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KAMES, LORD. A Scottish judge and eminent writer: his "Elements of Criticism" established his literary fame. Born 1696; died 1782. KAMPHUIZEN, THEODORUS R. A celebrated Dutch painter. Born about 1580; died 1627. KANT, IMMANUEL. Founder of the transcendental school of philosophy: author of "Kritik der reinen Vernunst," etc. Born 1724; died 1804. KEATS, JOHN. A poet of great promise, but his life was unfortunately brief. Born 1795; died 1821.

KEBLE, REV. JOHN. The highly-esteemed and popular author of "The Christian Year." Born 1792: died 1866.

KEMPIS, THOMAS A. A German ascetic; generally regarded as the author of "De Imitatione Christi;" but many assert that the work was merely found among certain beautiful MSS. of his, copied by his brother. Born 1330; died 1471.

KEN, BISHOP. An elegant poet and distinguished theologian: his "Morning and Evening Hymns" are repeated daily in thousands of dwellings. Born 1637; died 1711.

KENNETT, BISHOP. A famous antiquary and learned divine. Born 1660; died 1728. KENT, DUKE OF. Father of Queen Victoria, and a liberal patron of benevolent enterprises. Born 1767: died 1820.

KING, BISHOP. Author of "A Poetical Version of the Psalms." Born 1591; died 1669. KING, THOMAS. A popular dramatic writer. Born 170; died 1805.

KINGLAKE, ALEXANDER W. Author of "A History of the Crimean War." Born 1809. KINGSLEY, REV. CANON. "Hypatia "-a philosophical romance-is regarded by many as the best of his numerous literary productions. Born 1819.


KIRK, REV. PROFESSOR. A thoughtful Scottish divine: author of "The Way of Life made Plain," etc.

KITTO, DR. JOHN. An able and well-known
biblical writer. Born 1804; died 1854.
German poet: his reputation rests on "The
Messiah," a poem of extraordinary beauty and
power. Born 1724; died 1803.
KNAPP, DR. An eminent German writer.
He wrote, besides

other works, "Roman meines Lebens," in four volumes. Born 1752; died 1796. KNIGHT, CHARLES. A noted publisher, editor, and writer: the biographer of "William Caxton. Born 1791.

KNIGHT, MRS. CORNELIA. An English authoress, and, for a time, a companion to the Princess Charlotte. Born 1758; died 1837. KNOLLES, RICHARD. Author of "The History of the Turks." Born 1545; died 1610. KNOWLES, HERBERT. Born 1798; died 1817. KNOWLES, J. SHERIDAN. An accomplished dramatist and actor, and, withal, a theologian. Born 1784; died 1862.

KNOX, REV. DR. A distinguished writer and popular preacher: author of "Essays, Moral and Literary." Born 1754; died 1822. KNOX, REV. JOHN. When laid in his grave, the Earl of Morton said of him-"There lies he who never feared the face of man." Born 1505;

died 1572. KOSSUTH, LOUIS. An illustrious Hungarian statesman, warrior, and orator. Born 1802. KRUMMACHER, REV. DR. An eminent pulpit orator, and, for some time, chaplain to the King of Prussia: author of "Elijah the Tishbite," etc. Born 1796; died 1868.


LACORDAIRE, ABBÉ. An elegant French preacher, and founder of a new order of Dominicans: author of "Sermons at Notre-Dame." Born 1802; died 1861. LAIDLAW, WILLIAM. A British poet. Born 1780; died 1845.

LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE. A distinguished French historian, poet, and orator. His

History of the Girondists" is an eloquent and brilliant composition. Born 1792; died 1869. LAMB, CHARLES. "The most original, most quaint, most simple, most touching of all modern essayists." Born 1775; died 1834

LAMBERT, JOSEPH. A French prior and moralist author of "The Evangelical Year," etc. Born 1654; died 1722.


LANDON, LETITIA E. A gifted English poetess of extensive reputation. Born 1802; died 1839.

LANDOR, WALTER S. An English poet and miscellaneous writer, whose style was original, antique, and perfect. Born 1775; died 1864. LANGDALE, LORD. An eminent judge. Born 1783; died 1851.

