
needed; the most able and skilled men must go forth on the mighty enterprise; separate me Paul and Barnabas. Excuse me for saying this. In this day's meeting, which gladdens my heart, I see something of this kind of process beginning. We do not want all the ablest men in this country to engage in the enterprise, but cannot some of them be spared as leaders of the younger ones? We need all the practical wisdom which the world contains to guide us and direct us in the midst of the perplexities which beset us in such fields as India and China. Difficulties are increasing every day, and there are new difficulties arising that will require all the skill and wisdom of the most practical men we possess, and who ere long will come forward with a power and voice which shall make themselves felt. It makes my heart rejoice that Oxford can send forth two of its Fellows-that English parishes can spare two able and useful men to go forth in the name of the Lord. I see in this the beginning of a better state of things, and I have no doubt that the example will have the effect of stirring up and stimulating others to do likewise, and that some of the mightiest name amongst us will go forth. I rejoice in this—that our dear brethren now present have, by their own spontaneous resolution, shown their gratitude to their Saviour, who died to redeem them; and I congratulate the Committee with my whole heart on the fact of having such men to send forth as pioneers-men, who have shown themselves willing to submit to any amount of practical self-denial for the sake of Christ, - who have proved their loyalty and allegiance to Him as the Head of the Church, by responding to the call to go where their presence is so pressingly demanded - there, as faithful messengers of His truth, to aphold His testimony amidst the blustering of deadly errors there, as good soldiers of the Cross, to fight the battle face to face with Infidelity—there, as intrepid Evangelists, amidst reproach and obloquy to rescue myriads who are perishing, and warn them to flee from the city of destruction to the celestial Paradise of God. If ever there was a time, since the world began, which more than another called for such faithful witnesses, such valiant soldiers of the Cross, such earnest and fearless Evangelists in all the regions of the earth— that time is the present. In no age was there ever exemplified, since the world began, such an intercommunion between all peoples, and kindreds, and nations, effectually breaking down idolatry, superstition, and error. They are being rent asunder. All things around us, wherever we turn-east, west, north, or south-seem to betoken the speedy approach of some mightier crisis than has ever yet been registered in the pages of this world's eventful history. Methinks we can see looming in the distance the commencement of some terrible struggles between the mar.

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shalled hosts of sin on the one hand, and of holiness on the other-struggles which shall demand at the hands of Christ's followers a faith and a resolution vaster than ordinary. Fortified by such resolutions, we are all of us ready to confront the bursting of the storm, which may, ere long, shake terribly the earth, but ont of which shall spring forth a new heaven and a new earth."

The Rev. Dr. Kay said it was impossible for any intelligent observer to be at work in India, and know anything of what is going on in the province of human thought, and not feel utter astonishment that Englishmen, intelligent Englishmen, should remain quiet, and placid, and cold, with such a work going on, when, in all human probability, before many years are over, our opportunities may be entirely lost.

Mr. French having been obliged to leave the room, Dr. Kay took advantage of his absence to speak of the spirit in which he had laboured in India. On one occasion Mr. French had asked Dr. Kay whether he remembered Mr. Thomason's motto? He then repeated in Greek the verse, Revelation ii. 3, “For my name's sake thou hast laboured, and has not fainted,” adding, “ from what I knew of Mr. French in India, I am sure the motto of Mr. Thomason characterized his work, and, by God's grace, it will do so to the end.” Dr. Kay then earnestly entreated his brethren not to shorten their period of labour by attempting too much.

The Right Rev. the CHAIRMAN made several encouraging remarks upon the state of Missions as contrasted with past years, and closed with tendering the respectful thanks of the Committee to His Highness the Maharajah Duleep Singh, for his presence amongst them on that occasion. He would not indulge in words of vain compliment, for His Highness knew well that the first principle of the Christian religion is to give the supreme glory to our common God and Saviour, but the Committee thank God for the proof which his presence affords of the modern triumph of Christianity over native rank and intelligence in India.

Colonel LAKE, who had been one of the first British officers who entered the Punjab, and who had been ever since engaged in the administration of the province, expressed his warm and bearty sympathy in this Christian effort for its benefit, and his confidence that inquirers would be found in the Punjab to welcome the arrival of the Missionaries. Colonel Lake also referred to the fact of the Maharajah having once sat as a heathen prince upon the throne of the Punjab.

It is impossible to imagine a more striking contrast in the shifting scenes of mortal existence than that exhibited in the person of his Highness on the occasion to which Col. Lako alluded, and at the present meeting. After the death of the great Ruler of the Punjab, Runjeet Singh, in 1839, several of

bis family were successively raised to his throne, and soon afterwards were murdered. In 1844, Duleep Singh, then a boy of five years old, was proclaimed King of the Punjab, though the real power of the State was vested in the Sikh soldiery, who constituted an army powerful enough to threaten the British dominion in India, and twice invaded our terri. tories; from which they were not driven back without many a hard fought and bloody battle. After the second invasion, no other course was left but to dethrone the King and to annex the Punjab to Great Britain. Accordingly, on the 29th March, 1849, the Maharajah Duleep Singh took his seat for the last time on the throne of the great Runjeet Singh, in the presence of a great assembly of Europeans and natives, and after hearing the Proclamation read, by which annexation was decreed, he affixed his signature to the document which transferred the kingdom of the Five Rivers to the British Government. He was then a heathen Prince. Twenty years afterwards, the same Duleep Singh, now become a Christian, sits in the Committee of the Church Missionary Society, sympathizing in their views, joining in their prayers, and bidding God-speed to two Missionaries who are going forth to assist in the establishment of a kingdom which is not of this world, in the country which formerly owned his sway. Wonderful have been the providential steps which have led to this happy issue. The education of the youthful Prince of nine years old was undertaken by the British Government, when the old fiction of “Neu. trality” prevailed. He was surrounded by Mahometan Moulvies and Hindu Pundits; but he first heard of Christ from Mahometan lips, and first saw a Bible in the hands of a Hindu Pundit. It is right, however, to add, that as soon as the desire was expressed for Christian instruction, the Governor General, the Marquis of Dalhousie, took upon him the responsibility of his instruction and baptism. The Chaplain by whom he was instructed and baptized, sat by the side of his Highness on this memorable occasion.

