

DECEMBER, Twelfth Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.

's Declination.

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m.Days.d. m.

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O Full Moon, 7th day, 9h. 55m., evening.
Last Quarter, 15th day, 4h. 27m., evening.
New Moon, 22d day, 7h. 35m., morning.
> First Quarter, 29th day, 11h. 54m., morning.

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In snowy shroud the earth is bowed,
And Nature mourns beside the bier;
From lowering skies the wild wind sighs,
The requiem of the dying year.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

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4 B. Alabama admitted to the Union, 1819. 5 Mo. C in Apogee.

6 Tu. 7th. Am. Education So. organized, 1815. 7 W. 9 in 8.

Farmer's Calendar.

THE chores will take a good deal of time. It's about as well to make pork of those April pigs. It don't pay to feed fat hogs after the weather has got to be as cold frosts. as this. Store pigs ought to have warm pens; warmth saves food. Can't you give them a few raw roots now and then? Did you know that a pig can be kept well from Thanksgiving to March fine town-meeting day on raw mangolds alone? They keep them for not need quite so close housing. healthy and thriving. Sheep do

8|Th. 6 ? O sup.


9 Fr. High tides. runs high.


10 Sa.

11 B. 6 HD. 6
12 Mo. Cromwell declared Protector, 1653.

13 Tu. 8 20.

14 W.

16 Fr.

SWASHINGTON died, aged 67,

15 Th.68 C.

O. Low tides. 17 Sa. gr. hel. lat. N. gr. hel. lat. S.

18 B.

19 Mo. 69 h.

20 Tu.in Perigee.

21 W. O ent. W. Winter

22 Th. 6 h C.

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23 Fr. 6 h O. 6 C.


They like an open shed. Young this cattle must have warm shelter, plenty of food, and a good carding once a day. Cows in milk ought to have roots, and shorts or warm mash every day. It will month. keep up the flow of milk, and if they give but three quarts a day, it pays to milk morning and night, coming in. Fattening stock need up to within six weeks of their the eye of the owner. They must be pushed on rapidly now; change of food is good for them,

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25 B.CHRISTMAS DAY. First house at Ply- and so is a daily carding. The

horses must be kept well shod. snow The evenings are long, and there

Western Railroad opened from Worces-is time for reading, study, and

Great gale in New Eng-
land, 1831.

29 Th. Low tides.

[blocks in formation]

or rain. the farmer's club. Take an inventory of all the stock and tools, and sum up the work of the year. Square off those debts, if you

30th. Royal Society of Lon- Colder. would close the year in peace.

don founded, 1666.


(Corrected 1869.)

At Washington to commence on the first Monday in December annually. There are nine Judicial Circuits, in each of which a Circuit Court is held twice every year, for every State within the Circuit, by the Justice of the Supreme Court assigned to the Circuit, and by the District Judge of the State or District in which the Court sits. The Judges are appointed for life, or during good behavior. The Circuits and Judges are as follows:

First Circuit (Maine, N. H., Mass., R. I.), Nathan Clifford, of Portland, Me., Asso. Justice. Second (Vt., Conn., N. Y.), Samuel Nelson, of Cooperstown, N. Y., As. J. Third (Penn., N. J., Del), Robert C. Grier, of Pittsburg, Pa., As. J. Fourth (Md., Va., W. Va., N. C., S. C.), Salmon P. Chase, of Cincinnati, O., Chief Justice. Fifth (Geo., Fla., Ala., Miss., La., Tex.), Noah H. Swayne, of Columbus, O., As. J. Sixth (Ohio, Mich., Ken., Tenn.), vacant. Seventh (Ind., Ill., Wis.), David Davis, of Bloomington, Ill., As. J. Eighth (Min., Iowa, Mo., Kan., Ark.), Samuel F. Miller, of Keokuk, Iowa, As. J. Ninth (Cal., Oregon, Nev.), Stephen J. Field, of San Francisco, Cal., As. J.

UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURTS IN In MAINE - at Portland, 1st Tues. in Feb. THE FIRST AND SECOND EASTERN CIR- and Dec.; at Bath, 1st Tues. in Sept.; CUITS. IN MAINE-at Portland, 23d at Bangor, 4th Tues. in June. In NEW Apr. and 23d Sept. In N. HAMPSHIRE - HAMPSHIRE at Portsmouth, 3d Tues. at Portsmouth, May 8, and at Exeter, Oct. in March and Sept.; at Exeter, 3d Tues. 8. In MASSACHUSETTS at Boston, May in June and Dec. In MASSACHUSETTS 15 and Oct. 15. In CONNECTICUT-at N. at Boston, 3d Tues. in Mar., 4th Tues. Haven, 4th Tues. in Apr., and at Hartford, in June, 2d Tues. in Sept., and 1st Tues. 3d Tues. in Sept. In RHODE ISLAND-at in Dec. In CONNECTICUT at Hartford, Providence, June 15, and Nov. 15. In 4th Tues. in May and Nov.; at N. Haven, VERMONT-at Windsor, 4th Tu. in July, 4th Tues. in Feb. and Aug. In RHODE at Rutland Oct. 3d., and at Burlington, ISLAND-at Newport, 2d Tues. in May 4th Tues. in Feb. and 3d Tues. in Oct.; at Providence, 1st Tues. in Feb. and Aug. In VERMONTWindsor, Mon. after 4th Tu. July; Rutland, Oct. 6th; Burlington, 4th Tues. Feb.

If the days happen on Sunday the Court comes in the Monday following. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTS. —

(Corrected 1869.)

SUPREME COURTS.-1st District (Hart- | Norwich, last Tues. in March, and 3d ford and Tolland Cos.)-4th Tu. in Feb., Tues. in Nov. At New London, 3d Tues. and 1st Tues. in Sept. 2d. District (New in Jan. and 2d Tues. in Sept; at DanbuHaven and Middlesex Cos.)-2d Tues. in ry, 1st Tu. in June, 2d Tu. in Aug., and Feb., and 4th Tues. in Sept. 3d District 3d Tu. in Oct.; at Brooklyn, 1st Tues. in (N. London and Windham Cos.)-2d Tu. Jan., 3d Tues. in Apr., 4th Tues. in Aug., in March, and 4th Tucs. in Oct. 4th 1st Tues. in Nov.; at Litchfield, 4th Tu. District (Litehfield and Fairfield Cos.) in Jan., 2d Tues. in April, 2d Tues. in At Bridgeport, 1st Tues. in Feb. and 2d Sept., and 1st Tues. in Nov.; at MiddleTues. in Oct.; at Litchfield, 2d Tues. in town, 1st Tues. in Feb., and 1st Tues. in Aug. Dec.; at Haddam, 2d Tues. in April, and 2d Tues. in Oct.; at Tolland, 1st Tues. in Feb., 2d Tues. in April, 2d Tu. in Sept., and 1st Tues. in Dec.; at Bridgeport, 3d Tues. in Feb., 1st Tues. in Mar., 2d Tu. in Aug., 3d Tues. in Oct., and 3d Tues. in Dec.

The place where each term of the Court shall be held, in each judicial district, is designated by the chief judge.

SUPERIOR COURTS.- At Hartford, 2d Tues. in March, 3d Tues. in July, 4th Tues. in Sept., and 3d Tues. in Dec. At New Haven, 1st Tues. in March, 2d COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, at HartTues. in May, 1st Tues. in Sept., 2d ford and New Haven, 1st Mon. in each Tues. in Oct., and 3d Tues. in Dec. At month except July and Aug.


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(Corrected 1869.)

SUPREME COURTS. Middlebury, 1st! COUNTY COURTS. Middlebury, 1st Tues. in June, and 2d in Dec. Rutland, 2d Tues. in June, and 2d in Dec. Rutland, 2d Tues. in Mar. and Sept. Manchester, 1st Tues. in Mar. and Sept. Manchester, 1st and Bennington, alternately, 2d Tues. aftr Tues. in June, and Bennington, 1st Tues. 4th Tues. in Jan. Newfane, Mon. follow- in Dec. Newfane, 2d Tues. in April and ing 2d Tues. aft. 4th Tues. in Jan. Wood- Sept. Woodstock, 4th Tues. in May, and stock, 1st Thurs. aft. 4th Tu. next aft. 4th 1st in Dec. Chelsea, 1st Tu. in June, and Tu. in Jan. Chelsea, 6th Tu. aft. 4th Tu. 1st in Dec. Burlington, 1st Tues. in April, in Jan. Burlington, 1st Tu. in Jan. St. and 4th in Sept. St. Albans, 2d Tues. in Albans, 1st Mon. aft. 2d Tu.in Jan. North April and Sept. North Hero, last Tues. in Hero, 1st Fri. aft. 3d Tucs. in Jan. Hyde Feb. and Aug. Hyde Park, 4th Tues. in Park, 3d Tues. in Aug. Montpelier, 2d May, and 1st in Dec. Montpelier, 2d Tues. in Aug. Irasburg, 1st Thurs. next Tues. in Mar. and Sept. Irasburg, 4th aft. 3d Tues. in Aug. St. Johnsbury, 1st Tues. in June and Dec. St. Johnsbury, 1st Thurs. next aft. 4th Tues. in Aug. Guild-Tu. in June and Dec. Guildhall, 3d Tu.

