
Pharmaceutical Preparations. 4thly, Medicinal Compofitions. The two latter Parts comprehending the Preparations and Compofitions of the laft London and Edinburgh Pharmacopeias, with fuch of the Old Ones as are kept in the Shops; and also the most Ufeful of thofe directed in the London Hofpitals and the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh; together with the moft efteemed Foreign Medicines; and a Variety of elegant extemporaneous Form's digefted in a regular Method; and the different Departments enriched by the Introduction and Application of the later Difcoveries in Natural Hiftory, Chemistry, and Medicine; with particular Directions for performing the various Proceffes; Remarks on the Properties and Ufes of the feveral Subjects; the Means of distinguishing fpurious Substitutes, and of detecting Adulterations, &c. The whole being an Improvement upon the new Difpenfatory of Dr. Lewis. By a Gentleman of the Faculty at Edinburgh. 8vo. 7s. 6d. bound. Elliot, Edinburgh. Robinsons, London. 1786.

As this compilation feems to anfwer, very well, to the description given of it in the circumftantial title page, it must be a ufeful performance, and as fuch we recommend it, as far as we are authorifed to do from a curfory infpection: A particular examination would require more time than we can allow to an article of this kind. R-m

Art. 49. A Treatise on Cheltenham Water, and its great Ufe in the prefent Peftilential Conftitution, &c. By John Barker. 8vo. is. 6d. Birmingham printed, 1786.

In this work, the Author, after confidering fpring water in general, treats largely on the mineral fpring at Cheltenham. His chemistry, however, is not adapted to the prefent times. As to the Author's Medical advice, with respect to the regimen neceffary to be obferved during our drinking the Cheltenham water, we do not find that it contains any new thoughts. The cafes which Mr. Barker has added, illuftrating the good effects of the water, are the most valuable part of the work, but they would have been much better had they been barely related without the reflections which the Author has made on them.

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Art. 50. Obfervations on the Ufe and Abuse of the Cheltenham
Waters, in which are included Occafional Remarks on different
Saline Compofitions. By J. Smith, M. D. Savilian Profeffor of
Geometry at Oxford.
8vo. Is. 6d. Murray. 1786.

The Author fays, in his preface, that this publication was undertaken, not with any view of recommending the waters to the attention of the public, but chiefly in order to correct fome errors and abufes in the difpenfation of them: He, therefore, gives no analyfis of the water, but confines himself wholly to its medical qualities, and to the confideration of fuch maladies as may be relieved by its ufe. The Cheltenham water abounds with Glauber's and Epfom falts, and confequently acts as a purgative; and, containing a small portion of iron, it counteracts that relaxation which ordinary faline purgatives generally occafion.

The Profeffor does not however reftrain himself from taking an ample and extenfive view of the action of faline fubftances on the


human body; he explains their mode of operation, relates the effects they produce, and examines the cafes in which they may be administered with fuccefs.


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Art. 51. Enquiries concerning Lettres de Cachet; the Confequences of arbitrary Imprisonments; and a History of the Inconveniencies, Diftrefles, and Sufferings of State Prifoners. Written in the Dungeon of the Caftle of Vincennes by the Count de Mirabeau. With a Preface by the Tranflator. 8vo. 2 Vols. 12s. Boards.

Robinfons. 1786.

In the Appendix to our LXVIIth volume, page 537, we gave a circumftantial account of the original of this work, foon after its publication at Neufchatel; we fhall therefore refer our Readers to that article, adding, that the tranflation is well executed, and more free from Gallicifms than the generality of works that are tranflated from the French. go

Art. 52. An Addrefs to Tradefmen, particularly Shop-keepers, throughout the Kingdom: containing, Obfervations on the Mischiefs and Obftructions to the Profperity of fair Trade, from the evil Practices of Hawkers, Riders, Smugglers, &c. with Propofitions for Remedy thereof, and for a further Amendment of the Shop Tax. By a Tradefman. 8vo. 6d. Richardfon. 1786.

This pamphlet is evidently the production of fome man in bufinefs; and is a fenfible, but rambling performance: for when men, not used to exprefs their minds on paper, undertake fuch a task, they generally exhauft their fubject, or, more properly, fnatch the opportunity to give their thoughts on all fubjects they can introduce and connect with the profeffed one. When the legislature have cleared their hands of the regulations of foreign commerce, ample work is here cut out for the reformation of abuses in our internal trade. N. Art. 53. The Children's Friend. Tranflated from the French of M. Berquin. Complete in four Volumes. Ornamented with Frontifpieces. 12mo. 85. Stockdale. 1787.

