
Maffachufett's Bay, by the easiest, moft expeditious and convenient route; and to be quartered in, near, or as convenient as poffible to Bofton, that the march of the troops may not be delayed when tranfports arrive to receive them.

V. The troops to be fupplied on their march, and during their being in quarters, with provifions, by Major-General Gates's orders, at the fame rate of rations as the troops of his own army; and, if poffible, the officers horfes and cattle are to be fupplied with forage at the ufual rates.

VI. All officers to retain their carriages, bat-horfes, and other cattle; and no baggage to be moJefted or fearched, Lieutenant-General Burgoyne giving his honour that there are no public ftores fecreted therein. Major-General Gates will of courfe take the neceffary measures for a due performance of this article. Should any carriages be wanted during the march, for the tranfportation of officers baggage, they are, if poffible, to be fupplied by the country at the ufual rates.

VII. Upon the march, and during the time the army fhall remain in quarters in the Maffachufett's Bay, the officers are not, as far as circumstances will admit, to be feparated from their men. The officers are to be quartered according to their rank, and are not to be hindered from affembling their men for roll-callings, and other neceffary purposes of regularity.

VIII. All corps whatever of Ge neral Burgoyne's army, whether compofed of failors, batteau-men, artificers, drivers, independent companies, and followers of the army of whatever country, shall

be included iu the fulleft fenfe and utmost extent of the above articles, and comprehended in every respect as British fubjects.

IX. All Canadians, and perfons belonging to the Canadian efta. blishment, confitting of failors, batteau-men, artificers, drivers, independent companies, and many other followers of the army, who come under no particular defcription, are to be permitted to return there; they are to be conducted immediately, by the shortest route, to the first British poft on Lake George, are to be fupplied with provifions in the fame manner as the other troops, and are to be bound by the fame condition of not ferving during the prefent conteft in North America.

X. Paffports to be immediately. granted for three officers, not exceeding the rank of captains, who fhall be appointed by LieutenantGeneral Burgoyne to carry dif patches to Sir William Howe, Sir Guy Carleton, and to Great Bri tain by the way of New-York; and Major-General Gates engages the public faith that thefe difpatches fhall not be opened. Thefe officers are to fet out immediately after receiving their dispatches, and are to travel the shortest route, and in the most expeditious manner.

XI. During the stay of the troops in the Maffachufett's Bay, the officers are to be admitted on parole, and are to be permitted to wear their fide-arms.

XII. Should the army under Lieutenant-General Burgoyne find

it neceffary to fend for their cloathing and other baggage from Canada, they are to be permitted to do it in the most.... manner,


and the necessary passports granted for that purpose.

XIII. Thefe articles are to be mutually figned and exchanged tomorrow morning at nine o'clock; and the troops under LieutenantGeneral Burgoyne are to march out of their intrenchments at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Horatio Gates, Maj. Gen.

Camp at Saratoga,
Qa, 16, 1777-

(True Copy.)

To prevent any doubts that might arife from Lieutenant-General Burgoyne's name not being mentioned in the above treaty, Major-General Gates hereby declares, that he is understood to be comprehended in it as fully as if his name had been fpecifically mentioned. Horatio Gates.



Extract from the Life of the late Lord Bishop of Rochester, written by bimfelf.


R. Pearce was the fon of a
diftiller in High Holborn.
He married Mifs Adams, the
daughter of a diftiller in the fame
neighbourhood, with a confider-
able fortune, who lived with him
fifty-two years in the highest de-
gree of connubial happiness. He
had had his education in Weftmin
fter school, where he was diftin-
guished by his merit, and elected
one of the King's fcholars. In
1710, when he was twenty years
old, he was elected to Trinity Col-
lege, Cambridge. During the
first years of his refidence at the
univerfity, he fometimes amufed
himself with lighter compofitions,
fome of which are inferted in the
Guardian and Spectator. In
1716 he published his edition of
Cicero de Oratore, and, at the de-
fire of a friend, luckily dedicated
it to Lord Chief Juftice Parker,
(afterwards Earl of Macclesfield)
to whom he was a ftranger. This
incident laid the foundation of his
future fortune: for Lord Parker
foon recommended him to Dr.
Bentley, mafter of Trinity, to be

