COMMENCEMENTS, ANNIVERSARIES, AND VACATIONS OF COLLEGES AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS IN NEW ENGLAND. MASS. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. The acad. year is divided into three terms of 13 w. cach, beginning respectively the 2d Thurs. of Sept., the 4th Thurs. of Jan., and the 1st Thurs. of May. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BOSTON. - Acad. year from 1st Mon. in Oct. to 1st of June. HARVARD, AT CAMBRIDGE, MASS.Com., 3d Wed. July. Acad. year of 40 w. ends at Com., and consists of two terms, 20 w. each, separated by 6 w. vaca. CAMBRIDGE THEO. SEM., AT CAMBRIDGE, MASS. - Vaca., same as Harvard College. DANE LAW SCHOOL, AT CAMBRIDGE, MASS. - Vaca., same as Harvard College. TUFTS COLLEGE, MEDFORD, MASS. College year divided into two terms, of 20 w. each, and two vaca. of 6 w. each. The year is reckoned from Com., 2d Wed. in July, which is followed by 1st vaca. AMHERST, AT AMHERST, MASS. Com., 2d Thurs. July. Vaca., 6 w. from Thanksgiving; 7 w. from Com.; Recess 1 w. from 1st Wed. in April. WILLIAMS, AT WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS. -Com., last Wed. in July. Vaca., 5 w. after Com.; from 4th Tues. in Nov., 6 w.; 3d Tues. in Apr., 2 w. ANDOVER THEO. SEM., AT ANDOVER, Mass.-Anniv. 1st Thurs. in Aug. Vaca., 6 w., and 6 w.preceding 1st May. NEWTON THEO. INST., AT NEWTON CENTRE, MASS. - Anniv., last Wed. in June. Vaca., from anniv. to Fri. after 1st Wed. in Sept., and also 3 w. from last Wed. in Jan. BANGOR THEO. SEM., AT BANGOR, ME. -Anni.,last July. Vac., w. YALE, AT NEW HAVEN, CONN. - Com., last Thurs. but one in July. Vaca., 8 w. from Com.; 2 w. before 1st Wed. in Jan., and 2 w. before last Wed. in April, when the terms commence. TRINITY, AT HARTFORD, CONN.Com., Thurs. before July 4th. Vac., 9 w. from Com.; 4 w. from Thurs. before Christmas. WESLEYAN, AT MIDDLETOWN, CONN. -Com., 3d Thurs. of July. Vaca., 8 w. from Com., and 2 w. from the 18th of Dec., and 3 w. from the 18th of March. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT, AND STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, AT BURLINGTON. - Com., 1st Thurs. in Aug. Vaca., Com. 4 w.; 1st Wed. in Dec. 8 w., and 1 w. from 2d Wed. in May. MIDDLEBURY, AT MIDDLEBURY, VT. Com., Thurs. follow'g 2d Aug. Vaca., 4 w.; also 8 w. from last Wed. in Nov.; and from last Tues. in April, 2 w. DARTMOUTH, AT HANOVER, N. H. Com., last Thurs. but one of July. Vac., 6 w. from Com.; 6 w. from Nov. 29; 2 w. from April 18. BROWN, AT PROVIDENCE, R. I. - Com., 1st Wed. in Sept. 1st recess, Thanksgiving weck; 2d do., last w. in April. Vaca., 3d Thurs. in Jan. to 2d Friday in Feb., 1st Wed. in July to Com. BOWDOIN, AT BRUNSWICK, ME.