LANKESTER, DR. An English naturalist and popular lecturer: author of "Half-Hours with the Microscope." Born 1814.

LANSDOWNE, MARQUIS OF. An able debater, and highly esteemed for his generous encouragement of literature and art. Born 1780; died 1863.

LARDNER, DR. Author of "The Handbook of Natural Philosophy." etc. Born 1793; died 1859. LATIMER, BISHOP. One of the principal reformers of the Church. Born 1470; burnt 1555. LAUN, THOMAS DE LAVATER, REV. JOHANN C. A distinguished Swiss theologian and physiognomist: author of "Physiognomischen Fragmente," etc. Born 1741; died 1801. LAW, REV. DEAN. An eminently Evangelical


LAW, REV. WILLIAM. His "Serious Call to a Devout Life" has been immensely useful. Born 1686; died 1761. LAWRENCE, SIR THOMAS. The most famous portrait-painter of his day. Born 1769; died 1830.

LAYARD, AUSTEN H. An orientalist and antiquary of wide celebrity: author of "Nineveh and its Remains," etc. Born 1817. LEDYARD, JOHN. An American traveller of great daring and fame. Born 1751; died 1788. LEE, D. K.

LEE, MARY E. An American authoress and translator. Born 1813; died 1849.


LEE, NATHANIEL. An English dramatist : author of "The Tragedy of Nero," etc. 1658; died 1691.

LEE, REV. DR. SAMUEL. A most persevering student, and a most eminent orientalist: author of "A Hebrew, Chaldaic, and English Lexicon," etc. Born 1783; died 1852. LEIGH, AURORA

LEIGHTON, ARCHBISHOP. A sound theologian and an eloquent preacher. Born 1613; died 1684.

LEITCH, REV. DR. Author of "God's Glory in the Heavens."

French dramatist. Born 1723; died 1793.
LEO X. Noted as a munificent patron of litera-
ture and the arts.

LEONARDS, LORD ST. Author of "The
Handy Book of Property Law."
LESSING, GOTTHOLD E. Surnamed "the
Admirable" for his learning: author of "Letters
on Literature," which formed an epoch in Ger-
man literature. Born 1729; died 1781.



L'ESTRANGE, SIR ROGER. An English partisan writer. Born 1616; died 1704. LETTICE, REV. JOHN. An English poet and pulpit orator. Born 1737; died 1832. LEVER, CHARLES J. A very popular Irish novelist. Born 1806; died 1872. LEWES, GEORGE H. Author of "A Biographical History of Philosophy," etc. LEYDEN, DR. JOHN.

A celebrated Scottish

physician, poet, antiquary, and orientalist. Born 1775: died 1811.

LICHTWER, MAGNUS G. One of the most popular fabulists of which Germany can boast. Bom 1719; died 1782.

LIDDON, REV. CANON. Author of "The Divinity of Christ," etc.

LIEBER, FRANCIS. A distinguished German historian and political writer editor of the "Encyclopædia Americana." Born 1800. LIEBIG, PROFESSOR.

One of the greatest chemists of the present century. His "Familiar Letters on Chemistry" have been intensely admired. Born 1803; died 1873.

LIGHT, REV. WILLIAM E. Author of "Sermons on Personal Religion."

LIGHTFOOT, REV. DR. A learned biblical commentator. Born 1602; died 1675.

LILLO, GEORGE. An effective tragic writer. Born 1693: died 1739.

LILLY, JOHN. Called "the Euphuist." Born about 1553; died about 1600. LIMBORCH, VAN

LINDSAY, LORD. Author of "Letters on Egypt, Edom, and the Holy Land." Born 1812. LINN, REV. DR. An American divine and poet: his best poem is entitled "The Powers of Genius." Born 1777; died 1804.

LIVY. A learned Roman historian. Born 59 B. C.; died 17 A.D.

LLOYD, ROBERT. An English poet and usher. Born 1733; died 1764.

