sixty years into the dim regions of the past, but still embodying so much curious infor mation and presenting so accurate a reflection of the "form and pressure" of the time, that we propose to discourse a little on it, "by way of remembrance." It is entitled "The European Magazine, and London Review; containing the Literature, History, Politics, Arts, Manners and Amusements of the Age. Simul et jucunda et idonea dicere vitae. By the Philological Society of London. Vol. VII. for 1785. London. Printed for Scatcherd & Whitaker. Ave-Maria Lane and I. Sewell in Cornhill." 1785! But two generations of men have passed away since that period and yet what events have transpired on the earth in the interval! It may be regarded, perhaps, as the dawn of a new era in human affairs, as the connecting link between the present and the olden time. The American, who looks back to it, will feel a pardonable pride in the patriotic associations with which it is connected, he will think first of the position of his country, just then acknowledged as independent by the powers of Europe, and if he be "of imagination all compact," he will indulge in an ornithological rapture over the American eagle, newly fledg ed, that was just then mounting to the face of the 1785! Through what a long vista do we see its characters and its incidents! What simple, old-fashioned people they were, who moved about in the twilight of the eighteenth century! Who then had heard the melodies of Bellini, or seen the light of science and olefiant gas shed upon the darkness of Piccadilly, or rumbled at the rate of


There was Windham, who has been

forty miles an hour over a vast continent, or talked | present! by lightning with a friend in a distant empire? well described as "the finest gentleman of the London was indeed at that time a huge metropolis, as it has since been described,

"A mighty mass of brick and smoke and shipping,
Diny and dusky, but as wide as eye

Could reach, with here and there a sail just skipping
In sight, then lost amidst the forestry
Of masts; a wilderness of steeples peeping
On tiptoe through the sea-coal canopy,"

age-his form developed by every manly exercise-his face beaming with intelligence and spirit." There might be seen a very young man of remarkable stateliness of person and quiet dignity of deportment, who had not yet heard his own voice in the hall, but who was destined to wield the scepter of resistless eloquence,-Charles Grey. On the benches of the opposition, the leader of his party, was the burly form of Fox, known out of doors by his slouched white hat and his unfashionsmoke-stack of a steamer, where then was the phi-ionable coat,-Fox, whose countenance always losopher Punch, who now edifies weekly the United Kingdom, and where could be found that wondrous salon of fashion,

bat where among those masts could be seen the

"Which opens to the thousand happy few An earthly paradise of Or Molu”?

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These things were not. Oh unlucky race,―bis terque unfortunati,—to have lived before Napoleon had reformed the tactics of the continent, or Brummell the neckcloths of Grosvenor Square,-to have passed away from the scene of action in ignorance of railroads and without an acquaintance with the Waverley Novels!

Let us look a little more closely, however, at 1785, through the medium of the European Magazine. We manage things much better than did the good people of that day, and yet we shall find England then a wonderful nation, making large improvements in the arts, great in council and in action, and with "manners and amusements" so congenial to our tastes, that we could wish to have participated in their enjoyment.

thoughtful, even amid the symposia of the clubs, was strikingly so in the fervor of discussion. Prominent among the greatest was one, who, although it has been said of him that

"too deep for his hearers he went on refining, And thought of convincing while they thought of dining," was yet the most splendid orator of modern times, the renowned Edmund Burke. There, too, was Pitt, in the twenty-seventh year of his age, Premier of the Realm, combatting against majorities with his impassioned declamation and ready for any emergency in which he might be placed. But perhaps the most singular genius of all, who sat on that floor, was poor Sheridan, an antithesis in himself, full of wine and wit, firing epigrams into the ministry and lashing their measures with his merciless ridicule; who, with all his frivolities and extravagance, had such kindly affections and such generous traits of character, that we can never find it in our heart to condemn him.

All, who are familiar with the political history Perhaps we might search in vain through all his- of that day, will recollect the excitement growing tory for a period so remarkable for great men, as out of the Westminster Election. It occurred just that of which 1785 is a part. A glance at our own after the dissolution of Parliament by Mr. Pitt in annals will convince us of this. Washington, 1784, and resulted after a violent struggle of fortyFranklin, Henry, Adams, Hancock and Jefferson seven days in the return of Mr. Fox. Upon this are names belonging to that period and names which election all the resources of the Whig Party had the world "will not willingly let die." A glance been brought to bear. But perhaps no wing of at the annals of England will confirm us in the that party was so effective as that lovely coterie of opinion. She had not, indeed, any man, whose female politicians, in the uniform of the buff and character would stand in comparison with Wash- blue, who carried on the war with the light artilleington. The only man in English history who furry of smiles and bon-mots from behind the tapesnishes any parallel to Washington had fallen on the tries of Carlton House. This splendid mansion field of Chalgrove one hundred and forty-two years was the theater of their triumphs. There they before. But there were, in 1785, prominent in her discussed affairs of State and won over inexpericabinet and distinguished in her parliamentary de- enced young men to the liberal side. There they bates, men who gave direction and impulse to the ate good suppers and arranged political imbroglios. whole course of human affairs and whose speeches In the bustle of the Westminster election, it is represent the best models of English composition. corded that these fair politicians, descending from Sir Walter Scott and Sir James Mackintosh were their gilded eminence, took up the cause of Mr. boys at their books in Edinburgh, Mr. Canning Fox among the people and sometimes even bartered was making Latin hexameters at Eton and Burns kisses for votes. However this may be, Mr. Fox was at the plow, but characters who figured more triumphed. We recur to this election, because we largely than even they, were then in the vigor of are reminded of it by the Parliamentary Report of manhood and in the plenitude of their fame. What the European Magazine. The return having been a spectacle did the House of Commons at that time contested by Lord Hood and Sir Cecil Wray, Mr

