
MASS. AGRICUL. COLLEGE, AMHERST, MASS. Three tms, 13 w. each; begin 2d Th. Sept., 4th Th. Jan., and 1st Th. May. LAWRENCE SCIEN. SCHOOL (HARV. COLL.), CAMBRIDGE, MASS.-The year beg. 1 w. later, and ends 2 w. earlier than the college year; winter vaca, 1 w.

MASS. INS. OF TECHNOLOGY, BOSTON. -Acad. yr ist. Mon. Oct. to 1st Mon. Jun. WORC. CO. FREE INSTIT. OF INDUST. SCIENCE, WORCESTER, MASS.-2 tms; 1st, fm 2d Tu. Sept. to 2d Frid. Mch.; 2d, fm last Tu. Mch. to 1st Frid. July.



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EASTERN NORMAL SCHOOL, CASTINE, fm Mch. 9, 12 w. fm Aug. 24, 13 w.; fm Dec. 7, 12 w. WESTERN NORMAL SCHOOL, FARMINGTON, ME. Sch. yr. beg. last Th. Aug., ends 1st. Th. June; 3 tms, sepa. by 2 vac., one of 2 w. fm Th. bef. Thanksgiving, and one of 1 w. fm 3d Th. Feb.

STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, JOHNSON, VT.-Fall tm. 11 w., beg, 1st Wed. Sept.; winter term, 10 w., beg. last Wed. Nov.: spring tm 11 w., beg. 3d Wed. Feb.; summer tm, 10 w., beg. 2d Wed. May. Exam. for admis., first day of each term.

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STATE NORM. SCHOOL, RANDOLPH CENTRE, VT. - Fall term, 11 w., beg. 4th Wed. Aug., followed without vaca. by tm of 10 w.; spring tm, 11 w., beg. 2d Wed. Feb., followed, without vaca., by a term of 10 w. Exam. for admis. Tues. before and Mon. after Spring and Fall terms.

STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, NEW BRITAIN, CONN.-School year consists of 40 w., beg. in Sept.


of these the course of study occupies 2 years, or 4 tms, each tm including 19 ws. study and 1 w. rec. Exam. for admis., at beg. of each term, will take place:At Bridgewater, Tu., Feb.22, and Sept. 6: at Framingham, Tu., Feb. 15, and Aug. 30; at Salem, on Th., Feb. 17, and Sept. 1; Westfield, on Th., Feb. 24, and Sept. 8.

COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' MEETINGS IN MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX, at Ipswich, on the 2d Tues. of April; at Salem, on the 2d Tues. of July; at Newburyport, on the 2d Tues. of Oct.; and at Lawrence, on the last Tues. of Aug.; and on the 4th Tues. of Dec., at Ipswich, Salem, or Newburyport, as they shall order at their next preceding term. MIDDLESEX, at Cambridge, on the 1st Tues. of Jan., and the 1st Tues. of June; and at Lowell, on the 1st Tues. of Sept.

HAMPDEN, at Springfield, on the 2d Tues. of April, the 1st Tues. of Oct., and the 4th Tues. of June and Dec.

WORCESTER, at Worcester, on the 4th Tu. of March, the 3d Tu, of June, the 2d Tu. of Sept., and the 4th Tu. of Dec. HAMPSHIRE, at Northampton, on the 1st Tues. of March, Sept., and Dec., and on the Tues. next after the 2d Mon. of June. FRANKLIN, at Greenfield, on the 1st Tues. of March and Sept., and the 2d Tues. of June and Dec.

BERKSHIRE, at Pittsfield, on 1st Tu. of Apl., July, and Sept., and last Tu. Dec. NORFOLK, at Dedham, on the 3d Tues of April, the 4th Tues. of June and Sept., and the last Wed. of Dec.

PLYMOUTH, at Plymouth, on the 1st Tues. of Jan., the 3d Tues. of March, and the 1st Tues. of Aug.

