John Carper, thee has fallen into ruin to save me. "This is a good tame brute and a fast," he said as he urged the new horse to his speed; "only he is too low for my legs, and if he sinks at all in the mud will be apt to run from under me." Carper, fairly screaming to his horse, and striking him with both heels, drove on furiously to the outlet. He reached it nearly two hundred yards He had not ridden a minute, when he heard firing in advance of the first horseman of the er.emy. in the great glade in which the chase had begun. The two behind, badly mounted, were a quarter of The shots were numerous. He drew up. On a a mile in the rear, and still losing ground. If current of the light wind came the shouts of men Carper could continue his pace, he had but one and other noises, which assured him that rescue enemy to fear. A mile onward from the begin- had arrived and a battle, or new chase, begun. He ning of the outlet, after passing for that distance was not long in putting this past doubt; and Nelly, between thickets which occasionally met in his within half an hour of her fall from the terrible way, he gained a second glade. The earth here black, was safe amongst her Lost River friends. was wet and he turned a little to the right to gain They greeted her presence with shouts and every firmer ground, and, in doing so, interposed a part of extravagant demonstration of joy. The flower of the thicket and wood between him and his pursu- the Lost River maidens was well beloved, and ers. As he turned, a neigh was heard from behind. would have been sorely missed if rescue had never It came from the mouth of the leading Indian and overtaken her. not from his horse; it was a trick to arrest the speed of the stallion. It was successful. The black horse threw up his heels. The newly arrived party had come within view of the great glade as the chase was going on; had attacked the Indians as soon as possible; had killed "Nelly, sit back, if you can," said Carper pite-two or three of their number and driven the rest onsly. He was on the withers of his steed; the off. Girty was not among the killed. A part of Quakeress had followed his forward motion. A the white force was still in pursuit, having pressed second neigh--the black horse threw his heels yet higher into the air. on so far as to be out of sight when the hunter and Nelly joined those least advanced. This pursuit Carper determined to join with ulterior views. He would press it at least to the banks of Cheat River; examine into the condition of things at Ridgway's settlement-from which the horses, recently in the possession of the Indians, must have been taken ;-and, afterward, return to Lost River by the southern route, in order to bury the boy Tobe, and regain the horse and goods left on the banks of Blackwater Run. As for the black stallion, he sent a hunter after him, vowing never himself to mount him again in any extremity. River. "Nel, if you can't sit back, we are gone." Carper had risen from the withers to the neck. Clinging to the mane, his rifle crossing the crest, Nelly fast locked about his waist, the young hunter, never very graceful or expert as a horseman, made anything but a gallant and heroic figure. A third toss of the brute's heels completed the work; the hunter was pitched some feet forward and struck the soft glade, with his Quakeress safe at his back. Her plump little person bounced off and rolled unhurt upon the grass. Sharpnose barked and snapped at the black's heels in revenge. Carper Nelly's return was to be begun without delay-was almost instantly upon his feet-rifle in hand. except of a few hours for rest and refreshment. The leading Indian dashed out of the narrow pass Four safe hunters, detached from the party, were between the thickets. It was Tobe's murderer, to conduct her back, carrying her behind them on with the eagle-plume and bar sinister of white horseback, by turns, by the direct route to Lost paint. Carper fired and tumbled the warrior from his horse's back. It was one of those great shots which only the best of our riflemen, accustomed to strike a buck in his bound, can make. The Indian fell with the reins in his hands; he struggled in vain to rise; his horse pulled a little and then stood still, panting from the race. The black, The reader will please go back with me to the making a gallant round, with crest lifted and tail house of Joshua Blake. He will suppose the litstreaming, thundered up to the strange horse and tle Quakeress to have been restored to her uncle, dying man. He yerked his heels in a hostile man- and all parties to have returned from the pursuit ner at the latter, but seemed to claim friendship which had resulted so fortunately to her. A great with the animal of his own kind. Carper, without fire was burning in the kitchen hearth and casting staying to load his rifle, approached his enemy, its light through the windows upon the fruit trees dragging Nelly, whom the fall had somewhat bewil- and out-houses, which were beginning to darken