Fox was not allowed to take his seat for West-nal, regretting the very meager nature of the reminster, but entered Parliament as a member for a port and italicising a passage. Scotch borough. In the meantime, a scrutiny of the polls was demanded by the unsuccessful candidate and the High Bailiff refused to make a re: turn. Upon this proceedings were had from time to time in the House of Commons; portions of which we quote.

"Feb. 4.

"After a very long argumentative speech, Mr. Ellis moved, That Thomas Corbett, Esq. High Bailiff of the city of Westminster, be ordered to make an immediate return of the persons legally chosen to represent that city in Parliament.'

"Mr. Pelham seconded the motion, and followed Mr. Ellis in many of his arguments, which he thought were such as ought to induce the House to order the High Bailiff to make an immediate re


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noble Lord attacked Mr. Fox with remarkable seLord Mulgrave followed Mr. Pelham. The verity."

"Mr. Welbore Ellis moved, that the order of the day for the attendance of the High Bailiff and his counsel be read; which being done, he said his reason for making such motion was, that having learned that a Right Hon. Gentleman, who was very materially interested in this business, and with"Mr. Sheridan, in a speech replete with wit, out whose presence it would, in his opinion, be un- disclaimed also any idea of delay, or artificial progenerous to proceed, had met with a disagreeable longation of the scrutiny on the part of his friend; accident (straining the tendon Achilles) which pre-and in a vein of irony animadverted on the speech vented his attendance that day, he trusted, there- of the noble Lord (Mulgrave), who, he said, had fore, to the candour and generosity of the House in laid down many positions that were unfounded. not objecting to the motion he intended to make, He concluded with some sarcastic observations on which was, that the brder just read be postponed the Minister and his measures. to Tuesday next. The surgeon who attended Mr. Fox advised him not to stir abroad for three or four

days at least, otherwise the consequences might be very disagreeable.



much in favor of Mr. Fox, and reprobated the scru "Mr. Wyndham delivered his maiden speech tiny in strong manly terms.

"Mr. Fox began a speech of two hours, by com plimenting the House on the acquisition of such a speaker as Mr. Wyndham promised to make. He was then very severe on Lord Mulgrave, and esaid that the Westminster scrutiny was not con sisted that no man but his Lordship would have nected with a Parliamentary reform. le concluded with assuring the Minister that the business would not end on that night, for he should renew it in the Westminster petition; and it would not be given up while a shilling remained, (he did not mean of his own, for God knew his last migh soon be gone) but while his party

Mr. Pitt said, he was much concerned for the indisposition of the Right Hon. Gentleman, who was materially interested in the business of the day. He could not, however, see any reason why the absence of the Right Hon. Gentleman should be deemed sufficient grounds for postponing it, when the absence of those who were equally concerned with him must be dispensed with. He should not, however, have any objection to the Hon. Gentleman's motion, if he thought the business would be brought forward on Tuesday without further delay. It was as much the wish of the other gentlemen concerned to bring it to a conclusion, as it was of Mr. Fox or his friends. "Mr. Pelham thought it a question of so much support it. He was then extremely severe on Mr importance, that it concerned not only the citizens Pitt, whom he said he never expected to see the of Westminster, but also the constituents of every champion for destroying the liberties of his cotry. representative in the kingdom. It involved in it a great variety of constitutional questions. Gentlemen boasted much of a parliamentary reform, but he was fearful their professions were not sincere; this, however, a short time would discover.

Mr. Pitt admitted the importance of the question; but with regard to the hypothetical questions put to him, respecting his declaration of a parliamentary reform, he could only say, that whatever opinion gentlemen might entertain of the sincerity of his wishes for such a measure, he certainly hoped that those who are doubtful of it, and at the same time pretending to be supporters of a reform, may not be less sincere.




"At six o'clock in the morning the House divided, when there appeared,

For continuing the scrutiny
Against it





"The High Bailiff was then called in, and the Speaker read the order of the House for his p ceeding with all possible dispatch in the scrutiny.

After occupying much of the time of the Hease on several subsequent occasions, we find it at last "Mr. Burke lamented the absence of his Right Mr. Fox on the 4th of March. disposed of, by the admission of Lord Hood and "The return made Hon. friend, who, he said, was so severely hurt, that it was by his surgeon pronounced unsafe for by the High Bailiff was in favor of Lord H him to stir abroad for some days; he had seen him and Mr. Fox, as follows:

the night before, when he was so very ill as not to be able to walk without the support of some other person. The question, as moved by Mr. Welbore Ellis, was then put and carried."

