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D. M.

D. W.

It is very strange that our pulses thrill
At the sight of a voiceless thing,
And our hearts yearn so with tenderness
In the beautiful time of Spring.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

1 G. Easter Su.


Gen. Sheridan attacks

and routs the rebel

2 Mo. 6 h C.
3 Tu.sta. Cin Ápo. More
3d. Assault and bril. viet. along whole
line in front of Petersburg, '65.

4 W.

5 Th.

7 Sa.

Farmer's Calendar.

KEEP the beetle going against

forces at Five Forks, the droppings of the cattle in the cap. 3 brigades. '65. pastures. It pays to spread them evenly and well. Spring wheat may now be sown, and oats as 3d. Weitzel occupies Richmond, with early as practicable. Start a few

Union forces, '65. Great rejoicings

the loyal

6 Fr. 9. Dr. low. throughout of the earliest potatoes in pots or States on account of the fall of Rich- boxes, to be set out as soon as the mond, '65. danger of frosts is over. Low Sunday. Low tides.. Prepare to stick in the plough.

8 G.

9 Mo. 6 C. S6th. Sheridan routs the There'll be no more winter at pres

10 Tu.

11 W.

forces of Lee, '65.

Union forces, '65.

12 Th.66 C.
13 Fr. 12th. Stoneman occ. Salisbury, N. C.,

after a series of victories, '65.


15 G. 2d S.af.E. gr.hel.lat. S.

19 Th. 6 C.Cr.h. Seward, 65.

9th. Surrender to Gen. Grant of Gen. ent. The notes of the bluebird, and Lee and his whole army, '65. 10th. Extraordinary rejoicings on acc. the robin, and the cheerful song {of the end of the rebellion, '65. Mobile occupied by the sparrow resound through the trees; the tender grass springs up everywhere, and in every secluded nook 14 Sa.Inf. 6 of the flowers open to the morning sun. All things foretell the com16 Mo. H. ti. 15th. Death of Pres. Lincoln. ing of spring, and with it the work The whole country in mourn-of preparation and seedtime. The 17 Tu. ing. Same day Andrew Johnson takes the oath of office, and becomes President stock needs more than ordinary 18 W. of the United States, '65. Let it have a variety and a Arr. of Payne for care. att. on life of Sec. plenty of food, and good shelter 20 Fr. 19th. Funeral of President Lincoln at from chilling winds. A little lowering cellar must give up its juicy mannursing pays now, and the root Low ti. golds, and its carrots or its parsweather. nips. Speaking of parsnips, why 24 Tu. 26th. Gen. Johnston sur. to Gen. Sher- don't you raise more of them? 25 W. St. Mark. troops in his depart- Nothing is more nutritious or wholesome for in-coming cows and sta. John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President ewes at this season than fresh-dug Lincoln, is shot and killed by cavalry sent parsnips. Don't let another spring in 8.29th. Pres. app. June 1st as find you without a good bed of a day nat. hum. and pr., 65. them; and to make sure of it, sow 4th S.af.E. 8 ho. 6h fresh last year's seed now, as soon

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in Apogee. High tides. as you can get the land in order.

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Last Quarter, 7th day, 4h. 58m., evening.
New Moon, 14th day, 10h. 14m., morning.
First Quarter, 21st day, 5h. 14m., morning.
O Full Moon, 29th day, 8h. 34m., morning.

h. m.


Length of Days.


Rises. h
4 55 6 59 14 4 5

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3|16| 0

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317 12

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1|14 8|5



[blocks in formation]

2 14 11 5 7

319 21

21 kn. 11 8

3 23


14 13 5

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

14 16 5 12

421 3


legs morn.

5 0

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legs 0 29

5 49

[blocks in formation]

legs 1 6

6 39

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3 Th.

4 Fr.

5 Sa. 6 G. 7 Mo.

Early in the opening May

Vine-leaf and flower had newly burst,
And in the burden of the air

The breath of buds came faint and rare.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

in Aph. St.Paul&St.Ja.|

Farmer's Calendar.

A BUSY month is this. The

Pres. Johnson offers a reward for the planting must be hurried up. Evcapture of Jeff. Davis, '65.

runs low. Look out

Remains of Pres. Lincoln buried at
Springfield, Ill., '65.

east of the Mississippi River, '65.

S Proc. of Pres. Johnson rec.

ery farmer ought to raise roots enough to feed his cattle a peck or two a day each, and have some

4th. Taylor surrenders last rebel force left for the sheep. Plough deep Rogation S. 62 C. for and manure well for roots, not 9th. Trial of assassins and conspirators with common barnyard manure, commences at Washington, '65. which is full of weed seed, but 8 Tu. Low tides. frosty nights with the finest old rotted ma9 W. in Per. end of armed resist., snure, or with some concentrated 10 Th. Asc.Day.{ Jeff. Davis cap. in disguise fertilizer. You'll have plenty of 11 Fr. 6.6. gr.el.W.weeds to contend with without 12 Sa.6 C. planting any. Parsnips, and carrots, and onions ought to have been got in last month, but mangolds

near Irwinsville, Ga., '65.

about this

13 G. 6th Sunday after Easter.

15 Tu. 6 9 C.

14 Mo. in Perigee. High tides. may go in this, and ruta bagas will time. do next. Select a few of the best beets, turnips, parsnips, and carrots to set out for seed. You can't

16 W. & C. runs high.

18 Fr.

20 G.

21 Mo. 22 Tu.

prorogued, 65.

at Fortress Monroe, '65.

