
Bar-jo'-na, the son of Jona, or of a dove.

Bar'-na-bas, the son of the prophet, or of consolation.

Bar'-sa-bas, son of return, or of conversion; or son of rest, or.

son of swearing.

Bar-thol'-o-mew, a son that suspends the waters.

Bar-ti-me'-us, the son of Timeus, or of the perfect and honourable.

Be-el-ze-bub, Baalzebub.

Be-re'-a, heavy, weighty.

Ber-ni'-ce, one that brings victory.

Beth'-a-ny, the house of song, or of affliction; otherwise the house of obedience, or the house of the grace of the Lord.

Beth-es'-da, the house of effusion; or the house of pity, or


Beth'-pha-ge, the house of the mouth, or the drain of the valleys, or the house of early figs.

Beth-sa'-i-da, the house of fruits, or of food, or of hunters, or of snares.

Bi-thyn'-i-a, violent precipitation.

Blas'-tus, one that sprouts and brings forth.

Bo-a-ner'-ges, the sons of thunder.


Cai'-a-phas, a searcher, or he that seeks with diligence. Ca-i'-nan, possessor, or purchaser, or one that laments, or the builder of a nest.

Cal'-va-ry, the place of a scull.

Ca-na, zeal, or emulation; otherwise possession, lamentation, the nest, cane, or staff.

Can-da'-ce, who possesses contrition, or pure possession. Ca-per-na-um, the field of repentance, or city of comfort; otherwise the propitiation of the penitent, or the town of pleasure, the handsome city.

Cap-pa-do-ci-a, Cap-pa-do'-she-a, Caphtor.

Car'-pus, fruit, or fruitful.

Ce'-dron, black, or sad.

Cen-chre-a, millet, small pulse.

Ce-phas, a rock of stone.

Ce-sar, a Latin name, from the word Cado, I cut ; because he was cut out of his mother's womb; or from the word Cæsaries, a head of hair, which he is said to have been born with. Ces a re-a, a bush of hair.

Char'-ran, Kar'-ran, a singing, or calling out, or the heat of wrath.

Chi'-os, Ky' os, open, or opening.

Chlo'-e, green herb.

Cho-ra'-zin, Ko-ra-zin, the secret, or here is a mystery.

Chu'-sa, Ku'-sa, the seer, or prophet; or Ethiopian, the hus

band of Joanna.

Ci-li-ci'-a, Sil-ish'-e-a, which rolls, or overturns.

Clau'-da, a broken voice, a lamentable voice.

Clau'-di-a, lame.

Cle'-ment, mild, good, modest, merciful.

Cle'-o-phas, the whole glory, or glory altogether.
Co-los'-se, punishment, correction.

Co-los'-si-ans, Co-losh'-e-ans.

Cor'-inth, which is satisfied, or ornament, or beauty.


Cor-ne'-li-us, of an horn.

Crete, carnal, fleshy.


Cre'-ti-ans, Kree'-she-ans.

Cris'-pus, curled.

Cy'-prus, fair, or fairness.

Cy-re'-ne, a wall, or coldness, or meeting, or a floor.
Cy-re'-ni-ans, people of Cyrene.

Cy-re'-ni-us, who governs.


Dal-ma-nu-tha, a bucket, or exhaustion, leanness, branch.
Dal-ma'-tia, deceitful lamps, or vain brightness.

Dam'-a-ris, a little woman.

De-cap'-o-lis, the ten cities.

De'-mas, popular.

De-me'-tri-us, belonging to Ceres, or to corn.

Der'-be, a sting.

Di-a-na. The Latin word may signify luminous. The Greek word signifies perfect.

Did'-y-mus, a twin.

Di-o-nys'-i-us, divinely touched.

Di-ot'-re-phes, nourished by Jupiter, or Jupiter's foster-child. Dor'-cas, the female of a roebuck.

Dru-sil'-la, watered by the dew.


East'-er, the Passover, a feast of the Jews.

E-li'-as, Elijah.

E-lis'-a-beth, God hath sworn, the oath of God, or the fulness of God.

E-li'-ud, God is my praise, or the praise of my God.

El'-mo-dam, the god of measure, or the god of the garment.
El-y'-mus; this name in Arabic signifies a magician.
Em'-ma-us, people despised, or obscure.

Em'-mor, an ass.

E-ne'-as, laudable.

E'-non, cloud, or mass of darkness, or his fountain, or his eye.

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Epb-e-sus. DesLEDie


E-ras-tus, ir velt, or amiable

Es-E, near me

otherwise be that sent ves

Es-rom, the dam of joy, or erosion of the song.

Eu-bu-lus, a prudent, a good counsellor,

Eu-n-ce, good victory.

Eu-o-ci-as, sweet scent, or that smells well.
Eu-phra-tes, that makes fruitill, or grows.
Eu-ty-chus, happy, fortunate.