BRISTOL, at Taunton, on the 4th Tues. of March and Sept.

BARNSTABLE, at Barnstable, on the 2d Tues. of April and Oct.

DUKES COUNTY, at Edgartown, on the
Wed. next after the 3d Mon. of May, and
the Wed. next after the 2d Mon. of Nov.
(Corrected 1869.)

(Correeted 1869.)


1st District, Gen. J. D. Fessenden, Portland.

2d District, Hon. Seth May, Lewiston. 3d District, S. S. Marble, Esq., Waldoborough, Lincoln County.

4th District, Charles Hamlin, Esq., Bangor.

5th District, Peter Thacher, Esq., Rockland, Knox County.


1st District, Thomas E. Sawyer, Dover. 21 District, Aaron W. Sawyer, Nashua. 3d District, Wm. H. H. Allen, Claremont.


1st District, A. P. Lyman, Bennington.
2d District, A. Underwood, Wells River.
J. P. Sartle, Barton, and
3d Dist.
L. L. Lawrence, Burlington.


1st District, James M. Bunker, Esq., New Bedford, Bristol County.

2d District, Samuel B. Noyes, Esq., Canton, Norfolk County.

3d District, C. M. Ellis, Esq., Boston.

4th District, S. L. Thorndike, Esq., Boston.

5th District, Benj. C. Perkins, Esq., Salem, Essex County.

6th District, E. J. Sherman, Esq., Lawrence, Essex County.

7th District, A. F. Jewett, Esq., Lowell, Middlesex County.

8th Listrict, Peter C. Bacon, Esq., Worcester.

9th Listrict, I. F. Conkey, Esq., Am herst, Hampshire County.

10th Dist., Gideon Wells, Esq., Springfield, Hampden County.


1st District, Jas. M. Clarke, Provid'ce. 2d District, Wm. W. Hoppin, Prov.


1st District, John Hooker, Esq., Hartford.

21 District, E. K. Foster, Esq., New Haven.

3d District, Robert Coit, Jr., Esq., New London.

4th District, William K. Seely, Esq., Bridgeport, Fairfield County.

JANUARY, First Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.

22 S.59 7 22

m. Days. d.


Days. Id.

Days of

Q's Declination.


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20 13 21 26 19 20

16 25 18 53

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[blocks in formation]

15 20 20

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

New Moon, 1st day, 7h. 21m., evening.
First Quarter, 9th day, 4h. 18m., evening.
Full Moon, 17th day, 10h. 1m., morning.
Last Quarter, 24th day, 5h. 39m., morning.
New Moon, 31st day, 10h. 57m., morning.

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53 h'd

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63 n'k

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1 Sa.

On glittering gems and diadems,
And icy crystals, bright and clear,
The sunlight gleams in silver streams,
To welcome in the glad New Year.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

runs low.

2 B. 6. High tides. 3 Mo. 6 3 D.

4 Tul. 6th. Franklin born, O. S. 1706.


6 Th:

7 Fr. 00.


.gislatures meet.

8 Sa.Cold Monday in New



Farmer's Calendar.

HEAD WORK on the farm is worth quite as much as hand work, for you know a spur in the head is worth two in the heels. It brings

Signs system, and order, and saving of labor. Now is the time to plan and Mass. and Maine Le-to think, to cut timber for any needed repairs, and to lay out the work for the year. Wood for the fire can be cut and hauled; stuff for fencing may be got out, and laid up to season. Then there is the ice to be stored. Better get All the it early and plenty of it. tools may be overhauled and mended. It is a good time to paint up, and put the tool house in order. Mix dry muck with the ma

England, 1866.

[blocks in formation]

in Apogee.
O. Low tides.
C. {Cold Tuesday in

12 W.

13 Th.

England, 1848.

511th. Mercury froze at Mont-
pelier, Vt., 1859.

14 Fr. 13th. Geo. Fox died, 1690.

Maine, 1855.

[merged small][ocr errors]

at greatest brilliancy.

in S. High tides.

