1487573 US 10085 TO PATRONS AND CORRESPONDENTS. We are happy to present the sixty-ninth number of our familiar annual, and to state that no pains have been spared to make it equal with its predecessors, and in every respect up to the times. Acknowledgments are due to many parties who have rendered essential service in the preparation of the present number. Communications, answers to problems, etc., have been received from S.W.R., Lexington, Ms.; J.A.R., Simsbury, Ct.; W.H.M. Fitchburg, Ms.; C. E. B., Great Barrington, Ms. ; J. W. R., Stoughton, Ms.; C. N II., Grafton, Ms.; B.F., North Castine, Me.; H.C., Newton Lower Falls, Ms.; CA M., East Freetown, Ms. A list of State and County Agricultural Societies in New England is given on p. 45 It is desirable to give, also, a full list of the Farmers' Clubs, and information is requested in regard to these. With this general request, and the statement that all communications should be directed to the care of the publishers, and sent previous to the 1st of July, in each year, we have only to add, "that no efforts shall be spared to make the Almanack useful, pleasing, and worthy the continued patronage of its numerous friends. Shomas." EXHIBITIONS OF AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES IN MASS. THE Agricultural Societies are required by law to commence their Annual Exhibitions on the days following: The "Middlesex North," and "High-| The "Berkshire," "Worcester," and land," on the last Thurs. but two in Sept. "Bristol," on the first Tuesday of Oct. The "Middlesex South." "Hampden The "Hampshire Hampden and FrankEast," and "Hoosac Valley," on the last lin," "Worcester South," and "PlymTuesday but one of Sept. outh," on the first Thursday of Octo The "Middlesex," and "Hampden," ber. on the last Thursday but one of Sept. The "Barnstable," and "Worcester The "Essex," and "Worcester North," South East," on the second Tuesday of on the last Tuesday of Sept. The "Franklin," "Worcester County Oct. The "Nantucket," and "Hampshire," West," and "Norfolk," on the last Thurs- on the second Thursday of Oct. day of Sept. The "Martha's Vineyard," on the third The "Housatonic," on the last Wednes- Tuesday of Oct. day of Sept. MASSACHUSETTS LAW RELATING TO FARMERS' CLUBS. FARMERS' CLUBS, properly organized and holding regular meetings, shall, upou application made annually, in November, to the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, receive copies of the Report of said Board, and its other publications, in proportion to the number of their members and applications so made. Clubs rec iving such benefits shall annually, in October, make returns to said Secretary of the experiments made by them, and of the reports of their committees. General Market Day, at South Danvers, last Tues. of every month. FOR YEARLY AND QUARTERLY MEETINGS OF FRIENDS IN NEW ECLIPSES OF THE SUN AND MOON FOR 1861. Is this year there will be three eclipses of the SUN and one of the Moox. I.-An Annular Eclipse of the Sun, January 9th, visible to Australia and the Southern Ocean. II.-An Annular Eclipse of the Sun, July 7th, visible to the south-eastern portion of Asia and Australia. III.