LOARING, H. J. Author of "Common Sayings." LOCKE, JOHN. A renowned English philosopher: his chief work is "An Essay on the Human Understanding." Born 1632; died 1704. LOCKER, EDWARD H. Author of "Lectures on the Bible and Liturgy." Born 1777; died 1849. LOCKHART, JOHN G. A distinguished novelist and critic; son-in-law and biographer of Sir Walter Scott. Born 1794; died 1854. LODGE, THOMAS. An English dramatist and versatile writer: Hallam pronounces him one of the best poets of the age. Born 1556; died 1625. LOFFT, CAPEL. An eminent barrister and magazinist. He encouraged Bloomfield publish "The Farmer's Boy," etc.


Born 1751:

died 1824. LOGAN, REV. JOHN. A well-known Scottish poet and miscellaneous writer: author of "An Ode to the Cuckoo," and "A Review of the Charges against Warren Hastings." Born 1748; died 1788.

LOGAU, FRIEDRICH VON. A German baron and poet, remarkable for his irony and pathos. Born 1604: died 1655.


LONGFELLOW, HENRY W. An American poet and scholar of universal renown. 1807.

Author of

LONGINUS. A distinguished Greek philosopher, critic, and teacher: author of "A Treatise on the Sublime." Born about 213: died 273. LORAINE, REV. NEVISON. "Lectures on the Lord's Prayer." LOUIS XII. Surnamed "the Father of the People." Born 1462; died 1515.

LOUIS XIV. Surnamed "Le Grand." Born 1633; died 1715.


LOVELACE, LADY. The only child of Lord Byron. Born 1815; died 1852.


LOVER, SAMUEL. A successful Irish novelist and poet: author of "Handy Andy," etc. Born 1797; died 1868.

LOWE, RIGHT HON, ROBERT. An eminent English statesman and orator. Born 1811. LOWELL, JAMES R. A celebrated American poet, critic, and scholar: author of "The Biglow Papers," etc. Born 1819.


LUCAN. A highly imaginative and impressive Roman epic poet. Born 38; put to death 65. LUCAS, DR.

LUTHER, REV. DR. MARTIN. "The Hero of the Reformation." Born 1483; died 1546. LYELL, SIR CHARLES. A distinguished geologist: author of "The Principles of Geology," etc. Born 1797.

LYNDHURST, LORD. An illustrious English statesman. Born 1772; died 1863.

LYTTLETON, LORD. A most eminent English statesman, poet, and historian: author of "Observations on the Conversion of St. Paul." Born 1709; died 1773.

LYTTON, LORD. After Sir Walter Scott, the most popular of all the English novelists. Bora 1805; died 1873.


MACAULAY, LORD. A renowned English historian and essayist. Born 1800; died 1859. MACDONALD, DR. GEORGE. Author of "The Seaboard Parish." etc.

MACDUFF, REV. DR. A voluminous theological writer. MACCHIAVELLI.

A famous Italian diplo

matist and writer: his most important work is entitled "Del Principe." Born 1469; died 1527. MACINTOSH, SIR JAMES. A distinguished lawyer, statesman, and historian. Born 1765; died 1832. MACKARNESS, BISHOP. Born 1820.

MACKAY, DR. A popular Scottish poet. "The Good Time Coming" is included in his "Voices from the Crowd." Born 1814.

MACKELLAR, THOMAS. An American poet of some celebrity. Born 1812.

A truly eloquent

MACKENZIE, REV. WILLIAM B. Author of "Bible Characters," etc. Died 1871. MACLAGAN, ALEXANDER. A Scottish poet : author of "Sketches from Nature." MACLAURIN, REV. JOHN. preacher. MACLEOD, REV. DR. A popular Scottish divine editor of "Good Words," and author of "The Earnest Student," etc. Born 1812; died 1872. MADDEN, REV. DR. An excellent historian and poet. Born 1687; died 1765. MADISON, JAMES. A distinguished American statesman and political philosopher. Born 1751; died 1836.

MAGEE, BISHOP. Celebrated as an orator. Born 1821.

MAGOON, REV. DR. An American divine of considerable note: author of "The Orators of the American Revolution," etc. Born 1810. MAHOMET. The founder of one of the principal religions of the world: author of "The Koran." Born 569; died 632. MALCOLM, SIR JOHN. A British general and eminent historian. Born 1769; died 1833. MALLET, DAVID. A Scottish poet and miscellaneous writer. Born about 1700; died 1765. MANGAU.