dered, after him; drove the black off with a blow, in the twilight of a pleasant evening. Joshua had seized the reins of the strange horse, mounted, a crowd of guests about him, William Mace and his drew the stupified girl up behind him, and resumed five grown sons being of the number. Vanslaken, his flight. the Dutchman, was present from the valley of the VOL. XIV-29 Carper bade her an affectionate farewell, and the lovers parted in the glade. CHAPTER VII. "What do you say to that ?" said the reader tri "I say I will do by thee, as I am bound to do. Thee shall certainly marry the girl, if thee has won her own consent." South Branch. He had escaped massacre, having | At the moment of time at which I resume my narrative, John Carper, who had returned the day before, was endeavoring to draw Joshua Blake aside, for greater privacy in the conversation which he wished to hold with him. "It is not necessary, friend John," said the Quaker, "that thee should speak with me privately. The company is friendly, and thee and me may speak out." “Well, then,” said the hunter, no little annoyed that so many persons should be made to hear so delicate a demand as that for the hand of his mis tress--" well, then, I saved Nelly from the Indians, Mr. Blake, and she is now safe and well." "I am grateful to thee, friend John, for the manly services which thee has rendered the child, also for the redeeming of the money. Thee shall surely have a just proportion for thy services; to be computed at a time when we are at greater lei sure." I must mention here, that the bag of dollars had been found amongst the bundles, left by the Indians on Blackwater run, and brought safely back to the Quaker. The hunter seized the Quaker's hand in rough ecstasy. 'Well, that is downright dealing!" he exclaimed. "Your drab is true blue after all. When shall we have the wedding?" "Well, that is another matter," answered Joshua, with an extremely innocent look and tone. "The child is young, at present. Thee must wait some three years, at which time she will be of a more marriageable age." The hunter was utterly confounded. He stood before the Quaker with mouth and eyes wide openthe paper held at half-arm's length. "It is not of the money that I want to speak to you," said Carper: "in fact, I give up my part." But you gave me your written obligation, that if I brought Nelly back, I should have her for my wife. I want to know when we shall be married." As he spoke, he pulled the paper, which Joshua Blake had signed, from his pocket. "If thee will read that paper, friend," said Joshua, "I will do as, on clear understanding, I find that have promised." I "Why," stammered he, "in three years, Nelly will be twenty-one, and then I wont want your consent. Do you mean to break your bond?" "If thee will inspect the obligation, thee will find that no mention is made of the time at which thee and Ellen shall marry. Thee, in thy doubt of me, has overreached thyself. If thee had trasted to my bare word, thee should presently have married the girl. But thee took, instead of it, the bond, and by the bond thee must abide." Carper looked again at the paper. His hand shook and his jaws were clamped together, whilst a flush of passion began to mount to his forehead. "Do you mean to say," he at last quietly asked, that you will take advantage of my not putting the time in the paper, and break the bargain as it must have been understood between us? Do you mean to say that?" "Thee must not get into a heat on the subject," answered Joshua, who observed the hunter's rising colour, and construed the quiet of his manner aright. "Whether thee shall presently marry Nelly, or wait three years, depends upon additional matters. I Carper read the paper in the midst of a crowd have spoken thee publicly on this subject, because of grave faces, which were turned up with looks two or three of the friends here present know conof inquiry and interest. With some bashfulness, but cerning it and are ready to advise thee forcibly into a great deal of dogged resolution—for driven as he courses, which will give thee Nelly at once. If was to a public demand of what he considered his thee expects to be obliged, thee must thyself right, his courage came to his aid, and he deter-oblige." mined to hold his ground stubbornly-he decypher- The Quaker then proceeded to inform Carper of ed and read, in a loud tone, the bond, which he felt the meditated tory rising; that this rising would was conclusive. take place in a few days; that if he lent himself to their cause, to which they were anxious to bind him, as an able soldier and a man of influence with the young hunters of the region, he should be captain of a company, and, even before setting out for "Whereas Joshua Blake and John Carper are wishing to get back my dear Ellen Blake from the felonious Indians, into whose blood-thirsty hands she is fallen, and whereas John Carper mistrusts in my mind, the said Joshua Blake of a promise service in the lower country, marry Nelly Blake. he