-A Partial Eclipse of the Moon, December 17th, visible as follows: Moon leaves Shadow, Moon leaves Penumbra, 6h. 6m. Magnitude of Eclipse=0.185 (Moon's diameter = 1). To find the time of eclipse at any other place, apply the difference of time from Boston, as given below. IV. A Total Eclipse of the Sun, Dec. 31st. The line of total eclipse will pass southward of the W. Indies, and through the N. W. corner of Africa. It will be partial, the sun rising partially eclipsed to all that portion of the U. S. east of a line extending through Detroit, Mich., and Austin, Texas, and last two hours at Boston. There will be an occultation of Mars by the Moon on the evening of May 12th. The immersion of the planet will occur, to the New England States generally, at about 8 o'clock; - duration of occultation, one hour. The longitudes of the following places are counted west from Greenwich, while the differences of time refer to Boston. (+) added to, (—) subtracted from, Boston time. N. Lat. W. Lon. Diff. N. Lat. W. Lon. Diff. 1440 19' 690 50+ 5Boston, Mass.....1420 21 710 3 44 54 66 56 +17 Worcester, Place. 42 16 71 48 3 Place. Augusta, Me. Eastport, "6 66 Bangor, 66 ...... Portland, 66 Brunswick," 43 53 69 55+ 5 Hartford, Conn..... 41 46 72 41 Concord, N. H.. Dover, แ Montpelier, Vt.... 44 17 72 41 18 72 55 HINTS AND HOME QUESTIONS FOR 1861. I suppose you know it is better to wear out than to rust out; hard work kills less than ten where idleness kills a hundred. Don't stop to bother a busy man; his time may be worth something if yours is not. Have you a just and sensitive appreciation of time? You can read much through the winter season, and if you read judiciously selected books, and think over carefully every subject treated in them, it will not be time lost. A farmer ought to know everything. He that borrows binds himself with his neighbor's rope. The Chinese have a saying that every gray hair has a well of wisdom at its root. What should you do if, suddenly awakened in the night, you found your house on fire? How would you act if. in the neighborhood of a stream, you were told a person had just been apparently drowned! The above questions are worth considering, for you may soon be called upon to answer them, and promptly too. What kind of an example do you set? COMMENCEMENTS, ANNIVERSARIES, AND VACATIONS, OF COLLEGES AND THEOLOGICAL SCHOOLS, IN NEW ENGLAND. HARVARD, AT CAMBRIDGE, MASS.-Com., com.; 4 w. from the Thurs, before Christ3d Wed. July. Vaca., 1st, from end of first mas. term, 6 w. ; 2d, from end of second term WESLEYAN, AT MIDDLETOWN, CONN. (commencement week), 6 w. ; the academi- Com., 4th Wed. in June. Vaca., 4 w. from cal year being divided into two terms of com. ; 8 w. from Dec. 1; 2 w. from May 4. 20 weeks each, and beginning at com. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT, AT BURLING CAMBRIDGE THEO. SEM., AT CAMBRIDGE, TON.-Com., 1st Wed. in Aug. Vaca., com. MASS.Vaca., same as Harvard College. 4 w.; 1st Wed. in Dec. 8 w., and 1 w. TUFTS COLLEGE, MEDFORD, MS. -Com., from 24 Wed. in May. 2d Wed. in July. Vaca., 1st, from end of 1st term, 6 w., 2d, from end of 2d term, 6 w. College year divided as at Harvard College. MIDDLEBURY, AT Middlebury, Vt. — Com., 2d Wed. in Aug. Vaca., com. 4 w. ; last Wed. in Nov., 8 w.; 1 w. from 4th Wed. in April. DARTMOUTH, AT HANOVER, N. H.-Com., last Thurs. in July. Vaca., 4 w. from co.m.; w. beginning in Nov., and 2 w. in May. BROWN, AT PROVIDENCE, R. I.