
"We cannot despair when we find a country enjoying such natural advantages as Ireland possesses, with a large extent of uncultivated or unimproved land, and a numerous population, able and willing to labour if opportunities are afforded to them. On the contrary, we confidently believe, that by an examination of the facts as they actually exist, and by a close attention to details, means may be found for removing many or most of those partial and particular obstacles, which have hitherto so greatly impeded the beneficial employment of labour, and obstructed the enjoyment of those advantages which a country such as Ireland is calculated to afford.

"But this desirable result cannot be looked for, unless the united and vigorous efforts of all classes in Ireland are directed towards it. "Instances are to be seen in every part of the country, of estates, upon which the liberal conduct and active superintendence of a resident landlord, or of a resident and judicious agent, have established a system of progressive improvement as to the land, and of increasing comfort to the people, which are unfortunately wanting in many other districts.

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all circumstances, in order that they may apply those remedies which shall be appropriate to the case, as well as efficient for the purpose of relief.


The voluminous evidence collected by us, in all parts of Ireland, with the numerous returns and other documents transmitted to us, present a mass of information upon the social condition of that country, which must serve as a useful guide to all who desire to employ their efforts for improvement in the right direction, and upon sound principles; and we feel satisfied that great advantage may be derived from placing in their true light many facts and circumstances hitherto little known or greatly misunderstood,

"Whilst we have, in various parts of this Report, made observations, in the nature of advice, to some of those who are landlords in Ireland, we trust, at the same time, to be permitted to remark shortly upon the conduct too often pursued by some of the class of tenants. There is frequently a readiness amongst these to attribute their own wretched condition exclusively to the conduct of their landlords, sometimes with an utter disregard of truth, and almost always without admitting, perhaps without seeing, how much of it arises from their own indolence or want of skill.

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dition of Ireland is disturbed, is to be traced to those feelings of mutual distrust, which too often separate the classes of landlord and tenant, and prevent all united exertion for the common benefit.

"It has been truly said, that confidence is a plant of slow growth. It is, however, a plant which will flourish well in Irish soil, if cultivated with patience and with care.

"We say particularly with patience, because we believe that many excellent persons, having the best intentions towards improving the cultivation of the soil and the condition of the people in Ireland, have been too easily diverted from their course by feel ings of disappointment at the slow progress which is made towards the attainment of those ends, and the little result which is perceived from their most anxious endeavours.

"We would earnestly impress upon such persons, and upon all

who have the interest of Ireland at heart, not hastily to relax from those exertions, which circumstances may enable them to make, in forwarding the march of improvement amongst their poorer neighbours.

Without touching upon the political or other causes, which may have contributed to create a feeling of distrust, we cannot dis

guise from ourselves, that the Irish peasant is inclined to look with suspicion upon all attempts of his landlord to inculcate new habits, or to introduce new plans for the management of his lands.


Every considerate and benevolent landlord will make much allowance for this feeling. will not suffer any exhibition of it to turn him aside from any scheme of improvement upon which, after deliberation, he has determined to enter.

"He must be prepared for frequent disappointment. He will occasionally meet with ingratitude and injustice; but if he perseveres in a spirit of kindness, united with firmness of purpose, he may confidently look to a well-merited reward, probably in the advancement of his personal interest, but certainly in the improvement of the district in which he lives, and the increasing comfort of the people around him.

"All which we humbly certify to Your Majesty.

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Granted between 28th December, 1844, and 24th December, 1845.

Abbe, A., bandages, Aug. 4

Ackerman, P., harpoons, &c., Nov. 3
Aitkin, W. C., cornices, June 3
Albert, D. F., candles, Apr. 7
Albert, D. F., soap, June 28
Allen, M., stoves, Jan. 30
Allier, T. V., carriage breaks, Dec. 10
Ambler, J., wool combing, May 1
Amesbury, J., bandages, May 6
Ashworth, G. L., cotton spinning,
Dec. 10