has made of Ellen to me for a wife, if I bring her back; now the said Joshua Blake binds himself and his heirs to said John Carper, to give my dear Nelly Blake to said John Carper for a wife." These declarations and persuasions were strengthened by occasional words from the elders of the company; who, it seemed pretty clear, had put Joshua upon this plan of using his rightful power over his niece, to induce the young hunter to lend to me. himself to their views. Carper, after hearing the John, thee has been poorly repaid for thy kindness whole, answeredBut thee is in no personal danger." "Nelly, your friends are at open war with me Will you be true to me?" "You have your opinions, and I have mine. If you think it right to take the British side in the war, take it and stand up to the consequences; that is part of the business. I was at Saratoga, and elsewhere, with General Morgan, and it is likely that, having talked with more men, I know more of what our duty is than you; but whether I do or not, it is certain that, believing as I do, if I were to join your party, I should be an infernal rascal. Now I tell you three things: I will marry Nelly Blake in a very short time-I will not join your d-d insurrection-lastly, I will start for Winchester, to-night, to let General Morgan know what you are doing." Saying these words, the hunter called loudly to Nelly, and she came to his call. now. "Surely thee need not ask that. Yes, thee will find me true to thee in all things, now and forever." "I believe you, Nel. As soon as possible you must run away with me." "Hush, John," said the Quakeress, "I hear a noise in the distance." "The noise of horses coming at a trot up the river." Listen well and tell me what you hear." "They come more quietly. The trot is now a walk." "Look out; probably they are in sight." The Quakeress, stepping to a point of advantage, used her keen eyes, and then returning to the door, whispered-— "Good bye, Nel," he said. "Broadbrim has cheated me in the transaction which we had about you. Don't mind it. We must take care of ourselves. I will see you again in a day or two." He turned to the door, leaving the Quakeress embarrassed by the crowd and greatly distressed. The elder Mace had exchanged whispers with The girl scampered off, looking like a ghost, in his sons. As Carper stooped in the door-way, her white night-dress, and crept by an open winfive strong men threw themselves from behind in a dow into her closet. She had scarcely done so, crowd upon him. After a fierce resistance, he was when Sharpnose, drawing his head from the hole, thrown down and disarmed. A consultation was which he had been burrowing under the foundaheld amongst the elders. The result of it was that tions of his master's prison, snuffed the dirt from the disarmed hunter was dragged, with his hands his nostrils, gave a leap outward and barked furisecurely tied behind him, to the smoke-house, a ously. The rush of shouting horsemen immedistrong building of heavy logs, and there locked up. ately followed. It was the force sent under MorThis was quickly done, and just before the thick gan to suppress this foolish tory movement in the door, studded with wrought nails, closed upon him, "It is a great number of men upon horses. Some are coming, by the road, to the house; and some are moving around under the shade of the mountain. I must get back." be heard Joshua Blake say "This is distressing enough, friend John; but thee has threatened to endanger our safety. I think thee will hardly journey so far as Winchester to-night." The hunter's answer was a most energetic, but useless oath. valley of Lost River. News of such a movement had reached the lowlands some days before, and now the rough hero was present to deal with it. By sunrise a scene of great confusion had closed at the house of Joshua Blake. His friends had been seized and were in the hands of the great captain of the Cowpens. One of the Maces had been needlessly shot. Morgan's bugler killed him. With this exception no blood was shed. As the It was near day-break. The house of the Qua-hubbub subsided, thumps, kicks and shouts were ker, still crowded with its company, had long been heard in the direction of the smoke-house. Carsilent. Nelly Blake stood at the door of the smokehouse. John!" she called in a low voice. Nelly-is it you? God bless you, I thought you would be here some time or other." As the girl received this answer, conveyed, as her own speech had been, through the key-hole, honest Sharpnose came around the house and gave her a cordial salutation. Carper whistled and the per was presently led out, and came forward, with his hands still bound behind him, and with the most extraordinary mask of red dirt thick upon him from the top of his head to his shoulders. He had been attempting to force himself through the opening made by Sharpnose. "Who the devil, are you?" said Morgan, as the Untie the man, and let him hunter approached. wash his face." Carper, no little mortified at his uncouth