
Chap. II.

three parts to one. Next we required a certificate from the Goldsmiths of London of the Plate that hath been SIR ROBERT made in those years within the City of London; and it


Registers of Privy Council, as above,

p. 46.

(C. O.)

appeareth that there was made and stamped in their
hall the last seven years of Queen Elizabeth of silver
plate the worth of £22,187 more than in the seven later
years of Your Majesty's reign. But upon the whole
matter we cannot find and do humbly certify the same
unto Your Majesty as our opinion that there hath been
of late any such vast transportation of gold and silver
into France and the Low Countries as was supposed;
neither that there is any such notorious diminution
of treasure generally in the Kingdom-at the least
of gold-since it is apparent that there hath been a far
greater quantity in the total coined within these seven
years last past than in the last seven years of the late
Queen. Besides Your Majesty may be pleased to observe
that the making of so much silver plate cannot be the
principal cause of the decay of the Mint since there was
more plate made in London [in] those last seven years of
the Queen,-when there came more silver to be coined in
the Mint, than there hath been used of late years, when
silver in the Mint hath been so scarce though Gold more
In the mean time we do humbly
that there is no necessity

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to raise your coin, either in the one kind or in the other. But rather that the same may draw with it many inconveniences; and because the noise thereof through the City of London and from thence to other parts of the Realm, as we understand, hath already done hurt and in some measure interrupted and distracted the course of general commerce, we think it very requisite

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some signification be forthwith made from this Table

that Your Majesty hath no purpose at this BOOK I,

time to raise your coins.'
The course thus recommended-and in the recom-
mendation the Council seems to have been well nigh
unanimous was precisely the course JAMES did not wish
to take. The Council Books abound with proof how hard
it was to dissuade the King from adopting this intended
project of enhancing the coin [i.e. by debasing the standard],
though, as COTTON afterwards said at the Council Table,
to do so would trench, both into the honour, the justice,
and the profit' [i.e. the real and ultimate profit]' of my royal
Master very far.'




In his address at the Board, Sir Robert made an almost exhaustive examination of the history of the English Mint. He did it with much brevity and pith. His views about foreign trade are, of course, not free from the fallacies which were accepted as aphorisms by very nearly every statesman then living. But his advice on the immediate question at issue is marked by sound common sense, by insight and practical wisdom. His speech told, and he followed it up by framing, as Chairman of a Committee, (1) an Answer to the Propositions delivered by some Officers MS. LANSD., of the Mint; and (2) Certain General Rules collected con- 152 (B. M) cerning Money and Bullion out of the late Consultation at [Compare the Court. Copies of both exist amongst the Harleian and Proceedings Lansdowne MSS., and both, together with the Speech, are printed in the Posthuma (although not without some of the Editor's characteristic inaccuracies).

The next question which it was Sir Robert's task to discuss before the Privy Council was a much more momentous question than that of the Coinage. It was, potentially, both to Sovereign and to people, an issue of life or death.

811, ff. 148

Report of

in the House

of Commons, Feb. 1621.

(Parl. Hist., vol. i, c. 1188








In January, 1628 [N. S.], he delivered, at the Board, the substance of the remarkable Discourse which has SIR ROBERT been more than once printed under the title, 'The Danger wherein this Kingdom now Standeth, and the Remedy.' The courtliness of its tone no more detracts from its incisiveness of stroke, than a jewelled hilt would detract from the cleaving sweep of a Damascus blade, when 1628. Jany. wielded by well-knit sinews. It led instantly to the calling of the Parliament. But neither its essential and true loyalty MS. LANSD, to the King, nor the opportune service which it rendered to the country was to make the fortunes of its author any exception to those which-sooner or later-befell every councillor of CHARLES the FIRST, who, in substance if not in form, was wont to put Country before King.

254, ff. 258, seqq.