17 Th. Massachusetts Legislature Good be too careful to raise good seed. planting weather. Much of the year's success will 19 Sa..(to com. W. of the Miss., '65. 20th. Gen. Sheridan assigned depend upon it. You want a sucPentecost. Whit S. 2 sta. cession of pease, and it is a good plan to sow every two weeks, after gr. hel. lat. S. Low tides. soaking in warm water. The Dan Jeff. Davis and C. C.. Clay Imprisoned O'Rourke and the Champion of 20th. Pirate Stonewall deposited with England are standard early sorts, 23d. Last review of the Army of the Po- though many new ones are thrust tomac at Washington, '65. Kirby Smith surrendered all the rebel upon the market almost every 26 Sa. 6h C.{ $24th. Last rev. of Armies of year. The dwarf varieties are harthe Tenn.& Ga.at Wash., '65. dy. Turnips or buckwheat may 27 G. Trinity Sunday. in Apo. follow pease. 28 Mo. 31st. Gen. Sherman's farewell order pro

23 W

24 Th.

25 Fr.

authorities at Havana by the rebels, '65.

forces beyond the Miss. River, '65.

mulgated, '05.

29 Tu. H. tides. 30 W. 693. 31 Th: in Per.

Can't I persuade you to leave off

Amnesty proclamation of that check rein on your working
Pres. Johnson issued, 65. horses? Try it and see.
Great fire at Meriden,

Conn., '65.

Working oxen ought to have the

Corpus Christi. best of care at this time of year.

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Astronomical Calculations.

m. Days. h. m. Days. h. m. Days. h. m. Days. h.



22 N. 6

7 22


13 23

14 19 23

26 25 23 24


22 14 8





17 20 23 27 26 23 22

22 21 9

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22 28

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Last Quarter, 6th day, 2h. 29m., morning.
New Moon, 12th day, 5h. 23m., evening.
> First Quarter, 19th day, 7h. 1m., evening.
O Full Moon, 27th day, 10h. 51m., evening.

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1 Fr.

6 W.

7 Th. 8 Fr.

Strange that the audible stillness of the noon,
The turning to the light of leaves in June,

Strange that they fill not, with their tranquil tone,
The spirit!

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

Nat fast in sorrow for the sudden and

violent death of Abraham Lincoln.

New York clubs, '65.

Farmer's Calendar.

KEEP down the weeds. "Twon't 2 Sa. 2 C. President of the do to let them get ahead. PerUnited States. 65. haps you haven't got through 3 G. 1st S.af.Tr. rescinded, 5. $2d. The passport order planting yet. Hurry up. Scratch 4 Mo. d. Gen. Sherman entertained by the over the surface of planted fields 5 Tu.3d. Surrender of the rebel naval forces as often as you can. Thin out the on Red River, '65. Low ti.leaves Wash. for the nor., 65. hill has been missed or pulled up, SN.H. Leg. meets. Gen. Grant corn if it stands too thick. If a 6th. The 16th annual convention of Am. 2. Med. Assoc. in Boston, 5. C. by Bost. Bd. of Trade, 25. put in beans and turnips. Weed $7th. Western trade del. rec'd transplant from another, or else 9 Sa. 6. in 8. out the carrots. They must be 10 G. 2d Sund. af. Trin. Fine, kept clean. If the seed failed in Hot, dry 11 Mo. C. St. Barn. (in Per. places, put in turnips. 12 Tu. The Joyce children murdered at West Weather is the best time to kill Roxbury, '65. weeds. Cattle must have pure C. Cr.h. High ti. water at this season. Don't overin Per. 69 C.{1 The nation-stock your pastures. One good 15 Fr. gational Council opens with some cow, well fed, pays better than Sa.sup. {17th. Ladd & Whitney two half fed. Calves do better mon.conse.at Low..65 kept in clean, dry yards or pens, 17 G. 3d S. aft. Trin. Sec. Seward anthe with a little grass cut for them 18 Mo. withdrawal by France of belligerent rights every day, than turned out at pas19 Tu. bel-ture too young. Be ready to be20 W. H.L.ti. Rox. cel. the return of gin haying early. If you have peace and vet. sol., 65. much grass to cut, some of it.must 21 Th. O ent.. Summer beg. be cut a trifle too carly, and some 22 Fr. 9 gr. hel. lat. N. 6h C. a bit too late. Far better too ear23 Sa. Cin Ap. 21st. Meeting in Fan, Hallly than too late. Grass is less apt

13 W.

14 Th.


in Boston, '65.

from southern rebels, '65.


al Congre


ligerent rights by Great Britain, '65.

on reorganization, '65.

conspirators, '65.

24 G. 4th S.aft.Tr. x gr.hel.lat. N. to be hurt by hot and dry weather 25 Mo. 6 HO. $23d. Death of Admiral when cut quite green. In wet Du Pont, 65. 26 Tu. 28th. Conclusion of trial of assassination days get the tools in order. Mowing machines ought to be taken showers. apart, and the gum and dirt cleaned 28 Th. High tides. Rather cooler. out from the journals and boxes, 6.St.Pe. N.H. h.ofr. adopts fresh oiled, and all the nuts screwed const. amend., 65. and the rivets tightened. Keep up the compost heap growing up.

27 W.

29 Fr.

30 Sa.

runs low.

The railroad to Manassas Junction
opened, '65.

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