MANN, HORACE. A noted American educationist. Born 1796; died 1859. MANNING, ARCHBISHOP. Author of "The Unity of the Church," etc. Born 1809. MANSFIELD, LORD. A British lawyer and scholar of great merit. Born 1704; died 1793.

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MANSEL, REV. DEAN. Author of "The Limits of Religious Thought," etc. Born 1820; died 18.1.

MANT, BISHOP. An able theological writer. Born 1776; died 1848.

MANTELL, DR. A distinguished geologist and paleontologist: author of "The Medals of Creation," etc. Born 1790; died 1852. MANTON, REV. DR. The well-known commentator on the cxIx. Psalm.

died 1677.

Born 1620;

MANUEL, DON JUAN. A member of the Spanish Royal Family: author of "El Conde Lucanor." Died about 1350.

MARMION, SHAKERLEY. An English dramatist his principal work is "The Antiquary.” Born 1602; died 1639.

MAROLLES, ABBE DE. A French littérateur.
Born 1600; died 1681.

A naval novelist of world-wide popularity. Born 1792; died 1848. MARSH, CATHARINE. Well-known by "English Hearts and English Hands." Born 1815. MARSTON, JOHN. An English dramatist, and the friend of Ben Jonson. Died about 1634. MARTEN, H.


MARTIAL, MARCUS V. A famous Latin epigrammatic poet. Born 43; died about 105. MARTIN, MARGARET M. Authoress "Christianity in Earnest." Born 1807. MARTIN, REV. SAMUEL.

Useful Arts," etc.

Author of "The

MARTINEAU, HARRIET. An English miscellaneous writer: among her best productions are "Traditions of Palestine," and "Deerbrook." Born 1802.

MARTYN, REV. HENRY. The devoted Indian missionary, and translator of the New Testament into the Persian language. died 1812.

Born 1781;

MARTYR, JUSTIN. One of the earliest and most learned of the Greek Fathers. Born about 103; martyred about 165.

MARVELL, ANDREW. Distinguished chiefly as a senator and political writer. Born 1620; died 1678.

MASON, REV. DR. An American preacher of rare eloquence. Born 1770; died 1829. MASON, REV. JOHN. Author of "SelfKnowledge." Born 1706; died 1763. MASON, REV. WILLIAM. A divine and poet of extensive reputation. Born 1725; died


MASON, SIR JOHN. A celebrated statesman, whose favourite maxim was-"Do, and say nothing." Died 1566.

MASSEY, GERALD. An English poet of grow ing fame. Porn 1828.

MASSILLON, BISHOP. A most eloquent French preacher. Born 1663: died 1742. MASSINGER, PHILIP. One of the most illustrious of Shakspeare's successors. Born 1584; died 1640.


MAUNDER, SAMUEL. A well-known English compiler. Born 1790; died 1849. MAURY, LIEUTENANT. A famous American hydrographer and naval officer: author of "The Physical Geography of the Sea.' Born 1806. MAVOR, WILLIAM F. A Scottish writer and tutor: he published a number of useful compilations. Born 1758; died 1837.


MAXIMILIAN II. The unfortunate Emperor of
Mexico. Born 1832; shot 1867.
MAY, THOMAS. An eminent historian and
poet. Born 1594; died 1650.

MAYHEW, HENRY. The first editor of "Punch," and the popular author of "London Labour and the London Poor," etc. Born 1812. MAYNE, REV. JASPER. An English divine and poet. Born 1604: died 1672. MAYNWARINGE, DR.


McCOSH, REV. DR. Author of "The Intuitions of the Mind," etc. Born 1810. M'CHEYNE, REV. ROBERT. A truly devout Scottish minister joint-author of "A Narrative of a Mission of Inquiry to the Jews." Born 1813; died 1843.