Aspinwall, T., ordnance carriages,

June 23 Nov. 4

Atha, R., atmospheric engines,
Attwood, C., iron, May 3
Ayre, J., sailcloth, Nov. 15
Baggs, J., motive power, June 26
Bain, A., electric clocks, &c., Sept. 25
Bain, A., navigation, Dec. 31
Bankart, F., metallic ores, Aug. 7
Barber, E., graining, &c., Oct. 11
Barker, C. M., matches, Apr. 22
Barratt, O. W., acids, Feb. 10
Barsham, J., matresses, &c., Oct. 16
Bazley, T., tube flyers, May 22
Beadon, G., propellers, July 29
Beart, R., bricks, Apr. 24
Beaumont, G. D. B., propellers, May 8
Bedells, C., braces, Jan. 21
Bedells, C., weaving, July 29
Bedford, J. H., glass, Dec. 12
Bell, G., drying malt, &c., Jan. 11
Bell, T., alkali, Nov, 3
Bergue, C., rollers, July 24
Bessemer, H., propellers, Dec. 5
Betts, W., brandy, &c., Oct. 16
Betts, W., bottle stoppers, Dec. 30
Bewley, H. flexible syringes, Sept. 4
Beckford and others, miners' safety
fuze, Nov. 6

Biddle, R., windmills, Nov. 3
Bielefield, C. F., embossed leather, &c.,
Nov. 11

Binks, C., manure, Apr. 7
Binks, C., nitrogen, &c., Nov. 3
Bishopp, G. D., motive power, Oct. 2
Black, A., horse shoes, April 15
Blakey, J. H., spinning throstles, Apr. 29
Blyth, J. & A., steam engines, March 13
Blyth, J., explosion guard, Dec. 20
Blumberg, H., purifying spirits, Nov. 5
Boche, M., fire arms, May 22
Borrie, P., ships, Jan. 23
Boss, J. A., parasols, Jan. 16
Bossy, A., waterproof paper, July 10
Bottom, J., carpenters' stocks, Feb. 20
Box, H. A., polishing marble, &c.,
Dec. 10

Boydell, J., jun., ship building, Nov. 17
Boydell, J., jun., hinges, &c., Nov. 17
Bowser, W., ships' fire hearths, March 27
Brandling, R. W., railways, &c., Oct. 31
Braithwaite, A. S., buckles, &c., May 22
Brent, W. B., cutting earth, June 13
Brett, J., propellers, July 8

Brett, J., atmospheric railways, July 21
Brett. J., electric telegraph, Nov. 13
Breynton, W., rotary engines, July 25
Brindley, W., japanned trays, May 6
Brooke, J. W., lamps, April 15
Brooks, R., jun., musical instruments,
June 12

Brooman, R. A., cements, March 11
Brooman, R. A., thread, March 27
Brooman, R. A., weaving, June 18
Brooman, R. A., dyeing, July 25
Brooman, R. A., printing silk, &c.,

Nov. 3

Brooman, R. A., gas meters, Nov. 3
Broughton, W., grinders' grain, July 21
Brown, G., soda, Feb. 20

Brown, G., seed, &c., plough, Aug. 9
Brown, H. N., sugar, Feb. 4
Brown, Sir S., propellers, &c., July 29
Browne, R. F., chairs, &c., March 8
Budd, J. P., iron, Jan. 16

Burch, J., calico printing, May 6
Bury, E., locomotives, April 7
Caldecott, W. L., soap, March 17
Caldwell, J., ships' riding bits, Sept. 18
Campbell, J., bleaching, Nov. 6
Carr, H., temporary roofs, June 5
Carson, S., preparing eggs, Nov. 4
Carter, G., locks, April 15
Cartwright, H., paddle-wheels, Jan. 11
Champion, C., charcoal, March 17
Chantrell, W., weaving, July 12
Chapman, J. M., railways, May 10
Chappell, N., worts, Nov. 20
Chatwin, T. T., buttons, Jan. 21
Chauvier, H., soap, April 17
Cherot, A., flax spinning, June 7
Childs, S., candles, Oct. 27
Church, J., coke, Dec. 20
Clark, G. M., lamps, March 3
Clark, H., illuminations, Oct. 31
Clark, J., weaving, Feb. 14
Clark, J., weaving, May 22
Clark, R., steering vessels, Oct. 2
Clark, U., looped fabrics, Nov. 6
Clarke & Varley, atmospheric railways,
June 23

Clay, J., smoke consumer, Jan. 21
Cliff, J., alum, June 5
Coffyn, A., pumps, March 17
Coleman, E., railways, July 30
Collier, E. H., nails, Sept. 11
Collins, C. H., atmospheric railways,
Oct. 31

