
Two heads in counsel, two beside the hearth,
Two in the tangled business of the world,
Two in the liberal offices of life,
Two plummets dropped for one to sound the abyss
Of science and the secrets of the mind :
Musician, painter, sculptor, critic, more:
And everywhere the broad and bounteous Earth
Should bear a double growth of those rare souls,

Poets, whose thoughts enrich the blood of the world”— which, in plain English, would mean an attempted realization of the chimeras so recently, and with so much justice, condemned in our recent review of Mr. Mill's book, we would feel much disposed to venture, in turn, a prophecy of our own, in the language of a greater poet than Tennyson, about a greater edifice, that in due season

“The building will be left Ridiculous, and the work confusion named." We would rather hope for better things, and would expect better things. We will hope that the intention will be to send forth from the walls and cloisters of the new college, well-taught, intelligent, sensible, God-fearing young women, rendered capable, by “sound learning and religious education,” for doing their duty in those several stations in life to which it may please God to call them ; who, without neglecting any of the graces and accomplishments so becoming in their sex, will yet be so endowed, that

“Greatness of mind and nobleness their seat

Build in them loveliest, and create an awe

About them as a guard angelic placed.” Two or three years so spent, with due alternation of home associations, and under theguidance of able and enlightened minds, at that period when girls are just passing into womanhood, and when both they themselves and their friends doubt whether they are “out” yet, might be far more profitably spent, and with much less injury to body and soul, than in the reckless round of fashionable dissipation and silly frivolity in which multitudes squander some of the most precious hours of their existence. Even as regards the important question of marriage and settlement in life, we rather imagine that time so spent would be gained and not lost. We remember hearing an intelligent lady, who had spent all her prime, and to little purpose, in whatever enjoyment worldly society could afford, remarking that two accomplishments were much in a woman's favour in the world, one music, the other good reading. We cannot help thinking that less music, much as we delight in it when good,

and more learning, with all that is implied in such a statement, would tend to multiply the number and increase the happiness of married homes.

If we may be permitted to throw out a few words of caution regarding the proposed College, we would express our earnest hope that the utmost care and vigilance will be exercised to ward off all injurious effects likely to arise from confinement to study, over-application, and the want of active exercise and Jiberty. It was the remark, some years ago, of a most distinguished physician, that "half of the young women he was called upon to visit were made ill by accomplishments." Boys will take exercise, often too much of it, to the serious injury of all their prospects in life ; but no doubt by such means they preserve health, and strengthen constitutions which might not originally have been strong and robust. It is not so with girls; hence a lamentable amount of nervous affections and general languor and debility, predisposing to dangerous maladies, and unfitting for the duties of life. We trust, therefore, that care will be taken, by prudent regulations, not unduly to stimulate emulation; but, on the contrary, to moderate the zeal of the studious, and keep it within reasonable limits. So much of the poet's fancy as is expressed in the following lines, we would gladly see realized :

“One walk reciting by herself, and one

In this hand hold a volume as to read,
And smooth a petted peacock down with that:
Some to a low song oar a shallop by,
Or under arches of the marble bridge
Hang, shadow'd from the heat: some hide and seek
In the orange thickets; others toss a ball
Above the fountain jets, and back again
With laughter. ...

Then day droops; the chapel bells
Call them; they leave the walks; .....
While the great organ almost bursts his pipes,
Groaning for power, and rolling thro' the court
A long melodious thunder to the sound
Of solemn psalms and silver litanies,
.... to call down from Heaven

A blessing on their' labours for the world." The echo from these last lines leads us to utter a yet further word of warning. We do trust earnestly that it will be borne in mind by the promoters of this college, that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” They will have a delicate and a difficult task before them, but not an impossible one, if rightly. apprehended. The elementary training of girls in religion, however defective, is more favourable than that of boys; and Vol. 68.–No. 381.

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their more gentle and reverential natures would not predispose them to the diversity of opinions which, in the fulness of their self-conceit, distinguishes raw schoolboys. Undergraduates of the male sex might have their conscientious difficulties about attending college chapel, and deplore, in feeling! terms, that their fond illusions of the truth of Christianity had passed away with childhood, and left them wishing they could believe; mere wrecks floating helplessly and hopelessly upon a wild waste of waters, without rudder, or compass, or ballast. But it would hardly be so with girls; and we trust that those with whom the solemn responsibility will rest of bringing them “into the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ,” will do so heartily and fearlessly. They have a noble opportunity before them of doing a great and mighty work for England, if they approach it in a holy and reverential spirit; and if so, we would most heartily and earnestly bid them God speed. “As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion ;" and Christian parents who received a daughter back from such an institution, without faith, without fear, without love,“ without hope, without God in the world,” would feel that worse than “death had come up into their windows, and had entered into their homes,' and had cut off their children from without."

DEAN GOODE'S SERMONS. Sermons by the late William Goode, D.D., F.S.A., Dean of

Ripon. Edited by his Son-in-law, James Metcalfe, M.A., Incumbent of St. Aubyn's, Devonport. London: Hatchards. 1869.

