DECEMBER hath 31 days. 1864. Then, too, the Old Year dieth, Aspects, Holidays, Events, 1 Th.CC. Northampton. Bat. Black water, '62 8 30. King George 69 C. 3 Sa. 4th. J. C. Breckenridge unan. expelled from U. S. Senate, '61. 4 B. 2d S. in Adv. Variable. Coffeeville 5 Mo. 6 Tu. 7W. Bat., '62. in Per. 5th. Gen. Halleck orders arrest of insurgents in Missouri, '61. 5 Hartsville Bat., '62. C. C. Crawford's Pra. Bat.. 62. 6. Pease sown this mo. 8 Th. 9 Fr. 10 Sa. Mild. 11 B. 3d S. in Adv. 6 ¿C. 12 Mo. Cherries ripe; Summer com.; Sheep gr. hel. lat. S. Shearing, in New Zealand. 13 Tu.. runs high. Farmer's Calendar. mer. Now's the time to lay in a good stock of wood for next sumDon't let it lie long in great sticks. Saw and split it up, and let it be drying. You'll find green wood dried fast is a great deal better than it is if allowed to lie full of sap till half rotten. Give it the wind a few weeks before housing, and it will dry all right. Comfort for the stock in the barn saves flesh and food. If you don't feed at regular times, you make the cattle fret from waiting, and wear off more flesh than a 14 W. Fredericksb'g Bat., '62. S. W. Creek good meal will put on. Now Bat., '62. Kingston Bat., 62. WASHINGTON d. 1799. High t. '61. 15 Th. 19 Mo. 20 Tu. 21 W. 22 Th. 23 Fr. 24 Sa. 25 B. Bat., '02. Holly Springs Fine days. C. ord. of Rec., en ters Shortest begins. they can't feel easy with half a bushel of dirt sticking to their hair and skin. Keep them clean, therefore; give them warm, wellventilated, not stifled and close, quarters, good food, and enough in Ap. of it, and pure water in the yard or the barn itself. As to shelter, you know a foot of boards is equal day. gr. elon. Low ti. to a pound of beef. Don't try to Shock of Earthquake 6h winter many animals on little 22d. C.C. Springf., Wore. and Ips., food. You can make no greater Salem or Newbt., as ord. by Ct. mistake. You get no growth for the food, and it don't pay just to keep stock alive. A few head of cattle well fed will put on a far greater weight of flesh on the same food, and sell better in the ୪ E. felt in Maine, '57. low. Christmas. Stormy. 26 Mo. O. St. Stephen. 27 Tu. 62. St. Jn. Ev. run 28 W. Innocents. S. C. seizes Ft. 29 Th. in 8. sta. High ti. 30 Fr.Dedham. C. 6 ŏ C. 31 Sa. 69. in Per. Moultrie, '60. market. But the knell of the year is sounding, and hopefully we bid you adieu. COURTS. N. B. For times and places of holding the Supreme Judicial Court (and the Law Terms of the same), and of the Superior Court of Massachusetts, see page 32. For County Commissioners' Meetings (C. C.) in Mass. see Calendar pages. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. At Washington, to commence on the first Monday in December annually. Chief Justice and Judges same as in 1858, except Hon. Nathan Clifford, of Maine, appointed instead of Hon. B. R. Curtis, resigned. UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURTS IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS.-In FIRST AND SECOND EASTERN CIRCUITS. MAINE at Portland, 1st Tues. in Feb. and IN MAINE-at Portland, 23d Apr. and 23d Dec.; at Wiscasset, 1st Tues. in Sept.; at Sept. In N. HAMPSHIRE—at Portsmouth, Bangor, 4th Thes. in June. In N. HAMPMay 8, and at Exeter, Oct. 8. In MASSA- SHIRE at Portsmouth, 3d Tues. in March CHUSETTS-at Boston, May 15 and Oct. 15. and Sept.; at Exeter, 3d Tues. in June and In CONNECTICUT―at N. Haven, 4th Tues. Dec. In MASSACHUSETTS at Boston, 3d in Apr., and at Hartford, 3d Tues. in Sept. Tues. in Mar., 4th Tues. in June, 2d Tues. In RHODE ISLAND—at Newport, June 15, in Sept., and 1st Tues. in Dec. In CoNand at Providence, Nov. 15. In VERMONT NECTICUT at Hartford, 4th Tues. in May -at Windsor, 4th Tues. in July, and at and Nov.; at N. Haven, 4th Tues. in Feb. Rutland, Oct. 3. (Corrected 1863.) and Aug. In RHODE ISLAND- at Newport, 2d Tues. in May and 3d Tues. in Oct.; at Providence, 1st Tu. in Feb. and Aug. In VERMONT-at Windsor, Mon. after 4th Tu. in July; at Rutland, Oct. 6. (Correct. 1863.) BOSTON POLICE COURT, for criminal business, every day, at 9 A. M. and 3 P. M., except Saturday, when the afternoon session is omitted;-for civil business, every Saturday, at 9 A. M.; all at the Court House, Court Square, Boston. POLICE COURTS have also been established at New Bedford, Taunton, Salem, Lowell, Lawrence, Worcester, Springfield, Pittsfield, Fall River, Newburyport, Chelsea, Williamstown, Roxbury, Lee, Chicopee, Gloucester, Charlestown. If any of the days happen on Sunday the Court is to commence on the Monday following. COURTS IN THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT. SUPREME COURTS.—At Hartford, 4th Tues: in Oct., and 3d Tues. in Dec. At Tues. in Feb., and 2d Tues. in Sept. At Norwich, 1st Tues. in April, 3d Tues. in Bridgeport, 2d Tues. in Feb. At New Nov. At New London, 3d Tues. in Jan., Haven, 3d Tues. in Feb., 4th Tues. in Sept. At New London, 2d Tues. in March. At Litchfield, 4th Tues. in April, 3d Tues. in Oct. At Brooklyn, 1st Tues. in Mar., 2d Tues. in Oct. At Middletown, 3d Tues. in Mar. At Tolland, 4th Tues. in Mar., 2d Tues. in Nov. At Danbury, 1st Tues. in Oct. At Norwich, 4th Tues. in Oct. At Haddam, 1st Tues. in Nov. SUPERIOR COURTS.- At Hartford, 2d Tuesday in March, 3d Tues. in July, 4th Tues. in Sept., and 3d Tues. in Dac. At New Haven, 1st Tues. in March, 21 Tues. in May, 1st Tues. in Sept., 24 4th Tues. in Aug. At Danbury, 2d Tues. in Aug. and 3d Tues. in Oct. At Brooklyn, 1st Tues. in Jan., 3d Tues. in Mar., 1st Tues. in Aug., 1st Tues. in Nov. At Litchfield, 4th Tues. in Jan., 24 Tues. in April, 2d Tues. in Sept., and 1st Tues. in Nov. At Middletown, 1st Tues. in Feb., and 1st Tues. in Dec. At Haddam, 2d Tues. in April, and 1st Tues. Sept. At Tolland, 2d Tues. in April, 1st Tues. in Sept., and 1st Tues. in Dec. At Bridgeport, 1st Tues. in Mar., 3d Tues. in Dec. (Corrected 1863.) COUNTY COURTS. Abolished in 1855. COURTS IN THE STATE OF VERMONT. SUPREME COURTS.- Middlebury, 1st COUNTY COURTS.