
Concurrence is boundless! What finite being dare, with his contracted views, attempt to form the shadow of a notion of the influence of such inconceivable grandeur as this principle displays in its fullest and most perfect action in the infinite "Kingdom of Spirits," under the guidance of the unspeakable greatness of the generator of all Spirits, GOD himself! Rouse yourselves from your supineness, ye beings of SENSE, and aspire to that "Kingdom" not only promised but prepared for you before all worlds, otherwise you are unworthy your high destination! Let every one's conscience be awake to this awful appeal, or the gift of PRACTICAL REASON is thrown away upon you, and you sink beneath the brute, who is governed by INSTINCT.

When this Triune Law of UNDERSTANDING is expanded to the infinite by REASON, it displays the uniting power of the CREATOR both in Heaven and on Earth, or is the genuine ground of the idea we form of the AUTHOR of all things, under the three essential notions of CREATOR, PRESERVER, and RULER, of Moral Beings, as well as Lord of every thing in Heaven and on Earth, and of every material thing in TIME and spiritual thing in ETERNITY. Can there be a Law without a Lawgiver! Then, indeed, we obtain the idea of the SUPREME

LAWGIVER-GOD! Surely this is the Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Eternal Being revealed to us by Jesus Christ, who reigns sole, supreme, and sacred head of His own Moral Kingdom of Spirits, where he promulgates his divine laws by the creation of REASON. For, if the "Divine Revelation" of Jesus could contradict REASON, it could not bind rational beings. But


it does not; for they mutually confirm each other. Then, indeed, we are justified in exerting our Rational powers in separating the Historical from the Doctrinal part of the "Holy Book," and showing that the Doctrine of Christ and the Doctrine of Reason both produce one uniform system of morals, or a code for the motives which ought to be followed by every person endowed with REASON.

To complete the procedure of REASON in raising the sublime and ineffable idea of the TRIUNE ESSENCE in the human mind, the preceding process must be shown to be absolutely necessary. The three laws of UnderSTANDING, under the head MODALITY Possibility, Existence, Necessity though limited in extent and duration in their application in experience, yet, when freed from the restrictions of TIME and SPACE, and carried by REASON to the infinite, produce the idea of

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Infinite or Absolute Necessity. The idea of the Deity, as formed by the triple triad of RELATION Constituting HIM Creator, Preserver, and Ruler, must not only be fully acknowledged by REASON; it must also be proved to be Perfect, Infinite, and Eternal- that is, such an idea of the DIVINITY whose contrary is impossible; it must, therefore, be Absolutely Necessary.

The importance of accurate definitions in that science whose sublime office it is to take charge of the Soul cannot be sufficiently enforced. In the case of Knowledge, that is, the immediate connexion of INTUITION with CONCEPTION, sufficient care has been taken to establish two permanent definitions, which will constantly improve in clearness by their more frequent use. This is the case in all the Sciences of matter. Shall it then be said that in the "Science of Mind" we have been less attentive to the establishment of complete definitions? No, certainly not. How much more momentous is it then not to neglect this important duty in the "SACRED SCIENCE OF RELIGION that science

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which treats of excellence uncreated-of the King of Heaven the Lord of Glory -the TRIUNE ESSENCE

himself, clothed in all his Eternal attributes, and dis

pensing his everlasting mercies throughout his whole empire of Spirits - that science which frames and establishes all the laws of heaven, the kingdom come, revealed to us by his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and, with the increase of enlightenment, now established, and for ever more firmly fixed, by the aid of Mental Science! How shall the Soul be saved if its laws are only indistinctly felt! What renders this still more important is, that here Knowledge is wholly excluded; here is no INTUITION to which we can all refer to establish the fact; here every thing is principle, secured, indeed, by that which far surpasses all Knowledge, yea, that passeth all understanding—that is, BELIEF : not, indeed, the contingent credence given to Historical Facts, but the absolutely necessary BELIEF IN REASON, whose very contrary is not only impossible but positively inconceivable-Truth itself personified in REASON and manifested in CONVICTION. Our definition of the first principle of this perfect and Eternal Science must assuredly be of an eternal and infinite nature, or it defeats its object — giving instruction and distinctness in a perfectly pure science. Thus our first and chief

purpose must be to keep clear of TIME and SPACE,

those two universally pervading laws of SENSE. Here

is the definition :


every thing out of


that we think of only,


which can never come into TIME and SPACE.

We may conveniently display all the infinite triads

that enter into the composition of the TRIUNE DEITY in the annexed table.

[blocks in formation]

From the preceding exposition of REASON, it is convincingly proved that, in its original and constitutive use, it furnishes six laws, which are of precisely the same efficacy in the construction of spiritual essences that the twelve laws of UNDERSTANDING are with respect to nature. The most striking contrast, however, is to be observed in the application of these original mental laws. The Categories of UNDERSTANDING, even when

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