Colman, R., harrows, May 22
Constable, J., gas, May 24
Conté, G., sculpturing, Oct. 3
Cook, W., stoves, July 31
Cooper, R. B., taps, &c., Nov. 6
Cormack, W., gas, April 10
Cox, J. & G., tanning, Jan. 16
Crampton, T. R., match boxes, July 12
Crampton, T. R., locomotives, Oct. 6
Crawford, D., dibbling machine, Aug. 7
Crawford, D., railway break, Oct. 31
Cromwell, S. T., pianofortes, Nov. 11
Daniell, J. C., woollen cloths, Oct. 10
Darnell, J., carpet beating, May 1
Davies, J., dyeing, Oct. 25
Davis, T., lamps, June 3
Deacon, H., glass, May 22
Depledge, J., metallic broacher, Nov. 20
Desgranges, H. P. F., corks, Oct. 17
Detmold, J. A., metallic boats, May 24
Detmold, J. A., motive power, July 21
Dewrance, J., steam boilers, &c., Apr 7
Diggle, S., looms, Jan. 11

Dines, W., window glass, Dec. 10
Dircks, H., vegetable extracts, Nov. 18
Donaldson, J., bleaching, &c., Nov. 20
Donkin, B., railway carriage wheels,
Nov. 11

Dow, J. A., knitting, June 25
Dowes, C., paper, Dec. 10
Drew, T., naphtha, March 18
Dubern, H. A., atmospheric railways,
Jan. 16
Du Buisson, M.A., distilling, June 23
Dulton, G. H., conveyance of intelligence
on railways, Nov. 11
Dundonald, Earl of, steam engine, Jan. 28
Dunlop, A., jun., aerated water, Dec. 4
Dunn, T., turn tables, March 13
Eccles, W., weaving, Sept. 18
Eccles & Brierly, spinning, Aug. 5
Edge, E., engine wheels, &c., Nov. 20
Edwards, T., steam engines, Nov. 3
Ellins, G., salt, March 3

[blocks in formation]

Aug. 7

Emerson, E. P., paints, &c., Oct. 9
Evans, J., perazotic product, Aug. 7
Ewart, G., chimney pots, Nov. 2
Fairburn, P., flax-spinning, Feb. 10
Farmer, J. A., tiles, &c., March 13
Fell, R., steam, May 24
Felton, J., wafers, Apr. 15
Field, J., jun., spirit gauge, June 23
Findler, T., grinding mills, Dec. 15
Finlay, J., gas, &c., lamps, Nov. 18
Firchild, C. W., cutting, &c., May 29
Fisher, J., lace, June 10

Fletcher, J., cotton roving, May 22
Fontainemoreau, Comte, distilling,
March 13

&c., Aug. 4

Fontainemoreau, P. A. L., medicines,

Fontainemoreau, P. A. L., raising ves

sels, &c., Aug. 9

Fontainemoreau, P. A. L., artificial

fuel, Nov. 6

Foreman, J., water pipes, &c., May 6 Forres, C. H. J., archimedean screw, Aug. 4

Forsyth, T., railway, &c., signals,
Oct. 31

Fothergill, B., cotton spinning, June 7
Fouquet, —, gum, April 22
Francis, H., gas, Oct. 9

Fuller, W. C., railway carriages, Oct. 23
Gadesden, W. A., sugar, Jan. 16
Galloway, E., propellers, April 10
Galibert, E., hats, April 7
Garforth, J., boilers, Dec. 10
Ghrimes, E., cocks, &c., Sept. 25
Gilbert, T. W., sails, July 21
Goddard, L., candles, July 3
Godefroy, P., calico printing, Jan. 16
Gollop, J., springs, Jan. 11
Goodwin, G., masts, June 30
Gordon, A., motive power, March 3
Gossage, W., smelting, Dec. 4

[blocks in formation]

Greatrix, W. H., ribbons, &c., Oct. 10
Gregson, J. B., Epsom salts, &c.,
Feb. 10
Green, E., economizing fuel, &c., Dec. 10
Green, G. J., vessels, &c., raising appa-
ratus, Feb. 8

Green, G. J., harness, Jan. 23
Greenwood, J., dyeing, July 8
Griffiths, R. bolts, &c., Jan. 11

Griffiths, R., propellers, June 23
Grissel and Lane, weighing machines,

Mar. 17

Grubb, T., bank notes, Mar. 11
Gye, F., moulding sugar, Nov. 20
Gye, F., jun., aerated waters, Dec. 10
Haddan, J. C., railways, Apr. 14
Hague and Madeley, roving cotton,
June 19