M'COMB, WILLIAM. An Irish poet: author of "The Voice of a Year," etc. MELANCTHON, PHILIP. A German philosopher, poet, and theologian of pre-eminent abilities. He was the coadjutor of Luther in the Reformation. Born 1497; died 1:60. MELMOTH, WILLIAM. Author of "The Great Importance of a Religious Life." Born 1666: died 1743.

MELVILL, KEV. CANON. One of the most eloquent divines of the Church of England, and author of several volumes of Sermons which have met with a most extensive circulation. Born 1798; died 1871.

MENAGE, GILLES. A distinguished French scholar and critic. Born 1613; died 1692. MENNES, SIR JOHN. An English poet. Born 1591; died 1671. MERRY, C. M.

METASTASIO, PIETRO B. An "Imperial Poet of Italy.' Born 1698; died 1782. M'FARLANE, REV. DR. Author of "The Mountains of the Bible," etc.

MIDDLETON, REV. DR. A celebrated English scholar and controversialist. Born 1683: died 1750.

MIDDLETON, THOMAS. An English dramatist, and the contemporary of Jonson, Massinger, and Rowley. Died about 1626. MIFLIN, J. H.

MILL, JAMES. A political economist and his torian: his "History of British India" is pronounced a work of unusual merit. Born 1773; died 1836.

MILL, JOHN STUART. An eminent English philosopher author of "A System of Logic," etc. Born 1806; died 1873.

MILLER, HUGH. The celebrated Scottish geologist and writer: his last work was "The Testimony of the Rocks." Born 1802; died 1856.

MILLER, REV. DR. An American professor of ecclesiastical history. Born 1769; died 1850. MILLER, THOMAS. An English poet and basket-maker; the friend of the poet Rogers. Born 1808. MILLHOUSE.

MILLINGEN, DR. A distinguished antiquary. Born 1774; died 1845.

MILMAN, REV. DEAN. An eminent poet, historian, and divine: author of "The History of Christianity," etc. Born 1791; died 1868. MILNER, REV. DR. The celebrated writer of "The History of the Church of Christ." Born 1751; died 1820. MILTON, JOHN. The immortal author of "Paradise Lost." Born 1608; died 1674. MING TSONG. A famous Chinese emperor. MIRABEAU, COUNT DE. A remarkable orator and an eminent statesman; one of the most notable personages connected with the French Revolution. Born 1749; died 1791. MITFORD, MARY R. A charming delineator of English rural life. Born 1786; died 1855. M'NEILE, REV. DEAN. Author of "Lectures on the Church of England," etc.

MOIR, DAVID M. The highly-esteemed "Delta" of Blackwood's Magazine. Born 1798; died 1851.


A Dutch physiologist

and naturalist: among his chief works is "Licht und Leben." Born 1822. MOLIERE. A distinguished French comic actor and author his master-piece is entitled "The Hypocrite." Born 1622; died 1673.

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minous writer on military subjects. Born 1714; died 1800 MONTESQUIEU, BARON. Author of "L'Esprit des Lois." etc. Born 1689; died 1755 MONTFAUCON, BERNARD DE. A wellknown French antiquary and critic. Born 1655; died 1741.

Author of

"Bernardo del Carpio." Died 1841.
Poet:" author of "The World before the
Flood," etc. Born 1771; died 1854.

ROBERT. The talented author of "The Omnipresence of the Deity," etc. Born 1807; died 1855.

MOODY, REV. N. G. Author of "Lectures on the Lord's Prayer."

MOON, GEORGE W. Author of "The Soul's Inquiries Answered," etc.

MOORE, DR. GEORGE. An eminent physician and devout writer: "The Power of the Mind over the Body" is his best work.

MOORE, DR. JOHN. Author of "Zeluco."
Born 1730; died 1802.

An English littérateur.

Born 1712; died 1757. MOORE, SIR JOHN. The famous military commander who fell in 1809, by a cannon-shot at the Battle of Corunna, and whose burial was immortalized in a poem by Wolfe. Born


MOORE, THOMAS. The national poet of Ireland, or, as Lord Byron designated him-"The poet of all circles, and the idol of his own." Born 1779; died 1852.