appearance, contained himself before so important a person, until, his bonds being cut, he had used his freedom to cleanse his face of its disguise. "Why, my brave fellow, I know you now. Eh! How do you do, Jack? What's the matter ?" Carper began to tell his story. "Take a little grog to wash the mud out of your mouth," interposed the great man, handing him a gourd of whiskey-and-water. The hunter's story was at last told. Morgan called up Joshua Blake-swore at him for ten minutes, and then said: "Jack Hogeland has killed Girty." After a few moments, during which his wife and the Quaker remained silent, and in that awed expectancy with which we await the story of a death, he proceeded to a detail of the circumstances. The substance of his account was as follows. He and Hogeland were coming in from the hills, but had turned from their direct course to find, and drive in, the milch cows. Going up a green hollow, sha"I know Jack Carper very well. He is a stout, ded with wild poplars and papaws, they heard the respectable young man. I have seen him do good ringing of a cow bell. At first they held on their fighting. There is no law for making you give us way in the direction of the sound, but on a repetia wedding to-night; but if you don't, I will tie you tion of it, came to a stand. The bell sounded as to my horse's tail, and lead you back to Win- if it was swinging, and not in the tremulous tinchester, for this bit of tory business. Do you kle commonly made by the motion of the feeding hear ?" animal. Carper proposed to his companion that Joshua Blake did hear, and, after an interval of they should go over a hill, and, making a turn, quiet stubbornness, consented. A messenger was come in at the upper end of the hollow. While sent in haste to Morefield for the parson. Morgan they were doing this, they heard the bell ringing, continued his route up Lost River, effectually ex-at intervals, in the same strange manner. They terminated the misjudged insurrection, seized a reached the upper end of the hollow, and crept on Scotchman by the name of Claypole, who was sup- under the papaws, Carper giving the lead to his posed to have been the originator of it, and before comrade. They had moved on a short distance in sunset had returned to Blake's house. The parson this way, when Hogeland saw a man, in the dress came in due season. Nelly Blake, "with a smile of an Indian, squatting as if to hide himself, and on her lip, and a tear in her eye," gave her hand swinging a slim papaw, to which he had tied a cow to John Carper. If the reader wishes to know bell. Beckoning to Carper to keep back, Hogemore of this wedding, at which so famous a man land crawled to a stump, fired and shot the bellas General Morgan danced, drank whiskey, and ringer through the head. "We went up," said swore uproariously, he may learn it in the right Carper, "and found that it was Girty. He had pleasant chapters which Doddridge-full of graph- killed the cow and was, no doubt, ringing the bell ic power--has given us, descriptive of the merry- to bring me out, that he might do by me as Hogemakings which border fashion made customary on land has done by him. I am sorry that the boy such occasions. I steal away from so boisterous should have come to this end, and glad that it was a wedding. Jack and not myself that shot him; for I do not like killing a man in that still way, in cold blood; and besides, although he carried you off, Nelly, he A year had elapsed from the day of the wed- was decently civil and attentive to you in the wil ding. The groom had taken his wife home, re-derness." Here Carper kissed his wife. ceived her three hundred pounds, increased the I am truly glad with thee, John, that thee did size and comfort of his house, bought cattle to sell not kill the boy," said Nelly sadly. 64 • Too much again at a profit, and was, in country parlance, doing blood is not good for the conscience, and the poor very well. It was near sunset of a May day. Car-youth was misguided." 66 Joshua, buttoning his coat to be gone, said:"Thee has a cow the less, but I will replace it.” Carper added-" And an enemy the less." per and a laborer in his employment, named John Her husband continued-" Hogeland is with the Hogeland, had gone up amongst the mountain spurs. body; Mr. Blake and myself must ride up the river, to look after their wolf-traps-each carrying with get some of the neighbors and go back to dispose him his rifle, after the frontier custom. Nelly Car- of it. No Indians, I am sure, came with the boy per sat in a wicker chair, near the door-way of her this time." house. Her uncle, Joshua Blake, sat near her, making awkward efforts to hold, without damage to its tender person, a child of two or three months, which promised to become a pet of the softened I hope," said Nelly," that thee has not anothold man. Nelly was laughing, with a gay face and er left in the world." light heart, at the unpractised Quaker's extraordinary motions. Sharpnose, just a little watching the glee of his mistress, lay