
sulphate of soda, and correspond to 1.86 grains of it in an arid state, or uncombined with ice.*

10 grains of the saline part of this native salt would have produced 1.12 grains of ignited muriate of silver (k). By accurate experiments 241 grains of ignited muriate of silver have been found to correspond to 100 grains of ignited muriate of soda.t

Consequently the soluble portion of the present Vesuvian salt consists of

[blocks in formation]

t. The insoluble sandy residue (g) having been thoroughly edulcorated, dilute nitric acid was put to it. A green solution formed without any effervescence. Acetate of barytes scarcely rendered this solution turbid; but nitrate of silver produced a copious curd-like precipitate, and iron abundantly threw down copper from it. The green grains enclosed in this native sulphate of potash, appear, therefore, to be a submuriate of copper, of the same species as that of the green sands of Peru and Chili.

Muriatic acid dissolved the yellow ochraceous powder, and prussiate of soda-and-iron produced Prussian blue. I am inclined to believe this yellow powder to be a submuriate of iron, but its small quantity, and the admixture of the submuriate of copper, were impediments to entirely satisfactory results. Such a submuriate of iron, though, if I mistake not, overlooked by chemists, exists, for the precipitate which oxygen occasions in solution of green muriate of iron, contains marine acid.

* Prof. KLAPROTH'S Essays, Vol. 1, p. 282.

† Dr. HENRY, Phil. Trans. 1810.

Possibly this yellow powder, and the crystals of speculary iron which exist in this Vesuvian salt, have been produced by a natural sublimation of muriate of iron, similar to that of the experiment of the Duke d'AYEN, recorded by MACQUER,* and which was known long before to Mr. BOYLE and Dr. LEWIS.†

This Vesuvian salt, considered in its totality, has presented no less than nine distinct species of matters, and a more rigorous investigation, than I was willing to bestow on it, would probably add to their number.

July 3, 1813.


From the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. CVIII, p. 110.-Read December 18, 1817.

I BEGAN, a great many years ago, some researches on the colouring matters of vegetables. From the enquiry being to be prosecuted only at a particular season of the year, the great delicacy of the experiments, and the great care required in them, and consequently the trouble with which they were attended, very little was done. I have now no idea of pursuing the subject.

In destroying lately the memorandums of the experiments which had been made, a few scattered facts were met with which seemed deserving of being preserved. They are here offered, in hopes that they will induce some other person to give extension to an investigation interesting to chemistry and to the art of dying.

*Dict. de Chimie, Art. Fer.

† A course of practical chemistry by WILLIAM LEWIS, 1746, p. 63, note ƒ.


.M. FOURCROY has advanced, somewhere, that turnsol is essentially of a red colour; and that it is made blue by an addition of carbonate of soda to it; and he says that he has extracted this salt from the turnsol of the shops.

If turnsol contained carbonate of soda, its infusions should precipitate earths and metals from acids.

I did not find an infusion of turnsol in water to have the least effect on solutions of muriate of lime, nitrate of lead, muriate of platina, or oxalate of potash.

Its tinctures, or infusions, consequently, contain neither any alkali, nor any lime; nor probably any acid, either loose or combined. This is unfavourable to the opinion of urine being employed in the preparation of turnsol.

I put a little sulphuric acid into a tincture of turnsol, then added chalk, and heated; and the blue colour was restored. It appears, therefore, that the natural colour of turnsol is not red, but blue, since it is such when neither disengaged acid or alkali is present.

No addition of chalk brought the cold liquor back to a blue colour; the carbonic acid absorbed by it, during the effervescence of the carbonate of lime, being sufficient to keep it red.

Some turnsol was put into distilled vinegar. An effervescence arose; and after some time the acid was become neutralized. On examining the mixture with a glass, there were seen, at the bottom of the vessel, a multitude of grains like sand. It was found on trial that these grains were carbonate of lime; probably of slightly calcined Carrara marble.

When turnsol is treated with water till this no longer acquires any color whatever, the remaining insoluble matter is nearly as blue as at first.

Acids made this blue insoluble matter red, but did not extract any red tincture.

Carbonate of soda did not affect it.

If the vegetable part of this blue residuum is burned away, or it is washed off with water, a portion of smalt is obtained.

On exhaling, on a water bath, a tincture of turnsol, the colouring matter is left in a dry state.

This matter heated in a platina spoon over a candle, tumefied considerably, as much as starch does, became black and smoked, but did not readily inflame, nor did it burn away till the blow pipe was applied. It then burned pretty readily, leaving a large quantity of white saline matter. This saline matter saturated by nitric acid afforded crystals of nitrate of potash, and some minute crystals like hydrous sulphate of lime.

Is this potash merely that portion of this matter which exists in all vegetable substances? or is the colouring matter of turnsol a compound, analogous to ulmin, of a vegetable principle and potash? Its low combustibility gives some sanction to this idea.

Of the colouring matter of the violet.

The violet is well known to be coloured by a blue matter which acids change to red; and alkalies and their carbonates first to green and then to yellow.

This same matter is the tinging principle of many other vegetables of some, in its blue state; of others, made red by an acid.

If the petals of the red rose are triturated with a little water and carbonate of lime, a blue liquor is obtained. Alkalis, and soluble carbonates of alkalis, render this blue liquor green; and acids restore its red colour.

The colouring matter of the violet exists in the petals of red clover, the red tips of those of the common daisy of the fields, of the blue hyacinth, the holly hock, lavender, in the inner leaves of the artichoke, and in numerous other flowers. It likewise, made red by an acid, colours the skin of several plumbs, and, I think, of the scarlet geranium, and of the pomegranate tree.

The red cabbage, and the rind of the long radish are also coloured by this principle. It is remarkable that these, on being merely bruised, become blue; and give a blue infusion with water. It is probable that the reddening acid in these cases is the carbonic; and which, on the rupture of the vessels which enclose it, escapes into the atmosphere.

Of sugar-loaf paper.

This paper has been employed by BERGMAN as a chemical instrument. I am ignorant of what it is coloured with.

Sulphuric, muriatic, nitric, phosphoric, and oxalic acids make it red. Tartaric and citric acids, made rather yellow spots than red ones. Distilled vinegar, and acid of amber, had no affect on it.

Carbonate of soda and caustic potash did not alter the blue colour of this paper.

Water boiled on this paper acquired a vinous red colour; carbonate of lime put into this red liquor, did not affect its colour: nor did carbonate of soda or caustic potash change it to blue or green.

Cold dilute sulphuric acid extracted a strong yellow tincture from this boiled paper: carbonate of lime put to this yellow tincture made it blue; but on filtering, the liquor which passed was of a dirty greenish colour; and sulphuric acid did not make it red: a blue matter was left on the filter, which was not made red by acetous acid; but was so by sulphuric.

After this treatment the paper remained brown; seemingly such as it was before being dyed blue.

It should seem that there are at least two colouring matters in this paper; one red, which is extricable from it by water; the other blue, which requires the agency of an acid to extract it.

Its insolubility in water, and low degree of sensibility to acids, distinguish the blue matter from turnsol; to which its not being affected by alkalis otherwise much approximate it. Its easy solubility in dilute suphuric acid, and being

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