-Com., 1st Wed. in Aug. Vaca., at Com., 3 w.; from last Wed. in Nov., 8 w.; from 3d Wed. in April, 2 w. COLBY UNIVERSITY, AT WATERVILLE, ME. Com., 2d Wed. in Aug. Vaca., at Com., 4 w.; from 2d w. in Dec. 8 w.; from 1st Wed. in May, 1 w. MAINE WESLEYAN SEM. AND FEMALE COLLEGE, AT KENT'S HILL. - Three terms of 13 w. each. Fall term com.2dWed. in Aug. Winter term, last Mon. in Nov. Spring term, 2d Mon. in March. NORWICH UNIVERSITY, AT NORWICH, VT. - Com., 4th Thurs. in June. Fall term, 16 w.; vaca., 2 w. from Thurs. bef. Christmas. Winter term, 16 w., fol. by 1 w. vaca. Summer term, 8 w. EXECUTIVE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES (SEPT., 1868). ANDREW JOHNSON, Tenn., Pres., $25,000 | Hugh McCulloch, Pa., Sec. Treas., $8,000 Wm. H. Seward, N. Y., Sec. State, 8,000 Orville H. Browning, Ill., " Inte., 8,000 Gideon Welles, Conn., J. M. Schofield, III. Geo. Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Q. Adams, 66 Navy, 8,000 A. W. Randall, Wis., Post. Gen., 8,000 War, 8,000 Age on Feb. 22, 1732, Term of Office. 1789 to 1797, leaving office. Died. 65, Dec. 14, 1799. Oct. 19, 1735, 1797 to 1801, do., July 4, 1826. Apr. 2, 1743, 1801 to 1809, do., July 4, 1826. Mar. 16, 1751, 1809 to 1817, do., June 23, 1836. Apr. 28, 1758, 1817 to 1825, 66, July 4, 1831. Mass., July 11, 1767, 1825 to 1829, 61, Feb. 23, 1848. N. C., Mar. 15, 1767, 1829 to 1837, 69, June 8, 1845. N. Y., Dec. 5, 1782, 1837 to 1841, 58; July 24, 1862. Va., Feb. 9, 1773, 1841 68 Apr. 4, 1841. 66 Mar. 29, 1790, 1841 to 1845, 54, Jan. 17, 1862. Nov. 2, 1795, 1845 to 1849, 53, June 15, 1849. Zachary Taylor, Va., Nov. 24, 1784, 1849 to 1850, 65, July 9, 1850. Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1800, 1850 to 1853, 53, Ν. Η., Nov. 23, 1804, 1853 to 1857, 52, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, Penn., Ky., Apr. 22, 1791, 1857 to 1861, 69, Feb. 12, 1809, 1861 to 1865, 56, June 1, 1868. April 15, 1865. Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, Wm. H. Harrison, John Tyler, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' MEETINGS IN MASSACHUSETTS. ESSEX, at Ipswich, on the 2d Tues. of HAMPDEN, at Springfield, on the 2d April; at Salem, on the 2d Tues. of July; at Newburyport, on the 2d Tues. of Oct.; and at Lawrence, on the last Tues. of Aug.; and on the 4th Tues. of Dec., at Ipswich, Salem, or Newburyport, as they shall order at their next preceding term. MIDDLESEX, at Cambridge, on the 1st Tues. of Jan., and the 1st Tues. of June; and at Lowell, on the 1st Tues. of Sept. WORCESTER, at Worcester, on the 4th Tu. of March, the 3d Tu. of June, the 2d Tu. of Sept., and the 4th Tu. of Dec. HAMPSHIRE, at Northampton, on the 1st Tues. of March, Sept., and Dec., and on the Tues. next after the 2d Mon. of June. FRANKLIN, at Greenfield, on the 1st Tues. of March and Sept., and the 2d Tues. of June and Dec. Tues. of April, the 1st Tues. of Oct., and the 4th Tues. of June and Dec. BERKSHIRE, at Pittsfield, on 1st Tu. of Apl., July, and Sept., and last Tu. Dec. NORFOLK, at Dedham, on the 3d Tues. of April, the 4th Tues. of June and Sept., and the last Wed. of Dec. PLYMOUTH, at Plymouth, on the 1st Tues. of Jan., the 3d Tues, of March, and the 1st Tues. of Aug. BRISTOL, at Taunton, on the 4th Tues. of March and Sept. BARNSTABLE, at Barnstable, on the 2d Tues. of April and Oct. DUKES COUNTY, at Edgartown, on the Wed. next after the 3d Mon. of May, and the Wed. next after the 2d Mon. of November. (Corrected 1868.) REGISTERS IN BANKRUPTCY IN NEW ENGLAND. (1868.) 