In that third Parliament of CHARLES Sir Robert himself had no seat. In the Parliament which preceded it he sat for Old Sarum, having lost his seat for Huntingdonshire. But he continued to be the active ally and the influential councillor of the leaders of opposition to strained prerogatives. When the Parliament assailed Bishops NEILE and LAUD, the inculpated prelates, it is said, threw upon COTTON as much of their anger as they well could have done had he led the assault in person.

The opportunity was not very far to seek. Not long after the dissolution in March, 1629, of that Parliament THE 'PROPO- of the assembling of which Sir Robert COTTON's patriotic effort had been the immediate occasion, and to some of the effective blows of which he had helped to give vigour, some courtier or other brought to CHARLES' hands a political tract, in manuscript, and told him that copies of it were in the possession of several statesmen. Those with one exception-who were then named to the King were men wont to be held in greater regard in the country than at



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Chap. II.



Court. The pamphlet bore for its title: The Proposicion Book I, for Your Majesties Service... to secure your Estate and to bridle the impertinencie of Parliaments.' The consequences of this small incident were tined to prove of large moment. The earliest mention we have of it occurs in a letter written by the Archbishop of York-himself a Privy Councillor-to Sir Henry VANE, in November, 1629: The ViceChancellor,' says Archbishop HARSNET, I was sent to Sir Robert COTTON to seal up his library, and to bring himself before the Lords of the Council.' In the words that follow Domest. Corresp., the Archbishop is evidently speaking from what he had been told, not from his personal knowledge. There was found,' he proceeds to say, 'in his custody a pestilential tractate which he had fostered as a child, containing a project how a Prince may make himself an absolute tyrant. This pernicious device he had communicated to divers 1. Lords.'

CHARLES was presently in intense excitement about the matter. Its next stage cannot be better or more briefly told, than in the words which the King himself addressed to his assembled Councillors-in unusual array, for they were twenty-one in number--and afterwards caused to be entered upon the Council Book:

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Charles I,

vol. clí, § 24.

(R. H.)

15 Nov.

This day His Majestie, sitting in Counsell, was pleased 1629. to imparte to the whole Boarde the cause for which the [Council Re

p. 495.]

Erles of CLARE, SOMERSET, and BEDFORDE, Sir Robert gister, vol. v, COTTON, and sundry other persons of inferior qualitie, had bene lately restrained and examined by a speciall Committee appointed by him for that purpose, which cause was this :-

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His Majestie declared that there came to his handes, by meere accedent, the coppie of a certain "Discourse'

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Book I,
Chap. II.




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or "Proposicion (which was then, by his commandement, read at the Boarde), pretended to be written "for His Majesties service," and bearing this title "The Proposicion for Your Majestie's Service conteineth twoe partes: The one to secure your Estate, and to bridle the impertinencie of Parlements; the other to encrease Your Majestie's Revenue SIR ROBERT much more then it is.”






'Now the meanes propounded in this Discourse for the effecting thereof are such as are fitter to be practised in a Turkish State then amongst Christians, being contrarie to the justice and mildnesse of His Majestie's Government, and the synceritie of his intentions, and therefore cannot be otherwise taken then for a most scandalous invention, proceding from a pernitious dessein, both against His Majestie and the State, which, notwithstanding, the aforesaid persons had not onely read-and concealed the same from His Majestie and his Counsell—but also communicated and divulged it to others.

'Whereupon His Majestie did farther declare that it is his pleasure that the aforesaid three Erles, and Sir Robert COTTON, shall answere this their offense in the Court of Star Chamber, to which ende they had alreadie bene summoned, and that now they shoulde be discharged and freed from their restraint and permitted to retourne to their severall houses, to the ende that they mighte have the better meanes to prepare themselves for their answere and defense.

And, lastly, he commanded that this his pleasure should be signified by the bearer unto them, who were then attending without, having, for that purpose, bene sent for. His Majestie, having given this Order and direccion, rose from the Boarde, and when he was gone, the three Erles were called in severally and the Lorde

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