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Gal'-li-o, he that sucks, or lives upon milk.

Ge-nes'-a-reth, the garden of the prince, otherwise protection

of the prince, or of him that governs.

Ger-ge-senes', those who come from pilgrimage, or from fight ; a people beyond Galilee.

Geth-sem-a-ne, a very fat valley, or the valley of oil.

Gol'-go-tha, an heap of sculls.

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Her'-mes, Mercury, or gain, or refuge.

Her-mog'-e-nes, begotten of Mercury, or generation of lucre. Her'-od, the glory of the skin, or son of the hero.


He-ro'-di-as, the wife of Herod.

He-ro'-di-on, song of Juno, or the conqueror of heroes.

Hi-er-ap'-o-lis, holy city.

Hy-men-e-us, nuptial, or marriage.


Ja'-i-rus, Ja-e-rus, my light, or who diffuses light, or is enlightened.

Jam-bres, the sea with poverty.

James, the same as Jacob.

Jan'-na, who speaks, or who answers; otherwise affliction, misery, or impoverished.

Jan'-nes, the same as Janna.

Ja'-son, he that cures, or that gives medicines.
I-co'-ni-um, a city.

Je-ru'-sa-lem, the vision, or possession of peace.
Je'-sus, Saviour.

Il-lyr'-i-cum, joy, rejoicing.

Im-man'-u-el, a name given to our Lord Jesus Christ; it signifies God with us.

John, the grace, gift, or mercy of the Lord.

Jo'-rim, he that exalts the Lord, or the exaltation of the Lord.
Jo'-se, raised, or who exists, or who pardons, or saviour.
Jo'-ses. See Jose.

Is-car'-i-ot, a man of murder; others maintain that the surname given to Judas signifies that he was of the tribe of Issachar, a word signifying recompense, restitution. This traitor verified his nativity, by receiving the price of the blood of his Master, Jesus Christ.

It-al'-ian, belonging to Italy.

It'-a-ly, a Latin word that has its original from vitulus, or
vitula, because this country abounded in calves and heifers.
According to others, it is taken from a king called Italus.
It-u-re'-a, which is guarded, or a country of mountains.
Ju'-das, the praise of the Lord.

Ju'-li-a, downy, soft, and tender hair.

Ju'-li-us. See Julia.

Ju'-ni-a, from Juno, or from juventus, youth.

Ju'-pit-er, as if it were Juvans pater, the father that helpeth. Jus'-tus, just, upright.

La-o-di-ce-a, just people.


La-o-di-ce'-ans, inhabitants of Laodicea.

Laz'-a-rus, the help of God.

Leb-be'-us, a man of heart.


Li'-nus, nets.

Lo'-is, better.

Lu'-cas, luminous.

Lu'-ci-us. See Lucas.

Luke. See Lucas.
Lyc-a-o'-ni-a, she-wolf.

Ly-sa-ni-as, that destroys, or drives away sorrow.


Lys'-tra, that dissolves, or disperses.



Ma-ce-do'-ni-a, adoration, prostration, according to the Hebrew; but elevated, eminent, according to the Greek. Mag'-da-la, tower, or greatness.

Mag-da-le'ne, tower, otherwise grand, elevated, magnificent. Mal'-chus, king, or kingdom.

Mam'-mon, riches.

Man'-a-en, a comforter, or he that conducts them, or preparation of heat.

Mar'-cus, polite, shining.

Mark, the same as Marcus.

Mars-hill, the place where the celebrated judges of Athens held their supreme council.

Mar'-tha, who becomes bitter.

Ma'-ry, exalted, or bitterness of the sea, or myrrh of the sea,
or lady, or mistress of the sea.
Mat-ta-thi-as, the gift of the Lord.
Mat-that, gift, or he that gives.
Mat'-thew, given, or a reward.
Mat-thi'-as. See Mattathias.
Mel'chi, my king, or my counsel.

Mel'-i-ta, affording honey, from whence honey distils, from honey.

Mer-cu-ri-us, a false god, from the Latin word Mercari, to
buy or sell, because this god presided over merchandise.
In Greek Hermes, which signifies orator, or interpreter.
Mi-le'-tum, red, or scarlet.


Mna'-son, Na' son, a diligent seeker, or betrothing, remembering, or an exhorter.

My'-ra, flow, pour out, weep.

My-si'-a, criminal, or abominable.

Nag'-ge, brightness.

Na'in, beauty, pleasantness.


Nar-cis-sus, astonishment, stupidity, surprise.

Na-than-a-el, the gift of God.

Na-um, Na'-hum.

Na-za-rene', kept, or flower, a native of Nazareth.

Naz'-a-reth, separated, sanctified.

Ne-ap-o-lis, new city.

Ne-re-us, lamp, brightness, or land new tilled.
Ne'-ri, my light.

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