MORE, HANNAH. Her first work was entitled "The Search after Happiness;" her last-" The Spirit of Prayer." Born 1745; died 1833. MORE, REV. HENRY. A divine of great genius and immense scholarship. Born 1614; died 1687.

MORE, SIR THOMAS. A famous lawyer and statesman. Born 1480; beheaded 1535. MORGAN, LADY. The distinguished authoress of "Italy." Born 1789; died 1859. MORRIS, REV. CALEB. An eminent English preacher.

MORRIS, WILLIAM. An English poet: author of "The Earthly Paradise."

MORRISON, REV. DR. CHARLES. Author of "The Natural Order of Creation." MOSHEIM, REV. JOHANN L. VON. A celebrated German theologian and historian: his great work is "The Institutes of Ecclesiastical History." Born 1694; died 1755. MOTTE, DE LA. A French critic, translator, and dramatist of note. Born 1672; died

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MURLOCK, MISS. "John Halifax," etc.

The talented authoress of

MURPHY, ARTHUR. An Irish dramatist and miscellaneous writer: biographer of Johnson and Garrick. Born 1728; died 1805.



NAIRNE, LADY. A Scottish poetess of exquisite tenderness, as evinced by "The Land o the Leal," and other beautiful poems. Born 1766; died 18.45.

NAPIER, LORD. A celebrated British general.

Born 1810.

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NEELE, HENRY. Author of "The Romance of History," etc. Born 1798; died 1828. NELSON, LORD. "England's greatest Naval Hero. Born 1758; fell in battle 1805. NERVAL, GERARD DE. A French littérateur. Born 1808 died 1855.

NEVILE, HENRY. A political writer of note: author of "Plato Redivivus, or a Dialogue concerning Government." Born 1620: died 1694. NEVIN, REV. DR. An eminent American divine and editor: author of "The Mystical Presence, etc. Born 1803.

NEWMAN, REV. DR. Author of "An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine," etc. Born 1801.

NEWTON, REV. DR. A popular Methodist preacher. Born 1780; died 1854.

NEWTON, REV. JOHN. "The Messiah" and "Cardiphonia" are his chief productions. Born 1725 died 1807.

NEWTON, SIR ISAAC. The discoverer of the law of gravitation: and, indisputably, the greatest astronomer, philosopher, and mathematician of recent times. Born 1642; died 1727. NEY, MARSHAL One of the most valiant of French heroes. Born 1769; shot 1815. NICOLAS, AUGUSTE. A French judge and writer. The work on which his literary reputation is founded is entitled " Philosophical Studies on Christianity. Born 1807.

NICOLE, REV. PIERRE. A celebrated French philosopher and theologian: his principal work is published in twenty-three volumes, entitled "Moral Essays and Theological Instructions." Born 1625; died 1695. NIGHTINGALE, FLORENCE. The heroine of the Crimea: her "Notes on Hospitals" is invaluable. Born 1820.

NORRIS, REV. JOHN. A distinguished philosopher and mystical divine: author of "An Essay toward the Theory of the Intelligible World." Born 1657; died 1711. NORTON, HON. MRS. A widely-known and highly-esteemed authoress, described by Mrs. Sedgwick as "the perfection of intellectual and physical beauty, uniting masculine force with feminine delicacy." Born 1808. NOVALIS. The assumed name of Friedrich Von Hardenberg, an eminent German philosopher and mystical writer: author of a remarkable work entitled "Christianity in Europe." Born 1772; died 1801.

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O'BRIEN, WILLIAM S. An earnest but unfortunate Irish leader. Born 1803; died 1864. O'CONNELL, DANIEL. One of the most gifted and eloquent politicians Ireland has yet produced. Born 1775; died 1847. O'DOWD, CORNELIUS

O'HARA, KANE. A popular Irish dramatist : author of "The Golden Pippin," etc. Died 1782. OKEN, PROFESSOR. A famous German naturalist and physiologist. He published that remarkable work-"The Elements of Natural Philosophy, the Theory of the Senses, and the Classification of Animals." Born 1779; died 1851. CLDHAM, JOHN. An English satirist; the friend of Dryden. Born 1653; died 1683. OPIE, MRS. A brilliant writer of fiction. Born 1769; died 1853.