- Com., 1st Wed. in Sept. Vaca., from 24 Wed. in July to com., and from 3d Wed. in Jan. to 3d Wed. in Feb. AMHERST, AT AMHERST, MASS. — Com., 2d Thurs. in Aug. Vaca., 4 w. from com.; 6 w. from the Wed. before annual Thanks-7 giving; 3 w. from the 3d Wed. in April. WILLIAMS, AT WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS. Com., 1st Wed. in Aug, Vaca., 5 w. after com.; from 4th Tues. in Nov., 6 w. ; 3d Tues. in Apr., 2 w. BOWDOIN, AT BRUNSWICK, ME. .Com., ANDOVER THEOL. SEM., AT ANDOVER, 1st Wed. in Aug. Vaca., at com., & W.; MASS.-Anniv., 1st Wed. in Sept. Vaca., from last Wed. in Nov., 8 w. ; from 3d 7 w., and 5 w. preceding last Wed. in May. Wed. in April, 2 w. NEWTON THEO. INSTITUTION, AT NEWTON, WATERVILLE, AT WATERVILLE, ME.MASS.-Anniv., last Wed. in June. Vaca., Com., 2d Wed. in Aug. Vaca., at com.. 9 w. from anniv., and also 3 w. from last 4 w.; from 2d Wed. in Dec., 8 w.; from Wed. in January. 1st Wed. in May, 1 w. Com., -- YALE, AT NEW HAVEN, CONN.MAINE WESLEYAN SEM. AT READFIELD, last Thurs. in July. Vaca., 7 w. from com.ME.- Two terms, of 15 weeks each. Fall 2 w. before 1st Wed. in Jan., and 3 w. term com. 1st Wed. in Aug. Spring term before 1st Wed. in May, when the terms com. 1st Wed. in March. commence. BANGOR THEO. SEM., AT BANGOR, ME. — TRINITY, AT HARTFORD, CONN. Com., Anniv., last Wed. in July. Vaca., from Thurs. before July 4th. Vac., 9 w. from do., 12 w. EXECUTIVE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES Isaac Toucey, John Adams, James Madison, Va., AMERICAN PRESIDENTS. Where Bora. Date of Birth. Va., Term of Office. term expired. .Died. 66, Dec. 14, 1799 do., July 4, 1826 do., (JUNE, 1860). Geo., Miss., Sec. Trea., $8,000 "Inter., 8,000 Ky., Post. Gen., 8,000 64 8,000 Age when Geo. Washington, Feb. 22, 1732, 1789 to 1797, 1797 to 1801, Thomas Jefferson, Va 1801 to 1809, July 4, 1826 66 Mar. 5, 1751, 1809 to 1817, do., June 28, 1836 Apr. 2, 1759, July 4, 1831 John Q. Adams, Mass., July 11, 1767, Feb. 23, 1848 Andrew Jackson, S. C., Mar. 15, 1767, Martin Van Buren, 1837 to 1841, 59. Feb. 9, 1772, Apr. 4, 1841 John Tyler, Mar. 29, 1790, James K. Polk, 1845 to 1849, 54, June 15, 1849 Zachary Taylor, Va., Nov. 24, 1784, 1849 to 1850, 65, July 9, 1850 Millard Fillmore, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1800, 1850 to 1953, 53. Franklin Pierce, 1853 to 1857, 53. Apr. 13, 1791, LEGAL TENDER OF GOLD 66 66 AND SILVER COIN. Half Eagle, 135 gr., is 2 00 Ducat of Naples, 100 Piastre of Turkey, / 1-0016 Franc Piece (French), 18 6-10 ct.. 80 44 42-5 " 93.44 WORTHLESS AND UNCURRENT BANK NOTES IN NEW ENGLAND. CORRECTED BY CLAPP, FULLER & BROWNE, Dealers in Bank Notes, Specie and Land Warrants, 37 State Street, corner of Congress Street. MASSACHUSETTS. American Bank, Commercial Bank, Commonwealth B'k, Cochituate Bank, Franklin Bank, Fultca Bank, Grocers Bank, Hay narket Sq. B'k, Val. on Dol. } Boston, Salem, Amherst Bank, Amherst, Roxbury Bk, Roxbury, Pawtucket Bk, Pawtuck., NEW HAMPSHIRE. Exeter, Farmers' Bank, Amherst, Lancaster Bk, Lancaster, Lebanon Bank, Lebanon, Maguf. Bk, N. Ipswich, Commercial B'k, Val. on Dol. Ports mouti.. Piscataqua B'k, Bank of North America, Agricult'l Bank, Brewer, City Bank, Exchange Bank, Bangor, Portland, Orono, B'k of Old Town, br'k, Canton Bank, China, Castine Bank, Castine, Central Bank, Hallowell, Central Bank, Grey, City B'k, Portland, Citizens' (old pl.), 50 90 Val. on Dol. Kennebeck Bk, Hallowell, Kennebunk Bank, Machias Bank. Megunticook Bk,Camden, Newport Bank, Newport, Saco Bank, Saco, Ship Builders' B'k, Rock- St. Croix Bank, Calais, brook, closed. 95 Danby Bank, Danby, Au- Eagle Bank, Newport, |