We flatter ourselves (fays the tranflator), that we shall offer no unacceptable prefent to the public, in giving a complete tranflation of all the works of the admired M. Berquin. As to the accuracy of the translation, it becomes us to be filent; nor do we pretend to any higher merit than that of being faithful imitators of a great original.' The prefent tranflator has judiciously thought it right to take fome liberties with his original, and where he has confined himfelf to merely altering the language and idioms, he has generally fucceeded, and rendered thofe parts more fuitable to an English reader; but where he has altered whole fcenes in the dramas, and formed new incidents, we think he has not been fo happy in every inftance, though fometimes he has fucceeded in adapting the original to the manner of this country. We wish we could demonftrate the truth of this obfervation by fome proper extracts; but as we have more than once before mentioned M. Berquin's works, we can now only notice them in a curfory manner. G.&.G. We

REV. June, 1787.

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We here and there meet with Scotticifms or Irifhifms; and thé Janguage is fometimes reprehenfible on the fcore of inelegance, as, it is they,' I am the liker my little mufician,' &c. &c. The tranflator has, however, been very judicious in fome of his alterations, where the perfons reprefented are clowns, &c. by fuiting the names and phrafeology to the manners and cuftoms of the English ruftic; and his poetical tranflations of the French verfes are far from contemptible.

When we confider it altogether, we think that this work, notwithstanding the errors that are to be found in it, certainly has a confiderable fhare of merit, and will be an acceptable prefent to children who cannot as yet read the original. 9.2.9.

Art. 54. The Antiquities of Stamford and St. Martin's. Compiled chiefly from the Annals of the Rev. Francis Peck. With Notes. By W. Harrod. 12mo. 2 Vols. 75. Boards. Stamford, printed by the Author, and fold by Lowndes in London.

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Four reafons are affigned for this publication: The first is The fcarcity of the prefent hiftories of Stamford. II. The length of time elapfed fince their publication. III. That by methodizing and pruning the redundancies of former writers, a history less exceptionable than the preceding might be obtained.' The laft, though, fays our cheerful Editor, not the leaft, is- my own private emolument.' Yet he adds, as egotifm is a figure of speech which no reader is fond of, and myself being as little fond of it as any reader, I fhall not dwell on this, but infift on the three former heads only.'

It fufficiently appears that a work of this kind was wanting. Mr. Peck, an induftrious antiquary, brought down his annals no lower than 1461, and though collected with great care, they will afford but little pleasure except to the profeffed antiquary. Other books of the kind are short, defective, and yet very fcarce. On fuch accounts, taking Peck for his ground, and ufing what other helps he could obtain, Mr. Harrod brings down his work to the prefent time. He acknowledges obligation to feveral who have contributed to his afliftance, and in particular to the Earl of Exeter, for the privilege of confulting his libraries, and for enabling this compiler to give a correct account of his moft valuable pictures. He affigns as a reafon for the fmall fize of his volumes, his opinion, that a great book is a great evil. Should any fay that this is arguing against his own intereft, fince he has fome folio's to difpofe of; he replies, he has fome little reafon to lament, with Fulmer in the Weft Indian, when I fet up bookfelling the people left off reading.' He has bestowed attention and labour on his work, which, though it will admit no doubt of emendations and improvement, is entertaining and informing; and will be particularly acceptable to those who have connections with Stamford and its environs. Hi.


Art. 55. Memoirs of the late Pious and Reverend Gabriel D'Anville, V.D. M. Including feveral Anecdotes, &c. &c. 12mo. 2 Vols. 5s. Bew. 1787.

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See this work characterifed laft month, p. 455. under the title of Gofpel Experiences.


Art. 56. Advice to a young Rider; or Travelling Tradefman. In a Letter from a Mother to her Son. Svo. 6d. Johnfon. 1786. A fober moral exhortation, that may be read with profit by all young tradesmen, whether they travel the country, or attend bufinefs at home. N. Art. 57. The Candour and Liberality of one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, exemplified in the Cafe of Edward Morfe, Eq. many Years Chief Juftice of Senegambia, in Africa. 4to. IS. Ridgeway. 1787.

It appears that Mr. Morfe was appointed chief juftice of Senegambia in 1772; that in 1773, being very ill, and obliged to come to England, the province was in great diftrefs from the mal-adminiftration of the Lieutenant Governor, and that, though ftill in a very bad ftate of health, Mr. M. was fent to quell the difturbances; which having effected, he again returned to England in 1777; that though Senegambia was taken by the French in 1778, his falary continued to be paid up to the 25th of December 1780; that from this time till two years and a half after, the falary was fufpended, but on prefenting memorials to the Commiffioners of the Treafury, it was paid up to June 1783; and that Mr. M. has not received the fmalleft compenfation' fince that time.

