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Girl caressing a Pet Lamb, which she holds in length fun,

1 t. 11 in. by 1 it. 6 in. - P. (oral.)

M. Ducios Dufresnoy, 1795.

25,600 assionats.

A Lil Ty, with a rod or whip in one hand, and a er: he appears to be playing with a spariel.

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110 in, by 1 ft. 6 in.---C.

Coll 1 Duclos Desroy, 1795.

9100 assignals

37 A Young Girl, with long chestnut hair, tied with a bit... she is dressed in a black mantle, thrown carelessly


over her chemise, and is leaning upon a cushion, with her

hands joined.

1 ft. 4 in. by 1 ft. 11⁄2 in.—C. Collection of M. Duclos Dufresnoy, 1795.

3400 assignats.

38. A Young Woman, of a brown complexion and long flowing hair, part of which is concealed by a gauze veil. She is attired in a loose morning dress.

1 ft. 3 in. by 1 ft.-C.

Collection of M. Duclos Dufresnoy, 1795. 17,600 assignats.


39. Les Sevreuses. The scene represents a rustic apartment, in which are two women and six children. One of the former is seated in the centre, holding a sleeping child in her arms; the other sits opposite to her, embracing a little girl: by the side of the latter are three other children, one of whom is a boy with a bird in his hand, which he appears to have just taken from a trap; at the same time another boy is holding a great dog by a string. A cat crouched in the cradle, and a variety of objects appropriate to the room, are admirably introduced. Engraved by P. C. Ingouf, 1769, from a picture then in the cabinet of M. Tilliard.

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40. La Malédiction Paternelle. The subject represents a respectable family thrown into disorder by the misconduct of the eldest son, either by gambling or some similar act of folly, and he appears to be about quitting his paternal

abode, but is suddenly restrained by his eldest sister, a younger brother, and a second sister, all of whom are uniting their entreaties to prevent his departure: the incensed father sits on the opposite side of the apartment, with outstretched hands and a countenance agitated with indignation, venting his maledictions on his disobedient son, while a third sister is on her knees, endeavouring to appease his anger. Engraved by R. Gaillard; and in small, anonymous.

4 ft. 3 in. by 5 ft. 3 in.-C.

Valued by the Experts du Musée, 1816. 10,000 fs. 4007. Now in the Louvre.

41. Le Fils Puni. The episode of the former picture is here continued, and the aged father is seen extended on his dying bed, surrounded by two of his daughters and three of his grandchildren; at this affecting moment the disobedient son enters the room, with a countenance agitated by remorse, and his body bowed down by shame and abasement; his afflicted mother stands by him, pointing to the awful effects of his disobedience. Engraved by R. Gaillard.

4 ft. 3 in. by 5 ft. 3 in.-C.

Collection of the Marquis de Verri, 1785. . 21,000 fs. . 840l. 1813. . 15,000 fs. . 600l.

M. Laneuville,

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42. La Cruche cassée. This much-admired picture represents a handsome young woman, dressed in the picturesque garb of a peasant, standing in a front view, with a bunch of roses in her hand, and some more flowers in her apron; holding on her arm the remains of her broken pitcher, the

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