An account of a Silent Club, Guard.
On Eloquence, Ibid. No. 633.

made one of the fellows; and the doctor confented to it on this condition, that his lordship would promise to unmake him again as foon as it lay in his power to give him a living. In 1717, Mr. Pearce was ordained at the age of twenty ferven; having taken time enough, as he thought, to attain a fufficient knowledge of the facred office. In 1718, Lord Parker was appointed chancellor, and invited Mr. Pearce to live with him in his house, as chaplain. In 1719 he was infti tuted into the rectory of Stapleford Abbots, in Effex; and in 1720 into that of St. Bartholomew, behind the Royal Exchange, worth 400l. per ann. In 1723 the lord chancellor prefented him to St. Martin's in the Fields. His majefty, who was then at Hanover, was applied to in favour of Dr. Claget, who was there along with him; and the doctor actually kiffed hands upon the occafion; but the chancellor, upon the king's return, difputed the point, and was permitted to prefent Mr. Pearce.Mr. Pearce foon attracted the notice and efteem of perfons in the higheft ftations, and of the greatest abilities. Befide Lord Parker, he could reckon amongst his patrons

No. 121. On Quacks, Spect. No. 572.


or friends, Lord Macclesfield, Mr. Pulteney (afterwards Earl of Bath), Archbishop Potter, Lord Hardwicke, Sir Ifaac Newton, and other illuftrious perfonages. Queen Caroline (to whom he had been strongly recommended by Lady Sundon) frequently honoured him with her converfation at her drawing-room. One day at that place, he asked him, if he had read the pamphlets published by Dr. Stebbing and Mr. Fofter, upon the fort of heretics meant by St. Paul, whom in Titus ii. 10, 11. he reprefents as felf-condemned. Yes, madam, replied the doctor, I have read all the pamphlets written by them on both fides of the question.


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nus on the Sublime, with a new Latin verfion and notes. Longinus, whofe name had been long known only to men of abftrufe erudition, till he was introduced by his tranflator, Boileau, among the witty and the elegant, had now, for about half a century, enjoyed great popularity, quoted by every poet and every critic, and deciding upon faults and beauties of file with authority contested only by Huerius and Le Clerc. But it was the opinion of Dr. Pearce, that fomething was wanting, which general admiration had not yet fupplied.

The work was originally pub. lifhed by Robertellus and Manutius, who each used his own MSS. Well, faid the queen, Which of without the knowledge of the the two do you think to be in the other's undertaking. The texts of right?" The doctor replied, "I the two editions did not always cannot fay, madam, which of the agree, and to which the preference two is in the right, but I think was due bad not yet been decided, that both of them are in the It had been four times tranflated wrong." She fmiled, and faid, into Latin; of the three former Then what is your opinion of editions, that of Gabriel de Petra that text? Madam,' faid the was confidered as the best, and had doctor, it would take up more accordingly been adopted by Tatime than your majelly can fpare naquillus Faber, and, I think, by at this drawing-room, for me to our Langbane, in their editions. give my opinion and the reafons of After Boileau's tranflation, it was it; but if your majesty thould be again translated into Latin by Tolpleafed to lay your commands upon lius, but with fuch paraphrattical me, you fhall know my fenti- luxuriance, as feemed intended raments of the matter in the next ther to difplay his own copiousness fermon which I fhall have the ho- of diction, than to explain the ori nour to preach before his majefly.' ginal. Dr. Pearce undertook to Pray do then, faid the queen; and adjust the readings, and, what was Dr. Pearce accordingly made a fer- of far greater difficulty, to write a mon on that text; but the queen new Latin verfion, which should died a month before his term of approach as near as is poffible to the preaching came about.-In 1724 Greek, without violating its puthe degree of doctor in divinity was rity. To play round the text of an conferred on him by Archbishop author, and to recede and apWake. The fame year he de- proach as convenience may dictate, dicated to his patron, the Earl of is no very arduous work, but to atMacclesfield, his edition of Longi-tend it without deviation, and mea


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