-Middlebury, 1st Tues. Mon. aft. 3d Tues. in Jan. Rutland, 1st Mon. in June, and 2d in Dec. Rutland, 2d Tues. aft. 4th Tues. in Jan. Manchester and in Mar. and Sept. Manchester, 1st Tues. Bennington, alternately, 2d Tues. aft. 4th in June, and Bennington, 1st Tues. in Dec. Tues. in Jan. Newfans, Mon. following 2d Newfane, 2d Tues. in April and Sept. Tues. aft. 4th Tues. in Jan. Woodstock, 4th Woodstock, 4th Tues. in May, and 1st in Tues. aft. 4th Tues. in Jan. Chelsea, 6th Dec. Chelsea, 2d Tues. in Jan. and 3d Tues. aft. 4th Tues. in Jan., Burlington, in June. Burlington, 1st Tues. in April, 1st Tues. in Jan. St. Albans, 1st Mon. and 4th in Sept. St. Albans, 2d Tues. in aft. 3d Tues. in Jan. North Hero, 1st Fri. April and Sept. North Hero, last Tues. in aft. 3d Tues. in Jan. Hyde park, 3d Tues. Feb. and Aug. Hyde park, 4th Tues. in in Aug. Montpelier, 2d Tues. in Aug. May, and 1st in Dec. Montpelier, 2d Irasburg, 1st Thurs. next aft. 3d Tues. in Tues. in Mar. and Sept. Irasburg, 4th Aug. St. Johnsbury, 1st Thursday next Tues. in June and Dec. St. Johnsbury, 1st aft. 4th Tues. in Aug. Guildhall, 4th Tues. Tues. in June and Dec. Guildhall, 8d COURTS IN THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. SUPREME COURT.At Newport, 3d Kingston, 2d Mon. in May, and 1st Mon. Mon. in Feb., and 4th Mon. in August. in Nov. Bristol, 1st Mon. in May, and last Providence, 4th Mon. in March and Sept. Mon. in Oct. East Greenwich, 2d Mon. in South Kingston, 2d Mon. in Aug., and 1st Feb., and 3d Mon. in Aug. Mon. in Feb. Bristol, 1st Mon. in March, GENERAL ASSEMBLY.-There are two and 2d Mon. in Sept. East Greenwich, sessions; one at Newport, on the last 2d Mon. in March, and 3d Mon. in Sept. Tuesday in May, for Election and other COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.-At New- business, which adjourns to meet at Provport, 2d Mon. in April and Oct. Provi- idence in January following. (Corrected dence, 1st Mon. in June and Dec. South 1863.) COURTS IN THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT.-LAW TERMS. of Nov., 3d Tues. of March, and 2d Tues. -The Supreme Judicial Court shall hold of Jan., May, July and Sept. Plaistow, terms thereof, to be called Law Terms, 1st Tues. of Aug. and Dec., and 3d Tues. annually, within the four Judicial Dis- of May. Derry, Wed. after 1st Tues. of tricts, at the times and places following: Aug. and Dec., and Wed. after 3d Tues. Exeter, 3d Tues. of June, and Dover, 3d of May. Chester, Thurs. after 1st Tues. Tues. of Dec., for the counties of Rocking- of Aug. and Dec., and Thurs. after 3d Tu. ham and Strafford; at Manchester, 1st of May. Deerfield, Frid. after 1st Tues. Tues. of June, and Concord, 1st Tues. of Aug. and Dec., and Frid. after 3d Tues. of Dec., for the counties of Merrimack of May. Act of June, 1858. STRAFFORD and Hillsborough; at Keene, 1st Tues. Co.: Dover, 1st Tues. of Jan., March, of July, and Newport, 4th Tues. of Dec., May, Aug. and Oct. Rochester, 1st Tues. for the counties of Cheshire and Sullivan; of July and Dec. Farmington, 1st Tues. at Lancaster, 3d Tues. of July, and Ha- of April and Sept. Somersworth, 1st Tu. verhill, Tues. next after 4th Tues. of Dec., of Feb., June and Nov.