
XXXIII. Dr. Swift to Mr. Pope. Long letter con-
taining Dr. Swift's political creed, in
which he maintains his attachment to
Whig principles, and defends his con-

duct to the Whigs when his Tory
friends were in power

(This letter Pope said he never received,

nor did he believe it was ever sent.)

XXXIV. Mr. Pope to Dr. Berkley. Invitation to

XXXV. Mr. Pope to Mr. Gay. On Gay's illness,
and his own anxiety for his mother

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XXXVIII. The same to the same. On great men;
and on Gay's intended visit to Tun-

XXXIX. The same to the same.


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LIV. The same to the same. Their friendship; his
health, and that of Mr. Gay; time to give
Mr. Curll another emetic

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LVII. Mr. Pope to Dr. Swift. On his departure to
Ireland; regret of Pope
LVIII. The same to the same. Conference with Sir

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R. Walpole as to Swift's residence in Eng-
land; none of their friends qualified for re-
tirement; his indifference to politics

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LIX. Mr. Pope to Dr. Arbuthnot. His melancholy
occupations; malicious reports respecting

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LX. Mr. Pope to Dr. Swift. Injury to his hand;
congratulations on Gulliver's Travels; af-
fected ignorance as to the author; depre-
cates politics

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LXI. Mr. Gay to Dr. Swift. Criticisms on Gulli-
ver's Travels; Swift expected again in Eng-

LXII. Dr. Swift to Mr. Pope. Gulliver's Travels;

journey to England; deprivation of a par-

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