

Days. Id.

JUNE, Sixth Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

m. Days. Id. m. Days. d. m. Days. [d.

Days of

's Declination.

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m. Days.d.
27 25 23 23




19 20

23 27 26

23 21

22 25








23 27

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22 32 10



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O Full Moon, 5th day, 2h. 11m., morning.
Last Quarter, 13th day, 5h. 29m., morning.
New Moon, 20th day, 10h. 1m., morning.
> First Quarter, 27th day, 1h. 6m., morning.

Length Day's D

Full Sea,
Morn | Even




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R. 8.
h. m.


Souths. h. m.


1 Mo. 4 25 7 30




2 10


82 rei.

2 32

9 28

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2 Tu.

Bright is the world with the sun's warm rays,
Clear is the dew on the soft green sod,

The rose tree blooms, while the birds sing praise,
And earth gives glory to Nature's God.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

National Fast on account of the death
of President Lincoln, 1865.

Farmer's Calendar.

THE oftener you can stir the Donati's comet appeared,-1858. Now soil among the growing crops this 3 W. 6 h C. earthquake in N.E.,1744. weeds, which now shoot up rapN. H. Leg. meets. Great month the better. It destroys the 4 Th. Battle of Magenta, 1859. some idly; it loosens the surface, and 5 Fr. National flag raised again at Galveston, prevents any injury from drought; 6 Sa. High tides. dull it promotes the growth of plants in various ways. Therefore start up the horse cultivator. You will find that it saves a great deal of

Texas, 1865.

8 Mo.

7 D. Trinity Sun. H.


runs low.

9 Tu. at greatest brilliancy. hand labor. Sow plenty of corn 10 W. in Apogee. may be for fodder in drills. It is a great 11 Th. St. Barna's. Frost in low grounds convenience in the dry and hot 12 Fr. Wat Tyler's insurrection, expected.tember, and it has the advantage about Boston, 1852. days of August and early in Sep13 Sa. Pleasant for a that in case it is not all needed it 14 D. 1st S. af. T. 6. L. ti. may be cured and used in winter. 15 Mo. 6. Geo. Washington app.com- Of all our fodder, or soiling plants, mander-in-chief, 1775. Indian corn is the best and most 16 Tu. gr. elong. E. few productive, and the farmer who 17 W. 6 C. Battle of Bunker Hill, neglects to sow an acre or two has 18 Th. Battle of Waterloo, 1815. days. not got his eyes open to modern 19 Fr. 20th. Victoria proclaimed queen, 1837. improvements. Ruta-bagas may 20 Sa. Oent.. Sum. beg. H. ti. go in as late as the 20th of the 21 D. 2d Sun. af. Tr. Cru. month, or even later. You may high. fill up vacant patches with them, 22 Mo. 6 C. 69 C. Cin Per. and the spots where the early peas 23 Tu. 9 stationary. Hot for grew. If you have a piece of oats 24 W. St. John Baptist. the to be cut green and cured for fod25 Th. Battle of Bannockburn der, you may plough up the stubfought, 1314. ble, harrow, sow on a heavy dress26 Fr. Sir Walter Raleigh visited Virginia, 1607. ing of superphosphate and plaster, 27 Sa. Constitutional Convention of Maryland and raise a capital crop of ruta28 D. 3d Sun. af. Trin. Low ti. bagas, that will fill up the cart, and the cellar too, in the month Very of November, to an extent beyond warm. calculation. Nothing like a good| supply of roots.

declares emancipation, 1864.

29 Mo. St. Peter.

30 Tu.




's Declination.



JULY, Seventh Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

m. Days.d. m. Days.d. m. Days. Id. m. Days. Id. 23N. 4 7 22 31 13 21 44 19 20


44 25 19 31 35 20 20 32 26 19 17


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25 21 20 21 27 19 4

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O Full Moon, 4th day, 3h. 55m., evening.
Last Quarter, 12th day, 7h. 56m., evening.
New Moon, 19th day, 5h. 12m., evening.
> First Quarter, 26th day, 9h. 7m., morning.

Rises. Sets.




Length of Days.

Day's D


h. m. h. m.

