British Almanac and Family CyclopaediaStationers' Company, 1902 |
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Acres annual April Archdeacons Athenæum Club ball Bank Bart Benefices Bill Bishop Board Boers British C. B. Fry Canon Cape Cape Colony Capricornus Carlton Club cent Chancellor Charles Chief Church Clerk Club College Colony colour Council County Court crea Crown Dean Diocesan DIOCESE district Dublin Duke Duke of Cornwall Earl elected England Evensong Fees Gardens George Government Hall head Henry House Ireland Islands James John July June King Liverpool LL.D London Lord March miles Minister months Moon North Office Oxford Park POPULATION President Queen Queen Victoria race railway re-el Registrar Robert Royal schools Scotland Secretary Sept South Square stars Street tion Transvaal United Kingdom Victoria W. E. Gladstone Wales Whit William دو دو وو
Népszerű szakaszok
257. oldal - If a creditor has obtained a final judgment against him for any amount, and execution thereon not having been stayed, has served on him in England, or, by leave of the court, elsewhere, a bankruptcy notice under this Act, requiring him to pay the judgment debt in accordance with the terms of the judgment...
257. oldal - If execution against him has been levied by seizure of his goods under process in an action in any Court, or in any civil proceeding in the High Court, and the goods have been either sold or held by the sheriff for twenty-one days.
239. oldal - ... of all property, real or personal, settled or not settled, which passes on the death of such person a duty, called
101. oldal - Act referred to as parochial electors and no others, namely the persons registered in such portion either of the local government register of electors or of the parliamentary register of electors as relates to the parish.
257. oldal - England, and if service is elsewhere, then within the time limited in that behalf by the order giving leave to effect the service), either comply with the requirements of the notice, or satisfy the Court that he has a counter claim, which equals or exceeds the amount of the judgment debt, and which he could not set up in the action in which, the judgment was obtained ; or 7.
254. oldal - any local authority may direct the destruction of any bedding, clothing or other articles which have been exposed to infection from any dangerous infectious disorder, and may give compensation for the same.
451. oldal - December 10, 1859, on its separation from New South Wales. The power of making laws and imposing taxes is vested in a Parliament of two Houses — the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly. The former consists of 39 members, nominated by the Crown for life. The Legislative Assembly comprises 72 members, returned from 61 electoral districts for three years, elected by ballot, a six months' residence qualifying every adult male for the franchise.
257. oldal - Court that he has a counter claim, which equals or exceeds the amount of the judgment debt, and which he could not set up in the action in which, the judgment was obtained ; or 7. If the debtor gives notice to any of his creditors that he has suspended, or that he is about to suspend, payment of his debts.
101. oldal - ... day of July have been an occupier as owner or tenant of some land or tenement in...
255. oldal - Divorce, and the clerks of the peace or their deputies, if actually exercising the duties of their respective offices ; coroners, gaolers, and keepers of houses of correction, and all subordinate officers of the same ; keepers in public lunatic asylums ; members and licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians in London, if actually practising as physicians ; members of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons in London, Edinburgh, and Dublin, if actually practising as surgeons ; apothecaries certificated...