
spirit baptism the means of admission to the spiritual kingdom

the Church.


The eucharist not a sacrifice, but spiritual sustenance.

Order of burial unimportant.



A Church not the Church, nor a branch of the Church. A Church should be established upon Gospel truths, at the same time recognising its subordinate position. The fault of the past has been the substituting a humanly constituted Church, for Christ's Church; the setting up an idol called the Church, and giving to it the position due alone to the rightful Church. This false state of things is the harlot of Scripture, and, as such, must be cast down.


THE foregoing truths the Author purposes to maintain in a series of sixpenny numbers. He will not limit himself to a stated time for their publication, but he hopes to be prepared with a number monthly, and thus complete the series. He trusts alone in the Divine favour, and he believes he is working in an appointed field; but should his labours be checked, he will know how to bow, for God's will is his will, and God alone knows what is needed to be done in His vineyard.

The Author would have preferred to have laboured unknown. He began his labours anonymously, and he would have continued them, but he was brought to believe it a dereliction of duty not to declare himself. Our Lord's words have had their influence upon him: "Whosoever shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven."

In elucidating the whole subject before us, a difficulty, which encircles it, presents itself. The Church, in union with Christ, is a spiritual body, but yet manifest in the flesh, and to whose members great gifts and promises are made.

How define to man's

circumscribed mind the limits of this spiritual body, so as to determine, satisfactorily to men, to whom the gifts and promises belong? This, though difficult, is not unattainable, and, by God's help, may be made clear and intelligible. In dependance upon the Divine aid, the author applies himself to the task.



THE writer of an article on Jansenism, in the January Number of the Journal of Sacred Literature, has inserted in a note an opinion upon Antichrist, which, in my estimation, cannot fail to be injurious. Truth is already sufficiently overlaid. The opinion promulgated adds thereto. It is enough for Papists to assert that the Antichrist is atheism; that Protestants should do so increases the delusion.

The writer has given an interesting account of the Jansenists. The dialogue between the Nuncio Cappucini and the Archbishop Van Santen, furnishes sufficient evidence to leave an unprejudiced mind to a knowledge, or, at the least, to a suspicion, of the Antichrist, and though the writer acknowledges the many sins of Popery, he yet infers that the Antichrist is not Popery, but atheistic anarchy.

Let him be heard in his own words. He says "Some may be surprised that I should speak of the Antichrist not as being the Papacy, but something far worse."

"It is said in Scripture of the Antichrist, that all shall worship him whose names are not written in the Lamb's book of life. Now, really, it is quite beyond my credulity to imagine that there are no wicked men around us except Roman Catholics; for so it must be, if all except the elect of God own the Papacy."

"I should also be repugnant to admit a theory which would necessarily exclude from salvation, not only Pascal, Fenelon, Gaspare Confarini, Quesnel, and many others, who owned the authority of Rome, but also Luther, Melancthon, Tyndale, and all the early-reformers, who once had been in that communion. Had the Papacy been the Antichrist, none of these could have been saved; for, if any man worship the beast and his image, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone.'

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"When France rejected Popery, it was seen and felt that there was a form of evil far worse-atheistic anarchy. This is an answer to any who say-What form of Antichristianism can be worse than Popery? I ask, are we to learn nothing from the lessons which God brings before the eyes of men? It is not sixty years ago since our fathers had this terrible display of evil before them, and is it possible that it has been already forgotten ?"

"I do not palliate Popery, but, with all its evils, some have been saved within its nominal pale; Antichristianism, on the contrary, leads all its votaries to inevitable destruction. Popery may do much in carrying out forms of iniquity, which will at length issue in the rejection of God and of Christ. There have been many Antichrists, but THE ANTICHRIST Will at length appear in his full infidel power."

This quotation furnishes the writer's belief that THE ANTIChrist has not yet appeared, but that many Antichrists have appeared, and THE ANTICHRIST has yet to appear as a full infidel power. I agree with the writer that many Antichrists have appeared, but I differ with him in that THE ANTICHRIST has yet to appear.

The writer of this opinion, we learn by a note, has written a work on prophecy, entitled "The Man of Sin;" I have, also, written on prophecy a book entitled "The True Church," in which the man of sin is largely portrayed by the exposition of much of the Apocalypse, and of other portions of the Holy Scrip

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