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Through every rift it foamed in vain,
About its earthly prison,
Seeking some unknown thing in pain,
And sinking restless back again,
For yet no moon had risen:
Its only voice a vast dumb moan,
Of utterless anguish speaking,
It lay unhopefully alone,

And lived but in an aimless seeking.

So was my soul; but when 't was full
Of unrest to o'erloading,
A voice of something beautiful
Whispered a dim foreboding,
And yet so soft, so sweet, so low,
It had not more of joy than woe;
And, as the sea doth oft lie still,

Making its waters meet,
As if by an unconscious will,
For the moon's silver feet,
So lay my soul within mine eyes
When thou, its guardian moon, didst


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They lingering dropped and dropped again,

Till it was almost like a pain

To listen when the next would be. 1840.


TO M. L.

A LILY thou wast when I saw thee first,
A lily-bud not opened quite,
That hourly grew more pure and

By morning, and noontide, and evening


In all of nature thou hadst thy share;
Thou wast waited on
By the wind and sun;

Therain and the dewfor thee took care;
It seemed thou never couldst be more

A lily thou wast when I saw thee first,
A lily-bud; but O, how strange,
How full of wonder was the change,
When, ripe with all sweetness, thy full
bloom burst !

How did the tears to mygladeyesstart,
When the woman-flower

Reached its blossoming hour, And I saw the warm deeps of thy golden heart!

Glad death may pluck thee, but never

The gold dust of thy bloom divine
Hath dropped from thy heart into

To quicken its faint germs of heavenly

For no breeze comes nigh thee but
carries away

Some impulses bright
Of fragrance and light,

Which fall upon souls that are lone
and astray,

To plant fruitful hopes of the flower of day.


I WOULD more natures were like thine,
That never casts a glance before,

Thou Hebe, who thy heart's bright wine
So lavishly to all dost pour,
That we who drink forget to pine,
And can but dream of bliss in store.

Thou canst not see a shade in life:
With sunward instinct thou dost rise,
And, leaving clouds below at strife,
Gazest undazzled at the skies,
With all their blazing splendors rife,
A songful lark with eagle's eyes.

Thou wast some foundling whom the

Nursed, laughing, with the milk of

Some influence more gay than ours
Hath ruled thy nature from its birth,
As if thy natal stars were flowers

That shook their seeds round thee on

And thou, to lull thine infant rest,

Wast cradled like an Indian child; All pleasant winds from south and west With lullabies thine ears beguiled, Rocking thee in thine oriole's nest,

Till Nature looked at thee and smiled.

Thine every fancy seems to borrow
A sunlight from thy childish years,
Making a golden cloud of sorrow,
A hope-lit rainbow out of tears,
Thy heart is certain of to-morrow,
Though 'yond to-day it never peers.

I would more natures were like thine,
So innocently wild and free,
Whose sad thoughts, even, leap and

Like sunny wavelets in the sea,
Making us mindless of the brine,
In gazing on the brilliancy.


INTO the sunshine,
Full of the light,
Leaping and flashing
From morn till night 1

Into the moonlight,
Whiter than snow,

Waving so flower-like

When the winds blow!

Into the starlight
Rushing in spray,
Happy at midnight,
Happy by day!

Ever in motion,

Blithesome and cheery, Still climbing heavenward, Never aweary:

Glad of all weathers,
Still seeming best,
Upward or downward,
Motion thy rest; -

Full of a nature

Nothing can tame,
Changed every moment,
Ever the same ; -

Ceaseless aspiring,
Ceaseless content,
Darkness or sunshine
Thy element;

Glorious fountain!
Let my heart be
Fresh, changeful, constant,
Upward, like thee!



In the old days of awe and keen-eyed wonder,

The Poet's song with blood-warm truth was rife;

He saw the mysteries which circle under Theoutwardshell and skin of daily life. Nothing to him were fleeting time and

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He knew that the One Soul no more

His soul was led by the eternal law; There was in him no hope of fame, no



In the star's anthem than the insect's hum.

But, with calm, godlike eyes he only

He in his heart was ever meek and



He did not sigh o'er heroes dead and buried,

And yet with kingly pomp his numbers ran,

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But now the Poet is an empty rhymer Who lies with idle elbow on the grass, And fitshissinging, like a cunningtimer, To all men's prides and fancies as they pass.

Nothisthe song, which, inits metre holy, Chimes with the music of the eternal stars,

Humblingthetyrant, lifting up the lowly, And sending sun through the soul's prison-bars.

Maker no more, O nol unmaker rather,

For he unmakes who doth not all put forth

The power given by our loving Father To show the body's dross, the spirit's


Awake! great spirit of the ages olden ! Shiver the mists that hide thy starry lyre,

And let man's soul be yet again beholden To thee for wings to soar to her desire. O, prophesy no more to-morrow's splendor,

Be no more shamefaced to speak out for Truth,

Lay on her altar all the gushings tender, The hope, the fire, the loving faith of youth!

O, prophesy no more the Maker's coming,

Say not his onward footsteps thou canst hear

In the dim void, like to the awful humming

Of the great wings of some new-lighted sphere!

O, prophesy no more, but be the Poet! Thislonging was but granted unto thee That, when all beauty thou couldst feel

and know it,

That beauty in its highest thou couldst be.

O, thou who moanest tost with sealike longings

Who dimly hearest voices call on thee, Whose soul is overfilled with mighty


Of love, and fear, and glorious agony, Thou of the toil-strung hands and iron sinews

And soul by Mother Earth with freedom fed,

In whom the hero-spirit yet continues, The old free nature is not chained or dead, Arouse! let thy soul break in musicthunder,

Let loose the ocean that is in thee pent,

Pour forth thy hope, thy fear, thy love, thy wonder,

And tell the age what all its signs have meant.

Where'er thy wildered crowd of brethren jostles,

Where'er there lingers but a shade of

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Among the toil-worn poor my soul is seeking

For one to bring the Maker's name to light,

To bethevoiceofthat almighty speaking Which every age demands to do it right.

Proprieties our silken bards environ; He who would be the tongue of this wide land

Must string his harp with chords of sturdy iron

And strike it with a toil-imbrownëd hand;

One who hath dwelt with Nature well attended,

Who hath learnt wisdom from her mystic books,

Whose soul with all her countless lives hath blended,

So that all beauty awes us in hislooks; Who not with body's waste his soul

hath pampered,

Who as the clear northwestern wind is free,

Who walks with Form's observances unhampered,

And follows the One Will obediently; Whose eyes, like windows on a breezy summit,

Control a lovely prospect every way; Who doth not sound God's sea with

earthly plummet,

And find a bottom still of worthless clay;

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