-BELKNAP Co.: for the counties of Grafton and Coös. SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. TRIAL TERMS.At Portsmouth, 3d Tues. of Oct., and Exeter, 3d Tues. of January and 2d Tu. of April, for Co. of Rockingham. At Dover, 2d Tues. of Feb., last Tues. of May, and 1st Tues. of Sept., for Co. of Strafford. At Gilford, 4th Tues. of Mar., and the 4th Tues. of Sept., for the Co. of Belknap. At Ossipee, 3d Tues. of April, and 3d Tues of Oct., for Co. of Carroll. At Concord, 3d Tues. of Aug. and 1st Tues. of Feb., for Co. of Merrimack. At Amherst, 1st Tues. of Sept., Manchester, 1st Tues. of Jan., and at Nashua, 1st Tues. of May, for Co. of Hillsborough. At Keene, 3d Tues. of April and Oct., for Co. of Cheshire. At Newport, 4th Tues. of Jan. and 1st Tues. of Sept., for Co. Sullivan. At Haverhill, 1st Tues. of April and Oct., for the Western Jud. Dist., and at Plymouth, 3d Tues. of May and Nov. for the Eastern Jud. Dist. in Co. Grafton. At Lancaster, 4th Tues. of April and Oct., for Co. of Coos. Gilford, 3d Tues. of every month. - CARROLL CO.: Ossipee Corner, 1st Tues. of Mar., June, Sept. and Dec. Conway, 1st Tu. of Jan., Ap., July and Oct. Tamworth, 1st Tues. of Feb., May, Aug. and Nov.MERRIMACK CO.: Concord, 4th Tues. of every month. - HILLSBOROUGH CO.: Manchester, 4th Tues. of Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept. and Nov. Nashua, 4th Tues. of Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct. and Dec. Francestown, Frid. after 4th Tues. Jan., April, July and Oct. Amherst, Frid. aft. 4th Tues. Feb., June, Sept. and Dec. Peterborough, Frid. after 4th Tues. of May and Aug. Mason Village, Frid. after 4th Tues. of Mar. and Nov. Act of June, 1859. - CHESHIRE Co.: Keene, 1st and 3d Tu. every month. - SULLIVAN Co.: Newport, last Wed. of Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct. and Dec. Claremont, last Wed. of Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept. and Nov.- GRAFTON Co.: Haverhill, 3d Tues. of Ap. and Oct. Plymouth, 3d Tu. of May and Nov. Canaan, 3d Tu. of June and Dec. Lisbon, TERMS OF THE PROBATE COURT. 3d Tu. March and Sept. Bristol, 3d Tu. ROCKINGHAM Co.: Exeter, Wed. next July. Littleton, 3d Tu. Jan. Wentworth, after 1st Tues. of Nov. and April, Wed. 3d Tu. Feb. and Aug.- Coos Co.: Colenext after 3d Tues. of Feb., March and brook, 1st Tu. Sept. Lancaster, 1st Tues. Dec., and Wed. next after 2d Tues. of ev- Jan., March, May and Nov. Berlin, 1st ery other month. Portsmouth, 1st Tues. Tu. July. (Corrected 1863.) COURTS IN THE STATE OF MAINE. SUPREME JUDICIAL COURTS. LAW TERMS. and Oct. Bangor, 1st Tues. Jan., April, Bangor, 4th Tues. May. Augusta, 3d and Oct. Machias, 1st Tues. Jan. and Tues. June. Portland, 21 Tues. July. Oct., and 4th Tues. April. Ellsworth, 4th SUPREME JUDICIAL COURTS. CIVIL AC- Tues. April and Oct. Houlton, 2d Tues. TIONS.- -Saco, 1st Tues. Jan. Alfred, 4th March, and 3d Tues. Sept. Dover, last Tues. May, and 3d Tues. Sept. Portland, Tues. Feb., and 2d Tues. Sept. Auburn, 3d Tues. Jan. and April, and 2d Tues. Oct. 4th Tues. Jan., April, and Sept. Bath, Paris, 2d Tues. Mareh, Aug., and Nov. 1st Tues. April, and 3d Tues. Aug. and Farmington, 3d Tues. April and October. Dec. Rockland, 2d Tues. of Feb., 2d Tues. Norridgewock, 3d Tues. March, Sept., of May, and 4th Tues. of Oct. and Dec. Augusta, 1st Tues. March, SUPREME JUDICIAL COUrts. CRIMINAL. 