W. 4 277 40 15 13 2|Th. |4 27|7 40|15 13|

3 Fr. 4 28 7 40

4 Sa. 4 28 7 40

5 SU.4 29 7 39

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411 82 91 thi. |.2 16| 9 52 4 12 93|10 |thi. | 2 56|10 41 413 101 102 thi. 3 38 11 30 40 114 114 kn. rises. morn. kn. 8 8 0 19

S. A.

415 12

6 Mo. 4 29 7 39

15 10



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legs 9 21 1 53

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Traced is God's name in delicate lines

On flower and leaf: as they dress the stem
His care is seen, and His wisdom shines
In even the thorn that is guarding them.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

1W.6h C. in Aph. Cin A.
2 Th. the army, 1775.
Washington took command of Fine,
3 Fr. Battle of Gettysburg, 1863. if not

4 Sa.


runs low.

Farmer's Calendar.

DON'T wait till after the Fourth to begin haying. Many a piece of clover should have come down a week ago. That June grass on the knoll has been ready for some

5 D. 4th S. af. T. 6 HO. H. ti. days, and it would be as well to

6 Mo.

7 Tu.

Boston and Wor, railroad

completed, 1865.

in Apogee.

too pitch into that. Early cut hay, remember, is the best for all stock,

dry. and it is a great gain to get ahead

8 W. Port Hudson surrendered, 1963, Good with the haying before the summer


10 Fr. Columbus born, 1447.

11 Sa. 6 C.

haying rains begin. There is less danger weather. of your hay lacking substance from Not early cutting than of being hard 6C.Wheat should be cut a week before and woody from getting too ripe. so fine it is dead ripe. The grain will for weigh more, and be better every a day way. So of oats. Cut early, the

12 D. 5th Sun. af. Trin.
13 Mo. Low tides.

14 Tu. 6 O Inf.
15 W.Napoleon sailed for St.

Helena, 1815.

C. 69

17 Fr. Dr. Watts born, 1674.


straw is vastly better for feed, and brighter. Midsummer is a good or two. time to cut timber, but it won't do C. runs high. to forget the weeds in the cornfield 6.and the carrot bed. "A stitch in time," you know, saves thousands, for one weed allowed to shed its

16 Th.

18 Sa.

19 D. 6th Sun. af. Trin.

20 Mo.

21 Tu. 22 W.

23 Th.

24 Fr.

at New York, 1865.


in Per. H. ti. [69 C. stat. gr. hel. lat. S. seed will produce a host of little Iron-clad steamer Dunderberg launched weeds, that soon grow to big ones. Bunker Hill Monument completed, Raising weeds is bad and profitless stat. died, aged 79, 1862. Ex-President Van Buren farming. Forage crops pay better. 25 Sa. St. James. Dog Days beg. Remember they have to go afoot. Have a little mercy on the teams. 26 D. 7th Sun. af. Tr. 9 in Aph. It's hard work pulling the mowing Rain, machine at midday in the hot with sun. Pitching hay up over the thunder barn beams is no child's play. Why don't you get a horse hayand fork? It saves the muscles, and

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Days of

Q's Declination.


Days. d.


AUGUST, Eighth Month.

Astronomical Calculations.


m. Days. Id. m. Days. d.


m.Days.d. m.Days.d. 14 13 14 28 19 12 33 25 10 31


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Full Moon, 3d day, 7h. 8m., morning.
Last Quarter, 11th day, 7h. 44m., morning.
New Moon, 18th day, Oh. 27m., morning.
> First Quarter, 24th day, 8h. 3m., evening.

Length of Days.

Day's D


m. h. m. h. m. h. m.

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2 SU.4 53 7 18
3 Mo. 4 54 7 17
4 Tu. 4 55 7 15
5 W. 4 57 7 14
6 Th. 4 58 7 13
7 Fr. 4 59 7 12
8 Sa. 5 0 7 10 14 10 1

14 25

0 52

14 23

0 54

6|13|10 |10| kn.
614 10 114 legs
60 111 112 legs

4 4 11 51 rises. morn.

14 20

0 57



7 550 36

14 17 1 0

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14 15 1 2

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14 13


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