Again on the 9th Feb. the subject was taken up.

For Lord Hood,

No. on the

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66 Hon. C. J. Fox, 6126

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Sir Cecil Wray, 5895

The Reporter adds in a Note-"* Thus at an ex

We clip the following proceedings from the Jour- pence of above 20,0001. after a scrutiny of e

months, Sir Cecil Wray appears to have gained the same wit that dazzles us in the dialogues of FIVE votes on Mr. Fox's number!--And thus dis- Acres and David. gracefully ended the Westminster scrutiny!"

But it is time that we should leave the lofty About the same time, we have a statement of regions of Parliament, and turn to other departMr. Burke's famous speech on the liquidation of ments of the European Magazine. We shall the Nabob of Arcot's debts. find, in our discursive and desultory ramble through its pages, walks more inviting than the arid "Mr. Burke was up near two hours; he as usual field of politics. We must present, however, beentered very fully into the crimes, &c. of the Company's servants in India; and insisted that the whole fore quitting State affairs, a very extraordinary of the learned Gentleman's defence was nothing performance in verse, which belongs rather to Mimore than the varnish of deception; that the new nerva than the Muses, and may properly come under Board had begun their measures in imbecility and the political head. The reader will observe that would end them in ruin. He read a variety of ex-it establishes the fact that poets are not always tracts from different India papers, and from a late pamphlet, published by Debrett; he also read a It is entitled an vates, or prophets. letter from the Nabob of Arcot to the Court of Directors; wherein he stated that their Servants in India, without large salaries, and carrying on no trade, in a few years enriched themselves contrary to the interest of the Company, and at its expence, by fraud, plunder, and rapine, and then retired to England with their wages of iniquity."

A few days afterwards, on the consideration of some bill with reference to the Sub-Commissioners of Accounts, we are informed that

ODE for the NEW-YEAR,

As performed before their MAJESTIES.

Written by WILLIAM WHITEHEAD, Esq. Poet-Laureat.
And set to Music by Mr. STANLEY.

DELUSIVE is the Poet's dream,

Or does prophetic truth inspire
The zeal which prompts the glowing theme,
And animates th' according lyre!

Trust the Muse, her eye commands
Distant times and distant lands;
Through bursting clouds, in op'ning skies,
Sees from discord union rise;
And friendship binds unwilling foes
In firmer ties than duty knows.

Torn rudely from its parent tree,
Yon Scion rising in the West

Will soon its genuine glory see,
And court again the fost'ring breast,
Whose nurture gave its powers to spread,
And feel their force, and lift an alien head;

"Mr. Sheridan made his promised objections to the bill. He entered into a most ingenious argument, to prove that the clauses were most loosely penned in respect to law; and that they were unnecessary, absurd, and dangerous. They were unsecessary, because the Board of Treasury in pareular was armed with full and sufficient powers o correct all abuses in its own departments, if the nembers of that board attended properly to their laty. He desired, he said, that only THREE words of the minutes might be read, at the time when the Juke of Portland was in office. The clerk read, is Grace the Duke of Portland, Lord John Cavndish, and Frederic Montague present, and then e read the minutes. This, Mr. Sheridan said, vas to shew that an intention existed at that time o make such enquiries into the subordinate offices is would effectually tend to every purpose which he right honourable Gentleman could fairly mean y the present bill. In respect to the powers with which the new Sub-Commissioners are armed, here was something, as he already said, truly riThat a poet-laureate in 1785, two years after colous and very alarming. They were made Cornwallis gave up his sword to the American oth Jodge and Jury; they were authorised to en- commander at Yorktown, should predict that the bree the attendance of men, women, and children people of this country would ever return to a state of all ages, and of all descriptions, from east to Best, and from north to south, of Britain; either of colonial subjection to England, is one of those a enquire whether the Clerk of the Treasury, or "flattering unctions" to majesty that only "poets

The parent tree when storms impend,
Shall own affection's warmth again,
Again its fost'ring aid shall lend,
Nor hear the suppliant plead in vain ;
Shall stretch protecting branches round,
Extend the shelter, and forget the wound.

1 pedlar in Cornwall, had done wrong by exacting laureate" can apply.

a shilling as an improper fee in the one place, or We cannot recur to the dramatic criticisms of by cheating government in a licence in the other. that day without a regret for the degenerate charSay, they were empowered to call upon the high-acter of our own stage: the more, perhaps, best men in office. They could enforce a member

the power was so unlimited) to leave the House cause we are inclined to favor theatrical exhibio give evidence wherever they sat; or if in sum- tions as affording a rational source of amusement. per they chose to go and examine a hawker, near Charles Lamb, in one of his inimitable Essays, has he sea shore, they might insist upon the Speaker's recorded his impressions of his "first play," and ttending them at Brighthelmstone, or at any other we confess with Elia to a prejudice," e'en from our watering-place wherever convenience or pleasure boyish days," in favor of the footlights and the ormight lead these mighty men." ange peel and that mysterious curtain which shuts

In this most unsatisfactory sketch, we recognize out from our view the shock of armies and "the VOL. XIV-47

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