basking in the evening sun. Breaking in upon the cheerfulness of this scene, came John Carper, with a hurried step and face somewhat pale. To the looks of inquiry, with which his wife received him, he answered 66 Luther is called "monstrum teterrimum, et detestabilis In the bull of the canonization of Ignatius Loyola, 1623, pestis." LINES Written impromptu on seeing the picture of Washington's villa, at Mount Vernon. By Rev. Wm. Jay, Bath, England. The following lines were sent to us for publication by a very distinguished divine of our own State. We think we have seen them in print somewhere before, but even if this be so, their poetical beauty well warrants their reappear ance. Such a tribute of admiration for the majestic character of Washington, from a Briton, will be pleasing to every American. The Rev. Wm. Jay is well known as its author of "Jay's Exercises."-ED. MESS. There dwelt the man, the flower of human kind, FISHES. much of a Cannibal for our liking, and there are land sharks" whose acquaintance we can cultivate if the fancy takes us. Jonah's trip to Whales made him "blubber," it is said, and, by this time, the man-to-chaw monster, is himself "Grease, but living Grease no more." We have been, from a child, fond of learning, and that may in some measure account for the singularity of our taste, in preferring to be a fish, for In the event they are seldom out of "schools." of the wish being gratified, what a rare chance would be afforded for seeing a real Mermaid, none of your "Fugees" or Fudgees, but a real bonafide sea nymph, such as "Sit on rock and muse o'er flood and fell," while combing their long green hair; but we pledge ourselves beforehand, never to interrupt the peace of their families, no matter how coquettish their manners. There are shell-fish too, in whose society we might occasionally mingle :-their domestic relations are sometimes cited as models for families, and the proverb of being as "happy as a clam" is familiar to every one. Oysters are too prone to get into a "stew," besides, they lie in beds, get "crossed in love" and are guilty of many other misdemeanors, not entirely consistent with republican institutions. The Turbot is the alderman of his tribe, his affluent capaciousness of body and dainty habits, evidently fit him for the "united support of his constituents." Think of his election dinner and Resolutions If we were obliged to assume any other shape in the cards of invitation. Mr. and Mrs. Turbot's animated nature, than that which has settled into the compliments to Mr. and Mrs. Haddock and reform of humanity, we should of all things prefer to quest the pleasure, etc. Then the toasts, speeches be a fish; not because they get on so swimmingly, and fin (?) funny stories, all ending with Haddock's but that we might escape that most odious phrase swimming home with his wife at a late hour, and used so much by Englishmen of being "beastly." a curtain lecture from Mrs. Turbot. Mr. and Mrs. In choosing our class or species, we own there would Place were of the party, and went home with be some difficulty, for we are not altogether famili- Skates. The matter of founding an Eelemosynary ar with their household Gods" and whether to be- institution for the benefit of decayed soles, was come a Hydragas," a sea-serpent, (off Nantucket warmly discussed at this re-union. of course,) or a Leviathan, to run a race with expressive of each one's approbation of Dr. JohnShakspeare's Puck, we are not Jonah enough to son's definition of the Angler-i. e. “" a rod with a determine. Poets have sung of their desire to be fool at one end and a worm at the other"—were butterflies, and ours to become a fish, is quite as unitedly agreed upon before the party separated. reasonable, and as near, we imagine, the bounds of All similar games of luck and chance, either by its fulfilment. Fancy being "so very like a whale," "hook or crook," were denounced and condemned. as to keep constantly "spouting," and so closely The Whale was declared to be the "king of fish" resembling a "sucker" as to set at naught the in- and each one was cautioned to beware of" Whalevincible principles of tee-totalism. And then what men," for though they are usually callow birds, the lives they lead; up all night drinking, with no inference is certain that they are King Fishers. watchmen, to insert their hooks in their gills, and All are familiar, who are at all "curious in fish no “fish stories” in the morning papers. We should sauce," with the story of Le Grand Vatel and the consent to be an Eel by no manner of means, they French Monarch. The story is piquantly set off are always slippery fellows and are often indulged by Madame Sevigne and the version is thus renspear mint; besides, they live in mud and in dered by an accomplished and quaint writer. that particular, the inhabitants of our large cities] Vatel lived in the time of Louis XIV., when sufficiently resemble them already. A Shark is too flourished every thing that could quicken appetite, in |