Aeroplane and Commercial Aviation News1942 |
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12. oldal
... week , official communiqués announced the return of no fewer than 23 pilots previously reported missing . Most had to walk many miles before being rescued and , as a precaution , all fighter pilots now include a rucksack with food and ...
... week , official communiqués announced the return of no fewer than 23 pilots previously reported missing . Most had to walk many miles before being rescued and , as a precaution , all fighter pilots now include a rucksack with food and ...
. oldal
... Week Machines Personnel Machines Personnel Machines Personnel Machines Personnel ROLLS - ROYCE POWER PLANTS ROLLS R ROYCE The Aeroplane. bombing raid on enemy aerodromes in Holland . kan crews flew six of the 12 Royal Air Force Bostons ...
... Week Machines Personnel Machines Personnel Machines Personnel Machines Personnel ROLLS - ROYCE POWER PLANTS ROLLS R ROYCE The Aeroplane. bombing raid on enemy aerodromes in Holland . kan crews flew six of the 12 Royal Air Force Bostons ...
10. oldal
... week of heavy bombing , but defended itself energetically . Four - cannon Spitfires appear to be operating from the Island in large numbers , and so well do they discharge their duties that even the enemy's expedient of sending ...
... week of heavy bombing , but defended itself energetically . Four - cannon Spitfires appear to be operating from the Island in large numbers , and so well do they discharge their duties that even the enemy's expedient of sending ...
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Active Service aero aerodrome Aeronautical aeroplanes Air Ministry aircraft Alloys from BirMetals appt Army Air Forces attack Avro Lancaster Bar BMB Tube Birmingham for BMB BMB Bar BMB BMB Extrusions BMB BMB Forgings BMB BMB Light Alloys BMB Sheet BMB BMB Strip BMB bombing BRANCH.-To Bristol Britain British Ch.B Coastal Command commn confmd dive bombers enemy engine Extrusions BMB Forgings F/Sgt flying Forgings BMB Bar German guns July July 11 June Killed in Action Killed on Active London Luftwaffe machine Missing Believed Killed motor night notifn offensive Officer Offs operations pilots Presumed Killed Previously Reported Missing prob production raid Regia Aeronautica Royal Air Force Russians Sheet BMB Strip Short Stirling speed Spitfires Strip BMB Extrusions subs tanks targets Tobruk transport Tube in BMB U.S. Army U.S. Army Air wing Wing Commander