Haig, A., ventilation, Sept. 4
Hale, J., guns, Oct. 2
Hall, A., bricks, Oct. 2

Hall, E., condensing engine, Nov. 15
Hall, J. W., cleaning wool, Oct. 16
Hall, S., steam engines, &c., Feb. 20.
Hamer, J., enema syringes, Apr. 7
Hancock, J. L., steam engines, Apr. 7
Hansom, C., clocks, &c., Oct. 10
Hardcastle, J., conveying water, Oct. 10
Hardcastle, J., dyeing, &c., Oct. 31
Hardy, J., metallic tubes, June 5
Harlow, F., atmospheric railways,

Oct. 10

Hartes, J., manuring, &c., Oct. 9
Harvey, S., sawing, June 7
Hattersley, W., pianofortes, Apr. 7
Haworth, R., steam engines, Feb. 10
Hays, C. D., propellers, Dec. 10
Heath, J. M., cast steel, Aug. 4
Henderson, D., cranes, June 10
Hendrie, R. J., silk, Nov. 11
Henson, W., weaving, Nov. 11
Heseltine, S., jun., dressing stones, &c.,
Dec. 22
Hicks, J., cleansing grain, Apr. 7
Higgins and Whitworth, spinning, Apr. 2
Higson, P., railways, Aug. 9
Hill, J., wire blinds, May 6
Hill, J. R., atmospheric railway pro-
pellers, Oct. 2
Hill and De la Rue, envelopes, Mar. 17
Hills, F., gas, Aug. 9
Hindley, A. D., carpets, May 6
Hollingsworth, T., cigar cases, Oct. 9
Hood, J. L., motive power, June 3
Hopkins, J., rails and trams, July 3
Horne, J., injecting instruments, Jan. 2
Horsfall, C. H., iron, Sept. 18
Hoskins, G., trusses, Nov. 3

Howard, J., silk plushes, &c., Feb. 24
Howard, T., rolling iron bars, Oct. 6
Hullmandel, C. J., earthenware, May 22
Hunnybun and Venden, omnibuses,
Nov. 20

Hunt, W., heating apparatus, Jan. 16
Hutchinson, G., gas meters, July 2
Irving, W., cutting beads, &c., Feb 10
Isoard, M. F., motive power, Aug. 28
Ivers, J., cotton, &c., Apr. 22
James, W. H., heating plates, July 25
Jamieson, A., dressing ores, Oct. 10
Johnson, J. R., atmospheric railways,

Johnson, J. R., gas, Dec. 20 Johnson, W., cotton, Nov. 20 Johnston, J., sugar, Jan. 31

Dec. 6

Jones, E. T., sulphuric acid, Nov. 27
Jones, H., flour, Mar. 13

Jonquet, D., preparing skins for tanning,
Oct. 31
Jordan, T. B., engraving, Feb. 17
Judson, J. E., cotton spinning, Oct. 9
Keasley, T., leather, Jan. 11
Keene, C., boots, &c., May, 29
Kerr, R., weaving, May 22
King, E. A., electric light, Nov. 4
Knight, S., scouring &c., Mar. 3
Knowles, J., mining, Oct. 10
Lacy and Buck, railways, Jan. 14
Lake, J., propellers, Oct. 9
Lambercan, J. F., power, Sept. 18
Laming, J., chemical preparations,
Nov. 18
Lampitt, C., dibbling machines, Sept. 4
Lantais, de la, E. L., tea, &c., Jan. 16
Laughton, L., soap, Nov. 6
Lawes, T., propellers, June 3
Lawrence, H., buckles, Dec. 10
Lecour, J. L., looms, Jan. 16
Leifchild, J., blue, July 8
Leslie, J., stoves, Jan. 28
Leslie, J., gas, Dec. 4

Lesnard, F., steam, Apr. 29

Lewis, J. H., printing, May 22
Lidbetter, T., salt, Apr. 2
Liebhaber, Baron J. C. M., mining,
Mar, 27

Lings, J., preserving, July 21
Lister, S. C., carding wool, Dec. 12
Longmaid, W., chlorine, Aug. 4
Longridge, R. B., locomotives, Feb. 10
Lord, J., steam boilers, Apr. 15
Lucas, E., chains, Jan. 16
Lucy, W., dough, June 3
Lund, H., umbrellas, Jan. 6

Maberly, F. H., railway break, Feb. 10
Mabley, W. T., buttons, &c., Jan. 11
Mackie, W., window sashes, Apr. 22
Maire, P. F., iron, Aug. 5

Malcolmson, J., propellers, July, 12

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