
envy shall sink to hell - craft and malice be confounded. Then will every one covet to serve ye — for lordship and victory are but the pages of justice and virtue. Join your invincible might to do worthy and godlike deeds and he that seeks to break your union, a cleaving curse be his inheritance to all generations!"

In the fervent hope that this scientific exposition of the gross and glaring error in judgment which still chains down man to the horrors of "Superstition" an evil so severely denounced by our Saviour-may induce stronger and more able advocates in the pious cause of true "RELIGION" to enter the lists, and do mortal fight with the hideous monster, till he shall be totally extirpated from the face of the earth-we leave the subject with a calm conscience, under the impression that something is done to promote that laudable end. That the spirit of the "DIVINE REVELATION" will blaze forth in the full effulgence of etherial light, which will penetrate the understandings of the heathen, both civilized and savage, is the least benefit that will be derived from employing the sword of Science to gain the conquest. The most important benefit will be the fulfilment of the very "REVELATION" itself, by giving

it that absolute universality—the true aboλxòs-which Science alone can command through that powerful engine of the human mind "PRACTICAL REASON."

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On the Human Nature of Christ.

The Historical Records relating to Jesus Christ as a MAN, being first tried by the indispensable criteria of possibility and probability, are most certainly as worthy of credit as any HISTORY that has descended to our day. Whatever passes these two impassable barriers must of necessity be treated as a chimera, and considered as a flight of eastern imagination, which, from our utter ignorance of the import of these types, cannot have the least weight with us. Niebuhr has shown that the origin of the Roman history is fabulous; why, therefore, may not some fable have crept into the early HISTORY of the Primitive Christians!

Whatever tends to confirm and corroborate the HISTORY of the Primitive Christians must naturally excite an intense interest in all the lovers of the only "True Religion," more particularly as the enemies of Christianity have been indefatigable in endeavouring to invalidate every testimony that could prove the existence of the "MAN Christ -nay, these revilers of the

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Gospel far surpass the Jews in their inveterate hatred of the Founder of Christianity.-The chosen people of God, the Jews, never attempted to deny the existence and ministry of the MAN Christ; but, from severe disappointment at not finding the Messiah, who was to be their king, arrayed in royal purple, and decked in all the pomp of regal state, they are content to brand this humble individual with the appellation of-false prophet: whereas the more enlightened enemies of Christianity at the present day go so far as to deny the existence of Christ altogether.-Oh! miserable display of folly and rancour! Do the Gospels exist?—Yes. Then they had an Author; and the only dispute that can be raised is, whether it was Christ or some one else.

Can there be a more futile occupation or a more ridiculous loss of time than that of attempting to disprove the existence of the author of any certain work as handed down to us; more particularly when that work contains a Science, whose principles come home to the CONVICTION of every individual! What benefit could possibly be derived from disputing the right of Euclid to the honour of having collected and arranged the "Elements of Geometry!"-Would the Science

suffer were this proved not to be the fact? Certainly not.- Why then disturb the long established belief that Jesus Christ really spoke those Divine Parables which the inspired writers have recorded, and which prevail at the present day! The complete and perfect "SCIENCE OF MORALS" contained in the New Testament-being a strict and pure Science of PRACTICAL REASON - can neither be confirmed nor confuted by any Historical relations, but must maintain its dignity entirely by its own purity, from internal evidence, which can neither be strengthened nor weakened by any thing drawn from HISTORY. This Science must either stand or fall upon the CONVICTION produced in the mind of every Rational Creature.

We shall, therefore, avail ourselves with avidity of every thing that confirms the well authenticated HISTORY of the birth, ministry, and crucifixion, of Jesus Christ.Is it to be conceived, for a moment, that, in the most enlightened and prosperous times of the Romans, and in the heart of a populous city like Jerusalem, facts of such notoriety as the trial and condemnation of a supposed Messiah did not take place !—Who will venture to deny that Pontius Pilate was Governor of Judea, then a Roman Province, and that this judge, finding no

fault in the accused person, endeavoured to save his life; and that, to save his own credit also, he referred the case to the high Priest of the Jews!

It is a well known fact that at that time the power of life and death was wrested from the Sanhedrim, and vested in the Roman Governor. This fully accounts for the pertinacity of the Jews, in obtaining the condemnation of this false prophet from Pilate. Mount Calvary bears witness to the Crucifixion! Now, the only question that presents itself is-Did these facts really take place, or did they not ! — Did Cæsar reign or did he not!-Which of these Historical records makes the strongest claim upon our belief!-Surely the one is as well authenticated as the other. Why, then, doubt either! But, since no HISTORY can in the least impugn the purity of the DOCTRINE handed down to us in the "Sacred Volume," why agitate the question at all !

HISTORY can form no part of DOCTRINE, the one being a record of events in TIME, while the other is a development of principles in ETERNITY. The whole intent of the DIVARICATION is to show the discordance between DOCTRINE and HISTORY; to show that the ingredients constituting these two opposite component parts of "Holy Writ" are susceptible of the clearest

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