1869. s Declination. JANUARY, First Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. 23 19 20 13 25 18 49 12 20 20 0 26 18 34 21 4 22 40 10 21 53 16 20 50 22 19 33 22 33 11 21 43 17 20 38 23 19 19 22 26 12 21 33 18 20 26 24 19 4 30 17 30 Last Quarter, 5th day, 1h. 38m., morning. m. m. h. ж. * But Winter came, and shook The crown and purple from my wood; His snows, like desert sand, with scornful drift Aspects, Holidays, Events, Farmer's Calendar. Stm'r" Colorado," the first PLAN out the work for the year. fm San Fran- No time comes in the hurry of the spring to think and lay out work 1 Fr. Circum. the Chin mail line 2 Sa. 68.68. 3 C. 2d Su. af. Ch. 6 sup. in the best way. Do it now. 4 Mo.. Columbus returns to Spain, from his first voyage, 1493. These long evenings cannot be 5 Tu. 8. Low tides. better filled. Make plans that 6 W.stat. Epipha. Magisinde Mass. and Me. can be carried out. Study and 7 Th. Signs of 8 Fr. Battle of New Orleans, { 1815. 9 Sa. 6h৫. fix in the mind a definite idea of any alterations and repairs needed, snow. and make preparation for them now, such as getting out timber 69. and other materials. Keep stock in a thriving condition, the barn warm, clean, well ventilated. A little plaster and muck is a good thing to sprinkle on the stall floors every day. A few hours in the yard, of a mild day, will give and young stock a little ex Getting gr. hel. lat. S. High ti. to be 15 Fr. Hon. Edward Everett died, aged 71, 1865. 16 Sa. in Apogee. windy.ercise. But don't expose fattening 17 C. 2d Sun. after Epiphany. 18 Mo. Very stock in that way. Clean their stalls while they are out. Sheep need clean, well-littered sheds, and 20 W. Joshua Converse, of Woburn, attained water regularly. Blanket horses 21 Th. {the age of 100, 1868. about thick blanket kept only when heated by work. A on all the time 22 Fr. Charles Kean, the tragedian, died, aged will make a horse tender. Card 1869. 's Declination. FEBRUARY, Second Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. 45 8 13 13 10 19 11 4 25 29 21 47 23 10 23 27 5 15 45 11 13 50 17 11 (Last Quarter, 3d day, Oh. 12m, evening. 53 8 30 88 7 45 D 8. Soutis.. h. 22. R. m. 20 31 rei. 11 3 4 6 10 W. 7 3 5 26 10 23 1 19 14 29 11 11 legs sets. 11 35 19 Fг. 6 51 5 38 10 47 1 43 14 8 44 5 arm 20 Sa. 6 49 5 39 10 50 146 14 9 21 SU.648 5 40 10 52 148 14 10 22 Mo. 6 46 5 42 1056 1 52 14 11 23 Tu. 6 45 5 43 1058 154 14 12 73 84 br. 849br. 24 W. 6 43 5 44 11 11 57 13 13 9 10 h'rt 25 Th. 6 42 5 45 11 3 159 13 14 109 111 hrt 26 Fr. 6 40 5 47 11 7 2 31311- bel. 27 Sa. 6 39 5 48 11 9 2 5 13 160 0 bel. 28 SU. 637 5 49 11 12 28 13 17 0 14 rei. 526 11 0 6 12 11 59 rises. morn. 728 0 56 842 152 VENUS will be morning staruntil May 9th; and evening star the rest of the year." JUPITER will be evening star until April 17th; then morning star till Nov. Sth; 031 6 13 336 8 59 4 33 10 0 |