
concluding member of the foregoing paragraph we shall extract from that part of the publication which gives an account of the writings of Liddel, a curious anecdote which made fome poife at the time :

4. Duncani Liddelii Tractatus de Dente dureo, &c. Hamburgi, ex Biblioth. Frobeniana 1628, 12mo.

"As the fubject of this treatife is perhaps not generally known, and is fomewhat curious, the following fhort account of it may not be unacceptable. Jacobus Horftius, doctor and profeffor of medicine in the Acadesnia Julia, at the fame time with our author, published a truly ridiculous performance, and dedicated it to the emperor Rudolphus the fecond; in which from ocular infpection, and by many learned arguments, he endea vours to vindicate the truth of a popular ftory then current, of a poor boy of Silefia, who at feven years of age having loft fome of his teeth, his parents were aftonished at the appearance of a new one of pure gold. Horftius feriously looks upon this wonderful tooth as a prodigy fent from beaven to encourage the Germans, then at war with the Turks; from it foretells the future victories of the Chriftians, with the final deftruction of the Turkish Empire and Mahometan faith, and a return of the golden age in 1600, preparatory to the end of the world. This wretched performance Dr Liddel takes the trouble to refute, as he fays, for the honour of the Academia Julia, and because the reveries of his colleague were obtaining too much credit in that ignorant age He appears, however, afhamed to treat the fubject seriously, but employs the powers of irony and ridicule against his unfortunate opponent with much fuccefs. He fays, he should as foon believe that the whole body of the boy was made of gold as one of his teeth, talks of idle dreams and old womens tales, and hints that the brain of a certain perfon, whom

for the fake of his reputation he is unwilling to name, would require a little hellebore.

"There is also another work publifhed concerning this fingular controverfy, by Ingolftaterus, a phyfician of Nuremberg, who likewife combats the opinion of Horftius, proving the golden tooth to be monstrous and unnatural, and fuggefting that it was moft probably the work of the devil. But the impofture, as might be imagined, was foon after difcovered to be a thin plate of gold, fkilfully drawn over a natural tooth by an artift of that country, with a view to excite the public admiration and charity."

Prefixed to the work is an engraving of great merit, by Beugo, of Liddel, from an outline on tin.

A Tribute to the Memory of Ulric

of Hutten, co-temporary with Erafmus and Luther; one of the moft zealous Antagonists as well of the papal Power as of all defpotic Government, and one of the most elegant Latin Authors of his time. Tranflated from the Ger man of Goethe, the celebrated Author of the Sorrows of Werter: By Anthony Aufrete, Efq. Illuftrated with Remarks by the Tranflator. With an Appendix, containing Extracts from fome of Hutten's Performances, a Lift of his Works, and other explanatory and intereft ng Papers. 8vo. p.151. 3s. fewed. Dodfley.

THIS is an unqualified panegy ric on the celebrated, but turbulent and headstrong, Ulric de Hutten. Mr Goethe feems to poffefs little of the calm and fober judgment of the hiftorian; nor do we find in this work any nice difcrimination of character, or acute inquiry into the motives which led to particular actions.

The notes of the tranflator are use


ful, both for the chronology and for illuftrating the characters, merits, and conduct some of the perfons who were confpicuous actors in the great bufDefs of the Reformation.

Ulric of Hutten, of noble birth in the circle of Franconia, was born in 1488. He ftudied at Fulda, at Cologne, and Francfort on the Oder. He went into Italy as a foldier, under the Emperor Maximilian. Upon his return to Germany, and about the clofe of 1516, or the beginning of the following year, appeared the famous Epiftola obfcurorum Virorum; which, we are told, were written in confequence of the fufferings of Reuchlin; and in the compofition of which, Hutten is faid to have been affifted by Crotus Rubianus. That thefe letters were the work of different hands, is not improbable : but we are not certain that Crotus Rubianus had any fhare in them; nor can we tell from what authority M. Goethe affirms it, With much more probability, might it be faid of Reuchlin; who, indeed, by fome, has been fup. pofed the fole author, We are, however, inclined to think them Hut ten's. "Jacob. Thomafius in præfatione ad Pauli Manutii Epiftolas, certa fide exploratum fe habere affirmat, Huttenum effe earum autorem.”