(Corrected 1869.)

SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. LAW TERMS.-The Supreme Judicial Court shall hold terms thereof, to be called Law Terms, annually, within the four Judicial Districts, at the times and places following: Exeter, 3d Tues. of June, and Dover, 3d Tues. of Dec., for the counties of Rockingham, Strafford, and Carroll; at Manchester, 1st Tues. of June, and Concord, 1st Tues. of Dec., for the counties of Merrimack, Hillsborough, and Belknap; at Keene, 2d Tues. of Dec., and Newport, 4th Tues. of June, for the counties of Cheshire and Sullivan; at Lancaster, 2d Tues. of July, and Haverhill, 2d Tues. of Jan., for the Counties of Grafton and Coös.

month. Portsmouth, 1st Tu. Nov., 3d Tu. March, and 2d Tu. Jan., May, July, and Sept. Kingston, 1st Tues. Aug. and Dec., and 3d Tues. May. Derry, Wed. after 1st Tues. Aug. and Dec., and Wed. after 3d Tues. May. Chester, Thurs. after 1st Tu. of Aug. and Dec., and Thurs. after 3d Tu. of May. Deerfield, Frid. after 1st Tues. of Aug. and Dec., and Frid. after 3d Tues. of May.-STRAFFORDCO.: Dover, 1st Tu. of Jan., Mar., May, Aug. and Oct. Rochester, 1st Tues. of July and Dec. Farmington, 1st Tues. of Apr. and Sept. Somersworth, 1st Tu. of Feb., June and Nov. -BELKNAP Co.: Gilford, 3d Tues. of every month. - CARROLL Co.: Ossipee Corner, 1st Tues. of Mar., June, Sept. and Dec. Conway, 1st Tu. of Jan., Ap., July and Oct. Tamworth, 1st Tu. of Feb., May, Aug. and Nov.- MERRIMACK CO.: Concord, 4th Tues. of every month. HILLSBOROUGH CO.: Manchester, 4th Tu. of Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept. and Nov. Nashua, 4th Tues. of Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct. and Dec. Hillsboro' Bridge, Frid. after 4th Tues. Jan. Francestown, Frid. after 4th Tues. April, July and Oct. Amherst, Frid. aft. 4th Tues. Feb., June, Sept. and Dec. Peterborough, Frid. aft. 4th Tu. of May and Aug. Mason Village, At Frid. after 4th Tues. of March and Nov. - CHESHIRE Co.: Keene, 1st and 3d Tu. every month.-SULLIVAN Co.: Newport, last Wed. of Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct. and Dec. Claremont, last Wed. of Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept. and Nov. — GRAFTON Co.: Lisbon, 3d Tues. of Ap. and Oct. Plymouth, 1st Tu. of May and Nov. Canaan, 3d Tu. of June and Dec. Haverhill, 3d Tu. March and Sept. Bristol, 3d Tu. July. Littleton, 3d Tu. Jan. Wentworth, 3d Tu. Feb. and Aug. Lebanon, 1st Tues. March and Sept. -Coos Co.: Colebrook, 1st Tues. of Feb. and Sept. Lancaster, 1st Tues. of Jan., March, May, July, and Nov.

SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. TRIAL TERMS. At Portsmouth, 3d Tues. of Oct., and Exeter, 3d Tues. of January and 2d Tu. of April, for Co. of Rockingham. At Dover, 2d Tues. of Feb., and 1st Tues. of Sept., for Co. of Strafford. At Gilford, 4th Tues. of Mar., and the 4th Tues. of Sept., for the Co. of Belknap. At Ossipee, 3d Tu. Ap. and Oct. for Co.of Carroll. At Concord, 1st Tues. of Oct., and 1st Tues. of April, for Co. of Merrimack. At Amherst, 1st Tues. of May, at Manchester, 1st Tues. of Jan., and at Nashua, 1st Tues. of Sept., for Co. of Hillsborough. Keene, 1st Tues. of April and 3d Tues. of Oct., for Co. of Cheshire. At Newport, 4th Tues. of Jan. and 1st Tues. of Sept., for Co. Sullivan. At Haverhill, 3d Tues. of Mar. and 3d Tues.of Sept., for the West. Jud. Dist., and at Plymouth, 1st Tues. of May and Nov. for the Eastern Jud. Dist., Grafton Co. At Colebrook, 1st Tu. of Feb. and 3d Tu. of Aug., for North. Jud. Dist. of Coös. At Lancaster 4th Tu. of Apr. and ist Tu. of Nov. for South. Jud. Dist. of Coös.