[blocks in formation]

gr. hel. lat. S.

19 W.

20 Th. Ileward died, 1790.

[blocks in formation]




r. hi. Slight shock of earthquake nure heap, to act as an absorbent
of liquids. This is one of the
most important labors of the
or year.
The cows in milk must
be well fed, well tended, and of-
ten carded. Don't dry them off
too early. The young stock
should be kept thriving and grow-
ing. It is better than to let it run
for down. Good shelter or warmth,
fresh water and salt, are as much
needed now as in summer. Ap-
ple orchards may be pruned in
mild weather, and scions may be
cold cut. Get the seeds ready, and
keep them in a dry, cool place for
spring use. After the chores are
done, there will be time for read-
ing and study. Don't forget the
snap. farmer's club.

[blocks in formation]


Days. d.

FEBRUARY, Second Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. Id. m. Days. [d. 17S. 0 7 15

Days of

O's Declination.


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12 13 13 15 19 11 10 25

8 58

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15 31 12 13



11 31 24

9 21

[blocks in formation]

First Quarter, 8th day, 1h. 35m., evening.

O Full Moon, 15th day, 10h. 43m., evening.
Last Quarter, 22d day, 2h. 2m., evening,

Length Day's D

of Days. Incre.

h. m.h. m. X. m. አ. mi.

[blocks in formation]

9. A.



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VENUS will be evening star until February 23d; then morning star until December 13th; and evening star the rest of the year.

MARS will be evening star until March 22d; then morning star the

19 14 10

63 arm

2 13

7 45

21 14 11

7 arm

3 13

8 38

24 14 12


83 br.

4 12 9 33

27 14 13 9 9 br.

5 7 10 29

29 14 14


102 h'rt

5 58 11 27

32 14 O 11

11 h'rt

rises. morn.

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][graphic]

D. M.

D. W.

Now Winter's hand, on sea and land,
Has spread a mantle cold and white;
But Love defies e'en stormy skies,
And Hope still makes the future bright.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

20. Hi. tides.]
2 W. 69 C. 6 O inf.
gr. hel. lat. N.

1 Tu. 6.

3 Th.

[blocks in formation]

Farmer's Calendar.

IF the hens have meat food, warm houses, and good sun light, they will lay well at this season, and eggs are still high. Clean, well aired, and sunny apartments Pleasant are needed, and a frequent change of food. Pounded oyster shells, old mortar, boiled potatoes, and

7 Mo. 6 2 D. ? in Perih.

8 Tu.

Geo. Peabody gives a million dollars for scraps, are all useful. Set a few

education in Southern States, 1867.

9 W. Low tides. 10 Th.

11 Fr. in Perih. 12 Saruns high. 13 B 6 HC.

14 Mo.


clutches for early chickens if you for raise for the market. Poultry the season. well cared for will pay a large profit. Neglected, it is an even chance if they pay at all. Dry cows off at about six weeks be

15 Tu. Earthquake at San Francisco, 1850. 16 W. High tides.

S Bernard Barton, the Quaker
poet, died, 1849.

17 Th.

in Perigee.

18 Fr.


19 Sa

20 B.

Great snow storm, 1717.

21 Mo.


Low tides.

A fore calving. They need the rest,


and will do all the better the coming season. Continue to feed some roots daily: they promote health and digestion. Use up the storm Swedes before beginning on the mangolds; a good root-cutter is of a great thing now. Sheep need careful attention, and regular feeding. Fattening cattle must have all the hay they will eat, and some Indian or linseed meal, with roots now and then. They won't gain much after the first of March, if not in a maturing condition now. Let the shotes work over the manure under the barn. is near. Some raw roots are good for them every day. The chores must be attended to. Don't let those If they get thoroughly chilled, they won't get over it soon. Do you take a good agricultural paper to

23 W. 6 O inf.

24 Th. 6 h C.

25 Fr.runs low.

or rain

[blocks in formation]
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