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author, taken an active part in favour of Luther,' The reafon was, the pope had not, as yet, commanded the Bishop of Mentz to fend him in chains to Rome. When this order was iffued, in confequence of a ridiculous bravado, addreffed to Pope Leo the Tenth by our literary Quixote, he determined to revenge the infult by writing and fighting in fupport of Luther: but non tali auxilio, nec defenferibus iftis-Luther did not altogether approve his weapons.

His aims tailing here, he retired to the fortrefs of Ebernberg, commanded by Sickingen; where he remained till his friend's ceath, Thence he went, fays M. Goethe, with a broken heart into Switzerland, there to feek for shelter. His reftlefs pride, and his misfortunes, which were the confequences of it, had now deprived him of all his friends.

He applied to Erafmus, who was glad to excufe himself from admitting bis company. His coolness produ ced a paffionate expoftulation from Hutten; the laft ebullition of a turbu lent and difappointed fpirit. Erafmus juftified himself in what he quaintly termed A Sponge to wipe away the

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the lake of Zuric, at the houfe of a poor curate, where he found refuge, attention, nourishment, and repofe.' Navigate thither, youthful traveller,' exclaims M. Goethe, feek his grave, and fay, "Here lieth the orator for the German nation, for freedom, for truth, and one who would have done more than speak for them!"

Splashes of Hutten.' Probably, however, Hutten died without reading his answer. His death happened It was not only by words that Hut-upon the fmall ifle of Auffnaw in ten was contented to fhew his zeal for Reuchlin, His favourite argument was force; and he was always ready to prove the juftice of his caufe by the ftrength of his arm. His turbulent fpirit and haughtinefs were fully experienced by Reuchlin's chief enemy, Hochftraten; who is faid to have met Hutten in the Netherlands. The terrified inquifitor thought all was over with him; and "falling at his feet, commended his poor foul to all the faints with the moft fervent ejaculations of devotion." "I foil not my fword with thy blood," faid Hutten, and fuffered him to depart.

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Hutten had not, as yet,' fays the

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Such was the restless life, and miferable end, of Ulric of Hutten; of whom his panegyrift has ventured to affert (p. 50), that he was envied by Melancthon;' who was a man learned without oftentation, and too wife to think himself infallible: refo

lute, but never rafh; mild, yet never


timid: oppofing what he thought wrong in one party, without joining in the paffion of the other; and calm under oppreffion, because he knew himself to be honeft. Subjecting himfelf to perfecution, becaufe he would not perfecute others; and labouring for the benefit of thofe, by whom he was ill-treated.

Bibliotheca Americana; or, a Chronological Catalogue of the moft curious and interefting Books, Pamphlets, State papers, &c. upon the fubject of North and South America. 4to. 12s. boards. Debrett.

THE Introduction to this work contains, 'An Account of the prefent State of Literature in America.' The author, with the zeal of an enthufiaft, fpeaks of the effects of liberty on the progrefs of literature, and attributes to the defpotifm of South A. merica its comparative ignorance.

But, fays he, let us turn (to ufe a metaphor of Junius) from this barren wafte, where no verdure quickens, no falutary plant takes root, to a foil fertile in every great and every good qualification. Let us examine the ftate of literature in North America. The elder fifter (South America) is decorated with gold; but that gold, fabricated into chains, and, as is too commonly the fate of wealth, ferving only to exclude, what is conducive to happiness, and to confine what is effential to mifery. The younger fifter (North America), inured to native poverty, and bred in the tumult of difficulties and danger, has arifen to fame and diftinction among nations. Industry and perfeverance were the pinions to fupport her flight, and hea ven-born liberty is ftill the strongest feather in her wing.

North America may want fome of the fopperies of literature. She boafts not thofe dignified literati, who in Europe obtain adulation from the

learned parafite, and applaufe from the uninformed multitude, for purfuits and difcoveries that terminate in no addition to the real elegancies or conveniencies of living. She may, however, claim the poffeffion of all useful learning. Science has not only reared her head, but flour:fhes with a degree of vigour in the new world, that threatens to furpafs the old. In the great and useful fcience of politics, the Republic of America is, perhaps, unequalled. Their orators, lawyers, phyficians, hiftorians, philofophers, and mathematicians, may be fairly oppofed to our moft fuccefsful cultivators of fcience and the liberal arts; and, poets have lately put in claims, backed by productions, that evince a very flender inferiority.