3d Tues. August, and 4th Tues. Nov. Portland, 1st Tues. March, last Tues. Wiscasset, 1st Tues. Jan. and Oct., and 3d July, and last Tues. Nov. Bangor, 1st Tues. April. Belfast, 1st Tues. Jan.. May. Tues. Feb. and Aug. (Corrected 1863.) SUPREME JUDICIAL AND SUPERIOR COURTS IN MASSACHUSETTS. (CORRECTED 1863.) By an act of the Legislature of Massachusetts, in April, 1859, the Court of Common Pleas throughout the State, the Superior Court for Suffolk County, and the Municipal Court for Boston, were all abolished, and a Superior Court with ten Judges substituted. SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASS. SUPERIOR COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. JURY TERMS.- For Barnstable and Dukes For Essex Co., (civil) at Salem, 1st Mon. of Counties, at Barnstable 1st Tuesday of June and Dec., at Lawrence, 1st Mon. May. For Berkshire Co., at Lenox, 2d of March, and at Newburyport, 1st Mon. Tues. of May. For Bristol Co., at New of Sept; (crim.) at Lawrence, 4th Mon. of Bedford, 2d Tues. of Nov.; also at Taun- Oct., at Newburyport, 2d Mon. of May, ton, 3d Tues. of April. For Essex Co., at and at Salem, 3d Mon. of Jan. Salem, 3d Tu. of April and 1st Tu. Nov. For Middlesex Co., (civil) at Lowell, 2d For Franklin Co., at Greenfield, 2d Tu. of Mon. of March and ist Mon. of Sept., April. For Hampden Co., at Springfield, at Concord, 1st Mon. of June, and at 4th Tues. of April. For Hampshire Co., Cambridge, 2d Mon. of Dec.; (crim.) at at Northampton, 3d Tues. of April. For Cambridge, 2d Mon. of Feb., at Concord, Middlesex Co., at Lowell, 3d Tues. of 4th Mon. of June, and at Lowell, 3d Mon. April; also at Cambridge, 3d Tues. of of Oct. Oct. For Nantucket Co., at Nantucket, 1st Tues. of July. For Norfolk Co., at Dedham, 3d Tues. of Feb. For Plymouth Co., at Plymouth, 2d Tues. of May. For Suffolk Co., at Boston, 1st Tues. of October and April. For Worcester Co., at Worcester, 2d Tues. of April. For Hampshire Co., at Northampton, (civil) 3d Mon. of Feb., 1st Mon. of June, and 3d Mon. of Oct. ; (crim.) 2d Mon. of June and 3d Mon. of Dec. For Franklin Co., at Greenfield, 3d Mon. of March and 2d Mon. of Aug. and Nov. For Hampden Co., at Springfield, (civil) 2d Mon. of March and June, and 1st Mon. of Oct. ; (crim.) 3d Mon. of May, and 1st Mon. of Dec. For Berkshire Co., at Lenox, (civil) 4th Mon. of Feb., June, and Oct.; (crim.) 1st Mon. of Jan. and July. For Norfolk Co., at Dedham, 4th Mon of April, and 3d Mon. of Sept. and Dec. For Plymouth Co., at Plymouth, 2d Mon. of Feb. and June, and 4th Mon. of Oct. LAW TERMS OF SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS.-A law term of the Supreme Judicial Court shall be held at Boston on the first Wednesday of January of each year, which term may be adjourned, from time to time, to such places and times as may be most conducive to the despatch of business and the interests of the public; and all questions of law, whether arising upon appeal, exception, or otherwise, and from whatever court, For Bristol Co., at Taunton, 2d Mon. shall be therein entered and determined, of March and Sept., and at New Bedford, if the same arise in either of the following 2d Mon. of June and Dec. Counties:- Essex, Suffolk, Middlesex, Norfolk, Plymouth, Bristol, Barnstable, County of Dukes County or Nantucket. And law terms of said court shall also andually be held as follows: At Lenox, for Berkshire Co., 2d Tues. of September. At Springfield, for Hampden Co., 3d Mon. after 1st Tues. of Sept. At Northampton, for Hampshire and Franklin Cos., Mon. next after 2d Tues. of Sept. At Worcester, for Worcester Co., 4th At Plymouth, 3d Tues. of Oct. For Suffolk Co., (civil) at Boston, 1st Tues. of Jan., April, July, and October; (crim.) at Boston 1st Mon. of every month. For Barnstable Co., at Barnstable, Tues. next after 1st Mon. of April, and 1st Tues. of Sept. For Nantucket Co., at Nantucket, 1st Mon. of June and Oct. For Dukes County, at Edgartown, last Mon. of May and Sept. For Worcester Co., (civil) at Worcester, 1st Mon. of March, Mon. next after 4th Mon. of Aug., and 2d Mon. of Dec.; and at Fitchburg, 2d Mon. of June and Nov.; (crim.) at Worcester, 3d Mon. of Jan., 2d Mon. of May, and 3d Mon. of Oct. and at Fitchburg, 2d Mon. of Aug. PROBATE AND INSOLVENCY COURTS IN MASSACHUSETTS. JUDGES. (CORRECTED 1863.) Suffolk Co., Isaac Ames, Boston. PROBATE COURTS IN MASSACHUSETTS. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. At Boston, ev-¡ and May, next after 3d Tues. of July, and ery Mon. in each month, except July. next after 2d Tues. of Nov.; at Lanes COUNTY OF ESSEX. At Salem, 1st Tues. of each month; at Lawrence, 2d Tues. of each month, except April, May, July, Aug. and Oct.; at Gloucester, 2d Tues. of April and Oct.; at Newburyport, 3d Tues. of each month, except March, May, Aug., Sept., and Nov.; at Haverhill, 3d Tues. of May and Nov.; at Ipswich, 3d Tues. of March and Sept. COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX.-At Cambridge, 3d Tues. of each month, except July, and 4th Tues. of Jan., Feb., March, April, Aug., Nov., and Dec.; at Lowell, 1st Tu. of Feb., April, June, Sept. and Dec.; at Concord, 1st Tues. of Jan., March, May, and Oct.; at Groton, 4th Tues. of May and Sept.; and at Framingham, 4th Tues. of June and Oct. COUNTY OF WORCESTER.—At W. Brookfield, 2d Tues. of May and Oct.; at Clinton, 3d Tues. of May and Oct.; at Templeton, Thurs. next after 3d Tues. of May and Oct.; at Barre, Friday next after 3d Tues. of May and Oct.; at Milford, 4th Tues. of May, and Wed. next after 4th Tues. of Oct.; at Uxbridge, 4th Tues. of Oct.; at Fitchburg, Wed. next after 3d Tues. of May and Oct.; and at Worcester, 1st Tues. of every month. COUNTY OF HAMPSHIRE. At Northampton, 1st Tues. of every month; at Amherst, 2d Tues. of Jan. and Aug.; at Belchertown, 2d Tues. of May and Oct. ; and at Chesterfield, 3d Tues. of May and Oct. COUNTY OF HAMPDEN.At Springfield, 1st Tues. of Jan., Feb., March, April, June, July, and Nov., and 4th Tues. of April, Aug. and Sept.; at Westfield, 3d Tues. of March, June, Sept. and