
bank of supply, by creating for this important object under its direction, a fund out of the duty of one rial per mark of silver, cannot at the present time afford any assistance to the miners, and which they so imperatively stand in need of, as from causes which the limits I am obliged to prescribe to this memorial do not allow me to dilate upon. Such a fund not only does not exist, but, on the contrary, this body is loaded with a debt, the interest of which cannot be paid out of the produce of the aforesaid duty.

Another of the means of encouragement which it would be proper to grant to this important branch, so soon as circumstances shall permit, is the establishment of exchange houses, which formerly existed, and the creation of new ones on these points where it may be most expedient.-They facilitate the activity of the circulation, and thereby the frequent employment of the same capital, which may be said to multiply itself by being repeatedly invested, thus avoiding the necessity of increasing the number of mint houses, the quantity of which must greatly augment the expenses of coinage.


Running title, p. 101, for roads read road.

p. 165, for exported read extracted.

p. 198, for mines read miners.

Note 1, p. 226, for influence read inference.

Page 228, table, col. 4, for leagues read miles. Col. 5, for league read mile; for 695 read 65.

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