We have examined the merits of the American philosophers, with their works before us, and we cannot fupport, by our opinion, this very powerfui claim to diftinction and applaufe, Though an accidental genius may arife, which shall at once pervade and elucidate the most abftrufe sciences, a feries of fucceeding minds must be cultivated in fucceffive ages to give a decided general fuperiority. At least this is the conclufion which the hif tory of fcience and of literature teaches us to draw. Franklin (alas now no more!) is one of thofe heaven-taught minds; and though we wish not to detract from the merits of the gentlemen fo highly applauded in this introduction, yet we cannot allow that they deferve the very exaggerated encomiums beftowed by our author; nor can we greatly praife the fpirit or the judgment which dictated the following paragraph:

The people of N. America have feized and improved fome useful parts of fcience, that our public feminaries have neglected. They have established profefforfhips of anival magnetifm and agriculture, and formed focieties for the improvement of manufactures and mechanics, commerce, navigation, and policy.'


Gyron the Courteous: A Tale of the times of King Arthur*.

IT happened once, while king Arthur
was holding his court at the caftle
of Cramalot, that he walked out to en-
joy the ferenity of the evening, and fat
down under an open tent of gold-em-
broidered velvet which had been pitch-
ed upon the lawn before the castle.
Thirty knights of noble birth furround-
ed him, and, befide him, in all the
pride of beauty, fat the lady Guenever
his queen.
Twelve virgins, whofe
charms would have fufficiently reward-
ed the nobleft des of the most va-
liant heroes, flood, magnificently dreft,
near the feat of the beauteous queen.
Around the tent, on the tall oaks, hung
numberlefs fhields and pears, reflecting
the luftre of the fun's declining beams;
and, under the thick foliage, thirty
youths held, each in his right hand, a
richly caparifoned fteed when, lo! a
knight in black armour iffued fingly from
the wood, and rode towards the tent.
When he drew near, he difmounted,
knelt down before the queen on his
right knee, then rifing, he bowed graceful-
ly, and addreffing himself to Arthur "Sir

king, faid he, I am come to beg a boon, "which, I am perfuaded, you will not "refufe me, provided it be fuch as one "knight may requeft of another."

way, inftead of anfwering, they all ran

to the trees where their lances were
hanging, and where the youths were
holding their impatient fteeds. Arthur
and all his knights vaulted into their
faddles, with their fhields on their arms,
and couching their lances, rode to the
place where the ftrange knight had al-
ready taken his ftand. The king rode
firft. Both the combatants put their
fpears in the reft, covered themfelves
with their fhields, and putting spurs to
their horfes, ran againft each other, with
fuch force that the ground trembled un-
der their fteps; but, in the moment of
collision, the strange knight held up his
fpear high in the air, and received the
king's thruft on his firm fhield: the
lance was broken with the fhock into a
thousand fplinters, and king. Arthur
could hardly keep himlelf faft in the
ftirrups. The black knight fat firm and
unfhaken, and as foon as he had ftop-
ped his horfe, he turned, rode up to the
king, and with respectful demeanour
thus addreffed him;
"God forbid, my

"gracious liege, that I fhould ufe my
"lance against you! Arthur is intitled
"to my obedience; command me,
therefore, as one who has devoted
"himself to your fervice, not only out
of duty but affection." King Ar-
thur looked with aftonishment at the
knight, and without fpeaking rode off
flowly towards the tent.

King Arthur looked at the ftranger," the eyes of all around were fixed upon him, admiring his difcourfe and his flately prefence; for he was taller by the head than any knight of the court, and they waited in filence to hear what boon he was to afk. "Speak freely "Sir knight, faid king Arthur, I promife to grant your request."

The knight bowed a fecond time, and faid, I hope it will not be dif agreeable to you, mighty Sir, and to "thofe valiant knights by your fide,

if, in honour of all virtuous ladies and "chafte damfels, and that we may decide "to whom among us the palm of chi"valry is due, one after another, you "ride a tilt with me on this green.?'

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King Arthur, and the thirty knights that flood around him, all of them companions of the Round Table, were by no means difpofed to fuffer fuch a requeft to be made a fecond time; and straightVOL. XII. No. 67. I

Sir Galherich, his nephew, the second fon of king Loth of Orkan, now rides boldly up, eager for the encounter, and fure of eafy victory. He feizes his lance with firm grafp, throws before his breast his broad fhield, on which a golden eagle was emhoffed, and rufhes like a torrent an his foe. Firm is his push and powerful; but with nimble motion the other evades it; the fpear paffes under his left arm harmless, and at the fame moment the ftranger's lance ftrikes Sir Galherich with fuch force that his fenfes forfake him, his knees lofe their hold, he tumbles and measures his length upon the ground.