Four octavo pages appended to these Sermons only just suffice to contain the list of “Works by the same Author," comprising ten octavo volumes, and more than forty short treatises, on the great questions which have agitated the Church during the last generation. The Rev. Wm. Goode, D.D., late Dean of Ripon, was one of the most learned, sound, and laborious theologians of the age. His earliest controversial publication was in the year 1833, when the possession of the gift of tongues and other extraordinary gifts of the Spirit was assumed by the Irvingites, and when more than one of the clergy of the Church of England had been involved in the delusion. Mr. Goode's treatise checked its progress in the Church, by showing how often similar delusions had arisen in the Church of Christ and had died away, and by clearly manifesting the fallacy of the modern pretensions, and the heresy connected with the delusion. Many, like ourselves, who were involved in this controversy, and who trembled for the stability of some of our friends, recollect how Mr. Goode's publication seemed to close the controversy with all reasonable minds, and no attempt of any importance to re-open it has since been made. Mr. Goode also published, about the same time, a Life of his father, in an octavo volume. His great work, however, which will have a permanent value as long as Protestant religion lasts, was published in 1842, and is entitled, “The Divine Rule of Faith and Practice; or, a Defence of the Catholic Doctrine, that Holy Scripture has been, since the times of the Apostles, the sole Divine Rule of Faith and Practice to the Church, against the Dangerous Errors of the Authors of the Tracts for the Times' and the Romanists, as particularly that the Rule of Faith is made up of Scripture and Tradition together,' &c.; in which, also, the Doctrine of Apostolical Succession, the Eucharistic Sacrifice, &c., are fully discussed ;" in 3 vols. 8vo. It is a work of immense research into the writings of the Fathers of the Church and of the Reformers. It was his inviolable rule to verify every quotation himself. The work contains a list of nearly 300 books, the edition out of which the extracts are made being specified. This accuracy of quotation, united with a remarkable logical precision of thought and a lucid style of expression, have given to Mr. Goode's controversial works an authority which few other works have ever attained. The late Bishop Blomfield of London was accustomed to rally the leaders of the Tractarian movement with the fact, that they had not attempted to answer Mr. Goode's work. In subsequent years Mr. Goode published several tracts, afterwards collected into a volume, upon the ChurchRate question. Popular tracts followed, in opposition to the “ Tracts for the Times,” including “ The Case as it is," and Tract No. XC. Historically Refuted.” In 1848, Mr. Goode clearly foresaw the contest which was rising upon the authority of the Thirty-nine Articles, and he chose as his antagonist the Bishop of Exeter, publishing two powerful treatises grounded upon remarks which had been made by the Bishop in a Charge and elsewhere, entitled respectively “A Defence of the Thirty-nine Articles," and "A Vindication of the Defence of the Thirty-nine Articles.” As soon as the Gorham controversy with the Bishop of Exeter arose upon Baptismal Regeneration, Mr. Goode rendered most important aid to the legal advisers of Mr. Gorham, in maturing the Case submitted to the Court of Arches, which was afterwards carried before

the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. He published also a volume entitled “ The Doctrine of the Church of Eng. land as to the Effect of Baptism in the Case of Infants," and some lesser tracts upon this subject. At the close of this controversy, the Bishop of Exeter printed an unseemly attack upon Archbishop Sumner; and Mr. Goode, with the full concurrence of the Archbishop, repelled the attack, and in the judgment of many left the Bishop in a humiliated position. In 1857, Mr. Goode anticipated the Ritualistic controversy by a useful volume entitled “Aids for Determining some Disputed Points in the Ceremonial of the Church of England ;” and in the same year there appeared “A Vindication of the Doctrine of the Church of England on the Validity of the Orders of the Scotch and Foreign Non-Episcopal Churches.” Several minor treatises appeared in connexion with these questions. But discerning the approach of the Romish heresy, which has been of late years unhappily revived in our Church, of a Real Presence in the elements of the Lord's Supper, Mr. Goode put forth his full powers, in an elaborate work of two volumes, upon “ The Nature of Christ's Presence in the Eucharist, in opposition to the Fictitious Real Presence asserted by Archdeacon Denison, the late Archdeacon Wilberforce, and Dr. Pusey, &c.” In 1858, Mr. Goode strove to take advantage of the tercentenary of the accession of Queen Elizabeth to the throne of England, by a pamphlet which was widely circulated, entitled “Is the Reformation a Blessing? If it is, shall we leave unnoticed the 17th November, 1858, the three hundredth anniversary of its permanent establishment in this country by the accession of Queen Elizabeth ?” Several single sermons were published about this time; and amidst these multifarious engagements, he preached, during the years 1854-8, the Warburtonian Lectures, which appeared in 1863 in a learned volume entitled “Fulfilled Prophecy a Proof of the Truth of Revealed Religion; with an Appendix including a Full In. vestigation of Daniel's Prophecy of the Seventy Weeks.” The last publications in the list refer to the Pan-Anglican Conference at Lambeth in 1867; and a note of solemn warning in & tract entitled “Rome's Tactics; or, a Lesson for England from the Past, showing that the great object of Popery since the Reformation has been to subvert and ruin Protestant Churches and Protestant States, by dissensions and troubles caused by disguised Popish agents."

Such is an abbreviated notice of the literary, theological, and ecclesiastical labours of the late Dean of Ripon. The first sentiment which arises in the mind of every true friend of the reformed Church of England should be that of praise to God for raising up such a champion for the truth of the Gospel, and

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