That in the fame year he drew up and delivered to Lord Sydney a plan for erecting a colony in the territory of the river Gambia;' that the plan being adopted, he was appointed chief justice of the intended new colony, but that his Majefty afterward abandoned the undertaking; that on Mr. Morfe complaining of this difappointment to Lord Sydney, that nobleman acknowledged that the cafe * was an hard one,-and that he would take the earliest opportunity of providing for him ;" that after fuch like repeated promifes from Lord S. during feveral years, Mr. Morfe was at length told by Mr. Nepean, as from Lord Sydney, that "he was not to expect any kind of provifion from Government, for that his cafe did not appear to be fo hard as it was thought to have been." By thefe difappointments, Mr. M. and his family have been reduced to the greatest diftreffes, as the newspapers have frequently informed the public.

Such is the abstract of this cafe, which is written in a plain and modeft manner, and contains no improper or unpolite language concerning Lord S. which the hardships of Mr. M.'s cafe, if ftrictly true, might in fome measure juftify. We fay if frictly true, becaufe we have lived long enough in the world not to be deceived by the moft fpecious pretences; and though we know nothing perfonally or privately of the Author, and have no reafon to difbelieve his narrative, yet we bear in mind Horace's well known audi alteram partem, and Solomon's He that is first in his own cause feemeth juft, &c. and fince Mr. M. informs us, in a poftfcript, that there is an intention to contradict this narrative,' we fhall not give our opinion in this matter, till we have feen the intended publication.

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Mr. M. alfo adds an affidavit of the truth of the whole of his nar. rative, and especially of the juftnefs of the statement of a particular converfation between him and Lord S. which the latter has fince difavowed.


G. E. G. Arti

Art. 58. A brief Account of the Hofpital of St. Elizabeth, annexed to the Imperial Monaftery of St. Maximin, of the Benedictines, in the Electorate of Treves. Tranflated from the Latin. With Notes. Large 8vo. 6s. fewed. Dilly. 1786.

In our Review for April laft, p. 335. we gave an account of the original of this work; and we are happy in feeing a publication calculated to promote both civil and religious liberty, put into an English drefs, with judgment and propriety. The liberal fpirit of the original is well preferved by the tranflator; who hath alfo fhewn that he poffeffes, in an eminent degree, thofe mild and benign principles which true Chriftianity inculcates, and that he holds in utter deteftation thofe intolerant practices which have distinguished and difgraced the poffeffors of ecclefiaftic power.

The Tranflator's preface is figned C. L. which we interpret Capel Lofft. It contains much curious hiftorical information, and explains the defign of the Tranflator, which is to fet in full view the contrast between the fpirits of blind obedience, and enlightening freedom.


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The notes and mifcellaneous remarks which are added by the Tranflator, are most of them taken from fuch writers as have been diftinguished for their love of freedom, and for their liberal fentiWe are prefented with large extracts from the American conftitutions, which,' as the Annotator obferves, breathe a fpirit very oppofite to that of monkery and religious tyranny; and prove, though in different degrees, that what a few wife and honeft men fay, it might be imagined, with little effect, in one age and country, makes its appearance, often in a manner that could leaft have been predicted, in other times and communities.' Our Annotator's remarks on many of the articles of thefe conftitutions are judicious, and fhew that his thoughts on toleration and religious freedom are not the hafty effufions of licentioufnefs or fanaticifm, but calm conclufions, deduced by mature reflection, and an intimate knowledge of the fubject, guided by Chriftian benevolence and fincerity. This tract is printed with remarkable elegance.



Art. 59. A Defence of the Conduct and Writings of the Rev. Arthar O'Leary, during the late Disturbances in Muniter: With a full Juftification of the Irish Catholics, and an Account of the Rifings of the White Boys. Written by himself; in Answer to the falle Accufations of Theophilus, and the ill-grounded Infinuations of the Right Reverend Dr. Woodward, Lord Bishop of Cloyne t. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Keating.

The Bishop of Cloyne, by declaring the Prefbyterians and the Catholics unworthy the confidence of government, and by infiouating that Mr. O'Leary indirectly inftigated the riots of the White Boys, has already received the retort courteous from Dr. Campbell, as the champion of the former; and now finds that Mr. O'Leary is equally unwilling to fubmit to the Bishop's cenfure, or to fuffer his Catholic brethren to lie under the fevere imputation of being + Rev. April, p. 341.

Rev. Jan. laft, p. 67.

P. 442.

Rev. May,


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