PROBATE COURTS. ROCKINGHAM CO.: Exeter, Wed. next aft. 1st Tues. of Apr., Wed. next aft. 3d Tues. of Feb. and Mar., and Wed. next aft. 2d Tues. of each other

(Corrected 1869.)

SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. LAW TERMS.-Augusta, 4th Tues. May. Portland, 3d Tu. July. Bangor, 3d Tu. June.

SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. CIVIL AND CRIMINAL ACTIONS.-Androscoggin Co., at Auburn, 3d Tues. Jan., April, and Sept, Aroostook Co., at Houlton, last Tu. Feb., and 3d Tu. Sep. Cumb. Co., Portland, 2d Tues. Jan., Apr., and Oct. Franklin Co., at Farmington, 1st Tu. Mar. and 4th Tu. Sept. Hancock Co., at Ellsworth, 4th Tu. Ap. and Oct. Kennebec Co., at Augusta, 1st. Tu. Mar., 1st Tu. Aug., 3d Tu. Oct. Knox Co., at Rockland, 2d Tu. Mar. and 4th Tu. Sept. Lincoln Co., at Wiscasset, 1st Tu. Ap. and 4th Tu. Oct. Oxford Co., at Paris, 2d Tues. Mar. and 3d Tu. Sept. Penobscot Co., at Bangor, Civil Actions, 1st Tues. Jan. and Apr., and ist Tues. Oct.; Criminal Actions, 1st Tues. Feband 2d Tu. Aug. Piscataquis Co., at Do

ver, last Tu. Feb. and 2d Tu. Sept. Sag adahoc Co., at Bath, 1st Tu. Ap. and 3d Tu. Aug. and Dec. (Dec. term for civil actions only.) Somerset Co., at Norridgewock, 3d Tu. Mar., Sept., and Dec. Wal do Co., at Belfast, 1st Tu. Jan., and 3d Tu. in Ap. and Oct. Washington Co., at Machias, 1st Tues. of Jan. and 1st Tues. of Oct.; and at Calais, 4th Tu. Ap. York Co., Saco, 1st Tu. Jan.; Alfred, 3d Tu. May, and 3d Tu. Sept.

THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR CUMBERLAND COUNTY has exclusive jurisdiction in civil actions from $20 to $500, and concurrent jurisdiction with S. J. Court in actions exceeding $500, and criminal jurisdiction in all actions. Court sits for trial of civil actions exclusively, 1st Tu. of Feb. Mch, Apr., Oct., Nov., and Dec.; and for civil and criminal cases, 1st Tues. of Jan., May, and September.

(Corrected 1869.)

SUPREME COURT.-At Newport, 3d
Mon. in Mar., and 3d Mon. in Sept.
Providence, 4th Mon. in March, and 1st
Mon. in Oct. South Kingston, 3d Mon. in
Feb., and 3d Mon. in Aug. Bristol, 1st
Mon. in March, and 2d Mon. in Sept.
East Greenwich, 2d Mon. in March, and
4th Mon. in Aug.

COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. - At Newport, 3d Mon. in May, and 3d Mon. in Nov. Providence, 1st Mon. in Mar., June, Sept., and Dec. (the March and Sept. terms are for criminal business only). So. Kingston, 2d Mon. in May, and 1st Mon. in Nov. Bristol, 1st Mon. in May, and last Mon. in Oct. East Greenwich, 2d Mon. in April, and 2d Mon. in Oct.


SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASS. SUPERIOR Court of MASSACHUSETTS.JURY TERMS.-For Barnstable and Dukes For Essex Co., (civil) at Salem, 1st Mon. Counties, at Barnstable, 1st Tuesday of of June and Dec., at Lawrence, 1st Mon. May. For Berkshire Co., at Lenox, 2d of March, and at Newburyport, 1st Mon. Tues. of May. For Bristol Co., at New of Sept.; (crim.) at Lawrence, 2d Mon. Bedford, 2d Tues. of Nov.; also at Taun- of Oct., at Newburyport, 2d Mon. of May, ton, 3d Tues. of April. For Essex Co., at and at Salem, 4th Mon. of Jan. Salem, 3d Tu. of April and 1st Tu. Nov. For Middlesex Co., (civil) at Lowell, 2d For Franklin Co., at Greenfield, 2d Tu. of Mon. of March and 1st Mon. of Sept.; April. For Hampden Co., at Springfield, at Cambridge, 1st Mon. of June, and 2d 4th Tues. of April. For Hampshire Co., Mon. of Dec.; (crim.) at Cambridge, 2d at Northampton, 3d Tues. of April. For Mon. of Feb., and 4th Mon. of June; and Middlesex Co., at Lowell, 3d Tues. of at Lowell, 3d Mon. of Oct.

April; also at Cambridge, 3d Tues. of For Hampshire Co., at Northampton, Oct. For Nantucket Co., at Nantucket, (civil) 3d Mon. of Feb., 1st Mon. of June, 1st Tues. of July. For Norfolk Co., at and 3d Mon. of Oct.; (crim.) 2d Mon. of Dedham, 3d Tues. of Feb. For Plymouth June and 3d Mon. of Dec.

Co., at Plymouth, 2d Tues. of May. For For Franklin Co., at Greenfield, 3d Mon. Suffolk Co., at Boston, 1st Tues. of Oct. of March, and 2d Mon. of Aug. and Nov. and April. For Worcester Co., at Worcester, 2d Tues. of April.

For Hampden Co., at Springfield, (civil) 2d Mon. of March and June, and 4th Mon. of Oct.; (crim.) 3d Mon. of May, and 1st Mon. of Dec.

LAW TERMS OF SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS.-A law term For Berkshire Co., at Lenox, (civil) 4th of the Supreme Judicial Court shall be Mon. of Feb., June, and Oct.; (crim.) held at Boston on the first Wednesday of 1st Mon. of Jan. and July. January of each year, which term may be For Norfolk Co., at Dedham, civil, 4th adjourned, from time to time, to places and Mon. in Apr., Sept., and Dec.; criminal, times most conducive to the despatch of 1st Mon. in Apr., Sept., and Dec. business and the interests of the public;| For Plymouth Co.,at Plymouth, 2d Mon. and there shall be entered and determined of Feb. and June,and 4th Mon. of Oct. therein questions of law arising in the For Bristol Co., at Taunton, 2d Mon. of counties of Barnstable, Dukes County, March and Sept., and at New Bedford, 2d Middlesex, Nantucket, Norfolk, and Suf- Mon. of June and Dec. folk; and also all questions of law arising

For Suffolk Co., (civil) at Boston, 1st

in other counties where special provisions Tues. of Jan., Ap'l, July, and Oct.; (crim.) are not made therefor. at Boston, 1st Mon. of every month.

And law terms of said court shall also annually be held as follows:

At Salem, for Essex Co., 1st Tues. of November.

At Pittsfield, for Berkshire Co., 2d Tues. of September.

At Springfield, for Hampden Co., 3d Mon. after 1st Tues. of Sept.

For Barnstable Co., at Barnstable, Tues. next after 1st Mon. of April, and 2d Tues. of Oct.

For Nantucket Co., at Nantucket, 1st Mon. of June and Oct.

For Dukes County, at Edgartown, last Mon. of May and Sept.

For Worcester Co., (civil) at Worcester, At Northampton, for Hampshire and 1st Mon. of March, Mon. next_after 4th Franklin Cos., Mon. next after 2d Tu. Sept. Mon. of Aug., and 2d Mon. of Dec.; and At Worcester, for Worcester Co., 4th at Fitchburg, 2d Mon. of June and Nov.; Tues. after 1st Tues. of Sept. At Plymouth, 3d Tues. of Oct.

At Taunton, 4th Tues. of Oct.

(crim.) at Worcester, 3d Mon. of Jan., 2d Mon. of May, and 3d Mon. of Oct.; and at Fitchburg, 2d Mon. of Aug.


There is in each county a Court of Insolvency, held by the same judge as the Probate Court, at such times and places as the judge appoints.

While the Bankrupt Law of the United States is in force, the Insolvency Law is suspended as to new cases, but not as to those previously commenced.

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