With one short remark we conclude this article. What a convincing proof is here afforded of the advanced stage of our Indian Missions. More than thirty of the gentlemen who sat in the Committee-room had passed their lives in India. Mr. French first went to India eighteen years ago, Dr. Duff and Dr. Kay much earlier, and all concur in regarding the state of the native mind in India so advanced in the direction of Christian truth as to justify the transfer of the choicest of our clergy from home incumbencies to the Indian Mission. And this great fact is accompanied by a case of individual conversion to Christianity of a representative of the ancient Princes of India. We trust this scene may give effect to the weighty appeal of Doctors Duff and Kay on India's behalf.

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THE LATE REV. HENRY ADDINGTON SIMCOE. On Sunday morning, November 15th, a great and good man entered into his rest;—whose loss, entirely irreparable to his own family and friends, will be long deeply felt throughout the West of England. The Rev. Henry Addington Simcoe, of Penheale in Cornwall, and Wolford Lodge, in Devonshire,— for more than 40 years Incumbent of the small Parishes of Egloskerry and Tremaine,—died on that day, after a severe illness of three months, in perfect peace with God, and the object of the whole country's love, respect, and admiration. Born in Devonshire of very distinguished parents, 68 years ago, - his father, General Simcoe, having been GovernorGeneral of Canada from 1791 to 1796,--all his great energies and talents were concentrated on those small parishes, from his having been ordained Deacon and Priest, as their Curate. And he never served any other; but, having bought the principal part of Egloskerry, and the manor of Penheale, soon after, on the death of his old Vicar, he became himself Incumbent. And whether Curate or Incumbent, he was a shepherd after God's own heart, faithfully feeding the flock committed to his care from the River of Life, and the healthy pastures of God's inspired Word. That was ever the rule both of his private teaching and public ministrations; and few things were more delightful than to hear from his rich and powerful voice the vital doctrines of the Gospel of Christ, plainly, simply, solemnly delivered, either from the pulpit regularly, or from the platform, when called on to advocate the cause of the Bible Society, or the Church Missionary, or the other Evangelical Societies of our Church. From an early age he had devoted himself to the service of God: even whilst at college, his determination to make the glory of God the one end and object of his life, was fully apparent to those who came into contact with him. He then adopted, and he entirely carried out through life, his chosen motto, “As for me, and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Josh. xxiv. 15.) Not only as a true and faithful minister of the Church of England, ever living and preaching the scriptural doctrines of her Articles, Homilies, and Liturgy, and publishing by thousands-often writing them himselfbooks and tracts of a religious and devotional character, from his private press at Penheale, and also conducting his household, and educating his children, in the same narrow way of God's truth; but as a landlord, also, to the utmost of his

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power, he made himself in all respects the watchful fatherly head, guardian, and teacher of all the large families of his tenantry; throwing open his daily services of morning and evening family prayer to all within reach of them, so that sometimes as many as 40 or 50 persons availed themselves of that rich and valuable privilege of daily worship at Penheale. He also inserted articles in every agreement which he made with his tenants, whereby they bound themselves to live in a religious and Christian manner, to have daily and family prayer in their houses, to be communicants of the Church of England, and her attached and consistent members; for no one ever knew the Scriptural importance of Christian unity better than he, according to St. Paul's inspired entreaty of his converts. (Ephesians iv. 1-6.) His ministerial labours of every kind among his poor parishioners and neighbours, were unwearied. Till within a very few years of his death, he had regularly maintained, unassisted, and in churches more than three miles apart, four full services with sermons every Sunday, invariably including the administration of the Holy Communion. And the call found him at last, while engaged in his Master's work among them ; for his last illness seized him in the midst of a voluntary service, which he had given for many years every Friday at the Launceston Union Workhouse; after lingering in which for three months the good and faithful servant entered into the joy of his Lord. Few indeed have ever more shown their feeling of personal responsibility to the God who gave them their wealth, or rather, entrusted it to their stewardship. He knew that it ought not to be spent in “the pomps and vanities of this wicked world,”-on personal indulgences and worldly gratifications ;-but, so far as is possible, to the glory of God, and the spiritual welfare of mankind,—the universal dissemination of God's inspired Word, and the sending of it to the heathen, at home and abroad. His exertions for the Bible Society, and the Church Missionary Society, had been so long continued and valuable, that he had been made a life governor of both these noble institutions. Until the last few years he travelled as a deputation every year for the Church Missionary Society, at his own expense. He was a zealous friend of the Church Pastoral Aid Society, the Society for the Due Observance of the Lord's day, and the Irish Society. And a few years since he arranged a circuit in his neighbourhood for the Church Home Mission, and occasionally gave his services as a home missionary himself; and his best support in every way has been given to the most valuable Church Association for the repression of Popish Ritualistic practices among ministers of the Church of England, and the maintenance of her truly Scriptural and Protestant doctrines. He had been re-elected unanimouslv for many

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