Dec.; at Monson, 3d Tues. of June; and at Palmer, 2d Tues. of Sept. COUNTY OF FRANKLIN. — At Greenfield, 1st Tues. of every month except Nov.; at Northfield, 2d Tues. of May and Sept.; at Orange, 2d Tues. of March and Dec.; at Lock's Village, in Shutesbury, 2d Tues. of July; at Conway, 3d Tues. of May; at Charlemont, 4th Tues. of May; at Shelburne Falls, 2d Tues. of Feb. and 4th Tues. of Oct. borough, 2d Tues. of Jan. and Oct., and 4th Tues. of April and July; at Adams, Wed. next after 2d Tues. of Jan. and Oct., and next after 4th Tues. of April and July. COUNTY OF NORFOLK.-At Dedham, 1st Tues. of every month; at Quincy, 4th Tues. of Feb., May, Aug. and Nov.; at Roxbury, every Saturday, except the 3d, 4th and 5th Sat. of July, and the 1st and 2d Sat. of Aug.; at Wrentham, 3d Tues. of May, Aug. and Nov.; at Medway, 3d Tues. of Feb., June, and Oct. COUNTY OF BRISTOL.-At Taunton, 1st Frid. of March, June, Sept. and Dec.; at New Bedford, 1st Frid. of Feb., May, Aug., and Nov.; at Pawtucket, 1st Tues. of April; at Fall River, 1st Frid. of Jan., April and Oct., and 2d Frid. of July. COUNTY OF PLYMOUTH. At Plymouth, 3d Mon. of Jan., Feb. and May, 24 Mon. of April and Aug., and 1st Mon. of Dec.; at, Scituate, 1st Tues. of June, and last Tues. of Nov.; at Hingham, 1st Tues. of March and last Tues. of Aug.; at East Bridgewater, 1st Tues. of April, July and Oct.; at Bridgewater, last Tues. of Feb.; at North Bridgewater, last Tues. of July; at Middleborough, 1st Tues. of May and Aug., and last Tues. of Oct.; at Wareham, Wed. next after 1st Tues. of May and Nov.; at Abington, 2d Mon. of Jan. ; and at IIanover, last Mon. of Sept. COUNTY OF BARNSTABLE. At Barnstable, 2d Tues. of Jan., Feb., March, Aug., Sept. and Dec. and 3d Tues. of May anl June; at Sandwich, 2d Tues. after 1st Mon. of Nov.; at Falmouth, 2d Wed. after 1st Mon. of Nov.; at Harwich, 3d Mon. of April and last Mon. of Oct.; at Brewster, Tues. next after 3d Mon. of April; at Dennis, Thurs. next after 2d Tues. of Oct.; at Orleans, Wed. next after 3d Mon. of April, and Tues. next after last Mon. of Oct.; at Wellfleet, Wed. next after last Mon. of Oct.; at Truro, Thurs. next after 3d Mon. of April; and at Provincetown, Frid. next after 3d Mon. of April, and Thurs. next after last Mon. of Oct. DUKES COUNTY. - At Holmes' Hole village, in Tisbury, on the 3d Mon. of April, and 1st Mon. of Sept.; at Edgartown, 3d Mon. of Jan. and July, and 1st Mon. of March and Dec.; and at West Tisbury, 1st Mon. of June, and 3d Mon. of Oct. COUNTY OF BERKSHIRE. — At Lenox, 1st Tues. of Jan., Feb., March, April, May, June, Sept., Oct. and Dec., 3d Tues. of July, and 2d Tues. of Nov.; at Great Bar- COUNTY OF NANTUCKET. -At Nantuckrington, Wed. next after 1st Tues. of, 1st Tues. of every month. (CORRECTED 1863.) TIME TO CUT SCIONS.-"Grafts" or scions may be taken off any time in or after November, till the buds begin to swell in spring. Cut them from well ripened and thrifty shoots of the last year's growth, and from vigorous, healthy trees. If cut previous to the time of setting, they should be kept in a cool, damp place. |