ORIGEN. One of the most eloquent and influential of the early Christian Fathers: compiler of a valuable edition of the Old Testament, entitled "Hexapla." Born 186; died 253. OSBORNE, FRANCIS. An English biographical and historical writer. Born 1589; died 1659. OSBORNE, REV. LORD S. G.

OSBURN, WILLIAM. A well-known writer on Egypt and her language.

OTWAY, THOMAS. An eminent English dramatist. "Venice Preserved" is considered his best drama. Born 1651; died 1685. OVERBURY, SIR THOMAS.

Described as "one of the most accomplished gentlemen about the Court of James I." Born 1581; poisoned 1613.

OVID, PUBLIUS N. A most famous Roman poet. Born 43 B.C.; died 18 A.D. OWEN, REV. DR. An able and voluminous author. His "Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews" is prized by every theological student. Born 1616; died 1683.

OXENDEN, BISHOP. An eminent prelate and successful writer: author of "Portraits from the Bible," etc.

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PALMERSTON, LORD. A statesman of wonderful ability and pure patriotism. Born 1784; died 1865.

PARDOE, JULIA. A popular English authoress. Born 1808; died 1862.

PAREUS, REV. DAVID. A learned German

Calvinistic commentator. Born 1548; died 1622. PARK, MUNGO. A famous and enterprising explorer: author of "Travels in the Interior of Africa." Born 1771; perished 1805. PARKER, REV. DR. Editor of "The Pulpit Analyst."


American orator and rationalistic divine. Born 1810; died 1860.

PARNELL, REV. DR. A devout Irish poet, whose poems were introduced to the world by Pope. Born 1679: died 1717.

PARR, REV. DR. An English scholar and critic, renowned for his learning and colloquial powers. Born 1747; died 1825. PARTON, SARAH P. W. She published "Fern Leaves" under the pseudonym of Fanny Fern. Born 1811

PASCAL, BLAISE. Characterized by Bayle as "one of the sublimest spirits in the world:

author of "Pensées," etc. Born 1623 died 1662. PATRICK, BISHOP. A prelate of rare ability, learning, and piety. He wrote a Paraphrase and Commentary on the Old Testament. Born 1626; died 1707.


PATTERSON, ROBERT. Author of "An Introduction to Zoology." PAULDING, JAMES K.

A popular American novelist and miscellaneous writer. Bora 1779; died 1860.

PAVILLON, ETIENNE. A French poet. Born 1632; died 1705.


PAYNE, JOHN H. An American dramatist and actor; chiefly known by that popular and exquisitely touching poem -"Home, sweet Home." Bora 1792; died 1852.

PAYSON, REV. DR. An eminent American preacher of impassioned and all-persuasive eloquence. Born 1783; died 1827. PEABODY, REV. WILLIAM B. O. An American poet and magazinist of considerable note. Born 1709; died 1847.

PEARSON, REV. THOMAS. A prize essayist : author of "Infidelity: its Aspects, Causes, and Agencies." Died 1864.

PEEL, SIR ROBERT. Justly regarded as
"the most distinguished statesman of his age.
Born 1788; died, from a fall from his horse, 1850.
PELLISON, PAUL. The historian of the French
Academy. Born 1624; died 1693.

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satirist author of a novel entitled "Satyricon." Died, by his own hand, 66.


A favourite American

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PIERRE, ST. An eccentric but eminently bene-
volent French priest and writer; Rousseau
declared that "he was an honour to his age and
his species." Born 1658; died 1743.

PINDAR. Said to be "the great lyric poet of
Greece." Born 520 B.C.; died 442 B.C.
PITMAN, ISAAC. The well-known promoter of
the phonetic system of writing.

PITT, RIGHT HON. WILLIAM. An illustrious British statesman and debater. Born 1759; died 1806.


PLATO. The immortal philosopher of Athens.
Born 429 B.C; died 347 B.C.

PLAUTUS, MARCUS A. A very celebrated

Roman comic poet. Born 224 B. C.; died 184 B.C. PLAYFAIR, DR. LYON. Author of a number of treatises and lectures on chemistry. Born 1819.

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