To avenge his brother's fall now advanced in hafte Sir Galban, Loth of Orkan's eldeft born. In all places, where

* Tranflated from the German of Wieland.


dauntless courage and unconquerable trength were the fubjects of difcourfe, the naine of Galban was always mentioned. Yet at this time he muft either have neglected to recommend himself to his lady, or his fortune muft at laft have forfaken him for the black knight treated him as he had before treated Galherich.

The fame lot fell next to the other nephews of the king, Sir Egerwin and Sir Galheret, to Bliomberis and Lionel, the noble fons of king Boort of Gannes; and to the ever gay and intrepid Sir Dinadel of Eftrangor: thefe had often laid many a brave man on the grafs, but now their own turn came, and they were all fucceffively, by the fuperior might of the ftranger, in a moment unhorfed.

Ha! cried Sir Kay, the king's Senel chall, who united the politeness of a courtier with the manners of a knight, befhrew my heart! fhall it ever be told in foreign lands of Arthur's knights, that, one after another thus, like children, they are to be overturned by a fingle arm? The ftrange knight is not a devil though he be black. If he is of mortal mould, let him come on.

With thefe words, fpoken half in jeft and half in_earneft, Sir Kay the Senefchall puts fpurs to his horfe. He had chofen with great care the heaviest from a heap of fpears that lay by the tent. But neither his provident care, nor his high courage, nor the volubility of his tongue availed him aught; the black knight hove him from his faddle, and let him fall rather unfoftly. His fquire helped him again upon his feet, and he walked fullenly on to the tent.

The others now followed in rotation; all of them valiant combatants, who never ufed to fhrink from the braveft, and to whom no adventure, though ever so perilous, came amifs. The tilting at tournaments was but play to them; and they had almoft robbed the foreft of its wood by the lances they had broken. Among them all, however, there was not one that could withfland the of the ftranger; for one after another they were forced out of the faddle.

tender embrace in fecret.
No other
companion of Arthur's order in valour
or in beauty equalled the gallant Lance-
lot. In the prefence of his gracious mif-
trefs he thought it an cafy matter to o-
verthrow all the lance-breakers and all
the braggarts on the face of the earth.
He could not help, however, being af
tonished at the prowefs of the black
knight; for what now happened had
never before happened fince the
inftitution of the round table.
"it be magic that protects this heathen,
"whifpered Sir Lancelot to the queen,
"I pray you, fareft lady, not to forfake
"your own true knight: though all
"hell fhould protect him, do you but
"fmile and heaven will be on my fide."

As he faid this, the queen allowed him to read in her eyes an answer that made his heart fwell in his bofom. Inftantly with loofened bridle he lifts high his fhield, refts his lance firmly on his fide, and fprings forward; both knights. pufh on fo vigorously, that their lances are broken to fhivers, and their helmets and fhields refound. But little do the eyes of his lady avail the noble Lancelot ; the refiftlefs force of the black knight overcomes him; he yields, he lofes the ftirrups, he totters, finks, and lies where his companions had lain.

The unknown knight now with great compofure difmounts, he ftrokes with kindly hand the humid back and warm breaft of his generous fteed, takes off from him the faddle and foamy bit, and gently patting him on the forehead, difmiffes him to go and feed at his pleafure on the lawn. He then returns unmoved and unconcerned, in his ordinary pace, as it from a ride of pleasure, and approaches the golden tent.

With uncordial looks the knights, as he passed, viewed him afkance; they looked at one another as if they would have faid, "Is this to be endured?" But king Arthur came out from the tent, and courteously bid the ftranger wel. come. "Noble knight, faid he, we pufhhave, I think, dearly enough bought "the right of feeing that man's face "and of knowing who he is, who "with fuch agility has in one evening "forced thirty of the most valiant "knights of England from their steeds."

To behold this reproachful difcomfiture of the knights of the Round table, provoked the noble Lancelot of the lake, the only one of the thirty knights that fill remained to be conquered. The beauteous queen's own knight was Sir Lancelot. Many adventures he had atchieved in her honour, and had received in return many a fweet kiss and many a

As foon as the king had faid these words, the ftrange knight began to unloofe his helmet, and as he took it off, there fell adown his temples shining locks of snow◄ white hair, and, lo! in all the dignity of unenfeebled age ftood the venerable


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